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Meet the American cowboy Rochelle and then count one more number for you. They live we didn't draft at times thinking the thing about. Being. Loyal. To the Cowboys true story when this notion prisms the American cowboy a production of radio television not the University of Texas. Meet the American cowboy. Whenever I won after case I didn't catch their death let alone calling them on when I. Hear the Cowboys true story. One list Russian prisons. The American cowboy a production of radio television not the University of Texas. Meet the American cowboy and I said fair since you do look and you won't make good because that's the last man to label you a sort of sense did you hear the Cowboys true story when List nation prisms the American cowboy a production of radio television not the University of Texas. Meet the American cowboy anybody gets seen. Live.
Shoot. The ball out. Of the Cowboys true story when this nation presents the American cowboy a production of radio television not the University of Texas. Meet the American cowboy. I came from you know on. Those St. at that time. Going on like a whole. Day's unwatched didn't amount to anything to counsel learned about the real cowboy in his life and times one list Asian prison series American cowboy produced by Radio Television Not the University of Texas. Meet the American cowboy. I've made a lot of drive and I never fail to come back on the same horse I rode out on but I want to turn. Left him dead. He just kept and I don't hold and duck his neck and I had a ball.
We'll learn about the real cowboy his life and times when this nation presents the series the American cowboy produced by Radio Television Not the University of Texas. Meet the American cowboy generally have a big buck shot for something like that or is this a moment of why no crime went on when the first crime but she would be there and then you'll learn about the real cowboy his life sometimes when the station presents the series the American cowboy produced by Radio Television Not the University of Texas. Meet the American cowboy heated up to me and he told me and put a good name you know you know all. The rest. He said well I didn't want to look out. And so we got a little ran out there and haven't met any of the enemy hit
me she looked and made me feel a little rough and. And nice that in the old days they hadn't had it done a little bit. About that time the sheriff comes he grabbed me in New York going take me to. Jail. And. I said. Why don't take me to jail. That just might not touch no one so I did try to keep things running. Heard. You'll learn about the real cowboy his life and times when the station presents the Syrians the American cowboy produced by Radio Television at the University of Texas. Meet the American cowboy. It happened on the pitchfork right trying to get my grove to Texas and they would come and three stayed here for years. And we had twenty three hundred head of the English. Village to stay there for years. And we lived at Pitchfork raped and they were on the first day and they were on the list and run every day and there
were night and one I mean they were on counters in this way. It's like six to eight takes about eight months to drive a ordinary trailer but you don't need no drag drivers on. Driving the spade have you learn about the real cowboy his life and times when the station presents the Syrians the American cowboy produced by Radio Television at the University of Texas. Board. Meet the American cowboy that would wear a chain not a 14 year old would work I wear one myself I don't want to war. But I do. And they were gun shy about two years. After we come back. And then I made it out to stack you. You know what you call. BACK I'M. Going to town to be the lamest livery stable wagon
yonder into this room. But for some reason we never did. They usually remember that we had a lot of trouble but quite a few fights good. Jeff and I just lay on our side in a gender someone see that I stayed there too long time we didn't want to miss a bet you'll learn about the real cowboy his life and times when the station presents the Syrians the American cowboy produced by Radio Television at the University of Texas. Border.
The American cowboy
Promo collection
Producing Organization
University of Texas
KUT (Radio station : Austin, Tex.)
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program consists of promotional announcements for the series.
Series Description
Documentary series on the American cowboy, produced by the University of Texas.
Broadcast Date
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Producing Organization: University of Texas
Producing Organization: KUT (Radio station : Austin, Tex.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 61-51-promo (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The American cowboy; Promo collection,” 1961-08-01, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “The American cowboy; Promo collection.” 1961-08-01. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: The American cowboy; Promo collection. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from