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Worth three. Hundred three. Nothing. Nothing nothing. Nothing. Nothing nothing. Nothing. Nothing.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes.
But when you. Know what. Thank
us a lot in the last analysis. Thank you. He didn't want him in Washington as he would not. Be. Conducting the Cincinnati sec you want to. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FIVE AND THANK YOU. Thank you. All for 73 and thank you thank. You ask him as he has left the stage. He's been coming back. He leaves the stage once more I think he's going to be. Thank you.
You change change your sponsors audience can channel between them as you mentioned later than itself did not give a thank you it's gone to the public for you to use. Markable example of how a composer Beethoven statue can take a relatively simple matter and make it into something well quite powerful. Very persistent audience calling once more like asking as if you can now join next. The Beethoven concerto number five and you'd like me to.
Let him out because the soloist with knights who will conduct the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. On the second half of the program will be viewing the Brahms symphony number two in the majors. Right now we will take this opportunity to pause for just a few levitation This is NPR National Public Radio. We're back in Music Hall for the second half of this concert by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra produced for National Public Radio by WGN. You see I'm Myron Bennett. On the second half of the program we will be hearing next Rudolph conducting the Brahms
symphony number two in D major opus 73. Number two is usually an early symphony and we think of that number as being a youthful work by a composer. From spent many years of planning and replanning writing and rewriting before he lost his first symphony in D minor. He was about. Forty two or three done. But his Second Symphony in D Major followed with less than a year later and the official world premiere was given in 1877. The symphony was in strong contrast to the tragic first and the audience responded enthusiastically. But not everyone was pleased. For some Brahms Ians were expecting another epic work such as the first. One critic from Leipzig said the Viennese are much more easily satisfied than we. We make quite different demands on drums and require from the music which is something more than pretty. Well pretty of course is hardly a word for the symphony. Although the dominant moods are
pastoral and lyrical. There is a somber feeling which because throughout especially in the Adagio. The first movement Allegro non troppo is notable for the lyricism of its themes. The symphony opens with a romantic melody for horns which will recur often throughout the first movement. The second movement adagio non-troll book has a romantic and yet somewhat a noose of character. In minuet with two trios forms the third movement of the Greater Good luck C also with don t know. Them the vastus of Aisha's finale and I grow corn the spinach Oh this is rich and famous and it has reminiscences of passages in the earlier movements. The applause grating Sigma definitely counts in mastery of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. Today the symphony is almost universally rated as one of the most seemingly beautiful
proms works. But besides being these people mentioned before. American critics especially. Dumbfounded by this one said he seems to have forced music out of his brain as if by hydraulic pressure to fathom the work he adds would take a year of severe intellectual work with little assurance that such labor would be repaid. Some critics today sound much the same. They're waiting now for Max Rudolf the conductor emeritus of the Cincinnati something orchestra areas. Thanks a little thanks now we will hear the Brahms symphony number two in D major opus 73 A.
All of. The bad.
The bend in the air. Thank you Ed. The end. Of. The bay I. Thank ye thank. Ye. Oh oh oh. Oh.
Oh oh oh. Oh. Eh eh. I am. You. Know em.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I am. I m. Eh eh.
What the beyond. The but. Being a on.
Ya. YA YA YA. Ya. Ya. Ya. Ya. Ya. Ya. Ya. The bad.
With. The bad with the brutal. With. The thing. Wow. Wow.
Wow. Wow. Wow. Going home. Wow. Wow. Wow wow. Yeah.
I am. A lame lame. Lame. Lame. Lame. The Berlin. Airlift.
air. The air. The Town. The air. The banging. The bow. Wow. Wow. Thank the but. The outer. The boy. The boy.
The boy. The boy. But. The boy. The book. The big. Picture.
Above. The. Above.
The but.
Yeah but. You. Know what. No.
Eh. Now by. The end. Of the N A. N e. O rā. Coercively. The so enjoy. The bear.
The burden. I am. The Boss. Eh. Eh eh. Eh eh. Eh eh. Eh eh. Eh eh. But. What. The F. O l. O l. O s.
Honor. To her. I.
The boy.
Yeh. Yeh. Yeh. Yeh. Yeh out. The end. Of the bow. Wow. The end. Wow. Wow but. The bow out.
Wow. The end. Thank. You
as. Much. Which. Was the end. USA. Thanks. Symphony Number two teenagers 73. Matuidi opportunities is not a performance Mark Yudof to conduct analysis of Cincinnati's from
his off stage now. Many times. That's how it all flows through a. Warm welcome Rangers meeting after these many years. And centuries of. History. And a lot of guns removed in that time. Nice to read off now with the doctor Department. Notice. That he will be coming back to Cincinnati from time to time much to the pleasure of one audiences who news in fall of Rome Symphony Number
two in D Major open 73. Now here again I think the applause will go on for quite a pile. Excellent performance of the drums and an entity indeed as we mentioned before that was an adjective lied to you afterwards. But it's funny. Thanks has been another concert in the 1970 71 series by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. Thomas Schippers music director limited release program conducted by Maestro Max Rudolf conductor emeritus. These concerts were recorded for National Public Radio by W.G. U.S. the University of Cincinnati station. And are made possible by the cooperation of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra of the Cincinnati musicians Association
and National Public Radio. Recording and production by David Thompson. Andrew announcer Myron bottoms. This is NPR National Public Radio.
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Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1971
Ludwig van Beethoven, part two
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-9k45vd2v).
Episode Description
In the second reel of this eight episode in the series, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra performs works by Ludwig van Beethoven.
Series Description
This series features live performances from the 1971 season by the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra .
Media type
Conductor: Rudolf, Max, 1902-1995
Performer: Ashkenazy, Vladimir, 1937-
Performing Group: Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Subject: Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 71-42-8 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 01:00:00?
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1971; Ludwig van Beethoven, part two,” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1971; Ludwig van Beethoven, part two.” University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra 1971; Ludwig van Beethoven, part two. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from