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The parish church explored one of the internal organs of your note some historical and musical interest in the performance of music by some of its been. The parish church of Belgium houses what is generally regarded as a superb. Instrument to $26 distribute it on to manuals and that. The organ contains an example of the root cause a deep division in the pipes placed behind the organist as he faces the magnet. This instrument like all others heard in this series is not of interest only because of its age as such.
Contemporary builders of organists seek out the ancient organs of Europe in order to study both the quality and quantity of tone produced by the various ranks of pipes and to attempt to discover how to duplicate their sounds totally examples of single stops or very simple combinations of several stops are always interesting and many times revealing. Today's broadcast of this ancient European organ housed in the parish church of swaddle in Belgium begins with a series of just such examples. First here is a tonal example of the eight foot diet Paisan stop. The eight foot diet pays and which we have just heard blends perfectly with its
four foot counterpart. The press tapped here is how that combination sounds. When this combination the eight foot diet pays on and the four foot press stand is enriched with a two foot dew blat. This is the effect. If we had a 16 foot board don't stop a stop. A flute quality to
this combination of 8 4 and 2 foot Foundation stops. We have still another interesting effect. Next we hear the flute stops at both the eight and four foot pitchers. Why.
Why. Why. So much for the foundation and float stops in themselves stops of these families going to constitute the entire total make up of an organ frequently even in the smallest instruments one of more mixtures or reed stops will be added to this basic total structure to bring up brilliance and a certain luminescence to the tone not available in any other manner. We will now hear the trumpet the criterium and the four rank cornet. The stops being added one by one so that their individual effects on the
ensemble are more evident. Our next tonal example is played from the positive manual. It will be a composite sound made up of the eight foot board all the four foot flute and the NAS offered a stop of two and two thirds feet which adds a distinctive quality all its own to the ensemble.
The Pierce is another off unison stop that is it sounds a note other than the one played at the keyboard pitch wise it is designated as a one and three fifths foot stop and like that it has a distinctive quality all its own. We want to hear the previous combination of eight foot four foot flute and two and two thirds vote. But this time with the one and three fifths vote tears added to. Both the ground or the pose of this organ it's Belgium contain
four ranks stops bearing the name cornet. Here is the cornet from the positive. In our final total example a read stop about a mistake about the morning. The organ we're hearing today came as did the monumental high altar
from the Abbey of bun F to mania in the northern part of the province of Belgium. It originated with an instrument which dated from the end of the 17th century but which was purchased in 18:4 for two hundred florins and re erected in its present home. The parish church of swallow Nevel V8 the Cistercian Abyei constructed at the end of the 12th century was almost destroyed by the wars at the end of the eighteenth century. At this time the portable items such as the monumental high altar and the organ were put up for sale. The Lord of Swat a long shallow exhausted of Omagh own land in the area of NAIA and thus he had knowledge of the say of the effects of the ruined abbey. So the Regent of swan all acquired for his parish church the organ and the high altar the restoration of the organ was intrusted to the builder every flare of the following year. We fled in order to complete the positive
Division I had to obtain pipework from the organ of the dom blanche to wete. We were now here organist Marcel drew our form for a verse sets on the second tone by a brown band and got Kovan. For verse sets on the second tone by Abramoff funded care coffin.
Today's programme of ancient European organs is featuring the late 16th century instrument constructed originally for the Cistercian Abbey a bun F. serum Ania by ranks to Sam Truong and you conclude that we will hear organist Moscow douar perform a suite by lambaste Show Mall. This particular suite is composed of nine short compositions bearing such titles as played a few Graal video log and so on. A special interest will be three works which feature a special and distinctive stops on the organ. The fourth the short work features the four rank cornet the sixth highlights the one in three fifths foot stop the tears the seventh short work is a solo for the chrome on a distinctive Reed stop here now is the suite by lambastes Show Mall. Toothache.
UWA out. Luau. Loon. Loon. Ya.
Ya. Ooh
ooh ooh or or. Oh.
That was the suite by Levendale Shaw mall composition consisting of nine
shorter works some of which featured distinctive solo voices from the organ. You have been listening to another program from the series ancient European organ
specific instruments erected during the period from the Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century. Gather with facts of historical and musical interest about them. And their structures in which they are housed. Listening to the performance of music composed by men with their contemporaries. Today's broadcast explore the organ in the parish church of Spawn province of Belgium. The instrument disappeared one. Minute. At. Twenty six stops. Directed by their friends to sign. But generally in the Cistercian Abbey Barnett. The 60. Second. Present working. In a full. Day's organise is Marcel dry. Periods that the programs are recorded by members of the European Broadcasting your. Program being supplied by the French division of the Belgian national radio. Pleasurably for present day stakes. By station.
Program written by one of yours at university. Speaking and inviting you to join us again next week at this same time for another program. Into. Work. This is the national educational radio network.
Ancient European organs
Church Paroissiale de Soiron
Producing Organization
University of Michigan
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program features recordings of the organ at the Church Paroissiale de Soiron, Belgium. Performances include works by Kerckhoven; Chaumont; Pachelbel; Buxtehude; and Daquin.
Series Description
Recordings of noted organs at various locations throughout Europe.
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Host: Fidell, S. A. (Sanford A.)
Performer: Verschraegen, Gabrie_l, 1919-1981
Performer: Druart, Marcel
Producing Organization: University of Michigan
Writer: Welliver, Harry B., 1910-2005
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-7-7 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:38
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Ancient European organs; Church Paroissiale de Soiron,” 1968-01-11, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 27, 2024,
MLA: “Ancient European organs; Church Paroissiale de Soiron.” 1968-01-11. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 27, 2024. <>.
APA: Ancient European organs; Church Paroissiale de Soiron. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from