The inner core: City within a city; Adjustment for Teens
- Transcript
From an intensive week of broadcasting on Milwaukee's inner core city within a city w A.J. the University of Wisconsin presents a discussion with one of the teenage residents of the inner city questioning him about his problems of adjustment his past problems and his aspirations. Is Ralph Johnson of WAGA radio on happy homelife large fatherless families. I moved from the rural south to the urban north adjustment to a new school situation. Teenage drinking and early encounter with the law. These are some of the cliches and stereotypes which exist in regard to some teenagers in the core. They came to mind as I talked with one young man on my first trip to the Corps in August. I began by asking him when he had come to Milwaukee. I've been in Wisconsin apparently seven months you've been some wild adventures since you and he is as you see snow. Where did you come from I come from Sexton is there us about. I mean fifty three Madison due south of St. Louis Missouri. And how did you come to move to Milwaukee. Went in. And just said you know I wanted to
get out of it. Get out on life by the way and enjoy it you know I stood stand back in the sticks want to come and get here too no no no. If your family moved up with my grandmother about two or three then going back home. So you're living with your grandmother. And if you've been up to 64. Are you working now. No not at the present. Time 17 going to school. Yes you going to school. Yes someone and I school. Went over some of these wild things. But in for one when I first got. To school and they put me some classes there. So when we don't know what you like we just give you what we take to get do. So did me off when I let you know and I never did before in my life and this is great
because come out you know and so I use all the way down you know. I was kind of discouraged about it. And so our cousin and I got to get our heads together you know I said about America. So I went down at first I thought for a minute I said I want to back I say sure how well yes I'm 21 as you want to see some prodigious is now that's right. So our he said which one would you like. I said if this explored a bit of blue. He said you know what that I'm going to fix it. And so I. Went over to pay $20 down and you know with a flood of $1. I paid $20 down and came back to stardom paid twenty dollar let me go to war and you know what a stupid no no paper. So in a way he drove her car home no license no registration no takes no nothing. And so I got a loan because I mean because we're talking
about a car you know. So I finally got upset about it he said he would take the car home if I could get so this was my big chance you know. I get out and I'm going to come around everywhere I could go you know. So I come back a couple of girls and I. Had an accident that child from a spirit my story and what's going on here from a brick in my break would go and I just it doesn't manage to Rick like to from parking space across the sidewalk or to other people. One must be. $41 car. It was pretty good. I know not good b day good have a really you playin. And he was in real nice in his run and I said what the one by a carburetor. And it didn't bring much to get me in a car like that will ever do a good one will ever be about seven eight or nine hundred dollars. For me to take it.
Yes just that we haven't a place we didn't have no car and he didn't have a deal of place on time because you know he took around the block a time. I sound brakes no good you know. Gotta be good and I may add a message you know. So we take a background at us would pay for you know paid for home and they get they would get it after you come to see your station. We got a dollar to gas and hair with food so a new way did you. But after he sold it as it was still not even a month. No way I would have been driving for quite a few years without When Ted is actually do no period whatever. Oh to me and I went and looked for the M.E. with the Santa Barbara stamp I walked in this it is that your car said that there in some way yeah I'm proud of us. Yeah. I would
hate it if you know what he looked at and I'm just going have to call the police that were doing the rad you know. Look at fellas I want to talk to so we're out here and we sure as an up and I said maybe I could do the sometime in the distant beyond repair which you will hook. So I he wanted $70 for the fifty four walls and I just won't give it to him so I said make out of it for so I supposed to quote this to 16. Today you know. Now to transfer it over to 60 is a September. And they get me sennight I was drunk I was drunk and I'm going to my girlfriend house and. Tell them how much she married me you know. I mean yeah I married him are so this must you know get to me some kind of you know when I'm not drunk well believe you have a drug I believe this will happen oh come home from Eleventh lane and look north.
So I came back. And so one day I saw a lot of pants and everything it just got there when the story up and you know they wouldn't know they have a new and I walked from the window to the police. OK. First first degree. So I got to go to Cordova so I had to grab somewhat probably get probation because I let it go when I be on probation and then when the next one come up with probation Yes. So I mean a change you know what. Just when I come I've been. Told me you know you went in to do it this way you know. So in a way I just said to do just what he says stay away from the big crowd
tonight. Bad asthma today can mean you know I was drunk and he was drunk and he went in for a good time and I was broke you know. People enjoyed him and I just want to go on home and so I decided to go with me and you know. Give me a few breaks together. I never did I mean I did it you know going to my problem but it was a better situation. If it were bad if I came back. I don't need. To get away you know. In California brand
California 86 proof and I was sort of sitting on 76 proof. About. 15 or 20 but it was a lot of it you know. Kicked out of school. I got kicked out of school and I mean it's not funny but when you think of it it is you know. What I would do when I was skipping class go to school to class and see what I want to. Ask you. So. Physical Education. Was range. Accu-Chek you know.
Down and hit the books. Try to get it. Right you know. To get rid of it. But I have a stepfather now that's going to read. You one bullet. I had to do it mean when you come in try and jump on the world you know all of this other going to get you. So media we take you all around you grab him and Joe and me back here. Did you start to
really you know. See. Show me. You know m. just going along and they would turn around both of us fine and of course we in a few 10 you know but I never want too much. So I decided to get. Six brothers three sisters. I have one marriage work in the New York New York. I have recently got married at age 17 and I don't think she would make it. So I have six Bravos. I'm not go mention the name but I have one I come from a
reformatory 0. And. He's recently got home and. Doing very we'll make it if we keep it. You know people when you just got one person to take care of you you could have two person to take care you but doesn't know when they were going to treat you like. When it goes face you can hate it day. You can turn your back to the world you know for completely you know to me. It's gone turn your back because just like when I was you know when I was on my way home. I hate it that way you know I went to Tara. I ended up in Nashville. I didn't hit Memphis does Washington hit coming back. I get in Chattanooga Tennessee about six
miles from the Georgia State. And about the way from five o'clock in the morning on the air when I was broke the mayor was going on the job I did it. And I mean I would just you know travel they wouldn't open a day but you know after he found out the situation in Game 6. I went home and. I got home on the 7th after I get mad. Let's investigate a small girl and call my muzzle collect you know the telephone be it in a way. Fifteen dollars. Later collected even on a stamp and then I went home and then I got home. I decided to come read on backspin one day at home.
I didn't even spend the night at home one day. So in a way I get I can feel that in a bad economy my stomach hurt. So I guess I got a Guinness can just play lazy people. I doubt if I'm a fan when they get on and hustle up a few dollars. I'm doing very well from the Savannah when I was working anyway I put it on the floor. I had a driving license hadn't actually hit the wall. They'd had that in a but they weren't current and so he said when and when you come around this corner I want you to step on the game yes don't play with a young man and I say yes or so I went out a hundred spring made a comeback down the avenue located on press paid the bill and went to try to
turn in a grad had a car fixed you know. You just need a low washing no. One turned a bird it would never did have a lot to them. Yes Mr. Yes because Saddam had a good grandmother. You know I'm going to get around in a way you know. So I just lost then and I went to work for a serious candidate and I'm missing one day at a serious and serious fret missing one day of work after I've been working six months and missed one day out of six month. Any fair American Indian woman from the start. So we're going to supply 10 band after school stuff. Cause it was pretty good to. Me. Can be when I know you. See me.
Then after they found out I couldn't read it too good I lost dead trucks the road. Not you get I'm on the road and get a move for good you have no worry about but when you get it. And you tell you your labor in your motor you could trust someone you know nothing about. Oh yeah this is pretty good but I'm enough in it. Extra reason I mean if. I were you know and travel is pretty good. Me too. I mean when I come back in sixth place I want to sell down and I mean. It was kind of quiet back in 64 because the county I came for family reunion on the Fourth of July 64. Was pretty good.
I mean exactly how do you think you know everything a be alright I Be back to normal again. Slow down you know. But it to me said tentative for. Two years without a license until you pay for it it makes me and it's damage you know take I want to paid a minimal $70 is fifty I'm going get very good Alex radiator bad because I rated him better in values for going anyway. So I guess in a wedding he could hang it up because I think I'll pay him one. But. I am going to quit but it might hang me with it. Then get no where about 50 feet. Can I tell you what if I want to tell you what they were to show never found.
What happened at night when you didn't know you were going to they don't know your town and the police dusted made it to him in a padded weight enough to get all of that I mean to me to the detention all for one night. Oh she'll be more specific about that. You know I told her to take it when you come in and he said Now now you know you sure that you didn't get decided so well and I don't have to tell you nothing now I got to do is tell you my name my phone number and my address and till I get to see my lawyer. And he hit me in the stomach and I both had a tear on to the floor. And with the breath. I mean they said don't mess with an old 200 pound especially when he old as in you now say you know you step up and try and do that again but I mean you run a school and. You take off take gurn and I still. You know come on back. Anyway I tell you come on back in anybody.
But one funny thing about it do they never join me for a drink although they can smell it I know they wanted to try and get me for a burglary. When I went down to just come to Paris after him you know we do the story ran to get what I wanted I had it walking along feel up to me here just like you know with my hand down to my sad clothes and I got down I love what I had lost in the dream you get me. Other people pick them up and go no you know but you did great for breaking to actually lemme tell you the truth I didn't bring out the one I'm not going to be specific and say who at the end. But after the fella I want I want to you know get me some night idiot. I made this recording just about two weeks after the summer's riots and I asked this
young man how he felt about the writing. And I think there was a wrong I mean I go along with the Freedom Watch it. Well Karen now break it people wonder from nothing to where you go getting to. The point I want to bring out. Yeah all right. I have again and against me because askin a lot is I'm mad and sad to see another white man down I don't want to get our may edit him and break out this one and maybe then like you say but then again maybe you do and just don't want to have me because I'm black but I can't go around take it out on the world. See no sense in on that. I made up the Pacific about the whole day and I don't want to sound the whole city of Milwaukee if it would help us but they're going just down with much more so a different way. Just take it as a you know you can I hope things to be better.
Pretty scary time with worried about too much a scuffle one police can go on home when the curfew was a 7:00 o'clock to being there was two minutes have to suddenly help me. I looked around to see if a boy was around you know and I know good boy don't post address me as that you know. So I told him asain WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO ME. He said Don't you know what. I said. So we don't get a real big rag. So what you going to do about it I just bit my lip and then down to ground said nothing. He said When I think you've been at home don't you. I say Yeah but that's what I got I get him and I will if I listen to him again and know what he's getting it is not because he was keeping us off the streets. You could determine a nice man or whatever it was you want to point out with stuff like that. Police people and I've heard that there's a lot of
police when he jumps on a lot of. Now what do you like ideas. Some police is nice but the majority of new fans think radio becomes ground. And I tell you what I'm going give one really since they are from around I mean this pretty nice ones around and they don't want you going around. Think they own the world because that bad you don't know they're supposed to be a public servant with the taxpayer. Post a list and you know and in a way I mean I don't have to believe in the day. But then the point about it when we got to have somebody list we get somebody who can check in and you know see where those tunnels. Go I think they are right. No thank you I would like to turn around you button after your life today and bred to be just a regular fellow don't get too much money. You'll see too much excitement.
Just a plain ordinary young man. What is it you like about well-liked people. I hate to say this again but a lot of girls isn't and you know. There was a scene a really nice people you know new people. Seemed a lot and seemed like you know hey I run but in this quite a few dates were nice. And I mean I like people a lot that's just made you know about it. Yeah. You know what I mean. Present go around. They want out of life. You'll be stuck up alone. But when you smile the world with them and that's the way I feel. Are you worried about nothing.
I mean we're going to have some going to happen anyway so would be no sense in me worrying about it. So this day for me to just take it out you know see if I where we went in just probably get me to one is you know like going mad mad to me not to go. You better believe I'm not going to get out. But not we're not even thinking about it. And today could. You want to see what it did to get a say. And take whatever you get the issue out without a word. Many of us want to you know dead I guess. I don't know what to cover from the jury. I tell you what I can tell you DID ANYONE were. J I mean out of sight. JM in. The life in Milwaukee. That's all right. You like it. I like it here. You've been listening to a conversation between Ralph Johnson o w h n a radio and one of the teenage residents of Milwaukee's inner core recorded in
north central Milwaukee this was another in a series of programs originally heard over w A.J. the University of Wisconsin. During that station's intensive week of broadcasting on the inner core city within a city began almost speaking. This is the national educational radio network.
- Episode
- Adjustment for Teens
- Producing Organization
- University of Wisconsin
- WHA (Radio station : Madison, Wis.)
- Contributing Organization
- University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
- cpb-aacip/500-6m335t17
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-6m335t17).
- Description
- Series Description
- For series info, see Item 3596. This prog.: An interview with one of the teenage residents of the inner city, focusing on his problems of adjustment as a relative newcomer from the South and dealing with some of his past problems and future aspirations.
- Date
- 1968-09-30
- Topics
- Social Issues
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 00:25:51
- Credits
Producing Organization: University of Wisconsin
Producing Organization: WHA (Radio station : Madison, Wis.)
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 68-34-4 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:25:38
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “The inner core: City within a city; Adjustment for Teens,” 1968-09-30, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 10, 2024,
- MLA: “The inner core: City within a city; Adjustment for Teens.” 1968-09-30. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 10, 2024. <>.
- APA: The inner core: City within a city; Adjustment for Teens. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from