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Document Deep South. And in the heart of Dixie story documented with on the spot recordings by the radio broadcasting service extension to the University of Alabama. The next 30 minutes will make a trend you will see the significance of a new industrial self changing self you will see how determined people. Nature is plugged into prosperity that more than ever is making itself felt in our nation's economy. I know you and the manufacturer.
There were several factors that helped us with the location of this big company. Principally it was they have a high grade but area from which to make the product that we are making it addition to the availability of material at this particular location. Which is it. Voice are you listening to this manufacturer this maker of brick listing his reasons for coming south or locating his plant deep in the heart of Dixie. And the list is long but varied
reasons you find very dangerous trees are this day seeking out the south capitalizing on southern capital ideal climate to excellent raw materials economical power. And ample space for expansion top transportational outlets and Vine markets plus a plentiful supply of willing workers. Becoming of industry tends to change predominantly rural area to an urban one and thereby creates new problems. One of these Perhaps the problem closest to the hearts of all time seven out of comes in the question of the solve. Of fried chicken and hominy grits collard greens and cone. What a possum hopped in after dark. I brought a melon revival meeting of wide acres of an
equal piece of scenic mountains blue with the hay fields flush with quick of green pastures. Some real fences are rolling hills and winding roads one of the negro mammy bending over the big washpot stoking a new batch of lies so what I've whole given time of duck hunting in the marshes and square dancing of a Saturday night. What of spring plowing the smell of new A. Lot of Magnolia Plus one of the angriest surging against the lighthouse at Cape Hatteras. And we have a tie that wraps itself gently around the baby's ankles on the beach it blocks. One of the thundering hooves of the Kentucky Derby. Madness not to groan or to the beauty of an imbalance. Of all days.
Must is the culture of countless proud generations be destroyed in the face of a new progressive south. Must be the tradition of the old south be lost among the industrial landmarks of the new. Well now we have a problem. You know this because you travel through the Deep South. You talked with businessmen industrialists with farmers and factory workers with housewives and schoolteachers and ladies of the UDC and you've heard varying opinions. It seems to me that it is important to preserve the traditions of the staff. Well I mean I'm not against industrial progress but I just don't think we are sacrificing our traditions and culture or standards just to have a lot of factories come in and ruin our Southern heritage. Well the way I see it I don't know but what progress should be held. The old
traditions and traditions of the South find things like progress or something else. Progress is something that's needed for a long long time and it's going to be held up by the old homes. It shouldn't be that way. You've got to tear down antebellum homes put up a factory that manufactures saying the solid leads a lot more than they need southern mansions. Tear down the mast. This is a problem alright. So what's to be done. What would do you do. You ask yourself what choice would you make. Industrialization of the south land is already evident. Witness the multi-million dollar plant now occupying a field it once produced 10 and 20 cent cotton and indications are they will soon be other plants in other fields. What of the Old South. Then what of fried chicken. What of because of unequal pieces smelled of new worth
of Magnolia blossoms. This still around you can see them as you travel you can see the tradition that has weathered ward and degradation depression and war and somehow resisted the tooth of time. Here you are in a car now you were driving around a small Alabama community. Your guide is Hamner copy editor of the local paper the Greensboro watchman comes out once a week. Mr. Cobb is a portly jovial Southerner who enjoys a taste for both the Old and the new South. And while someday he'd like to see someone drill for oil in his little town right now he contented himself by writing speeches stories about the old and spacious antebellum homes of his community. He knows them all know their history and their background. This is one of the few I never had to play fairly well. Bishop Wilma
right after the Civil War when you know prison and will be a lot of travel based on that God will be away if used for the Confederacy. You drive seven or eight miles out of town and have the cobs direction you turn off the highway and pass between two when Presley looking brick columns. You get a driveway a driveway flanked by stately trees and leading straight to us Southern mansions some 200 yards back. It's brick. It has no columns but it has a curving stairway sweeping up either side of a narrow porch running the main entrance of the second story level. You get out of the car walk beneath huge oak trees and climb the stairs. Mr. Cobb rings the doorbell at link. A negro made a bandana tied around her head appears on the other side of the screen door is locked but it
is picked up. It's in a peaceful setting a quiet broken only by occasional bird calls for at this moment approaching footsteps of miss of a we that you missed out on with your knowledge. I have some friends you know I would like to see you are you sure you will. A low place was it was a place to stay. Yeah when I was planning to see. My gran thinking that he was he was a brother of government take
some of the big Yeah or need for energy. Huge gilded mirrors brocade drapes form a typical interior or remote of the Mike Muth of Colonel Samuel pic and the home's original owner. The lady of the house showed you around pointing out various items of interest. Retelling the many tales surrounding the anti-crime machines the old table has been there pretty and there is a Kept it was going there and just rubbing it just kept it beautiful and there were 70 I used to revocation on it with just a knowing read and it was kept beautifully but I had to have one of the legs fixed and the man who did it put some kind of a book initially. There's just something ruined it and some of these didn't have that taken Oh I can go back but still don't have 100 yet rubbing. South that everyone should know.
The South still. Yes human lives and hearts and habitats of many. This hour you will see two where you drive through the southeastern corner of our nation. Or if you stand how to live there you will see that the Mississippi hasn't changed much but if you look out over the Father the waters you're likely to see a man just turning it way up or down. And has some time to do it here and with all that going on among the bae. I will do the rest. Thousand memories of river river loaded with passengers and cotton turning the route from Memphis to New Orleans. And you can see the south of the towering pine trees
sentinels at night and each freshly turned marks upon the trail and the south shows itself on the orator's platform in the warm kitchen and the statue on the courthouse lawn and the Hello. And if you take the country road often Sandy and deep rutted it meanders amid nature's Wonderland and comes at last to a clearing you will see a cotton field perhaps a few farm homes and beyond that a grove of pine trees. In this simple setting in a wood weatherbeaten church sew bondage bow their heads and worship God in their own way. Men women and children following the rhythm of their race or deity who did live it. What then of the Old South.
There is much talk today about industrialization. Industrialization is misunderstood by many people. They have the feeling that when an area becomes industrialized it loses all of its so characteristic. This is not happening in the south. You listen to Henry be more direct to the Bureau of Business Research at the University of Alabama. He points out that the problem is not really a problem at all. The preservation of an antebellum are vital to one of the South's great industries. The tourist trade the tourist trade are it can be and it is a most important factor in the economy of most sections of the country including the south. Some people have put this in the term that we are exporting services and you might say scenery that otherwise could not be turned into an economic asset.
Yes you discover that the old house forms an essential setting for a new industrial south. For the nostalgia the natural beauty attracts more than visitors it attracts people permanently to live and to work as well as to play and among these often manufacturers. Nevertheless the tourist trade is a distinct industry itself. Flourishing in much the same reasons that other industries developed in the Deep South. I do climate raw materials for having a good time top notch transportation room to spread out to enjoy oneself. Whether in the mountains or on the sea shore. There's something soft singe who was satisfying about Southern scenery Southern life. And is not necessarily of antebellum vintage either. Perhaps it's the
midnight beat of Dixie Land. Real street to face the. Music created in a casual walk of the blue and like cigarette smoke hangs heavy upon the night. A brassy description of this bad. Design. And the attraction might be the sweating Gladiator the privilege of sitting on benches amid pop bottles and people. Or perhaps to participate to swing a golf club to swim. And whether the Gayatri glitters in the thrill chatter of who makes. All the deep throated rhythm of the sea. Or the melodic tempo of the dance August swirling over sound and serve the player can
see no longer. It's all apart of the cogs and wheels of a mighty industry. How important is the tourist trade to the economy of the South. Well to find out you become a tourist yourself. Would you undock to want to be vitally interested in this new South. And take to the open highway. Just climb out of the Valley of Virginia into the Blue Ridge Mountains coming along the Blue Ridge Parkway following the back of the James and just crossing the James River but
as a railroad that beautiful from the mountain highways at historic Virginia to the engine harbor of Hampton Roads a curious I come as much. From Jefferson's Monticello to Colonial when I was at Williamsburg to the. Inspiration of the early beginnings. And the ultimate end as well. The modern metropolis the movement found in busy shopping centers such as Roanoke or Richmond. But heading southward as you are you passed great fields and tobacco tremendous tax bill and furniture industries. These were North Carolina represent many millions of dollars annual income. But there is another prominent industry too. Now where there's another course with mountain scenery on our coast our tourist industry has grown by leaps and bounds.
People are just coming in joy. On would induce South Carolina wrote about a tourist low in the southern state with the tourist business being the first list real attempts are being made now to develop this tourist business as you know Virginia has led the way in this part of the country for a number of years. But South Carolina didn't have first class motels for example but no less. It's right until the last five or ten years and there was very little attempt to develop the attractiveness of the state as a place for tourists to visit because Charleston has always been famous but it drew a relatively small number of people but not them to being made to highlight the historical background of South Carolina and to suggest places for tourists to
go and there are now a network of small details first class hotels and restrooms on the major highways which will help them develop in this very word when the engines start to vehicle move. Get your industries in yet in this very building where everything of the course. There's more to this tourist business than you first realized it's more than providing sights to see things to do. A state must provide her solidity as to where the comfort and convenience of the tourist. And so today throughout Dixie a neon trail in the modern era to this landed Magno years and lights the way for millions of visitors each year. Down through Georgia you go your you were each year visiting tourist spend a hundred and five million dollars and over down through Atlanta through a
grouse to Macon and Savannah way down a promise Awani across and beyond into the land of late discovered her spent pond than they are lately about the winter weary tourists. Well of course they love stories but place right. The scroll will stay between us and writings Robert has to do with tourists in a. Circle all of for a yes. Of course. First of all a rigorous climate lore combo for easier more culpable weather What does the
tourist trade mean to the economy of the South. Well in this one state alone it means 700 million dollars a year. Tourist trade tops all of the industries in Florida including the fabulous wealth accumulated by phosphate and citrus. I'll be 11 deep south states Florida has the highest per capita income most of which is earned by selling sunshine and personal services. Leave the Spanish boarded St. Augustine the white capped beach at the Tona. And the merry making it Bayanihan. Leave behind you the music of Bach tower the crystal clarity of Silver Spring and enchanting mystery of the Everglades. Leave the flowers the flamingos in Florida and look to other southern states
Alabama for instance and Mississippi. They too have their attractions attractions which are getting more and more attention. Only this year Alabama increased its budget appropriation for state publicized a while over in Louisiana. The fame of New Orleans and its fabulous French Quarter is far reaching an estimated 100 million dollars. The conservative estimate that. I spent annually in the public in state over 80 percent and the home of Mardi Gras. Tourists here for a time I am about to order a million dollars or euros fancy in our tours for you. And you know it's it's a very important
thing for Tennessee tourist trade means an annual income of more than one hundred fifty million dollars. You understand why when you discover the many sites in the very old to the very new between the romance of the Mississippi on one side and the beauty of the Blue Ridge on the other. But in derby time ALL ROADS LEAD TO LOUISVILLE. And not far away in Lexington. The year round task of training the frisky therm bred is underway. Grant thanks a lot of buying that he had to limit and they must call a stable It looks like some sort of unusual mansion a beautifully painted Belding's this one about three or four hundred feet long and old with beautiful wood and track on the outside of it.
Exercising I suppose then what do you know about how all I can tell a whole lot about race are singing their hearts racing but one of the thing that makes Kentucky death a little bit different than women are and we must be right in the middle of it and the showplace of the bluegrass is another thing that can quite come up to it. Kentucky is the heart of the thera bread industry and industry. Seven hundred million dollars and employing some 65000 people. Millions of dollars uncirculated each season. There's no doubt about it. Tourist trade is big business. But there are more than
bluegrass thoroughbreds in Kentucky. Yes it's pretty important tourist trade means money in the pocket and memorable times revelry and relaxation for countless individuals who come southward to enjoy a change in climate. A change in scenery. And this otherness to it means a change. For the man who sells souvenir that Cumberland Gap the bellboy in Baton Rouge who lingers for the tip. The Tampa conductor who consults his watch the weary waitress who takes the order and becomes a reason for many more even those indirectly concerned with the coming and going of out of state licenses. The housewife who hangs out her Monday wash in Waycross. The idle schoolboy in
Scottsboro. The postman who delivers the mail in Lynchburg. One of these two will prosper with the changing South. I thought that today a promise is a richer fuller life for all. And the tourist who will take home more than snapshots and memories. While this prosperity spreads quickly into other areas of our nation. That's why the country welcomes the changing South a new South. But what of the Old South. Without us you'll always have its magnolia as its man shims its memories for today's NEW SOUTH springs from deep firmly implanted in the tradition of a proud heritage and while a travel photo would have you believe that it's a utopian province compounded of sweet talk and fantasy season with
the scent of honeysuckle. Today as Southland has its problems too but it has a promise to someday the nation will see this product and it will know that it took the combined efforts of the old and the new to the magnolias and the manufacturers to make it so. Yes it is a changing South. But some things can never change. This has been programmed to document Deep South a series of actuality documentaries depicting the increasing importance of the South and the economic development of our nation. This week magnolias and the manufacturer. The story of tourist trade in
the Deep South. Your narrator was one Whitaker document Deep South is written and produced by Leroy BANNERMAN A doctor wanted B Jones as senior consultant. Sound is produced by the radio broadcasting service extension to the university and is made possible. I don't have an independent agency established. This is bars reminding you that this has been a radio presentation of the university. This is the network.
Document: Deep South
Magnolias and the manufacturer
Producing Organization
University of Alabama
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This episode asks Does everyone welcome a changing South? The program notes that many Southerners resent the movement toward industrialization, fearing it will destroy their conception of tradition in the Old South. The program begins by airing arguments for and against industrialization and the economic incentives of creating new industry. One interviewee notes that plantations should be torn down for industrialization if that means job creation, which goes against the belief some people have who think these homes preserve Southern character. The narrator tours one of these plantations. The episode then discusses how the Old South can be used as a form of heritage tourism, which would become the setting for a booming economic business without industrialization that wrecks it landscape. The narrator discusses the benefits the South brings to the tourist industry. Dr. Walter B. Jones is interviewed as he tours the Blue Ridge Mountains into the rest of the South and discusses the attempts by businesses and infrastructure to support a tourist economy.
Series Description
A series of documentaries depicting the increasing importance of the South in the economic development of the United States. Narrated by Walt Whitaker, written and produced by Leroy Bannerman, with Dr. Walter B. Jones as senior consultant.
Broadcast Date
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Radio programs--United States.
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Narrator: Whitaker, Walter
Producer: Bannerman, Leroy
Producing Organization: University of Alabama
Writer: Bannerman, Leroy
Writer: Fund for Adult Education (U.S.)
Writer: Jones, Walter B., 1913-1992
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 54-15-2 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:29:18
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Document: Deep South; Magnolias and the manufacturer,” 1954-01-01, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 25, 2024,
MLA: “Document: Deep South; Magnolias and the manufacturer.” 1954-01-01. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 25, 2024. <>.
APA: Document: Deep South; Magnolias and the manufacturer. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from