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The diary of Samuel peeps and historical entertainment produced by Radio Station KC You are FM at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. By 16 59 with Oliver Cromwell dead England was in a state of near Anarky and the forces that made way for the restoration of Charles second were gathering momentum. It was during this time of uncertainty that Samuel peeps a short plump young man alone a clerk at the Exchequer began to keep a diary in which he was to write faithfully for nine years. The diary contains a million and a quarter words about politics and fashion court gossip and entertainments domestic crises and travel. He described the coronation of Charles Second the plague and the Great Fire of London in his long career he reorganized the administration of the Admiralty which ultimately enabled England to become an empire. And he was the true father of the civil service. But it is his diary. A delightful intimate
human document that keeps the name of Samuel alive. The diary of Samuel peeps chapter 3. Which Sam hears that he may benefit from a Will makes his own and goes to see his cousin Lord Montagu's secretary. 2nd March 16 16. I want to leave to my Lord Montacute here were a great many come to see him just this day I hear the city militia is put into good posture and it is thought that Monk will not be able to do any great matter against them and all of you if even if you had him on great is the talk of a single person and that it would now be Charles
Stuart George monk or Richard Cromwell again. Great also was the dispute now in the house in whose name the Ritz shall run for the next parliament. And it is said that Mr. Prim in Open House said in King Charless. 3rd march to Westminster Hall where I found about Lord Montague was last night voted one of the generals at sea and Monk the other. I met milord in the hole who bid me come to him at noon with my Lord. To Mr Cruz in our way talking of public things he told me he feared there was a new design hatching as if Monk had a mind to get into the saddle. After I had left him I met with Tom Hopper. He talked huge guy that man or protector would come in place again which indeed is much discoursed up again though I do not see a possible fifth match
to Westminster. But I want to see Mr. Pinkney at his own house where he showed me how he had always kept the lion and Unicon in the back of his chimney brite in expectation of the kings coming again. 6th March Shrove Tuesday at Whitehall with a come milord and after talking with him about our going to sea he called me by myself into the garden where he asked me how things were with me. He bid me look out now at this to some good place and he would use all his own and all the interests of his friends that he had in England to do me good and asked me whether I could without too much inconvenience go to see is his secretary and bid me think of it. He also began to talk of things of state and told me that he should want one in that capacity at sea that he might trust him and therefore he would have me go. He told me
also that he did believe the King would come in and did discourse with me about it and about the affection of the people and city at which I was full glad. To see Mrs. Jim at whose chamber door I found a couple of ladies but she not being there. We hunted her out and found that she and another had hid themselves behind a door. Well they all went down into the dining room where it was full of tag and rag and bob tail dancing singing and drinking which I was ashamed and after I had stayed a dance or two I went away. The Lord told me that there was great endeavors to bring in the protector again but he told me too that he did believe that it would not last long if he were brought in. No no the king neither though he seems to think that he will come in unless he can himself very soberly and well everybody now drink the king's health without any fear. Whereas
before it was very private that a man dare do it. Monk This day is face to Dick Mrs. Haller has invited one after another. To the 12 holes in London many think that he is honest yet and some will more think him to be a fool that would raise himself but thinks that he will undo himself by endeavoring it. Seventh March Ash Wednesday. My father left my uncle with his leg very dangerous and do believe he cannot continue along. My uncle did acquaint him that he did intend to make me a man and give my brother Tom something and something to raise portions for John and Paul. Well I pray to God he may be as good as his word. This news and the Lord's great kindness makes me very cheerful within 8 March at the dog Tappan. Captain Philip Holland with whom I advised how to make some
advantage of my lord's going to sea told me to have five or six servants entered on boarders dead men and I had to give them what wages I pleased and so did their paid to be mine. He also urged me to take the secretary's place that my lord to profit me. Ninth March Demonoid Montague at his lodging and came to Westminster with him in the coach and Mr Dudley and he in the Painted chamber walked a good while and died telling him that I was willing and ready to go with him to see. He agreed that I should and advised me what to write to Mr. Downing about it. I hear that it is resolved privately that a treaty be offered with the king. 10th March. To my father in his cutting house and told him my resolution to go at sea with my dog and we resolved of letting my wife be at Mr. Bower yours much.
I wrote to hundreds more to miss to bow years where I found him and all well and willing to have my wife come on board with him while I was at sea. Here I lay and took a spoonful of honey in the Nutmeg scrape for my cold. By Mr. bow years direction. 13th March at my lord's lodgings. Who told me that I was to be secretary and Crewe Deputy Treasurer to the fleet at which I was troubled. But I could not help it. Things very doubtful that will be the end of all for the parliament seems to be strong for the king. While the soldiers do all talk against it. 14th March to logs where infinity of applications to him and to me to my great trouble milord gives me all the papers that were given to him to put in order to give him an account of them. I saw General Monk and we thought he seemed a
dull heavy man. 15th March. Early packing my things to be sent by cart with the rest of my lords and widows I met Tom out one that went to school with me at Huntington. But I had not seen him these sixteen years. Sixteenth Potch tonight I am told that yesterday about five o'clock in the afternoon one came with a letter to the great exchange and wiped with the brush the inscription that was on King Charles and that there was a great bonfire in the stage and people called out. God bless King Charles the Second. 17th of March. This day before I went out with my wife I did see you know my will to her. Whereby I did give her all that I have in the world but my books which I give to my brother John excepting old French books which my wife is to have.
19th March early to my lord where infinity of business to do. Which makes my head full. And indeed for these two or three days I have not been without a great many cares. All the discourse now a day is that the king will come back again and for all I see it is the wishes of all and all do believe that it will be so. My mind is still much troubled for my poor wife but I hope that this undertaking will be worth my pains. 20th March I took a short melancholy of my father and mother at Westminster by reason of brains and easterly wind. The water was so high there that boats were rowed out in King Street and all our yards were drowned. That one could not go to my house so as no man has seen the like almost and most houses full of water. 22nd march
to Westminster and receive my warrant to be secretary to the two generals of the fleet. Strange how these people do not promise me anything. One of a peer the other a vessel of wine or a gun and one offered me a silver hatband to do him a courtesy. I pray God to keep me from being proud too much lifted up here by. The 23rd March. Get it my Lord's will in the black box to Mr. W. Montagu for him to keep for him to the tower where the barges stayed for as the Lord and the captain in one and W. Howe and I. It's a trying the other to Longreach where this swift sure lay at anchor in our way we saw the great breach which the late high water we've made to the loss of many thousand pounds to the people about Limehouse. So does my lord on board the guns went off bravely from the ships and a little while after comes the Vice-Admiral
and seemed very respectful to my Lord and so did the rest of the commanders of the frigates that were there abouts. We were late writing of orders for the getting of ship spread and also making of others to all dangerous persons that are going or coming between Flanders and there. The cabin allotted to me was the best that any head that belonged to my lord. 24th March had worked hard all the day writing letters to the council. The boy Elisir flung down a can of bear upon my papers which made me give him a box of the air of having cost me a great deal of work. Twenty fifth March Lord's day Mr. Ibbott prayed and preached a good sermon. A dinner i took place of all but the captain. After that sermon again at which I slept. God forgive me.
26 March this day it is two years since it pleased God that I was kept for the stone at Mrs. Turner's and Saul's Precourt and did resolve while I live to keep it at a festival as I did the last year at my house and for ever to have Mrs. Turner and her company with me. But now it pleased God that I am prevented to do it openly only within my soul I can and do rejoice and bless God. Being at this time blessed by his holy name in as good health as ever I was in my life. This morning I rose early and went about making an establishment of the whole fleet and a list of all the ships with the number of men and guns. 27 March this morning the wind came about and we fell into the Hope and in our possum by the by said Mohi and the rest of the frigates did give us many guns and we hid and the reports of them broke all the windows my
castle. I sat the first time with a lot of tables and scummy to see. In Chapter 4 of The Diary of Samuel peeps. Sam's cousin Lord Montague confides in him that they are at sea to fetch King Charles home to England. And some gold attaches itself to Sam for favors done. The diary of Samuel peeps was edited by Gloria Scott read by James HA's produced by Radio Station Casey you are FM of the University of Missouri at Kansas City and made available to the station by a national educational radio. This is the national educational radio network.
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The diary of Samuel Pepys
Chapter three
Producing Organization
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program presents dramatizations of portions of the diary of seventeenth century naval administrator, Samuel Pepys.
Series Description
This series dramatizes portions of the diary of Samuel Pepys, an English naval administrator who provided invaluable writings from the English Restoration period.
Media type
Producing Organization: University of Missouri at Kansas City
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 67-14-3 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:14:41
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Chicago: “The diary of Samuel Pepys; Chapter three,” 1967-03-22, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 27, 2024,
MLA: “The diary of Samuel Pepys; Chapter three.” 1967-03-22. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 27, 2024. <>.
APA: The diary of Samuel Pepys; Chapter three. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from