World of the Rockhound; 4
- Transcript
This new geologic map and a plea. That we hear. It will be related to the allotment maps in the United States. Today. The second largest craft hobby in America today is said to be rock hounding with all of its branches of interest some of which are Jim cutting making jewelry and the collection of gemstones rocks minerals and fossils. This universal hobby has grown to astonishing proportions in the last 25 years. And shows signs of even more rapid growth as the need develops for more people to pursue more leisure time activities due to the fact that they're working fewer hours have more days off and get more vacation time. Rocks and minerals as specimens objects deemed important to the rock out.
However most people do not realize the important rocks and minerals play in everyday living. For example you are right used in toothpaste and clothing. This series of programs is designed to give an overall picture of the rock out. Offer encouragement to the newcomer in this hobby and present information of general interest to everyone. All of this will be examined as we explore the world of the rock. Today's programme is entitled state and government aides. The narrator is Len full of maps that look like rainbows gemstones that resemble Christmas ornaments and books written in Arabic are all part of the division of geology in most any state of the United States. In Tennessee this department has been in operation since 1831. The results of the Department study and research are
shown in the forms of state publications and maps. Colorful maps which are primarily important to industry but which can be of great assistance to the rockhound as well. That week we discussed equipment used by rock a hands on field trips and in workshops. In addition we looked into the matter of legal restrictions which every rock collector should be aware of today in an interview with Mr Robert Hershey who is chief geologist for mineral resources for the state of Tennessee. We explore the role of the state in providing geological services and materials for the general public. Mr Hershey explained that the rainbow colors streaking across the face of the maps indicated the different geologic formations and ages. The new geologic map Tennessee. That we have. One of the latest where you are maps in the United States today. MARTIN We tend to have about
four feet all in. Monaco are. Going to be a real odd formation. Taking a tremendous amount of information. And. A great many years to complete this may have a lot of people. Worked on it through the year. And that this map can be used. To. Outline the different formations and. By knowing different geologic formations you know where the different resources. Yes it is the entire state from the North Carolina border on over to the Mississippi River and in Kentucky down to. Alabama and Mississippi. In every. Thing. Not necessarily this is an individual choice that you can use on as we try to keep different colors
for different ages rocks now the. Ordovician age which occurred. Well over 400 million years ago. We think colors throughout different shadings of pink colors of. The Mississippi in a dry ice about 270 million years. Overall shown in various shades of blue. And Pennsylvania Roxby in greens and brown. Pennsylvania being younger than the. Mississippi. Settlements in west Tennessee are our youngest. Settlements and I'm just now forming in the rock we show in different shades and yellow. Color code to make it an easy way to tailor glance at different ages because. We have an. Explanation at the bottom giving different.
Formations of. Our motivation. With over 400 million almost 500 million years ago. In a gray area. Actually in the Ordovician rocks under law almost all of the state but they are exposed in east Tennessee. What we call the valley and. Central part of Tennessee goes into the. Motivation. Elsewhere the Ordovician under considerable. Thickness of overburden different rock. Now where would one find a map like this. Right here with what we have been here for distribution we sell it and.
We also. Distribute these maps to universities and using all over the United States and in foreign countries. We have. An exchange. Program that we. Give our publications to other. State organizations to the federal government and to colleges and universities and to countries all over the world we send Australians to play in. All different countries. Yes we have a complete exchange on it and we receive publications from Japan and South America and Australia Belgium France. And we use these for study in some of their. Facts that they find out about the mineral resources we use to apply it to our problems here in Tennessee. And of course our distribution information they can use our packs to work on some of their problems.
That brings up another facet. We have publications dealing with many of the mineral resources. We have is that it can be used by companies in other. Parts of the United States. It's a company up in Chicago woman find out about. Tennessee mineral resources without having come to Tennessee they can get a great deal of information from say Northwestern University where we. They have a complete supply of our. Publications and. Maps and the same is true for. Places like California New York or. Atlanta. Or other places that use in the university available. I am. My own. Man but everything in an exterior rock collector.
Yes this map could be and would be used for that because certain. Jams or minerals are found in specific. Formations or in say in a limestone. Using the code at the bottom of this you can tell whether you have a limestone and what age limestone and you can. Use that to say for work outside or. You know normally found in. Limestone. Now we have another rock and. That is our publication rocks and minerals flow and. We have that available and it gives. The different minerals. And
ores family in Tennessee. Included with the description of the different minerals are mammals. Ory and mineral occurrences. Good used to someone actually running for different. Mineral. Would he have to write to the Tennessee division geology. We're at the G5 state office building. The corner in Charlotte and mailing it just right to the. State Office Building. It's our. Rock from Middle Tennessee by Robert J Floyd. Price and this publication is a copy. Of provocation.
Yes the publication we just talked about covers most of the information in mineral resources now we have many many publications dealing with specific. Mineral Resources such as our 51 Dr Vanderbilt University has. Written covering the slayings in middle Tennessee. And we think this fellow right or horribly and. Very heavy drilling and other chemical. Purposes in. Which is used in the. Water primarily for. Metro. Water. At them again. In the area. They are rocking under.
Find it. Near Wartrace. Quite a few. Places in the general area you can find. Right 30 uncorking. Colorful and different. In an artificial coloring with. A nice looking. Tumble over it. Unfortunately we don't have. A lot of similar approaches the only place I find. What you would call a. Near copper he'll get. In the crystal. You can get occasional Garnet. Smoking that very similar. Let's another
map over here. Sir. That was Mr. Robert Hershey chief geologist for mineral resources for the state of Tennessee. Another mineral found in Tennessee is Yoona kite. Mr. Edwards very astute geologist in charge of research in mapping for the state. And he's also a rock around and he's also interested in lavatory work. We asked Mr. there where this unusual mineral can be found. And while I am here rock. Park hopping. Probably for me that you know you were. One of our job to do with Mari Ramos name from. Boko. Haram had group. Like you had very commonly. Going to
break. How scared. Very much not very much. It's quite. Durable.
You know. Having invented where we want to hear more about the evidence required to do an accurate. Record. You know they're in no hurry up with that right. No I think this is just the area from which you were. Holding and I would not act upon the road. Somewhere USA all the way to my room. That was Mr Edward Luthor of the Tennessee division of geology. If someone finds a useful mineral deposit on his land or thinks he has made such a discovery how can the division of geology be of assistance to him and part of the procedures.
Mr Hershey explained some of these functions of his department. Individual companies and. Organizations bring. Specimens to our office to identify them for analysis. And also how many prospectors overtime same alien. Specimens to us and. We. Number without a verifiable thing. And if they appear to have any possibility whatsoever commercial use then we go into chemical analyses of the material and find out just how much of it really is in the. Specimens brought in now we. Do require anybody bring in a specimen we have to know the location of it we. Have no alter your motive in this but it helps us to. Cut out so many of the. Possibilities and get a handle on just exactly what a mentally is. If. Peace comes in say from the.
Hologram and. We find not a church up there and it helps cut down looking for minerals that you would find in. Its rock say. And. We know that certain areas of Tennessee amp fine zinc and certain areas you're apt to find bare eye and we can look for these things and it cuts down a lot on our. Time in. And helps us to know a specific. Location. The same people. That we. Once in a while we get to spend you know has good. Possibilities as a. Usable mineral resource of course. We analyze phosphate for. Farmers who come in want to know whether they have any phosphate on their land and we can. Run a quick test and tell whether or not there is phosphate. And if there is and if they can get a representative sample of. The area then we can run a chemical analysis on and give a pretty good idea of just how much
phosphate whether or not it would be commercial and we've had. Quite a few of these things were. Definitely. Commercial quantity and then the farmer can get in touch with the phosphate companies and he'll have something. In the way of. Writing the back NBA statement that he has something in. The phosphate Kemi can look at it and see that they've gone into a little bit of. Preparation find out just what they do have many. Be able to each other to purchase the. Mineral rights or to lease the property for mining. Also we. Have located in limestone quarry. Name sites things like the. Public. Service time. Thank. You everybody for your correction. No. We don't. We have. Three collections at a. Division here. To
help. US we have a few specimens for display that we have purchased their museum. Type specimens. We have a mineral collection. A rock collection and an economic or collection. Collection that we use to help us identify some of the minerals these minerals come from all over the world. And we're using these to help compare. Minerals from that are sent into us from fornication and of course this also is for our. Own education to keep up in the. Field so that you don't forget. For so long time just one minute. Looks like you can go back and look at it. You should find out what it is. Do you accept gifts or donations. Oh yes we have a few zany and many of the we don't have a large collection of rocks from Tennessee we have a few and we have represented specimens of the different types.
And many of the specimens that are sent in to us for identification we end up with. Access And we give these to. Schools and individuals that come in they want peace and. We have their scout troop comes in once a. Specimen so we give those away. During this visit to the Tennessee division of geology we looked at the state collection of 288 minerals from all over the world. Then we looked at the gem collection. These are some of the jams that are. Gemstones out of our economic life and which comes from a very small. Diamond to Ruby Sapphire. Gonna. Go pear. And get. J lapis lazuli. Lapis is the blue stone that was used by Michelangelo in a crash he felt padded formely blue pigment for its
active that we turned off the lights and looked at some of the specimens under black light which revealed the fluorescent qualities of the opals in the other Jans just like lighter over violet light. Spectrum. Right there in Opal. Is that green brilliant. Green coloring and ultraviolet light. In ordinary. Daylight or artificial light it's kind of a dirty. White color and. Kind of hard to distinguish from. Any. Ordinary calcite of course but one of the really beautiful brilliant green. Well you say this is not a price itself. But it's a form the same way it's an amorphous. Form Of course. That. Most accounts from California Nevada.
I don't think we have any of it. Tennessee we. Have some openly. Cal said. I don't think anything like that. I think you're pretty calcified Franklin for this New Jersey and she was very pretty. And. Has a sort of a shock like Christmas. It's really beautiful material and they distribute quite a bit of it from New Jersey and I used to mine sink there but. Mostly now I get special. About life get some beautiful green here. One of the uses for writing you can identify.
With. After looking at the minerals under fluorescent light we asked Mr. Hershey about United States government publications available in topographic maps. Its publication from Marie you know and safety a logical service and the U.S. Bureau of Mines and a few from the Tennessee Valley Authority. Publications dealing with Tennessee. We have available. For sale to the general public we purchase some from the. Federal government we just distribute. To the individuals that need them in their. Work and studying them. We have quite a few. Both of the. Various publications on minerals and geologic studies. And Major. Government publications are maps. Do you have any kind of a library here where people could come and look at these things if they
want to look up certain information. We have a library. We have a library of all of our Tennessee publications here. Anything is out of print. People can come in and look at you know office and. If it's in print they can either look at it here they're welcome to look at it here or they can buy it and take it with and. One of the things that we. Sell the most is the topographic. Map. We have approximately. 95 percent coverage on top graphic maps in the. State of Tennessee. That's one of the. Better efforts of the various states. There are a few states that have complete coverage but they're amending particularly Western states have very little. Graphic coverage and these are. Very modern and very detailed maps and this particular map is in.
West. Part of Nashville it's about six covers about 64 square miles. It shows only. Culture Man-Made and culture road time when these buildings bridges and shows. Wrote and I say the roads railroads. And it also shows the. Topography by the use of contour lines gives different elevations and showing the hills and valleys. Now it's only waterways rivers streams. And. Some temporary strains. Comparing this geological me that sounds like that of a therapist and it shows what a beggar. I think that it shows what is on top of the surface now. Many many different people using telephone companies using the location of their telephone lines and radio and television towers use IE so that they don't. Accidentally get that
near Hillah between the transmitting station in their area to receive the broadcasts. And using the highway department Susie's and location highways and. In building dams on rivers they use topographic map find out how much of an area they are going to cover it with a certain depth of water. There's a myriad of uses Scout troops using them as an exercise in going out they'll start and build from one point to another and using the topographic map by. Recognizing the hills from the contour lines. They'll. Find their. Way using map and compass and they have quite a few Scout Troops things but there are many many uses these show course quarry locations different mining locations and your mining companies will use these to plot their Or.
Reserves or property. Lines and oh we have. Over. 400. Different maps here. On top graphic coverage this these are all done either by TVA Tennessee Valley area itself or by the U.S. Geological Survey and areas of Tennessee outside Katherine and we are very very close to having complete coverage of the state of the publications that come into our office from other countries and other. States and universities. Direct to our reception room and we look at the publications. That. Have anything to do with problems in geography or mineral resources here in Tennessee. We use. Then after we have. Finished with them we send them up to the. State Library and their camp at the State Library and anybody. Wanting to know
about the geology of the. State of Utah or from Ukraine or Australia or. Belgium can find these publications. At the State Library. Some of them are in English some frame some member and. Some of them are in Arabic and some of them I don't know what the U.S. government bulletins state publications maps books which may be in Arabic or English. All of these are part of any state Division of geology. And these can be of assistance to the rocket. We wish to thank Mr Robert Hershey just for mineral resources for the state of Tennessee and his coworker Mr. Edward Luthor for this information concerning government and state aid available. This has been a mother and a series of programs exploring the world of the rock.
The narrator was Len felt. This series is produced by WBL in the service of the public library of Nashville and Davidson County in Nashville Tennessee. Next week Mrs. Vulpes will discuss the fascinating aspects of this hobby and a program entitled. Agate and a bean field. This is Charles Mitchell. This is in our national educational radio network.
- Series
- World of the Rockhound
- Episode Number
- 4
- Producing Organization
- Contributing Organization
- University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
- cpb-aacip/500-3r0pwj44
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/500-3r0pwj44).
- Description
- Series Description
- World of the Rockhound is a twenty-four part program about rock collecting produced by WPLN, the service of the public library of Nashville and Davidson County, and Nashville, Tennessee. Episodes focus on topics specific to rock hounding, like collecting, cutting, displaying, and creating artwork from rocks, gemstones, and fossils. The program also discusses broader topics related to geology, like earth science, consumer interests, and professional uses of rocks and minerals.
- Date
- 1969-01-09
- Genres
- Documentary
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 00:30:29
- Credits
Producing Organization: WPLN
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 69-4-4 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:30:16
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “World of the Rockhound; 4,” 1969-01-09, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 15, 2024,
- MLA: “World of the Rockhound; 4.” 1969-01-09. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 15, 2024. <>.
- APA: World of the Rockhound; 4. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from