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The diary of Samuel peeps and historical entertainment produced by Radio Station KC You are FM of the University of Missouri at Kansas City by a 16 59. With all of our crime well dead England was in a state of near Anarky and the forces that made way for the restoration of Charles second were gathering momentum. It was during this time of uncertainty that Samuel peeps a short plump young man alone a clerk at the Exchequer again to keep a diary in which he was to write faithfully for nine years. The diary contains a million and a quarter words about politics and fashion court gossip and entertainments domestic crises and travel. He described the coronation of Charles Second the plague and the Great Fire of London in his long career he reorganized the administration of the Admiralty which ultimately enabled England to become an empire and he was the true father of the civil service. But it is his diary. A delightful intimate
human document that keeps the name of Samuel. Law. The diary of Samuel peeps Chapter 5. In which Sam explores the hay business on Royal hands and nearly loses his eye firing salutes to the king. 13th May 16th sixty launch day to the Crown today at which the tailors and painters were cutting out some pieces of yellow call through the fashionable crowd and see off and put it upon a fine sheet and that into the flag instead of the states arms which off to denote was finished and set up. Mr Cook brought me a letter from my wife and a later letter from my brother job
with both of which I was exceedingly pleased. No sermon all day we being under sail only at night prayers where in Mystic prayed for all such as were related to us in a spiritual and flexibly way. 14th May in the morning the head was clearly to be seen by us some nasty Dutchman came on board to proffer their boats to carry things from us on shore to get money by us and by and by Mr. North and Dr. Clark went to kiss the queen of Bohemia as Hans from a lord with twelve attendants from on board to wait on them among which I sent my boy who like myself is with child to see any strange thing. Afternoon they came back again after having kissed the queen the Bohemians handed were sent again by my Lord to do the same thing to the Prince of Orange. So I got the captain to ask leave for me to go which my Lord did give. The weather bad. We were sadly washed when we came near shore it being very
hard to land there. The shore is so all the country between that and the Hague all sand. The rest of the company got to coach by themselves. Mr Creed and I went in the fore part of a coach wherein there were very pretty ladies very fashionable and with black patches who very merrily sang all the way and that very well and were very free to kiss two blades that were with the The Hague is the most neat place in all respects. The house is so neat in all places and things as is possible. Here we walked up and down a great while the town being now very full of Englishman for the Londoners were come onshore today. But going to see the prince he was gone forth with his governor and so we walked up and down the town in CT to see the place and by the help of a stranger an Englishman We saw a great many places and were made to understand many things. As the intention of
Maple's which we saw there standing at every great man's door of different greatness according to the quality of the person. About 10:00 at night the prince comes home and we found an easy admission. His attendance very inconsiderable for a prince but yet handsome and his tutor a fine man and himself a very pretty boy. This done we went to a place to stop where a Saletan two or three bones of mutton were provided for a matter of ten of us which was very strange. The judge and I lay in one press bed there being two more in the same room my boy sleeping on a bench by me. 15th made a schoolmaster that spoke good English and French showed us the whole time. Indeed I cannot speak enough for the gallantry of the town. Everybody of fashion speaks French or Latin or both. The women many of them very pretty and in good habits fashionable black spots.
We bought a couple of baskets for Mrs. Pierce and my wife. Two were booksellers and bought for the love of the binding three books by coach to scaling again the wind being very high. We saw two boats overset and the gallants forced to be pulled on shore by the heels while their trunks portmanteaus hats and feathers were swimming in the sea. We were fain to wait a great while before we could get off from the shore the sea being very foul. In the afternoon my Lord Montague called me on purpose to show me his fine clothes which are now come hither and indeed very rich as gold and silver could make them only his sword he and I did not like. We laud the captain and dyes supped in my lord's chamber where I did perceive that he did begin to show me much more respect to the never he did yet. After supper my lord sent for me intending to have me play at cards with him but I not knowing cribbage we fell into discourse of many
things. And this chip arose so much that I was not able to stand. And so he bid me go to bed. Sixteenth Commissioner Pat was now come to take care to get all things ready for the king on board. But Lord Montague in his best suit. This is the first day in expectation to wait upon the King. Are guns ready to fire on our scarlet waist claws out and so pendants. But he didn't come this evening came Mr John Pickering on board like an ass with his feathers a new suit that he had made the egg but all very angry for his staying on shore this afternoon. Mr. Edward Pickering told me and what a sad poor condition for clothes and money the king was and all his attendants. Their clothes not being worth forty shillings the best of them and how overjoyed the king was when Serge a grand ball brought him some
money. So joyful that he called the Princess Royal and Duke of York to look upon it as it lay in the portmanteau before it was taken out. 17th May before dinner Mr. Edward Pickering and I how him and my boy to escape feeling where we took coach and so to The Hague where walking intending to find one that might show I was the king incognito at dinner in came Dr. Cade married a mad parson of the kings and got the boy and me the others not being able to crowd in to see the king who kissed the child very affectionately. Then we kissed his and the Duke of York's and the Princess Royal's hands the King seemed to be a very sober man and a very splendid Corti have been the number of persons of quality that are about him English very rich in habit from the King to the Lord Chancellor who did live bed rid of the gout. He spoke
very merrily to the child and me after that. Going to see the queen of Bohemia who used us very respectfully her hand we all kissed. She seems a very debonaire but very plain lady. 18th May 16 60 to Delft to see the town to the great church that stands in a fine great marketplace over against the start house. And there I saw a stately two of the old Prince of Orange of marble and brass. Here were very fine organs in both the churches. It is a most sweet town with bridges and the river and every street in every house of entertainment there hangs in every room a poor man's box it being their custom to confirm all bargains by putting something into the box and that binds as fast as anything. We also saw the guest house where it was pleasant to see what need preparation there was for the poor.
We saw one poor man a dying they're back by water where a pretty sober Dutch lass sat reading all the day and I could not fasten any discourse upon it. Twentieth may Lord's day some in one boat and some in another we all did. Due to the shore but through the badness of the weather we were in great danger and a great while before we could get to the ship. 21st May the weather fowle this day also. After dinner about writing one thing or other all day and setting my papers in order hearing by letters that come hither in my absence the parliament had ordered all persons to be secured in order to a trial that did sit as judges in the late king's death and all the officers attending the court. We expect every day to have the king and Duke on board as soon as it is
fair. Milad Montagu does nothing Nol but offers all things to the pleasure of the Duke as Lord High Admiral so that I am at a loss what to do. Twenty second made up and trimmed by a barber that has not trimmed me yet. My Spaniard being on Shaw news brought that the two Dukes are coming on board which by and by they did in a Dutch boat. The Duke of York in yellow trimmings the Duke of Gloucester in grey and red milord went in a boat to meet them. The captain myself and others standing at the entering port so soon as they were entered we shot the guns off round the fleet. After that they went to view the ship all over and were most exceedingly pleased with it. They seemed to be a very fine gentleman. After that done upon the quarter deck table under the awning the Duke of York and my Lord Mr. Coventry and I spent an
hour at allotting to every ship their service in their return to England which being done they went to dinner where the table was very full. News is sent to us that the King is on shore so my lord fired all his guns round twice and all the feet after him which in the end fell into disorder which seemed very handsome the gun over against my cabin I fired myself to the king which was the first time that he had been saluted by his own ship since this change but holding my head too much over the gun I had almost spoiled my right eye. Nothing in the world but giving of guns almost all this day this afternoon Mr. Downing who was knighted yesterday by the King was here on board and had a ship for his passage into England with his lady and so it's by the same token he called me to him when I was going to write the order to tell me that I must write him Sir G. Downing.
23rd may in the morning come infinity of people on board from the king to go along with him. Lord Mr. Crewe and others go on shore to meet the King as he comes off from shore. I hear that His Majesty did with a great deal of affection kiss my lord upon his first meeting the King with the two Dukes and Queen the Bohemian Princess Royal and Prince of Orange come on board where I am their coming in. Kissed the king's queens and princesses and having done the other before Infinite shooting off of the guns and that into disorder on purpose which was better than if it had been otherwise all day. Nothing but lords and persons of honor on board that were exceeding four. After dinner the king and Duke altered the name of some of the ships that done the Queen Princess Royal and Prince of Orange took leave of the king and the Duke of York went on board the London and the Duke of Gloucester.
This with children which done we weighed anchor and with a fresh gale and most happy weather we set sail for England. In Chapter 6 of the diary of Samuel peeps Sam here is the story of the king's exile from the King's own lips sees his cousin Lord Montague made a knight of the Garter. And has a promise from him that they will rise in the world together. The diary of Samuel peeps was edited by Gloria Scott read by James Hawes produced by Radio Station Casey you are FM the University of Missouri at Kansas City made available to this station by national educational radio. This is the national educational radio network.
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The diary of Samuel Pepys
Chapter five
Producing Organization
University of Missouri at Kansas City
Contributing Organization
University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
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Episode Description
This program presents dramatizations of portions of the diary of seventeenth century naval administrator, Samuel Pepys.
Series Description
This series dramatizes portions of the diary of Samuel Pepys, an English naval administrator who provided invaluable writings from the English Restoration period.
Media type
Producing Organization: University of Missouri at Kansas City
AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 67-14-5 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Duration: 00:14:36
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Chicago: “The diary of Samuel Pepys; Chapter five,” 1967-04-06, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “The diary of Samuel Pepys; Chapter five.” 1967-04-06. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: The diary of Samuel Pepys; Chapter five. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from