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Once upon a time not long ago and not far away it was a farm. And on the farm it was a barn. That's not the barn by the barn not the barn that's the corn for the barn the barn a big red barn. Now find the loop now look up at the big red barn are all one big red. You think we could that. Or we could get your own. Let's go to the castle. I'll hurry over first and go in the back door so that I can let the garbage down and open the big front doors for you. You ready. Here is my castle. Here we are.
Inside. And here's one little chair for one of you. And a bigger chair for two more to take a in. And for someone who likes to rock. A rocking chair look up I'll call Ruthy. We'll ask him about Byron. Rusty. Hi. Hi. How are you. Oh hi how are you. Fine. Have you been on the farm all over the farm. Fine. We were looking at the barn. That's a big board isn't it. You know what color it is. I think it's red isn't the same color. Oh no. Oh no. Byron don't have that. No. I suppose. No. Are all barns red. Well I don't know friendly but we have our own. Maybe you know he's seen a lot of wind were born.
No I haven't because he made his long legs were all giant giraffes can do that. All right. You're on fire friendly fire us Pete. Hi. Well you're all we were we were talking about barn barn. How big they are and what color they are. Well they're big and we're all all and. Not all of them. What color are some barns you've been. Well I've seen white. Yes there are quite barns and I've seen a few yellow barn yellow barn burner. And I saw one light green barn one a green green blue barn. So there maybe I don't remember any blue barns but there may be but all those colors. Yeah those barns are most barns are red. I think they are. I think that's why there's a book
about what is called Reverend white barn too. But most of them are red. What about the red barn. There's a book about a red barn. There is it all in red barn big red barn and that's the name of it. Here it is called a pig farm. And it isn't the big blue barn. No I don't think it is. It's a big book. They're going to be born with a big red barn big red barn. Well I suppose they named that because most barns are red. Let me put the book up where everyone can see it. You already saw some yellow barn. Yeah. All barns look very nice. And you see the barn when the grass is all in your own words and kind of hidden all in all not too big to hide behind in the book. Oh yeah. That's a big red barn and that's a big
red wine by Margaret Wise Brown. And the pictures are by Rosella heart. And it's the young copy book from the William Morris Scott company and look at that a flying ha'p'orth on a weather vane I like to watch them by the big red barn in the great green field. There was the Pink Pig who were learning to squeal. Oh there was a great big horse and a very little horse. And every barn there the weather vane of course a golden lying horse to show which way the wind is blowing tonight. There was a big pile of hay and a little
pile of hay and that is where the children would play. But in this story the children are away. All they are and only the animals are here today. All. The sheep and the donkey and the geese and the goat were making funny noises and out of their throat. All. An old scarecrow was leaning on his hold and a few of Moss was born in a field of corn. I can't seem to feel lost too small to see small cock a doodle do in the barn with the rooster and a pigeon and a big white hand standing on one back and under the hand was quiet. There was a bantam rooster and a little back from him with the big cut. If you can come at 10:00. Eastern.
Moo-Moo a big brown cow and a little brown call both ate their dinner up from the ball. There was an old black cat are all negro and the tiger Tom Cat all and an old red dark bow with some little puppy dog all round and warm. Puppies are fun to play with. And they all live together in the big red barn and they play all day in the grass and then the hay. I wonder what the farmer's name is. I don't know. Until the sun went down in the great green field where the sun begins on the big cow and lo. Little pig wheeled the horses stop them in the sweet warm hay and the little donkey gave one last
break. The little black bat away all to the barn at the end of the day. The hen. Were Sleeping on there now. Even the rooster took her and the geese. The goat made no more noise with their throat but wreathing pointing home and there they were all night long sound asleep in the big red barn and only the mice were left to play rustling squeaking in the hay. Four the. And there the moon held high in the dark night sky. Beyond the house where the children slept. The tiger cat crept home to captain and the big red barn all but out in the field. The old girl crawled to lean on his old
post-football an area there in the big red barn while. The big red barn by Margaret Wise Brown. Hi there I think I will. Walk. With him. You know whose farm it would be so far. It might be because it had all the animals that are in the song. That's right it said the old McGonagle for going to have all those animals sing that song. Should we be good wondering about one or two of the animals. One or two or three of us would be a good idea. You're seeing the first part and I'll be the animal you'll be the animal farm and I'll sing that you all. All right ready. Ready. Old McDonald had a farm a whole and this farm he had chickens
all with a work here and there. Here there everywhere old McDonald had off farm. Old old McDonald had a farm the all and on his farm he had all lamb all with a bob off here and there. Here there everywhere. Here and there they're everywhere. Old McDonald Had a Farm. All that was good. That was fun. I love when we can do what a rabbit a rabbit rabbit. All I know what you're gonna do. All right I won't try and try it. All right. Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Oh and on this farm he had our rabbit the
old weather here and there. Here there everywhere. Ah. He might have finished the song. All MacDonald had a farm. I see. You didn't make it sound like a rabbit did you at all. We haven't because rabbits rabbits make any sound at all. I don't think so but they were going all the way were with a very rapid fire too small to see when I wake up. Oh I'm ready. I'm a. Rabbit. All. Would you be No. Friend to call.
Your own and night friendly. It is. Late. This little chair will be waiting for one of you. In the rocking chair for another. Like a rock. And a big arm chair with two more to curl up and when you come again to work Castle I'll close the big front door and pull up the drawbridge after you're gone. Good night. Good night. To. You. You are
a. Jew. Are. Two
The Friendly Giant
Episode Number
Big Red Barn
Producing Organization
Wisconsin Public Television
Contributing Organization
PBS Wisconsin (Madison, Wisconsin)
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Episode Description
Jerome tells us of barns he has known. We read a book about a barn and Rusty sings a song about a farm, "Old MacDonald's." (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
Robert Homme conceived the title and general idea for his Friendly Giant television program for preschoolers in 1953 while he was working as writer/announcer for WHA at the University of Wisconsin. The Friendly Giant made his television debut in 1954, on WHA-TV, with Bob Homme as writer, producer and performer. The series continued on WHA-TV for a total of over 850 performances until May of 1958, then moved to Canada and the national network of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation where it continues to be seen by a third of a million young viewers every day. Bob Homme's main concern in the creation of his series was to bring to life a giant who wouldn't frighten children and the name, Friendly, was picked for that reason. The format today is essentially the same as it was when the program began in 1954. After the move to Canada, a puppet orchestra was added, along with a music room in which concerts of live music were performed. The appeal of the series is its quiet manner and leisurely pace and the intimate quality the Friendly Giant imparts by visualizing his audience as two or three children only. The series isn't obviously educational; it teaches more by showing than telling. The outsized "Giant" (who seems so big because he lives in a video world of miniature buildings and stage props) works with puppets to communicate knowledge and information on subjects ranging from pets to the weather. The series is designed for children ranging in age from three to seven. Each series opens in a farmyard where Friendly towers over miniature sets. He talks about farmyard animals and then invites his young viewers into his Castle where he reads stories, sings songs and talks with his little puppet friends. Puppets in The Friendly Giant are Rusty the Rooster and Jerome the Giraffe, operated and given voice by Rod Coneybears, and puppet casts Angie and Fiddle, operated by John and Linda Koegh. This series of 15-minute episodes was originally recorded in black and white. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Asset type
Content provided from the media collection of Wisconsin Public Broadcasting, a service of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System and the Wisconsin Educational Communications Board. All rights reserved by the particular owner of content provided. For more information, please contact 1-800-422-9707
Media type
Moving Image
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Performer: Homme, Robert
Producing Organization: Wisconsin Public Television
Writer: Homme, Robert
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Wisconsin Public Television (WHA-TV)
Identifier: cpb-aacip-b97183d8519 (Filename)
Format: DVCPRO
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:14:12
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The Friendly Giant; 108; Big Red Barn,” PBS Wisconsin, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “The Friendly Giant; 108; Big Red Barn.” PBS Wisconsin, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: The Friendly Giant; 108; Big Red Barn. Boston, MA: PBS Wisconsin, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from