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Major funding for a New Jersey network news is provided by the Geraldine R. dodge foundation and first Fidelity Bank. The following is a New Jersey network news special presentation. Governor Jim Florio state of the state address. Good evening and welcome to this New Jersey network news special the state of the state address. Governor Florio is about to deliver from the war memorial in Trenton his first State of the state message. But before we go to State House Correspondent Larry stupe Nicol a programming update for this evening Sanjay end coverage beginning at 7:30 after the governor's address its New Jersey network news then it NJ ends coverage continues with the Republican response to the governor's speech. And at 8:30 New Jersey tonight. Now we go to the War Memorial and Larry Stewart Nichol. Larry. OK everybody here is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Gov. Florio He's scheduled to be here in just a moment where as you said earlier he will deliver his first State of the state message. We now have the word down on the podium that Speaker Joe Doria
just told Senate president John Lynch that they got. It is indeed in the chamber and very shortly we will be seeing the government got to make his entrance ready and in just a few moments after that we will also of course hear first State of the state message down on stage right now with course we have the Senate president John Lynch announcing the committee that is as courting the governor and the governor is entering the room will go down on the floor here and. That is the governor entering right there of the desk or wife will soon there. Would be a few years. Seems to be always going at these moments when. You were very new but I see during his inaugural address to remove a lot of insurance policy. And now at a time of great need for the governor because he finished his last year of course. Not exactly. Far in the popularity polls. As a matter of fact he was setting records for being at the bottom of popularity polls. That of course
over 2.8 billion dollar tax program. Governor they are pausing to say hello to former Governor Richard Hughes who came here to hear the speech tonight. The governor going up on stage getting some warm up was on this of course Democratic partisan. Audience. But we also see some Republicans applauding down there. Governor Florio now going to the stage. Over his first State of the state message. Standing up to all of. This must be giving him a little boost. There was some question as to just how much of a response how much of a positive response the governor would be receiving tonight given the fact that he's had some rebel within his own party but now that spilled out onto the stage and Governor Jim Florio has the statement. Thanks.
To. The to. Be out in. The. Evening to everyone tonight. We're here to talk about the state of the state. But first I'd like to pay tribute to some very important people who are here that we're proud of in the audience with us. Awesome wives and parents of New Jerseyans who have been called to duty in the Middle East. It's of course an anxious time for the families of those who are preparing for a war that we pray will not come. Cindy and I I thinking about her sister Joanne was in Saudi Arabia with the Air Force. The people here with us reflect the
bravery of those who serve and those who are back home waiting. Let's have them stand and be recognized please was. You on thank you very much of a US. Senate President Lynch speaker Doria members of the Senate the assembly and to all of you out there who are listening in watching just about a year ago I stood in this building and I took my oath of office 1990 to say the least. It was not a year for the faint hearted. Of the
it there was a lot of controversy much of it because we had to raise taxes. That's never an easy thing to do. We moved much faster than many people were prepared to move. Some say we didn't explain what we did as well as we could have. And there may be some truth to that. But the steps that we took prepare us to move ahead to make 1991 the year when we deliver on the promises of 1990 and find new ways to make life better for our people. I. Was. Are we. Tonight. I stand here proud of New Jersey and its people are proud of what we've done to prepare for our
future. I know a lot of people are worried about that future. Let me tell you about a young couple I know Greg and Ann like a lot of couples their age they both work they have two lovely children. They've just bought a house an old house that needs a lot of fixing up. Their lives are a constant juggling of work schedules and childcare. Late at night when the kids are asleep they spend their little spare time painting upstairs. Gregg happens to be my son. But it could be anybody's son. He's nervous about the future. Who wouldn't. But he's not alone. In Middlesex borough the catan a family that I visited wonders how to save for their
children's education. The Rogers family in Wayne thinks about what kind of schools await their new baby Peter down in that seeking who bellows hope that their home will be the retirement nest egg that they once thought it would be. Change is sweeping the world and it's very unsettling. A national recession puts prosperity and opportunity to the test people everywhere. What we know is government on my side or in my way. People have the right to ask these questions. But let me make it very clear in New Jersey we are prepared with answers.
T. The yes I know but the prophets of doom and gloom want to hang out a sign that says welcome the hard times. Well I'm not buying that. As far as I'm concerned they can hang their sign somewhere else. I'm going to up because in New Jersey we work too hard last year to make this state a good place to live. We're ready. We made choices that others are just starting to face up to. In 1991 we're the strongest state in the nation to.
To all our credit rating is number one in the nation. Q All businesses are moving in. We're going to grow and build and create jobs for people who want to work. Q Or where does the gentleman in 1990 we laid a firm foundation from 1991 and more importantly we're ready to deliver on our promises because we listened and we changed the things that needed changing like car insurance. My top priority when I took office with help from leaders like Senator Ambrosio And some in Brian and not about oh. We took the insurance companies out of the
driver's seat and put the people back in. Thank you all. To I am very happy to tell you but the law that I signed last year make sure that as of April 1st. Every policy written or renewed New Jersey will have something missing. Two hundred and twenty dollars per car. Thats the j u a surcharge we got rid of. All of a into. Some insurance companies are fighting us in the court. But the state of New Jersey will keep standing on the side of our drivers. And and our commissioner Commissioner Fortunato would sit back. And let the savings we fought for be washed away by rate
increases for good drivers. That's the commitment that we've made. With people like scent of the Weiss and Assemblyman Watson. We took on the fight against the most unfair burden that we face. Property taxes this year will see the results. Of. The big increases of the past decade will stop homestead rebates will go up for hundreds of thousands of our people. I'm calling on the legislature now to make sure that the hardworking homeowners and tenants of this state have their checks in hand by the thirty first of July. 0 8. Of. We took direct action to help the middle class
property tax payer. And I know that leaders like Speaker Doria and said Oh inch. I would just hope that that happens they will join me in making sure that we take the steps necessary to provide savings for you. Oh and. The state supreme court declared our school funding system illegal and unconstitutional. So we passed laws that said that the quality of our children's education will not depend on the accident of where they happen to live. Every child is entitled to a quality education of. The
honor was what we made it very clear. The taxpayers had to get something back for the extra money we're investing in our children's future. We're giving more but we're expecting more and not just from the students but from everyone involved in teaching our kids. Commissioner Ellis and legislators like some of the feldman some enables to make sure that our expectations are fulfilled and our quality education commission will keep looking at how we can make sure that our new system works better. And I'm looking forward to what it is that the commission recommends to us. Meanwhile what I am eager to sign laws in 1991 they will make sure that the three Rs are joined by the big day. Accountability.
We need new ways for work. We're going to we need new ways to measure our children's progress. We need tough ethical standards for our school officials and we need an inspector general to take aim at corruption and waste. I am going to open. Ladies and gentlemen a state that cracks down on those who pollute our water should do no less with those who steal from our children. Going to OK. In 1990 we started to take a long overdue look at state government. Our audit commission is showing us ways to save money
but it's also telling us that we can be smarter in the way that we do what needs to be done. So I'm announcing tonight that I've accepted the Audit Commission's recommendation to end the car inspection system as it now exists. We can contract with private firms and do only the air pollution testing that's required by federal law. We'll sacrifice nothing in safety and for once we'll be listening to the drivers of New Jersey who've been saying for years that something is wrong. Ah to you. And in working for a smarter government in 1991 We'll continue to move ahead starting with a hard look at how state government
has to be reshaped even redefined to meet the real needs of real people. Will keep in mind two goals. First having government as small as it can be and still doing what it has to do. And second making sure that what we do makes sense common sense. And that means government should have the courage to do what it must do and the wisdom to get out of the way when someone else can do it better. To you right now right now our government is like the fellow who drinks and smokes and eats too much and then wonders why his doctor is so upset. We have 19 departments in state government. We have more
authorities and commissions and I can even name. Frankly we have more than we need. Soon I'll announce my proposals on how we can reduce the number of government departments and make government make sense. I'll listen to the suggestions of others in and out of government on how it is that we can do this and then we will reason together. The goal is to strike the right balance in 1991 will find that balance by paying attention to what it is that needs doing most and doing it better. Thank you aunt. AS. And in doing that we can be leaner and still find
new ways to meet people's needs. For example we won't sit back. And watch college costs grow out of reach for middle class families. Someone who went through Trenton State College on the G.I. Bill I know it isn't always easy. And back then tuition was only one hundred fifty dollars a year. I want to follow I want to follow the lead of some of the Dalton and speak of Doria and their ideas to offer discounted savings bonds now to pay for college later. On. To and to let people borrow up to $5000 a year at fixed reasonable rates. Oh
OK. All parents want their children to go farther than they did and they should never have to apologize for not being able to do enough as far as I'm concerned. Education is just another word for opportunity. To all. We also have to do more to help our people share in the American dream of owning a home. Homeownership is down in New Jersey and we can change that. So I'm very pleased to announce tonight an agreement with the Federal National Mortgage Association Fannie Mae. It will provide two hundred and fifty million dollars. In reduced cost mortgages for middle class first time homebuyers.
To. Ah we'll reduce upfront costs and put owning a home back in the reach of more of our people and a revitalized whole building industry will help us jumpstart the economy and create jobs. US to him. Saving money is important so is saving lives. We must renew our pursuit of safe streets and secure neighborhoods. Nothing means more to us than to our families. So cracking down on crime is high on our agenda. And that means.
Fighting for a constitutional amendment sonde sponsored by assembly members for the coach to protect the rights of crime victims. To a Over and above all I want a death penalty that doesn't just exist on paper we have it we should use an. AA. A. The should also be be here when we cure our seriously ill health care system. Is. Going to too many people can't afford to get sick because it costs too much to get well. That's not acceptable. I want to work with the legislature on a
solution that puts the brakes on costs and make sure that everyone has access to quality care. The AA. And I am especially concerned about our senior citizens. Last year they paid one hundred and twenty nine million dollars out of their own pockets for costs above their Medicare and co-payment. That's not acceptable either. For many of our younger people there is no more important issue than child care. As more mothers and fathers both work. They need a place where their children are safe and secure and where they get real learning. At the stage in their lives when it does the most
good. We are working on a major initiative to double our current resources for childcare so that more parents can have peace of mind and more children can have a good start in life that they need to will. Thanks. In New Jersey. We will never let down our God against polluters who threaten our water and air and with the leadership of people like scent of a Van Wagner summit Smith. We did a lot. In 1980 we collected record fines from polluters. We had the fewest beach closings and the best water quality in many a summer at the Jersey Shore. But we can do more
and we will. This year our oceans stops being a septic tank and we go back to having it as the precious resource that we love because on March 17th we keep our pledge to ban all dumping in the Atlantic Ocean to AA. Are we to. And this year I want to sign a tough law that protects the Shaw once and for all from unknown reasonable development. Oh OK. Perhaps as important as anything else that we
do in 1991 I want state government to be a true partner with the business men and women who skill and drive mean so much to this state. So I'm proposing that we call together an economic conference. Leaders from business and labor and both political parties will get together and map a strategy for keeping this state growing and selling our benefits to the entire world. Will soon be announcing an agreement with New York State to help cement this region's leadership position in the global marketplace. It will outline how our two states will work together to increase exports and bring more international business here. Ladies and gentlemen government should be an engine that drives our economy
not a weight that holds back investment and work would mean jobs today and a secure future tomorrow. Thank you and was. Alan. We can make those investments. Because we made the right choices in 1900. We kept New Jersey's triple-A credit rating highest in the nation. And you don't have to be a Wall Street tycoon to get the benefit of that. What really counts is its impact on Main Street. It means jobs. It means saving millions of dollars as we get the capital to build roads and schools and bridges. What if it's been deferred too long work that means keeping New Jersey's competitive edge far into the
21st century. Thank you all. Thank you and with the help of people like commissioners Downes Zuroff and will prime the pump of New Jersey's economy. Our people know how to work. They want to work and there's work to be done to keep this state great. Thanks to. A national recession as the ideal time to invest in new jersey and we can. Was going to and that's why I'm going to be calling on the legislature to follow the lead of Senator Walter ran and raise the cap on the transportation trust fund.
That step alone would mean 70000 jobs. Thank you. Ah. Tomorrow I'm going to Atlantic City to talk about finally building a world class airport. There are more jobs going to to. Talking about jobs makes me feel good like it did when I was in Jersey City here for the announcement by Tropicana orange juice of their building a manufacturing facility there. Like it did when I was in Piscataway where Pepsi Cola broke ground for a bottling plant. More jobs and it meant all of just last week when our commitment to work with the business community
brought the BASF corporation there are thousands of more jobs. Ladies and gentlemen I've got my shovel ready and I'll break ground in every corner of this cake Owen. Or was. 1998 was a year when a lot of people got involved. From my office I could hear the drama unfold on the steps of the state house. One day some people would come down and say spend more money on arts on the colleges on agriculture. Another day another group would come just as vocal
just as committed but insisting that we spend less on everything a conflict. Sure. It's called democracy. Are we. It was sometimes it's loud sometimes it's messy but it works. Was I hope that you all stay involved in 1991 from the schoolhouse to the state house or wherever decisions are made that affect your lives. Ask questions demand accountability that your government and your money people don't have to agree on everything but we can't be so. Power lies
by differences. That we ignore the challenges we face. It. Was. So let me conclude by stressing again 1990 was about investing. 1991 is about dividends. It was. March 17 no more ocean dumping. The ole April 1st no more j u a surcharge. July 30 first in Homestead rebates of up to $500. To mission help for the middle class.
Home ownership for more of our people. A more sensible inspection system. Leaner government. New roads. And jobs. Thank you. AA NA Lets all work together. There's a lot to do. We have something good here in New Jersey. Something that is worth keeping. I spoke earlier about a sign some people wanted to put up. Let's all of
us join hands and put together a sign of our own. A sign that says New Jersey works. Ah thank you to AA. It's. A. Risky. Rescue for a packed house here at the Laurel Maryland. There is. Nowhere in the governor's speech tonight to talk about any of the elements of the already billion dollar tax program. One element was repealed last year that was a tax on heavy trucks and equipment that Gov. Florio seem to be saying tonight he
didn't have to back off on a good piece. Instead he said the state has made some hard choices that have left it in the best economic shape in the country. That's the situation down here in Trenton as governor Florio leaves the chamber. I'm Larry stooping to go reporting live let's go back to the studio now to Stephen Carol. All right Larry thank you. And we're going to take a short break in our coverage of the state of the state address a special edition of New Jersey network news coming up.
New Jersey Nightly News
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Governor's State of the State (with Supers)
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New Jersey Network (Trenton, New Jersey)
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Identifier: BS-981 (NJN ID)
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Duration: 01:00:00?
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Chicago: “New Jersey Nightly News; Governor's State of the State (with Supers),” 1991-01-08, New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 20, 2024,
MLA: “New Jersey Nightly News; Governor's State of the State (with Supers).” 1991-01-08. New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 20, 2024. <>.
APA: New Jersey Nightly News; Governor's State of the State (with Supers). Boston, MA: New Jersey Network, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from