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The system 10 chill employees and of course members stations he disagreed vehemently with were remarks of net present in white on the subject of writing into the bill. More limitations on the power of the proposed corporation. Asked by senators to comment on the controversy over public operating requirements. A controversy raised during testimony yesterday Mr Henry said he would oppose official government operating by the Government Accounting Office but that he does feel a private audit which would be made public is mandatory. Later in the conference the hearings members of the Senate subcommittee heard from Jackie McBride and a panel of officials representing the educational television system. Mr McBride is manager of the Nebraska ATV network as well as an official officer of the National Association of educational broadcasters. He outlined details of his prepared statement which was omitted from testimony orally due to the time limitations. He said he approves of financial expansion to the individual states which is part of the
bill. He said he's glad to see radio included. He said it was long sought by Nebraska to have such federal help to radio and he's glad it is now coming. Mr. McBride felt proposed public television corporation benefits would be massive. He strongly emphasized the need to guarantee local autonomy and local control over the broadcast of the nationally produced shows. He noted that many educational television stations operate all year on a budget equal to the cost of one minute of primetime programming on commercial television. To use this example to note the drastic need for more money in urging a study of instructional television of the same quality as done by the Carnegie Commission. Mr McBride noted the lack of actual concrete facts in the field of non commercial instructional television. Carnegie Commission of course dwelt mainly on public non instructional TV. SEE Scott
Fletcher of the then added comments on that as well as the public and TV Corp operation. He commented briefly about the national production aspects of educational television then discussed at great length the operation of a national interconnected networking system. The next witness to appear before the Commerce Subcommittee this morning was Newton Minow former chairman of the FCC who was here representing the NSA and to educational television outlets in Chicago. Mr Menno described the operation of his two stations in an effort to show what can and is being done by stations in the field. He gave specific examples of what this bill would do to aid his stations showing that there are many things more than ideals involved here there are bills to pay. He said he doesn't think the original federal educational television Act the one passed in 1962 was intended to just put stations on the air and let them starve but he added It
is mandatory for the stations to be so finance that they can become a vital asset to the nation. Mr Menno was asked by Senator Hart to comment on the operation of the public television corporation. He noted that it should not produce shows what it should contract for such production. Appearing next was Death Row Joseph S. represented ATF for which he is a consultant and is now an ex board chairman rather of WMD tea in New York. Mr. Josephs said he does not fear the proposed public television board's appointment by the president as do some of the witnesses. He did not foresee any political repercussions or loss of local control over ultimate programming. Mr. Josephs was questioned further about the Senate fears and he reiterated his belief that such fears appear unnecessary. A TSA board chairman McBride then repeated his feelings that the corporation would not endanger local autonomy wrapping up the witness testimony was C. Scott Fletcher
representing Miami Florida Educational Television stations and the Conference of 1964 in detail he outlined proposals of the 1964 educational television conference which originally gave birth to the idea that resulted in formation of the Carnegie Commission on educational television. That of course was heard moments ago before the recess. We mention that tomorrow Friday will be the last day of this first session of Senate hearings scheduled to appear is in a bee instructional division. Board Chairman George Bayer representatives of national educational radio fluting Executive Director Gerald Sandler. Johnson Foundation president Leslie PAF wrath and public director Dr. Fred Harrington University of Washington Representative Bill should also former president of the U.S. Capitol Correspondents Association. Also appearing tomorrow will be University of Pennsylvania Representative Dr. Robert Lewis an Albany State Medical
College representative Dr. Frank Jim Woolsey Jr. these witnesses will appear tomorrow it's impossible at this point to say whether or not their testimony will have to be condensed. These hearings we will repeat. Have been cut short. Witness testimony was asked to be condensed because of important action which is going on today on the floor of the United States Senate. The investment tax credit restoration bill is to be voted on today and a rider has been attached to that bill which would repeal the so-called presidential campaign fund Act of 1966. A hot floor battle is is expected on these attempts. And because of that Senate leadership has asked all Democratic members to be present. This committee like all committees of course is predominately Democratic and thus the members were forced to leave early. You have been listening to this to the third day of testimony as the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on communications studies the proposed public television Act of 1967.
This broadcast has originated live from the United States Senate Office Building in Washington D.C. The special coverage is being produced by W am UFA American University Radio in Washington D.C. and a national educational radio. The Senate proceedings are being heard live by members stations of the Eastern educational radio network in addition to WMUR here in Washington. They include w h y Philadelphia W. RV our New York WGBH Boston WFC our Amhurst Massachusetts and WAMC in Albany New York. I'm Bill Greenwood a public affairs director for national educational radio. Our technical director has been Mr. Mike Harris. Am you. Members of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on communications meet again tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. for a resumption of these hearings and the end of the first scheduled a week of testimony. Our live coverage will resume at 10:00
a.m. tomorrow. This is the eastern educational radio network. The play's the thing focuses on the playwrights role in a theatrical production.
Public Television Hearings
Producing Organization
WGBH Educational Foundation
Contributing Organization
WGBH (Boston, Massachusetts)
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Episode Description
part 3 ( part 2 missing?)
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Public Television Hearings is a series of recordings of the government hearings about public television.
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Film and Television
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Producing Organization: WGBH Educational Foundation
Production Unit: Radio
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Identifier: 67-0089-04-13-003 (WGBH Item ID)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
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Chicago: “Public Television Hearings,” 1967-04-13, WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “Public Television Hearings.” 1967-04-13. WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Public Television Hearings. Boston, MA: WGBH, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from