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it's been so the move move danny nina children along the
country stand for hours regardless of who remain patient b and the patient's in charge because it's minister educator television producer and above all mr rogers of mister rogers' neighborhood right right and to the
tattoo removal meaningful dialogue and need to find comfort we help in getting control of the seemingly uncontrollable right it is this need the need to communicate with children about childhood which is fred rogers main concern most of his work involves television still his dialogue with childhood is not confined to the television studio
extends into the nursery schools of the united presbyterian church of which is a minister and the university of pittsburg child study center to which he is a consultant they're good it's b fb
the pain television was the only nonviolent non this week and the first line a single unit of sight and sound may combine a child's
preoccupation with water applied his fascination with mechanical causes delight in song and is concerned about his behavior in relationship to the adult world again he'd we need money now with
when you write music and have a women for children even before us that they felt about a month off there's something of the korea and creative artist comes through anyone you know like i like you if you are for instance this has turned out and i collaborated on that song it's turned out to be one of the most important thank you and
children need to hear that i don't think that anybody can grow unless you really are defective in fact maybe you're going to be fine so much of that in this country anyway you know that that the child is appreciated for what he will that lawful when the attack he will be a great consumer some day and so the quicker we can get them to grow up and the quicker we can get them out of the nest so that they will go out and buy their own home at twelve maybe an inventor the child has a child has to know his main conditions is to do with these concerns in things to be built and to be
destroyed or says to be free and to be controlled is to explore and frustration has to be resolved michele thank you have any of that program central figures are mr rogers and the characters who populate the land as that and what is that going to expect it right when a copper having only ones are but this is just a row of rubber to the remote copper color and if that's what they called it you
have an error that i made of rubber to all i'd like to show you i'm a writer i think you need to take all right this is what a couple of bangs iphone notice how you are the pinnacle to do and oboe move he's from africa to our own into all of this was about four or five years old he's the middle east was because they get and then he's not going to get much or no way though one of them spend on top of the move to the right
people pay for it this is what they show people like to use insects new tunnel in the girl with all this one probably about six years old for though the time for the mythical in the dirt in their growth meant to take that that's why you don't see anybody else that the eye to get through to the rule will go for a long walk in the movie that i would take they can look into vermont low level and move and go to the f tomorrow we will have a snack and talk about more ethnic there weren't i think their favorite an economist why than that and walk through that underneath or
if you were a lot of law i do they became a couple and then i have something about the following that this or something and then we can get into the level that they were a little bit of that who knew then you can love them to in n out and tell them stories on a lot of the times when you were there fire the times when you found great clip i've been crying out and bought a reel playing it on
do you there are growing fears that right when you're being re things something if you can stand the frustration in fact every frustration that you go through you've you've been able to grow but at the helm rob roy at mit that you when you learn how to write that that helps as far as the law along with that with those that we put a lot at the end show notes
and they will be a grown up too and have fun children grow up too then you can love them in them out and tell them it's all about the time when you were there a little bit you know thank you very much a year and a half rebellion an end all here are practically got thoughts like clean cooking a winner i wanted to open up that then at a gallop on my top of the well but brotherhood could have the effect of the land there are many children like they got out to know that and i think about it a lot
but i think the important thing because this is one of the main things in their life in all my life very first three way that a child has of knowing what the world is there is now thank you the piano only think you know when the bin and fear that they had nothing to do with and that period
have a great day good morning do you have anything oh when are you going to take your point with you and your bed that you're going to take everything and put them in a new account thank
you he directed it it is we carry on many qualities are brought to bear upon fred rogers were qualities which crowd each other as the books and scripts records notes and mementos which noticed it very
much oh that the obvious and hidden the ruble and the contradictory a band to the same purpose as at other feeling for childhood and intuitive knowing of childhood memories personal and collective you shape songs for his dialogue with the community a childhood childhood not in a commercial sense that picture book childhood funny and cute the childhood that is
growth and growing pains wonder and disappointment as you had unfenced emotions which cosmo saw them because joy childhood arctic loneliness childhood sanctuary and total power of selflessness and other selfishness neutral and reckless abandon as at at the poor when a whale i thought were one of the last
places that went to the village than americans who i had never met these children in war and at the request of that and to back down during road that i didn't they own work and the children the thing some of our work on television and so they knew who i was but they didn't just rush toward me they started become one by one effect down one small carrot if they're even more but they can be on nylon include my particular area and their restaurant and then they didn't feel that there was a lone there for most of them and one little more than an effect spoke workers and all he said was my
doggy year came off in the automatic water and there was just complete silence it was as if this is your path mr leonard are you still in touch with a child and so i stayed and sometimes that happens to toys doesn't their ears a lot of their legs cannot but that never happens to us our ears don't come off our noses don't come off our arms don't come off and that yours eyes are getting bigger and bigger and bigger and he fled mr lentz don't come off and i said no they don't and i didn't have to go any further use that i didn't have to play them off because the children knew
that i was thinking and immediately all of the other children start asking questions and poignant question questions about their one child and it was just a very you know we shall now open the door you have i asked that question may commit and we will communicate with the rain but if i had said i'm convinced that if i had said and threw her a quite a factor what happened that year did your mother so that iran again then i know they would've very politely that there and that nothing more but in response to this and i'm
sure that it worked for a long time because it was about the third week of vacation that it came to me that we needed to have a song about body integrity that everybody was whole and everybody was just right away he was born and so that's when the song in everybody's fantasy oh nice i'm renee montagne
no no all right thank you can you tell me about it that's right
everybody and part of that you mean in this is and the childhood concert hall which uses not childhood book and learning what childhood
injury and the terminology in which childhood expresses its joy has creative process but i think the nearest person and i lived here is flying here the men they have their bodies and in our bodies that they live where you do have a body here and the little girl on the thing doom doom is a handyman named jeanne la
national educational television i don't know
Creative Person
Episode Number
Fred Rogers
Producing Organization
WQED (Television station : Pittsburgh, Pa.)
Contributing Organization
WQED (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
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Episode Description
Fred Rogers is a television phenomenon. He is a 39-year-old ordained minister, an educator, graduate musician, and a quiet, gentle, unselfconscious young man who possesses a mysterious and quite remarkable attraction for pre-school children. When his daily half-hour program, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood," was threatened with cancellation for lack of funds last spring in Boston, station WGBH-TV was deluged with protests. When Rogers himself made a personal appearance there, 6,000 pint-sized fans turned out to see him. Since then, Rogers' program (a composite of songs, conversation, puppet neighbors, and people neighbors, palatable lessons and ideas) has attracted a Sears-Roebuck Foundation grant and will be a regular five-day-a-week children's feature on NET stations across the country this season. This Creative Person film shows the man behind "Mister Rogers'," the television personality. Rogers is visited at his home, is seen at the studio rehearsing his television program and observed working with study groups. He talks about his feelings towards his own two children and explains his intense desire to find a means of communicating with children honestly on their own terms. Creative Person: Fred Rogers was produced for National Educational Television by its Pittsburgh affiliate, WQED-TV. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Series Description
This series focuses on the private vision of the creative person. Each program is devoted to a 20th century artist whose special qualities of imagination, taste, originality, intelligence, craftsmanship, and individuality have marked him as a pace-setter in his field. These artists --- whose fields span the entire gamut of the art world --- include filmmaker Jean Renoir, poet John Ciardi, industrial designer Raymond Loewy, Hollywood producer-director King Vidor, noted Broadway couple Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee, artist Leonard Baskin, humorist James Thurber, satirist Robert Osborn, Indian musician Ravi Shankar, poet P. G. Wodehouse, painter Georges Braque, former ballet star Olga Spessivtzeva, Rudolf Bing, and Marni Nixon. The format for each program has been geared to the individual featured; Performance, interview, and documentary technique are employed interchangeably. The Creative Person is a 1965 production of National Educational Television. The N.E.T. producers are Jack Sameth, Jac Venza, Lane Slate, Thomas Slevin, Brice Howard, Craig Gilbert, and Jim Perrin. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Film and Television
Media type
Moving Image
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Camera Operator: O'Connell, PJ
Editor: Spies, N.
Guest: Rogers, Fred
Narrator: Francisco, William
Producer: Kassel, Virginia
Producer: Brauchitsch, Mathias von
Producing Organization: WQED (Television station : Pittsburgh, Pa.)
Writer: Brauchitsch, Mathias von
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: 16739 (WQED)
Format: Betacam: SP
Duration: 00:29:16
Identifier: 10720 (WQED)
Format: 1 inch videotape
Duration: 01:06:00?
Identifier: 5025 (WQED)
Format: 16mm film
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2000440-1 (MAVIS Item ID)
Format: 16mm film
Generation: Copy: Access
Color: B&W
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2000440-2 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2000440-3 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2000440-4 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Master
Library of Congress
Identifier: 2000440-5 (MAVIS Item ID)
Generation: Copy: Access
Indiana University Libraries Moving Image Archive
Identifier: [request film based on title] (Indiana University)
Format: 16mm film
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Creative Person; 70; Fred Rogers,” 1967-10-08, WQED, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “Creative Person; 70; Fred Rogers.” 1967-10-08. WQED, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Creative Person; 70; Fred Rogers. Boston, MA: WQED, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from