thumbnail of Illustrated Daily; 104; 
     Library Footage, The Fate of Carrie Tingley Hospital. Hospital Corridor.
    Black And White Movie - Truth or Consequences Documentary "Fate of
    Carrie Tingley Hospital." Signs "Tax Dept, Human Services.
    "Right to Work" Strike, Union Made Labels. "Right to
    Work" Documentary. John L. Lewis, President of UNM 1920-1960 Speaking.
    Coal Miners (Old Black and White Shot), Mining. Sunset Legislation. Usury
    Documentary. Pan Of Manila Folders. Archbishop Sanchez.
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Uniguti wedi yw … Huw – yw'ch gyllaig credu flannu hwn yw'r unigwnulau Dirri wrth해�u. phen Literally, honn yn Ysgwyr Ysgwyr Niol i Llooni hai Iorでした ifoordiaeth Ior Channel wedi'n Clifan吧 pa ardi Hiloph Storm yn Dwięd! Ond yímech, einodggio'r That trivia Dialoeddair anyig�gen yn Ysgwyr I o bethàre o cael yn Ysgwyr Ran gerrzeithmiau minen enw i cael dimi defnyddio byt soph huge catau At yn diицol yn ESG a foodeth dar oczywiście ondo a hệ galais y sensible fforddor i fforddic ar y middell. Ir y mi i気fel i Wis och Undond y dwys honodu culiadwyd y bydwlio eicemariu ar y mewn oedelol.
Duchileg elig sutod yn taimdolodd hefyd i glastio eraill y gallu dobl y ll dranftonol a jodd Welgiad arhazda etio it fallos. να hur ein eilewnn Campaignolóng pedigwedd yng Nghymru, at yw bar Member a'r gydol gwnewidd ym yn ddienae'r yr friwethwydyddai'u hedddowsethodau sy'n oeswch lyw sys悠ethodau sy'n y recordsyn pleguethau'r amyd yn Snenn итоге, a'r rhelfeddim edbydd eu gwneud di narg, a'r rhelfedw auch y gallanwnni m泵 im�� gogerot, ac ylwyd chenau ourthio, yn gydol frånws establishment, yd ll Waithu i'rター yn â'r rhelfedwig, Greif y bu endfel itw ger生 adic. Mae'n cawna'iし ac yn middair cyfodio gar онwy i'u rydych rwydio'n ynhu angh trouble. Mae'r agi innebadelid yn quite nhon a chi hewyd물ad ddiolg. I'm a fo���ragygu fel i ni…
Eithberi chi waith. Mae'n Skors gywy mandateai y Dyna wedi hefno … Point wnas gawnen ysder yn y meddwl angym Después o ffordd dawyr cadw llawer ac dod uit sy'n mig, a drod wedi gwiftod earden i' ang wrth gwnenig o difícil fy i'r be? a þarrhaud ddy рwy lyd unnwch arnaddol o ddyd evening a barethol parwch chi wedi er ydddda wediser a wyfnyn i wedi eis gyfer Ιafenl go gallau fed ym frego Now this is ven i'n dyhedol un oedd g完了ad cael diwer angym yr brolyshog bestra penag iawn i'r bydd i gydeni traolio ni'n telnau fel ac i'r osنb arall. Mae'n食l yoga b跳naewor, yn Ylwb bioedd Uneg Llywllïdiol? Mae'n mynd dwi'nheratol fel digreffol owrthau fi salaf fyТi bryn nhw'n gueith goingis i sy'n nod convictions. Dar說r o'n bennw yma dill. Dda hynnydd i mewn tetfieldreiff e ر кам cael gy Urbanol i ddau â'i areaffol o oraill sy'n mewn brigalt. In 1974 we opened a Ralph Edwards Wing to the Geronimo Springs Museum and Ralph had this figure of him and Bob Barker made for the Ralph Edwards Wing.
Then he had this voice box made too. Hello there, we've been waiting for you. This is Ralph Edwards and we have that greeting that you heard on the Truth of Consumption Radio and Television shows. In 1940 we would like to welcome you to our namesake city Truth or Consequences New Mexico. Here is Carried Tingly Hospital for Children, a state-and-doubt hospital. Truth or Consequences, the show that has done so much for polio and other children's diseases is proud to think that its namesake city is doing the same. The namesake city may not be doing the same much longer. Carried Tingly Hospital's inability to attract a medical director and its lack of support services has made a move necessary. Most employees have mixed feelings. I would like to see it continue to intercede. That's what you're saying. This is my home but I can't say that you could say the program just by having a medical director it takes more than that.
A truly number of them would like to see the program remain here. It's very difficult to change your way of life after 40-some years. It was the most marvelous hospital ever laid out so long ago. Now, income is just as a group and want to tear it apart and physician that make it a club for you, for my understanding a certain few. Well, this community needs a nursing home. Well, there's a lot of bitterness over the move of Carried Tingly Hospital, especially I guess the way it was brought out. We're losing it all. We're not very happy about it. I'll tell you that because it has meant a lot to all of us that lived here. A lot of politics involved in the move. When you lose a two or three million dollar budget out of community of any size, be it albuquerque or truth or consequences, it takes a chunk out of a people's lives.
Truth or consequences. Truth or consequences. Truth or consequences. Truth or consequences.
Truth or consequences. Truth or consequences. Truth or consequences. Truth or consequences.
Truth or consequences. Truth or consequences. The organization, you have the aid of your fellow men. Without organization, you are alone in the vigil. Without in clause. And without recognition of any kind. And exploitation of you and your family when it pleases some industrious who desire to make money from your misery.
I have to stop the matter now. I have to stop the matter now. The town of Madrid exemplifies one of the segments of New Mexico's labor history, that is mining. The labor movement gained impetus when the new deal swept the nation.
Then in 1944 the union was firmly entrenched in Madrid and just in time to supply the historic Los Alamos project with 200 tons of cola day. Operations continued until mining was phased out in 1961. Our nation has endured controversy, upheaval and even violence in the matter of organizing labor movements. The industrial revolution spurred our awareness of appalling on the job conditions. The American people rose up against sweatshops, child labor, and equal consideration for minorities. Labor unions figured prominently in rectifying these problems, issues were clear then, but today how do people feel about their right to work? I agree with him, I'm for the right to work, Bill. I think everybody should have a right to work and I don't believe any boss should have to get somebody's permission to fire somebody for not doing a good job, just because it belongs to a union there.
I have a union if your outsider has come to work for you. From state that has it and it works real good, keeps the unions hell out of things. The right to work is between union and learning. I don't think you should have to be in the union to get a job. I would guess the union. Child labor is the thing at the path. I think that's the union is good. Now it's ruined everything up. What exactly does right to work mean? In a nutshell, it prohibits mandatory union membership as a condition of employment, and that's where the controversy begins. The pro side says that it guarantees freedom of choice, and that right to work states have lower cost of living and unemployment rates, as well as increased job opportunities. Those against Senate Bill 39 say that it will outlaw the union shop, lower wages, and job opportunities, as well as cut back on benefits.
That are you all boys, which side are you all? Going up to New York City, we've got this friend to do, in five parts, many months, and we're not about to lose. Which side are you all? Which side are you all? But you may be sure that the legislature, the governor, the courts, and all the departments of state government are working to make your state a better place in which to live. While government responsiveness was once taken for granted, the question on the minds of many people these days is how do we make state institutions more adaptable to the needs of our citizens? State agencies and their dozens of boards and commissions have grown considerably over the years. Huge departments have developed, such as state health and environment, which employs more than 40 division chiefs, who help design and implement health programs for New Mexico.
But this department, like others, has been plagued with problems in almost every area, from funding to community relations. The government institution is an example of a concern expressed quite often. That big isn't always better. For years, questions have been kicked around by both legislative and executive branches. Questions such as should agencies be reviewed more carefully than is currently done in the annual budget process? And do we need to look more carefully at agency administration, regulations, personnel, and bureaucracy in general? Perhaps one of the more drastic ideas is to put 12 of the state's agencies under the sunset law, which would allow the legislature to review and even abolish them if it were determined that the units did not serve their purpose? These various methods of improving state government bring about questions also. The executive is worried about the overstepping of the legislature into the powers of the executive branch.
And there is a concern that our current cabinet system, which went into effect just two and a half years ago, is being torn apart, piece by piece. Some however, such as Governor Bruce King would like to re-study the whole idea of government reorganization, a bill is in the house to do just that. Whatever the method the idea is a sincere one, to bring government back in line with meeting the needs of the people. Anyone borrowing money to make a purchase or seeking a small loan from a bank or consumer finance organization may be paying higher interest rates in the future.
Presently, the House Business and Industry Committee is considering several bills, which would raise the ceiling on interest rates or remove it all together. Money lenders, including banks, savings and loan institutions, credit unions, loan companies, car dealers, insurance companies, and many retailers say their cost of money has risen to the point that they cannot afford to lend money to customers under the existing ceilings. They have testified that the money available to land is shrinking and that some lenders have gone out of business as a result of present restrictions. If the present usually bills or a composite bill is successful, consumers will be paying higher interest rates on cars, appliances, and homes as well as small loans. Although it seems to critics of the bills that allowing higher interest rates only fans the flames of inflation at the consumer's expense, the proponents of the bill believe that it's more important to have money available at a higher cost than to reduce the loan pool available.
The House Business and Industry Committee is considering several bills or a composite bill. The House Business and Industry Committee is considering several bills. The House Business and Industry Committee is considering several bills or a composite bill. The House Business and Industry Committee is considering several bills. Do you have any changes in your life that you'd like to make before we get started together? Do you want to be embarrassed when I catch you?
Because they're not growing up in an atmosphere and an environment that is strongly Christ-like or Christian and not that excludes other religions either, but those values that are common to all the world that believes in God, I want our children to have those values. There's other values around that literally exclude any God and any permanency of values and we have to get our young people back. The House Business and Industry Committee is considering several bills or a composite bill. I think my exposure to a great deal of poverty in the world, especially in Latin America, as well as in Europe, but especially there in Latin America, has made me very sensitive to suffering peoples and I know that it is not enough simply to render service, but we also have to work to try to overcome those structures that cause poverty and allow it to per do or to continue. When I see suffering and in death and I see generation after generation going through this, I feel that church cannot stand idly by.
She has to be a part of an effort to offer life and respect for life for all peoples. She has to be a part of that. She has to be a part of that. She has to be a part of that.
Illustrated Daily
Episode Number
Raw Footage
Library Footage, The Fate of Carrie Tingley Hospital. Hospital Corridor. Black And White Movie - Truth or Consequences Documentary "Fate of Carrie Tingley Hospital." Signs "Tax Dept, Human Services. "Right to Work" Strike, Union Made Labels. "Right to Work" Documentary. John L. Lewis, President of UNM 1920-1960 Speaking. Coal Miners (Old Black and White Shot), Mining. Sunset Legislation. Usury Documentary. Pan Of Manila Folders. Archbishop Sanchez.
Producing Organization
KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
Contributing Organization
New Mexico PBS (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
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Raw Footage Description
Library Footage, 00:00 The fate of Carrie Tingley Hospital. 00:24 Hospital corridor. 00:35 Black and White movie - Truth or Consequences documentary "Fate of Carrie Tingley Hospital." 05:58 Signs "Tax Dept, Human Services. 7:45 "Right to Work" strike, Union Made labels. 08:33 "Right to Work" documentary. John L. Lewis, President of UNM 1920-1960 speaking. 09:15 Coal miners (Old Black and White shot), mining. 15:16 Coal miners (Old Black and White shot). 15:16 Sunset Legislation. 15:50 Usury documentary. 16:06 pan of manila folders. 17:30 Archbishop Sanchez.
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Raw Footage
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Moving Image
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Producing Organization: KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-659cb3d2285 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
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Chicago: “Illustrated Daily; 104; Library Footage, The Fate of Carrie Tingley Hospital. Hospital Corridor. Black And White Movie - Truth or Consequences Documentary "Fate of Carrie Tingley Hospital." Signs "Tax Dept, Human Services. "Right to Work" Strike, Union Made Labels. "Right to Work" Documentary. John L. Lewis, President of UNM 1920-1960 Speaking. Coal Miners (Old Black and White Shot), Mining. Sunset Legislation. Usury Documentary. Pan Of Manila Folders. Archbishop Sanchez. ,” New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “Illustrated Daily; 104; Library Footage, The Fate of Carrie Tingley Hospital. Hospital Corridor. Black And White Movie - Truth or Consequences Documentary "Fate of Carrie Tingley Hospital." Signs "Tax Dept, Human Services. "Right to Work" Strike, Union Made Labels. "Right to Work" Documentary. John L. Lewis, President of UNM 1920-1960 Speaking. Coal Miners (Old Black and White Shot), Mining. Sunset Legislation. Usury Documentary. Pan Of Manila Folders. Archbishop Sanchez. .” New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: Illustrated Daily; 104; Library Footage, The Fate of Carrie Tingley Hospital. Hospital Corridor. Black And White Movie - Truth or Consequences Documentary "Fate of Carrie Tingley Hospital." Signs "Tax Dept, Human Services. "Right to Work" Strike, Union Made Labels. "Right to Work" Documentary. John L. Lewis, President of UNM 1920-1960 Speaking. Coal Miners (Old Black and White Shot), Mining. Sunset Legislation. Usury Documentary. Pan Of Manila Folders. Archbishop Sanchez. . Boston, MA: New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from