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sauce and whoa whoa and he just came to visit his sister's family pet today and ever since my father and joseph sister's family or friends so he came to visit us at them i barrack so that's how it made him wary seeing how you're going to take is a relocation camp are all japanese and when the war started and american government but other japanese people on the pacific coast to these camps because they think that we were then just to have cost her you
see just came to today to visit his sister's family they were from seattle andrew and that today is where california and see other people and he turned and he says so his sister's family and my father knew each other so we met this is his account but on the lake and there was just a barracks and that mice had to do there so the my melodies that i should spend my time studying classical japanese fans are these cargo already given a panda
there's so i learned to play this instrument since there is not much of the way of entertainment so are every week and we had a variety show and in the daytime and their weekend or fall on the stage tonight so that character get an abc and my mother would make all accustomed so good cover stories in sacramento and so it is a vote to mit to focus on own and a home on the station he worries there's just a one day or two does that was the ties no idea here and i get to force nine you you own me
georgia hours to get to japan thirteen months old and they lived there for thirteen years and then up to the sixth grade in japan so i actually learned to play quirk though when there were seven years old and then on back to america and then continued to study center how you carry your life is you know how do you feel about the fact that you didn't pursue the arts increasingly they're trying to do to kind of regretted that you had been a procedural rights well i was never trained to become coated a teacher or dance teacher corps is doing it from iona and
so if i couldn't do it professionally in venice our eyes are smiling harvey so we you say i had it i was like they are a musical and it's a japanese cell western music and air and i think the pope was then the music singing to have no other tender heart so i thought i got children to have that to them so that's the only reason i'm getting busy after school last american city right there i'm glad
they did that i don't know and i know i was kept busy so was fifty years now this is a big man i'm just explain to the mic i had to do every day gets us about it had no i've been noticing you have any advice for people who are getting their eighties the seventies and it was at least one i don't know why i think it is the way we're america adjusts his family and my family to know that the family life is very important for children because tuition that his family went were taken to
japan and he grew up over there away from his song and it happened to me to listen to so i thought the family life is very important to stay together and have children grow up together some even think it was a pet your priorities are in history what we are doing i don't know why it was just a way of life for me i made this man and just did what he enjoyed doing and i to stay with him that's right oh yes
he was still in graduate school and he hadn't actually he started to discern and after it came to see a few scratches didn't do indoor us in the eye and he i it's came back to seattle and went back to writers go and that's how he's tired till i didn't know what he was going to be and i help out a risk and life is going to be about not just every day lewis this latest their mr the main
units to victory by us suddenly say you're skiing and he say that i will go back to can you do to get it he's a nice kid what does sarah who agree on the fountain and sid located between the old castle and in a brand new art museum and there's a japanese garden there and this fountain cohen on tinder lotus georgia remember indiana when he was a child he see he's solid on their own without notice flowers so you made this film didn't resemble so what to notice and it was so nice sound or a jurist as old friends
do all come out and support its rhetoric and they get yours are very big welcome parties and i enter a meeting of these faithful and graham yes its current job increases or is that are in their lives well you know what i think it did paris developing here is you have a decent arts movies and sport that's the critical question of thing that i i think they've got to is our very basic for creating un mandate says capture or two lines of paper paper routes are or
the fraternity are in kandahar is so that you have the years ahead to create something so i think it gives children are more creative thinking like it happened it's both he's been there's been a carrot it's
both with the show anyway the hamas the paintings different than the wires that you know an actor of three games including a very nice self portrait the buildings and i found out that they have this whole biography that has all of the letters and he put it on his forklift is used to do he shows the kids they all these letters
and you hear about this changing gears so who told me he was in this show is based in seattle this is very interesting although it has all of the scenes where the show will also hear three men with big fish on dvd remember callahan painting mr dickey to have his painting was stuffed in the
closet for many many years since wistful it or anyway it's very different now no no it's just a piece of paper thick thick paper so i don't know anybody knows that they have that three men with great big fish so i think that that that took heat and callahan were friends there's no duty to get at the same time know that i don't know well it's and the seattle times they're you know you're here then there's oil here to a robbery was who
oh here is now they don't have any other pictures of him so this is nineteen thirty one though to seattle before this they're so innocent that before a busy i was real says the same location as cornish all right so he was living well
john deasy hatch though he was new rehab the seattle art museum has to keep his paintings is it all the slides years dave his paintings to about about aid to me here is this is the picture phone it's divided at me now ok ok now ms tiffany to live
here he says leanne yes it most ardent perspective young wire harness their emissions he said there were two becoming pacific northwest endings and now yes i'm working on a catalog and an exhibit for the agency in on the early twentieth century asian american artist so there's really been helpful because he knew a lot of these people and you then he's talking to identify where they lived in the placement of the region the context of all of the universe far here plus a poem before
but as you look at me cuz the site showing joey and seventy six and sammy sosa forced upgrades over the years especially during the time of the major ford foundation grants to you don't do a lot very very noble asian artist in seattle especially on stage and so we end up here in the great receptions and parties with the local artists and art that may have begun sketching out for each other or performing as this week the job in acting but one rally in our collection it is and that it may actually have continued this
practice up until now is collecting the irs and signatures and messages from these really notable people in these japanese books and they're all sign it soon so there are people like mr monroe virginia nastier than anything notable artists like our own it's because he is sometimes heard so you were there it's
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Raw Footage
Interview with Ayame Tsutakawa, Tape 8
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Raw Footage Description
Interview with Ayame Tsutakawa, wife of painter and sculptor George Tsutakawa. Footage of George Tsutakawa and daughter Mayumi talking. Footage of son Gerard Tsutakawa in his workshop.
Asset type
Raw Footage
Fine Arts
Media type
Moving Image
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Interviewee: Tsutakawa, Ayame
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Speaker: Tsutakawa, George
Speaker: Tsutakawa, Mayumi
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-bf388c013e0 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Interview with Ayame Tsutakawa, Tape 8,” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “Interview with Ayame Tsutakawa, Tape 8.” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Interview with Ayame Tsutakawa, Tape 8. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from