KNME Pledge Drive

- Transcript
I don't know what to say, but I'm not sure if I can say it or not, but I'm not sure if I can say it or not, but I'm not sure if I can say it or not. G.I.G.I. of this wonderful example of music from the past and how it is still so good, so much alive today, we'll be back in just a moment. So don't go away unless it's to your phone that we encourage, of course, to make a pledge to K&Mee to continue, to be a part of continuing to kind of program me that you're seeing tonight on K&Mee. With me tonight is Roxanne Allen of KHFM, and I have a surprise for Roxanne. She doesn't know it, but she has just pledged to the same program drive that she's participating in from the KHFM classical 96 sales staff, comes a note with love, admiration and respect to Roxanne Allen. They have made a contribution in their name. Well, that gets us started toward our $1,000 goal, which is the pledge goal for this session, and behind me are the health net people who are waiting to take your call.
So please, let's hear from them, Roxanne, your people have you heard from? Oh, well, I just want to tell them it's a two-way street. I'll tell you, thanks. You know, it's all part of a partnership, though. Everybody, we work together as partners in K&Mee, and the community work together as partners. Right now, we're asking you to be K&Mee's partner in pledging some money to keep the programming coming that you love. So we invite you right now to go to your phone and call 2772951. Outside of the toll free area, remember, it doesn't even have to cost you the phone call. 1-800-242-5663, and call now, partner, Neil. And Roxanne, it's so very, very easy. Calling in your pledge to K&Mee is an easy way to support the programs you love. All you have to do is pick up that phone, but we have a couple of ways to make contributing even more convenient for you. The first is to charge your contributions to Mastercard or Visa. All you have to do is call and tell our phone friends from HealthNet that you'd like to charge your donation, and they'll take care of the rest.
No separate checks to write or bills to pay. Your contribution is taken care of automatically when you receive your regular monthly credit card statement. The second is K&Mee's automatic contribution system, which is available to those who would like to contribute $5 a month or more to K&Mee. Any amount you select is automatically deducted from your bank checking account each month. Once you've signed up, you won't have to do a single thing to ensure your dollars will continue to support the programs you love on K&Mee. And you'll receive a year-end statement for your records. Just tell our phone friends that you'd like to charge your contribution or become a part of the automatic contribution system. Of course, you can simply make a pledge and write a check if you choose to do it that way. The important thing is that you call now and make that contribution 2772951-800242-5663, and here's more on how that can be done. Your contribution to K&Mee is in a way like an insurance policy, and you're the beneficiary.
Your support helps ensure that K&Mee can provide the programs you enjoy. It's only common sense to ensure your valuables. Aren't the programs you enjoy on K&Mee valuable to you? If you feel that way, it makes sense to help pay for the programs you feel are worth watching. 42% of K&Mee's income depends on individual viewer contributions. So don't let anybody kid you. It's your gift that counts. And last break, we told you that we had a goal of $1,000. Thanks to everybody who made it possible. We brought in $1,165 last break. For this break, we're looking for $1,200. We know you can do it. You've just about done it already. So please, let's keep it going. It is a great show, and you are voting. You are showing us that you're enjoying it, just as much as we thought you would. So please call now 2772951. Neil, we're going to have a great evening, I can tell. I think so, Roxanne, and I'd like to contribute some little-known facts about that great evening. A little-known facts about our K&Mee family of viewers, two statements of facts.
Nearly half of K&Mee's income depends on individual viewer contributions, and only one viewer in 7 makes a personal contribution to K&Mee. Think about what that means. 43% of the money that keeps K&Mee and its fine programs coming into your home depends on the generosity of 1 7th of the station's viewers. So, if you're one of the six not contributing out of the 7th, change that tonight by calling us Roxanne. And that's another reason that our new contributors are so important to us here, Neil. We do now want to invite you if you have not yet contributed or have never contributed to call. And we'd like to give you just a moment to take time and make that decision. Make it the right way to become a part of the programs you love and to make that phone call before the next great segment of GI Jive starts. So, right now, go to your phone.
K&Mee thinks its viewers have rights. For example, they write to freedom from commercials, the right to quality drama, dance and music, freedom from unnecessary violence. It's something very important to those of you with families with smaller children, particularly who like to watch television. The right to educational programs for your children and for yourself too. Educational programs can be very entertaining.
And they are, as you know, if you watch K&Mee on a regular basis. And they're not always for children either. The right to have K&Mee listen to your opinions and other essential part of what we do here. So, stand up for your rights and the way of doing that is by contributing your financial support. Make a pledge tonight, call 2772951 outside the area toll free 800-242-5663. Right? That's right. And, you know, the phones have been ringing. We need them to ring a little bit more. But you need to remember that behind every phone call that you hear coming into the station tonight is a person. And sometimes you might wonder, who is it? Who's making those calls? Who has the money to throw away on K&Mee? Well, the answer is that lots of people from all walks of life. We've had people bring their children in with their piggy banks and dump them on the table. We've had people contribute thousands and thousands of dollars. The point is it's your turn now. Please call 2772951 and make your contribution. We're going to hear a little bit more about it right now.
Are you lost because you can't find your favorite K&Mee programs this month? Find yourself with Take 5, the award-winning guide to Channel 5. With Take 5, you'll know about upcoming special programs and changes that affect your viewing. As a K&Mee member, you'll receive special notice of schedule changes during fun drives. It's all yours with your contribution of $35 or more. Pledge now and discovered Take 5, the guide worth reading to TV worth watching. Roxanne and I and all the rest of us would like to salute you tonight, the viewers, the people who are making the pledges and those who are just watching, people who care about the community, people who support the arts, symphony, museum, those components that make community life so important. People who feel it's important to be informed about events at home and abroad, people who appreciate the unique culture of New Mexico.
K&Mee is proud of all of you and proud to salute you. Roxanne? Well, I think we're all proud of being here and I just was looking back there. Notice that our goal so far is $520 toward our $1,200 for this break. We do ask you to please keep calling as we get out of this break and get into GI Jive. What I remind you that we have a great segment coming up. Hilda Guard, film clips of hers performances and of course the great Abbott and Costello in who's on first. A great evening and keep the phones ringing. It's a lot more fun that way. If you think someone will get for you, think again. Call now with your pledge or if you can see the letter from us or would simply like to mail your contribution. Brush your check today to K&Mee Fox Triple M Albuquerque 87196. This is K&Mee TV Albuquerque.
Good morning. How is everybody this morning? We're watching Sesame Street. We'll be going back to Sesame Street. In just a minute, but first of all, we need to talk to the adults out there about kids programming on K&Mee and how important it is that you support. So, if you're the adult out there and you think that Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, 321 Contacts, Square 1 TV, these programs are important to your kids. Please call 2772951-1800. Change the thing. Okay, 1-800-242-5663. Please because we do need your support. We've got a goal of $800 this break and we should like to hit it. We can't do it without you. But we've got to play that game called Find Your Guardian or Parents. Okay?
Exactly. If you're just sitting there by yourself, go find them right now and see how fast you can do it. You take a cereal break because we want to talk to the kids. Jim Myers and Stevie and we're very glad to be here with you. As they mentioned, we do have a goal of $800 in this break. You can become a part of Channel 5 and find programming like Sesame Street with your phone call right now. 2772951 is the phone number to call. You can call absolutely free. If you live outside the Albuquerque area in New Mexico, call 1-800-242-5663. If you live out of state, you can call our 277-number collect. I am Kim Vesley of the K&M-E staff and they mentioned the $800 goal. Let me tell you something about Sesame Street. $800 sounds like a lot of money. But if you consider the cost of Sesame Street for a year, that's $20,000. That's a lot of money. It costs us a lot to bring you this Find Series. Our cost for Sesame Street is $74 an episode. Now $74 an episode is something you can actually be a part of. If you contribute $5 a month, that's $60 a year. That's almost $74.
And that's almost the cost of a Sesame Street episode. And when you make that $60 contribution, have we got a deal for you. Don't we, Stevie? Yes, we do. Look at this little guy right here. Doing cookie monsters. Yes. We will send you for a contribution of $60 or more. That's a adorable little cookie monster doll for your child. That's what the contribution of $60 or more. Of course, you get to take $5 magazine as well. That's right. For a contribution of $35, pick it up. Just go ahead. Well, $35 you can get a wonderful cookie monster sticker. It's a two-dimensional version of this, three-dimensional version, but it's kind of something you could put on your lunch pale or you could put it on your door to your room. You could put it on your little brother's face. No, we should. Now, no do that because your mother's every one of these. She would really like it. Gotta treat your little brother very nicely. Yeah, the sticker is a lot of fun. Really. Do you get both if you send $60?
I don't know. Kim, do you get both? Sticker. No, you're not paying a dent? Oh, she failed. You do get the take 5 program guide, of course. Oh, you know, Frost Outer Fridge Raker, who knows? We'll find something. That's right. It's hard to send that these days. But as winter starts warming up, we'll send water. That's right. OK. That sounds good to me. So how are we doing? We've got the goal up on the screen now. $800, we're trying to raise. We need to talk to the parents out there. $125, cordons changing it. $185, yes. All right, all right. We're going. So, but we need your call. And you know when the parents do call in, Stevie, you kids get your name on Big Bird's birthday card. Remember that?
It's a card, two cards. That's right, two cards. No, that's not right. We're going to be sending this big, big, big card to Big Bird, because he's a big bird. He needs a big card on Sesame Street with your child's name on it, for your supporting the public TV. That's right. A lot of kids' names are already on that, right? That's right. We want to get all of Albuquerque in New Mexico, every kid in the land on this card. Is this where we do the names that I've got memorized? Oh, why not? We ruined everything else. That's right, he keeps stepping all over one of them. Patricia, Steve, and Steve, there's a great name. Natalie, and Andrea. Thank you very, very much for calling in your pledge. We do appreciate it. Thank you very much. And now, Marge Griffin wants to say a few things to folks out there who might have some kids and grandkids. OK, Stevie? Listen up, you guys. Take it away, Marge. Good morning. I'm Marge Griffin, and I would like to talk to the adults out there also. As the mother of eight and the grandmother of 14, what's on television for children is very important to me, as I sure is to you also.
Assessment Street's only been out about 20 years, so it wasn't around for my children. But every once in a while, my grandchildren will say something, tell me something they've learned, or they'll do a little routine. I'll say, where do I learn that? And you say, on Assessment Street, and I think, terrific. Well, now, we don't know what's going to be around children's programming, 20 to 30 years down the road. But you can bet that public television will be there to bring them only the best in quality education and entertaining programs. So won't you help me, and all the rest of us, ensure that that quality program continues? Not only for the children, but for we adults who enjoy public television. Won't you contribute? I have. Call 277-2951, toll-free 1-800-242-5563. If you have contributed, thank you. Colorado, call collect. And if you haven't contributed, won't you please think again? Thank you. Thank you, Orange. That was a lot of good things for all of us to think about. And do think about that, and go to your phone
and make that phone call. It only takes a minute. We know it's busy out there, and many of you are hard at work, and getting ready to get your kids off the school, and off to work, and all of that sort of thing. But do take the time and make that investment in your child's future by calling in. We also have a goal, as Marge mentioned, the need for new contributors, people who have never contributed before to become part of the K&M E family. And we have a new member goal today of 25 for our children's programming this morning. And we welcomed two new members in our last break. If you called, thank you very much, and if you haven't called, why not do it now, and become a new part of the K&M E family. We have a goal of $800 in this break. We're approaching the halfway point, $365. But, and you can help us reach that goal by calling now. And remember, you can get the cookie monster at all with your contribution of $60 or more. And now a message for those of you who might be thinking about becoming new contributors. Thank you for calling the K&M E family.
Thank you. All of us at K&M E hope you enjoyed watching the last program. And I'd like to remind you that the only reason you were able to see it is that other individuals and families have in the past paid for the cost of bringing it into your home. If K&M E is to continue providing this valuable service, your support is important. 42% of K&M's budget comes from individual contributions. And it's that money that helps buy the programs you depend on. When it comes to buying great programs, remember, it's your gift that counts. And speaking of gifts, Stevie, look what they get. $60 or more. You get this beautiful, cuddly cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie. Yes. You do that well, Stevie. You oughta think it. Do you do puppets on the side? Just a little. Oh, do you? OK. Well, let's take a look at our goal right now. How far we've come. Stevie, look, we're almost, well, we're not almost there.
We're a little more than halfway there, though. We're at $450 and we're looking for $800. How do you think about that, huh? I think that's great. So there's some folks out there who's help we need. If they'll please call 27729-511-800-242-5663 if you live outside of Albuquerque. As Mr. McKenzie said in that last piece of videotape, only one member or one viewer in seven contributes to channel five. That's right. We need more folks contributing. If everybody got involved, if we were just like a team, like everybody was a team, we would be doing great. We would just be doing fantastic. So please call in your pledge right now 27729-511. Here's Mr. Cassias, who's got some information for us. Thank you very much, Esteban. We have here once again the famous Cookie Monster that I like so much here with the $60 contribution. We'll send one of these to your children. We also have our Calcomania, the Dikov, for $35 or more.
$35 or more, we'll send one of these to your house. So I hope you call us as much as 27729-511 here in Albuquerque. Remember that you're supporting the high-altitude educational and educational programme for our children here in the state of New Mexico. So call us as much as before. Don't you just love the way he says, Edelph, I'm also a Cookie Monster. Does it with more flair than I do, I'm sure. And this is going to be one of your last chances to take advantage of the Cookie Monster stuff doll offer. If you've been considering doing it and putting it off, you don't have much time to put it off any longer. Call 277-729-511. The phones have quieted it down. I'm sure. And this is going to be one of your last chances to take advantage of the Cookie Monster stuff doll offer. There's going to be a number of $729-511. The phones have quieted down a little bit. We need to get the phones ringing
and keep moving towards that $800 goal. We've been making good progress. Don't let up now. We also have, of course, the birthday card. We've talked about that some earlier. Birthday card for Big Bird, whose birthday is next Monday, I do believe. We're going to be sending this birthday card off to Big Bird at Sesame Street and you can get your child's name on the card. We're going to say hi to Big Bird. 277-729-511. We'll do that for you when you make your pledge. And we're going to be talking to Stevie here. You have something profound to say early this morning? Not particularly. Okay. Oh, okay. Yeah, I know what we're going to say. I remember, I remember now. Yeah, okay. I was just teasing. Just teasing. Yeah. What we wanted to talk about is we just want to remind the adults out there. Maybe you don't sit around and watch Sesame Street with your child. Okay, because remember when that child comes to you and all of a sudden the child knows what a W is and what a X is and what an M is and what an N is, and they can count from 1 to 10. Chances are they learned a lot of that stuff on Sesame Street.
And Mr. Rogers' neighborhood, you know, Mr. Rogers teaches kids that they're great people just the way they are and how to feel good about themselves and how to interact with other kids and how to be good people. Square One TV teaches about mathematics, three to one contact, teaches about science. So that's what you're getting. You can just, you know, join me. Well, that's really true, Stevie. In fact, my own daughter learned a lot from Sesame. I think before she said mommy and daddy, she said, Ernie, you know? Ah, yeah. And Ernie is one of her favorites as well as Cookie Monster. She's already gotten one of these wonderful things and she can't go sleeping without it. I'm telling you, she just loves Cookie Monster. So do call in now. 277, 295, 1 or 1-800-242-563. Do it now, moms and dads. Please. Second provado in different studios that really give the kids that, during several years have seen all the days, the program of Sesame Street,
demonstrate a much better reach in the studios that the kids have not seen this program. This program is taught how to listen to the teacher, how to learn, how to add, how to rest, to train, etc. It's a program that edifies. It's a program that prepares them for the studios in the schools. We know that you are recognized for the program of Sesame Street. And we know that you are recognized that you also have the money to get this program. Now, let's see 277, 295, 1, 277, 295, 1. Many Hispanic families have already called us. We are waiting for your call right now, and if you live out of the city of Albuquerque, 1, 8242-566-63. Kim? Well, she's a Miss Gracias. I gotta write that time. And if you haven't called, call now. Got one of these. Get one of these with your $60 or greater contribution. It's our way of thanking you for supporting quality family programming. And you also get something else
when you march over to your phone and call Channel 5 and make your pledge. Take a look. Are you lost because you can't find your favorite K-NME programs this month? Find yourself with Take 5, the award-winning guide to Channel 5. With Take 5, you'll know about upcoming special programs and changes that affect your viewing. As a K-NME member, you'll receive special notice of schedule changes during fun drives. It's all yours, with your contribution of $35 or more. Pledge now and discover Take 5, the Guide Worth Reading to TV Worth Watching. On the tote board behind me, you can see we're getting very close to the goal. In fact, they're changing the numbers right now. Our $800 goal. We got $700 and $5. A couple of $60 pledges will put us over the top. Call now, 277-2951. Do it for yourself. Do it for your kids. Call now. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Join us together. Here we are, live in the studios of K-NME TV, your public television station. And this is the second to last break toward this wonderful Think Again campaign. And we hope many of you right now are thinking again that you would like to support. And the way to show that support right now is to call the numbers you see on your screen. 277-2951 or 1-800-2425-663. We have been enjoying the programming tonight and there's much, much more to come. And if you'd like to become a member, we encourage you. I'm here with Michael Brascher of K-A-N-W and John Cooper General Manager of K-NME TV. And we welcome you to join us the rest of the evening and become a member of Channel 5. The goal for this break is $1,500. Now we let you off the hook a little bit. It's $500 less than the last time. So we're going to make it. $1,500 is the goal. And so many of the people have been calling in
are longtime contributors. They have said, I belong to Channel 5. This is the kind of programs I love. And I'm contributing $100. In addition to that, if you have not contributed in the last 12 months, you can consider becoming a member again. If you were a member a couple of years ago, you know, it's time to renew. Renewal donations are very important as well as new donations. Mike? You know, it's often been said that music is a universal language. And if that is true, then TV 5 must be your universal television station. Think of all the memorable performances you see throughout the year. Here on TV 5, on a regular basis, everything from classical music, the tremendous performances, the colapsal music, the jazz music, the country in Western, the variety of music programming, which is scheduled on a regular basis, which comes your way to TV from TV 5 to you. And it's made possible by your contributions. We have some phone activity. It's good to hear the telephone's ringing. If you haven't pledged, please do so now. We're at the end of our drive, and we'd sure like to hear from you this evening.
Excuse me. Telephone numbers again. 277-295-1-800-242-5663. Martha? I try to never get to see that on when even less it's live television, when somebody really loses their voice. And we have an Associates Club here at Channel 5 that is, in addition to those of you, many, many people contribute any amount, we will accept. But there are some people that have the resources that would like to contribute a little bit more. And we have an Associates Club, and we will accept a donation of $500 or more, maybe even a thousand or two thousand. And you can become a member and receive some extra special benefits, in addition to the benefits that all of the other members do. If you'd like to know about that, just ask a member of the Community Advisory Board here tonight. You know, we have six more members to go to make our goal tonight. We've probably already made that, so let's make it 10. We can get 10 new members. Become a member of Channel 5, and you'll enjoy the rest of the evening. John? Thank you, Martha. What we need to do is somehow convince you that if you haven't made a pledge to K&M that you need to do it right now
to ensure the continuation of the programming like you're seeing this evening. Martha's talked about all the various ways you can make a pledge. Michael's talked about all the reasons why you should make a pledge. I just want to talk for just a second about the unique character of the programming that we provide. It would be very rare to find the type of programming that we are able to offer any place else. And we want to remind you of that and hope that you will believe the fact that in order to bring that programming to you, we need your individual personal support. A pledge from you and your family is very, very necessary to keep the type of programming that we have on the air operating. You won't find it very many places. Programs like this one this evening. Programs like Sesame Street for your children. Programs like Nova and Frontline. Those types of programs are just not found any place else to speak of.
And we need your help and support to keep that going. So please do it, Mike. You know, a while back, you probably received a letter like this at your house. And we hope you had a chance to read it. If you did not, may I share a couple facts with you. It stated two important things you need to know. One is that we rely on you for a large portion of our operating budget. A large portion of the money it takes to present programming such as you're watching this evening must come from you from individual contributions. The other thing that you really do need to know is that one out of seven people contribute. Let's up that average this evening. Call 2772951 or 1-800-242-5663. If you haven't had a chance to read the letter, but would like to make a pledge, you can do so right now. Call and pledge to TV5. And to use a radio term, if we may segue on to the total and see where we stand right now. Our goal for this break, as was mentioned, is $1,500. And right now, we are at $360.
Share with you some facts about last break. We were looking for $2,000 and we fell short again, but we were pretty close. We were at $1,820. And if you pledged, we say thank you very much. Again, we're on our way to a $1,500 goal for this break. And we'd like you to help us achieve that goal and help us to provide you with the programming you've come to expect from TV5. So please call right now. Martha? You know, thank you, Mike. We've enjoyed ourselves here tonight. We hope you have. And the members of the Community Advisory Board are here and they've had a good time and they're waiting for your call because they would like to welcome you to become a member. They're members of Channel 5, and it means a lot to them to talk to other members of the community like yourselves. You know, in order to grow, we need new members. We encourage those of you who have given to us for years and years and years. We thank you. There are many of you out there that have started giving to us in 1979 and have given every year and upgraded your donation.
That is one of the reasons why we have become as successful as we are. In addition to that, all those some of our regular members don't like the pledge drives as much. Not too many of them complain. They say, I know it's necessary to have pledge drives to gain new members. I hope you understand that tonight if you are a current member and you receive the Take 5 program, guys, so that you know that we're here asking for those six out there. You know, we always say there's one in seven. Well, that means there's six that don't give. We're talking to those six people that do not already contribute. And we would like to encourage you to become a member and in any amount, any amount is acceptable here at Channel 5. We encourage you to be able to receive the program guide only so you can enjoy more and more and more by referring to that program guide. So give us a call right now. And now we're going to visit with a very special guest the head of our community advisory board with Michael Prasher. Mike.
Thank you very much, Martha. We have a very shy, sensitive type here. This is Renee Johnson. Renee, who is the head of the community advisory board? Is head correct? Are you the president or chairman? The spare person. I didn't say chairman. Renee, tell us very briefly about the advisory board. If you would please. We're a group of people from the community that act as a liaison between the community and the station. We bring input from the community to the station and spread the word about the station. Renee, can you share with us how important public broadcasting is to you and to the members of the group? Well, we have such a diverse membership in the group. I think we all value public broadcasting for probably some real different reasons. What are some of your personal reasons? Sesame Street. Renee, we're happy that your group is here answering the phone tonight. We appreciate your support and the support of the community advisory board. Renee, I want to put you to work. Let's have you make a pitch. Let's have you ask the viewers to pledge your support to TV5. Can you look in the camera and read some numbers for us?
You can start right over there. 277-2951 is the number to call. Call right away. These folks who are all here giving up their Sunday night don't have a lot to do right now. So give a call to 277-2951. Didn't we tell you Renee's a shy type? Renee, thank you very much for joining us here this evening on TV5. Thank you. Thank you, Mark. I'm going to make a little bit of plug for the community advisory board there. Organizing right now, fundraiser coming up on May the 15th. And you'll be receiving your information, your program. God, if you haven't already gotten it. It's heirloom discovery day. Another way to make money here for Channel 5 besides pledge drive. But right now, we're asking for your support. So give us a call and enjoy the rest of the program. 277-2951. And again, if you're outside the Albuquerque area, please call. The telephone number is 1-800-242-5663. We're looking for your call this evening. We'll be returning to more quality television programming here at TV5. If you haven't pledged, do so now. This program is being simulcast on KHFM, 96.3 megahertz. You might turn down your TV sound and listen in stereo to KHFM this evening.
If you think someone will give for you, think again. Call now with your pledge. Or, if you can see the letter from us, or would simply like to mail your contribution. Brush your check today to KNME Box Triple M Albuquerque 87196. This is KNME TV Albuquerque. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.
Once upon a time, most public television stations didn't have pledge drives. They didn't have to ask you for money.
Government funds met the station's needs. But times changed. Federal dollars have disappeared. Now only a small percentage of KNME's budget is funded in Washington. Graham Rudman made diminish even that. And times are tough in Santa Fe. The state of New Mexico has had to scramble to make ends meet. Let alone enhance funding for public television. But there is a ray of hope, a force. A force that spans the state with the strength of its unity and diversity. It's the thousands of people who watch and support KNME. Their generosity has made quality public television a reality in New Mexico. If that support continues, it can help provide programs that soar to new heights of excellence. Your dollars truly make the difference. There's something magic about public television.
You see it every time you tune to KNME on the programs you watch. But you are the magicians behind the magic. Your pledges and your dollars make KNME's fine programs a reality. You can turn on me. Turn on my love. 43% of KNME's income depends on your individual donations. So if you're not a contributor, won't you call now? Your pledge counts. And that's no illusion. I'd like to make a pledge to KNME, but I bet it's really complicated. Hey, pledging to KNME is far from complicated. It may be the easiest thing you do today. All you have to do is call the numbers on your screen. When one of the volunteers answers, they'll ask for your name, address and phone number, the amount you wish to pledge, and whether you wish to receive the Take 5 program guide. They'll also ask which payment option you prefer. If you need help deciding, our volunteers will be glad to assist you and answer your questions.
The information you give the volunteers and entered into a computer. If you're using a master card or visa to make your contribution, you need to take no further action. If you choose one of the other options, you'll receive a statement from us, which you return with your check. That's it. That's all? That's right. That's easy. I'll call right now. Fed up because you missed your favorite show this week. All may not be lost. Many KNME programs are rebroadcast later in the week, and you'll know about those repeats with Take 5, the award-winning guide to Channel 5. Our handy repeat schedule locates for your viewing convenience those programs KNME airs more than once. You can get this handy guide and all the benefits of KNME membership with your contribution of $35 or more. Pledge now and discover Take 5, the guide worth reading to TV Worth Watching. Anytime KNME brings a program into your home, it costs a great deal of money.
And with money as tight as it is around here, we often wonder if we're spending our resources in the best possible way. So you tell us now. If this program deserves to be shown, if it was worth the price we paid to acquire it and transmit it to you, it deserves your support. Your contribution now will tell us that in airing this program, we did the right thing. So send your check today and tell us which programs you appreciate. Hello, I'm Kim Vesley of the Channel 5 staff. In my off hours, I spend a lot of time dealing with hot air. But there's no hot air in these cold facts about Channel 5. More than half of our budget depends on community support. And most of that comes in the form of small donations from people just like you who are helping to pay for the programs they love. So when you consider the cold facts, it makes good sense to contribute to Channel 5. And that's not a lot of hot air. Consider it your passport to beautiful viewing.
Your contribution to KNME is in a way like an insurance policy. And you're the beneficiary. Your support helps ensure that KNME can provide the programs you enjoy. It's only common sense to ensure your valuables. Aren't the programs you enjoy on KNME valuable to you? If you feel that way, it makes sense to help pay for the programs you feel are worth watching. 42% of KNME's income depends on individual viewer contributions. So don't let anybody kid you. It's your gift that counts. We hope you've enjoyed watching this program. And if you've made a contribution to KNME lately, thank you. It's your support that makes programs like this one possible. If you haven't contributed, then you're watching programs like this because thousands of other people care enough to give their financial support to quality programs. So if you've never made a contribution to KNME, now it's your turn.
Hello. Hi. Hold on. Hang on. What do you want? Yes, sell. Yes, 300. No, not 500, 300. No, no, no. You don't sell. You buy. You sell. Of course he knows what he's talking about. Wait, wait, wait, wait. I want to watch this. Is the programming on KNME valuable to you? If it is, remember that nearly half of KNME's income depends on individual contributions like yours. And those dollars help pay for the programs you expect. There's an investment. Don't let anybody kid you. It's your gift that counts. 200 years ago, our founding fathers were willing to put their names on the line for something they believed in. The Constitution of the United States. Their sacrifice gave us something worth the price they paid, the foundation for our liberty and prosperity. Now, why not put your name on the line for something you believe in to find programs on this station?
Your small sacrifice will pay off in thousands of hours of enjoyment and enlightenment. Nearly half of KNME's income depends on individual contributions, so when it comes to paying for grade programs, remember, it's your gift that counts. Good evening, Mr. Phelps. Please take a look at the accompanying folder. Inside, you will find some of the greatest programs on television today. Nova, McNeill Lairer NewsHour, Nature, American Playhouse, Sesame Street, and many more. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write your check and make a financial contribution to support these fine programs on KNME. Since 42% of KNME's income depends on your contributions, your actions will help safeguard the programs you love.
This assignment is an open secret. If you're captured, the secretary will disavow any knowledge of your mission. This tape will self-destruct in five seconds. Go to the camp and remember, it's your gift that counts. Good day. Today I'm trying to bring you really great television programming. I have all the ingredients right here. High quality television equipment. Engineering tools. Support federal government support and dollars. Albuquerque Public Schools and University of New Mexico funding. Corporation support. And of course, the most important ingredient. Oh no, I'm missing the most important ingredient. Your contribution, really half of KNME's income depends on individual support. Without that money, we can't bring you the programs and services you've depended on.
Oh no. Really? Your contribution. Oh yes, yes. Don't you see? When it comes to bringing you truly great television, don't let anybody kid you. It's your gift that counts. KNME, come on please. Hi, how are you? Just fine, here's my contribution and I hope it helps. Thank you, I'm sure it will. Thank you. Shine to the front desk, please. Shine in. Ouch. I'm so nervous. Shine to the front desk, please.
Shine to the front desk, please. Shine to the front desk, please. Shine to the front desk, please. Shine to the front desk, please. Shine to the front desk, please. And you thought your one little contribution didn't make a difference. This is the city, Albuquerque, land of enchantment. We were on the day watch investigating an unusual missing persons call at KNME TV,
the local public television station. My name's Friday. My partner's Monday. It was Tuesday, but it already felt like Thursday. I don't know why. Good afternoon, ma'am. We understand you're missing some people. People? Yes ma'am, people. Oh yes, pledging people. Can I offer you some television worth watching first? Just the facts ma'am. Well, you know our programs. Prime programs, first rate. Programs worth paying for. Prime programs are worth paying for ma'am. Well, it seems for missing people pledging their pennies to pay for these prime programs. How many pledging people and how many pennies ma'am? Well, we need plenty of pledging people and a plethora of pennies to pay for the programs people find so, pleasing on KNME. Let me get this straight ma'am. You need plenty of people pledging a plethora of pennies to pay for the pleasing prime programs that play on KNME. Positively. How's that ma'am? That protection for these powerful programs like Pavarotti and Playhouse and Proposive Nature. We need a plethora of pennies from plenty of people.
Get the picture. It was a clear case with positive proof of one firm fact. It is your gift that counts. All of us at KNME hope you enjoyed watching the last program. And I'd like to remind you that the only reason you were able to see it is that other individuals and families have in the past paid for the cost of bringing it into your home. If KNME is to continue providing this valuable service, your support is important. 42% of KNME's budget comes from individual contributions and it's that money that helps buy the programs you depend on. When it comes to buying great programs, remember, it's your gift that counts. Here's a puzzle for you. How can you make your contribution to KNME grow without spending an extra nickel of your own? It's easy if you work for one of the companies whose names you see on your screen. These companies will match your gift in support of public television. Here's how it works.
Simply pick up your phone and make your pledge. Then hunt up the matching gifts form for your company. It's usually available in the personnel office. Fill out the form and send it to KNME with your check. That's all it takes to piece together a winning combination that will add up to hours of beautiful viewing in your home. It's always easy to make a pledge to KNME. Just pick up the phone and we'll guide you through the rest. But you can choose either of two convenient plans that make giving even easier. First, you can just say, charge it to MasterCard or Visa and your pledge is taken care of with your regular monthly credit card statement. You pay at your convenience without the hassle of receiving statements from us in the mail. Or choose KNME's automatic contribution system, a special installment plan that does the work for you. Each month an amount you select is automatically transferred from your bank checking account to KNME, where it can go right to work supporting quality television.
Choose the convenient option that's best for you and call now with your pledge. You've seen it on TV and now you too can own your very own Doctor Who Disappearing Tartus mug. A major friends, stupefy your enemies and show your support for the Doctor with this quality glass mug with a Doctor Who logo on one side and the Doctor's very own time and spacecraft on the other. Like magic, when you pour a hot liquid into the mug, the Tartus disappears. Let's see that again. Pour the liquid in and the Tartus D materializes isn't that amazing. To make the Tartus reappear, simply drink the contents of the mug. The Tartus comes back and you can get this outrageous Doctor Who Disappearing Tartus mug and help support quality television on KNME right now with your $60 or greater contribution. Don't delay. Call 277-2951 or 1-800-242-5663. That's 277-2951 or 1-800-242-5663. MasterCard and Visa are accepted. Have your credit card ready.
That's 277-2951 or 1-800-242-5663. Operators are standing by so call now. When you call in your pledge and say, charge it, just look at the trouble you save. Call now and just say, charge it. That's 297-2951 or 1-800-242-5663. That's 277-2951 or 1-800-242-5663. That's 297-2951 or 1-800-242-5663.
and it still is for you and me.
- Program
- KNME Pledge Drive
- Producing Organization
- KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
- Contributing Organization
- New Mexico PBS (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
- cpb-aacip-e3c66b3a736
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-e3c66b3a736).
- Description
- Program Description
- KNME Pledge Breaks: Roxanne Allen, Neil Boggs, Stevie Puppet (Bill Pinnell), Jim Meyers, Kim Vesley (Kids Morning Break), Martha Day, Michael Brasher, Jon Cooper ("Think Again"). Pledge Spots: Jamie Randall in KNME Master Control; Kim Vesley in Hot Air Balloon; "Buy/Sell" Nightly Business Report; Clyde Dawson (Mission Impossible Theme); Mike McKenzie (Mad Scientist Theme); Lynn Barlow, Larry Rokosz, Sean Innerst (Dragnet Theme); Jim Meyers, Dr. Who Coffee Mug Disappearing.
- Broadcast Date
- 1988
- Asset type
- Program
- Genres
- Fundraiser
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:54:10.414
- Credits
Performer: Pinnell, Bill
Producing Organization: KNME-TV (Television station : Albuquerque, N.M.)
Speaker: Randall, Jamie
Speaker: Vesley, Kim
Speaker: Barlow, Lynn
Speaker: Meyers, Jim
Speaker: Cooper, Jon
Speaker: Allen, Roxanne
Speaker: McKenzie, Mike
Speaker: Day, Martha
Speaker: Brasher, Michael
Speaker: Boggs, Neil
Speaker: Dawson, Clyde
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e5a087796e4 (Filename)
Format: U-matic
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “KNME Pledge Drive,” 1988, New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 14, 2025,
- MLA: “KNME Pledge Drive.” 1988. New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 14, 2025. <>.
- APA: KNME Pledge Drive. Boston, MA: New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from