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also operative agreed i guess you'd call it playing one on the lowly point what's it been optioned and the option had been renewed several times and left to apply legal option to a most of the purchase of the television rights slowly for the character with one was was told is not secured are owned by somebody decidedly of situation i resented or so i thought what might work live side of his brain so this spring chief for the most recent three point one workin of plot and i was sort of other sorts we're going in several other authors there's this this thing that the east not recognizing the west as writers and so many of the critics and the publishers now being discussed how do you find freedom for writing world
is there feeling like dr little bit i think i learned that mercury used to have a sweater he wore in twenty working hours of the minor regional marvelous there's a kind of an eastern as it is a ton of dillard autism a kind of a cool is a notion about things which grows now i'm afraid the ivy league world of publishing hires heavily from the seven sisters which women in fact if i ran into a woman harper collins who was at the seven sisters graduated she told me that when she applied at corporal zach harper no stakeholder frankly they only hard graduates of those little
speed you know a school for the super rich and socially a supple people she got in on why won't work for some other publisher in some other religious publisher and making such good replacement that water so your ear up against that i once earlier was asked to talk to him group who are also being addressed by who was should be a solution i'm a woman writer about ethnic on his bike rider and she was concerned about the patriarchal problem when a woman writer an it told the audience that file are that that would be writers as a matter of fact i have been published by harper and roll about ten years before i met a man who i'm the janitor guard the role women but the problem is an article in the average also true now and i have two male editor
but there east coast ivy league old money women who find a story about in connecticut fascinating in a story about grown up on this lake is up the rio grande valley by despotic woman science fiction incredible nothing their relative to the world i know with closed world of the full of them people know a summer home on the tape right even get together is because their investments and question it is so why well i think i think there's a last minute this is a dark side to learn that there is a in the crowd or part of the world there is in the roman world
subject of trees there is also no yearning for some place where you're not serving three years in a traffic jam where where the sun shines a little more in winter where you're not putting up with all our problems that we haven't been able to soar and then they yearn for when i'm looking out my window here the mountain with nobody on it right and so therefore there is a lot a lot a huge number of lotion easterners who were just fascinated by this landscape and i tell me that they've spent the last three summer is coming out and going to the foreclosures ok so they're there's we have with a lot of that going for it and how do you find western writers how is a los angeles writer an awful lot different from from the mayor city where only ashes are our differences you know we don't
but they don't have much to do with the kind of west i think well i think that writing about the worst open spaces story was a landscape is important stories were lots of water and all these things mean something you know you could have the center of suburbia novel written in portland as you could and boston city is they do say there's less of things so you know an authentic couldn't anything there is one date and he couldn't be fine well we first have to look at what we see out the windows were reading the book what's out there is different we we we yeah we i mean i think you'd find that they can at that place more out in the
open outdoors even western detective stuff a larger and then the band and the mill hole through veterans there are they're always on the bow down in the copper outside you don't have a drawing rooms series you know i think a bonfire the vanities which was a great book that you'd never ever ever fine fine the west are writing bonk in syria you know i never worried much about them i still go on about you about the other regional i never have thought much about those labels are i had a during the author of the perfectly content of the water level a put on earphones on the top of a book
after some develop exercise about it and that they've they would be recognized by the new york review of books think frankly i would be much much you know i think beyond bloomberg view post in denver is much much better book review journal then new york review of books and i think the los angeles times has at least a good as good a book review section of the zen archive the new york tabloid been kind of money you know for the new york times into her spicer of nonfiction they tend to find them they got the borscht with another point in our interview a nonfiction books off what happens you get a date attack on the offer and vigorously yeah didn't bother me it i don't mind being labeled a category writer john ryder wonders take a bus over time like to tell stories if i lived in the south obvious
documents and my guess it is i mean i'm a religious person i loved roman catholic i disagree frequently with the with the hierarchy on a lot of things but i'm i'm on my face as important a panda i'd like to meet an associate talked to people who worked to whom the super lee kloos metal makeup forces and beyond the physics in the metaphysics in a in a real way us to get in too many people stopped with was where the hubble telescope stopped since they stop with with einstein and so forth but beyond that there's a lot of
huge unanswered questions that we have a world of mythology that's flea were inspired to try to understand which explains it is okay so when you find people and you find a lot of money race relations who have a faith and i believe in his mind is not working on this problem i like those people i find them extremely intelligent you know i was watching a pbs tunisia was about some debris from bbc reporter was talking bout about probably between science and religion with an astronomer and during the big bang theory which were they're beginning to abolish having to abandon a little bit now and she was saying he explained that this was the beginning of the universe we now and she's been at work and she said the store what about before the big day
and he looked at her and said frowning said madam that's a non question will i don't think it's an odd question and the law doesn't use of hope isn't navajos i know thought that is the question it is the ultimate question is just a question of their faith and capable of answering mysteries no i started i start writing history because i thought it would be easier to russian history i've been waiting eric ambler and i'd been reading graham greene and in reading other people who who not flee not the riders of crows use or the sherlock holmes time that the people who use a crime as a device to tell a
story and i thought i could do this book so short they have a skeleton gold issued a report sword fights if i can you know so much that the big important like you famous double digit tension in academia ok so i wrote that i was very satisfied with that and i went on i tried it again and this one came out better the fly on all the second month i like it better but i like to wear to the narrows in the first book we had it it may be where i knew much less about i thought i saw him do that right i wrote that all the debt which was better money on the hook and so i kept writing those in and that they're never
as good as you think ok so you you tried again and finally i decided there was another novel in about romano one right salt human being man who gets projected in the total chaos and i was gonna use family believe that the belgian pull out of the belgian congo in that awful bloodbath that followed that because their femininity or another small town of the congo i tried it and went back in the fifties that would be good enough to carry it off and tried again sixty ludlum the journal social well nominate tried again pretty well throughout his of them go back and do a lot of work on that and i abandoned africa because for both forgot about went to nineteen seventy five two years after we pulled out of the car and that will take place in the end of april and seventy five one when tom finn
month and fell to the camera rouge when the pol pot start imposing than zero year fewer for social ills killing a million people and when the south vietnamese government collapsed and fascinatingly in the military collapsed and the worst chaos let's welcome right now she lee west at the person they're either year russia ohio failure mind of the part that was in colorado part of clicked with most of all goes westwards you know you get a lot of it also takes place in the philippines which would wouldn't think of those west exactly but you at it moves steadily lester hunt for request of fits in in anything ever done before
and probably probably quite possibly because i wanted to get into a circumstance of total lawlessness which of course is what the how the west was won it and you know fiber you eat it and have fun order things in control there was a rule by the standards a very kind so now i'm on the grounds of say yes to the fact that this guy had to go west to find what i want from the mexico under the west mortified chaos reigned canadian know you can't
act at a live event you inspired by people in the west there is in an albuquerque there is a marauding communities call for a friday and it started years ago imports leave the reservation i'm a woman writer and employers are kept lots of lawyers she was called feelings art how loneliness lagos pay so we invited them to lunch and then and that led to thinking why no this was fine so we knew we met with a couple of science fiction that force nine was that we thank god that idea so it was as though we know cause vision nobody no social purpose nothing just if they could they would always remember and so we we suspect that were around among writers and a lot of books a book writers in this that get together in a certain place on friday and have lunch so for somebody of people showed up and that was about twenty
years ago the last time when she was about thirty showed up but it is again we haven't but aside from the organization just get together in this inauguration and complain about here the subjective than in the blast contract can talk about what's happening to this whole information on a highway to rise in the auto business and pop shop in art is never mentioned and nobody is has ever had the effrontery to read anything from their own work i mean it would be considered the ultimate in gosh i think you're hearing that because they ran an imposter he was a few years ago some of the
out all our work and norms august norms on jurors kelton elmer kelton a little bit with everybody so busy is kind of isolated life socially and writer the kind of social and you get is is a casual love you all the people want to sign a book of people who want you to go talk a variety of coverage people are you know not not enough to kind of friendships that you developed in a normal circumstance so your friends also a writer best friends are writers billy cannon norms oland year here in albuquerque record long people live in the western a western
writers in the usual sense steve dawson was the number one world number one fantasy writers low flow of the river a few miles fall hart rodgers lazily lives and then the saber hagner to the big names in science fiction live hearing a lot more unfavorable right what we would think of it as western but davis speaking to us and your characters how you describe them in general not just your own books that our generosity of the western character in its own way yeah i think so for example just the andes and there's a big name and maturity and her perky woman private detective is
the fed had wooden would not would not probably look in character walking down fifth avenue she is kind of a western brazil is the goal very very independent her boyfriend this is chronic legal places on a motorcycle you're getting a very nebulous territory you know when you're describing the western characters and differs from the guy from north carolina are you know review the reasons i think is your question however is not necessarily because of the
friends i haven't the deep south tend to be have a kind of a level of courtesy of old gentility you know of correctness in particular relationships that you tend to not find that here you know the rural rural people wearing individualistic well for dreamers really ruthless misfits well the ruthlessness obviously my wife and i moved seven times the first two years we were married i know people who live in the house that were born in the kennedys' from people you rarely find a westerner who had moved a lot of rootlessness is all these are and then of course whatever people you get a really get the
people who aren't happy in paterson of years you know they would assume that was see something worth one source on the other side of the appalachians aren't they're not just a long time to get that individual legal commerce self confidence i think of another layer of self consciousness you get less class consciousness that's something that really impresses me and for a really in the northeast of the united states is it an attitude subconscious maybe of what questionable you know fundamentalist here's more of your driver nineteen ninety four pickup truck gore or ninety three is very down to do you feel that there is more often than not the few ranking or
messiness this worries that or i don't think so for him are true they are solidly unhappily part of the navajo world and the point is happily part of both worlds and sticks that many navajos are other atmospheres that criminals of course the very fact you're willing to violate the rules of society like you in a way a misfit but mine ended the people who are simply following me and onward either trying to obtain money which is valuable and in in western society in our culture and the orchids maintain a reputation
which is valuable enough begun american society which really is is about as fagin as you can get in this war modern world so and but they when they miss that i don't think in the nation well in the end the last element in relating back to last what you really have to use your principal marder is certainly perfectly fit in american character he's he is a politically correct is greedy and a person who kills him and becomes another villain in a sense is trying to protect his way to make money his reputation as a as a finder of artifacts oddly enough lead levels at their fight in their mythology and one version of the wind first man that lefties which crept onto evil bonded
any set of hair in fact died down again that he didn't want to use the word witchcraft rizzoli called it all the way to make money in that nicely ironic name to learn that even many members thought they knew what caused the troubles in the world than that was toothless you find in a lot of mythology two guards one is mild my mama one is one of my mom richardson one is the spiritual etc in enough sacred grounds the baghdad of illinois perfectly fit in american saudi society he was he was greedy and he was politically correct a big difference all sure could
are down deep you know i didn't even know it at the time the person who then the subconscious motivation of the idea for foreign reporting and using the navajo but brown came from when i was a kid reading author of feel the australian who wrote the point of bone and an enormous trees seven the australian outback hybrid and when i was a kid i was so in a self serving potion my design and user lives and after watching one was published the first book critic lady connections are rushing water and chuck talk about your book and sure enough that was a guy i remember my early teens ok now i i was influenced by i hope i can climb by raymond chandler by graham greene by their a gambler by writers who showed what you
could do with the mystery form without been this this that i would never write a classical detective story i would want to i don't like to read a month kind of boring but when you can use that element of history paul as well as of the focal point of a motivating point along you can allow riders of proved that you can do you can read you can you can make a tale of all you know so it are those of coca and joan didion the people who need to talk about a great western writer joan didion is a great western writer her slouching towards bethlehem i can't imagine that being written by an easter the question this is a dreamer but i was a dreamer of the golden grain
more in california in a suburb of southern california community lot of bullet she is and she's heard her affection was okay brother rahm's mission was great nation because it depends too full of kansas and he spoke of history's most important that the dean here is maybe get a court to say oh dear i guard against our guard against preaching and moralizing and barreled frankly love these issues i don't have the answer to and my eye i are not a true believer in that sense i mean i can see the other
side on them ok so but it was are interesting and panda panda i like to sort of you know small ones and i'm sure your two sides to it again and flickr accounts does i hope a little bit not much so because well i'm not really tempted to much of her preach to my book because i am confronted with the tumbling fact that the only things i don't know nearly as much of the bounds i think that the city on his bill is a the groups are really immersed myself in cambridge pontificating on my point of view in a very quiet film setting was supposed to it was a nuclear top nuclear engineering at parker's burnham it rather and he knew so much more about it and he was just listening to make one of ramadan was really asked him a question of real issue if we got
a whole life of it fb
Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest
Raw Footage
Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 10
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Interview with author Tony Hillerman.
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Interviewee: Hillerman, Tony
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-237fbfd26e6 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
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Chicago: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 10,” 1993, SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 2, 2024,
MLA: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 10.” 1993. SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 2, 2024. <>.
APA: Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 10. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from