thumbnail of Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller; #98; A Boardroom Of Our Own - Julia Rhodes Davis, and The Partnership on AI
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i'm lauren shuler and today an inflection point normally at the end of any board meeting whether i'm on the border on the stopped serving aboard i'm exhausted and this time my manager is what's the difference i don't know who was in the room with her and find out after the break the point women are banding together in ways we haven't seen since the feminist revolution of the nineteen seventies the women's march to me to have that more women than ever are running
for office there are also only engineering camps was only make cars only after school clubs and they're growing like crazy so it would seem to be an incredibly empowering time for what trendy the word feminist and every other teacher in yoga class like a girl and nasty women have become marketable catch phrases on nike ads and sanitary pads and coffee mugs i mean is that really going to get promoted because there's one question that has been bothering me does all this empowerment equal how are you pj i thought what a good place to start to understand this would be to look at the work that the
consolidation of power as the chair of the board of boats dot org to julia rhodes davis was in power to decide that include a gun and with her cds or so and they made a conscious decision to know why and what was actually doing for that but first let's take a closer look at this trend of all queen of the sea so i think that all women space says could be seen as sort of incubators and other words i am you know incubators of startups or whatever or are these places that foster you know early stage it is and provide extra resourcing around the things that are most vulnerable at startups like infrastructure and funding and access to networks and access to know how i am and i think that anything about all women's faces in a similar way i am it's not
that we're going to stay in our own spaces your point it's but i think especially for our younger women and girls and there's so much risk taking and failure that comes with learning you know especially in sort of the early pursuit of anything and when the world is conditioning young women too b if they are afraid of failure and because our worth is attached your achievements and by the way also our appearance and so forth and so on and it's really an existential it unsafe for us to fail i am and i think about the huge loss and there's actually an amazing and the founder of girls who code russia so johnny gives a beautiful ted talk to this on this idea and that we needed to create you know spaces that are are safer for girls to fail because that's actually how you become an entrepreneur and how you become successful
again and she says she's actually been a guest on a job well done yeah we do talk about that so it sounds like you're in the camp of women only state says can be a place where we can learn to navigate the real world being gathered are strangling them in baghdad and gone out there to make things happen but do you think do you think it actually is what it is a way of solving gender inequality so i think it depends on your time frame and here i would really sort of look at how power operates rate and so let's take a few examples there are right now well actually i guess the status from twenty sixteen from time magazine seventy seven percent of all like to officials in the us are male twenty three percent are female so until we're starting to approach parity in terms of a representative government i am all for as many organizations as possible on
working on the issue of of bringing more women into into public office on i think similarly you know if we look at who's writing political tracks right now eighty percent of political donors eighty percent of all dollars political donations are written by men that means that essentially ending that just points to help our as can operate and so i would push for getting as many women to become political diners as possible to ship the power dynamic and then you look at nonprofit boards eighty percent of nonprofit board members are men so until we shift that dynamic i am all for you know going in the opposite direction and really taking an exceptional track to get exceptional results the nonprofit statistic is really surprising actually because any <unk> my guy and i looked at that it
seems like they don't have a rose probably actually dominated by wen says instant terms of nonprofit staff are your nonprofits staffer eighty percent women and the nonprofit boards are innocent man what would you see in this polarized time as the role of women only spaces so it i am not sure that that that would that role has actually changed very much from the inception of at least some women created women only spaces an end what i mean by that is that such an important distinction by the way women created it when it only stays yeah i mean the paternalism of but you know men creating and how i hadn't i hadn't actually thought about it in different terms than women created yeah that's an interesting one because that you know i actually don't know the founding history of for example and i bought my first attempt at college was mount holyoke college which was an all women's school and on
it is i'm very small liberal arts college in western massachusetts and i had grown up in newark city and i showed up and there were more roles and over say at college then i had it in my parent's home in new york city and my parents were not they were night there it's really conservative in terms of minding my time nor were they extremely on permissive they really are somewhere in the middle and and that when i will impact the mount holyoke experience and ultimately why it was not a good fit for me there was the paternalism that was claimed by the administration of the school as though we're as oates school of young women couldn't even an individual young women couldn't possibly make decisions for ourselves that would keep us in a safe and happy and and well and which i just reject outright so anyway that's just a little bit of a tangent on that woman that you have is that you know that before you started your classes show what
was your expectation for anne and hopes for why the knowledge about things and i think it's you know people tell that there's a freedom in an all female classroom for example for women to find their voice and to be honest in a lot of ways i didn't have much trouble finding my voice or probably have to have a voice although you know put me in a room where i feel intimidated and all of a sudden that changes a law an on or certainly when i was younger changed a lot so i think i i went for the sun surf or the promise of kind of the freedom of finding my voice and you know not having to fight for a voice in the classroom or fight for attention of advisors to pursue special projects or whatever the case may be and because they do think that oftentimes women and men compete differently on and so i think when you put a group of women together even if it's a competitive environment if the rules of the game are not prescribed by sort of a masculine fs framework of power you often find collaboration
and you'll find you got a winner at the end someone and will rise to the top but there's probably a lot more collaboration to get to the top then if you're in a situation where the only way is to complete and dominate and those those around and then you know there's obviously that's a record over generalization but i think that's one of the things at play and so your health was that they're going to end all when in college and that you had you usually male visitor involves yet only because i will say i went to an all girls summer camp for ten years first as a camper and then assess staff member and it was so liberating i mean it was an extraordinary experience of finding myself and figuring out you know how to be in the world in a way that i could feel good about my mom and yet there were no men there no voice there and it was a really
freeing experience mount holyoke were julia rhodes davis went to school briefly was the first of the seven sisters all women's colleges which are collectively produced some of the most influential women of our time here's stepan about emily dickinson grace hopper jeanne find their hillary clinton gloria steinem helen keller and zora neale hurston i myself went to vassar that is one school teacher proclaims nineteen sixty nine i was the year bass or switched positions meaning they like i said by the time i went there before that competing theories that starting with not holy at women's colleges were created because women weren't allowed to learn what the leaders in the scenes bases has not since the founding of the seven sisters families whose names are on buildings and museums send their daughters to these schools not necessarily to empower them but to wrap them in the sci fi of high society
plan less for white women who have means to go to school well connected friends find a suitable husband from harvard or yale that mrs degree it took a hundred and eighty one years to get from mount holyoke to the first female presidential candidate to be nominated by a major party and well you know how that turned out julia rhodes davis vice chair of the board at the dot org is working to ensure that everyone has been represented at the ballot box and in the board and learn schiller this is an inflection point will be right back this
is big it's b it's nice i'm lauren shuler and this is an inflection point i'm talking with julia read steve as the chair of the board of the dot org and director of partnerships at the partnership on a high tell me about that dot org when video and so vote on orkut is a nonprofit nonpartisan fire one superior organization that seeks to bring
about arab reflect a democracy where and met me on the lectern matches the population and we do that run through making it easier to vote period so we have programs that are focused on and leveraging technology as much as possible to do really high impact get out the vote campaigns and rhyme and have a number of other programs that are served longer lead focused so one of the reasons we dont have electronic or online voter registration and most of our most states in this country and has a lot to do with sort of antiquated voter registration laws that unlike a lot of other voter suppression activities these are not actually in seriously an antiquated they just are literally to quit and so over the course of the next several years were focused on working with
secretaries of state to shift those laws and that in the interim it's really about focusing on who's not getting to the polls and why and taking a double down effort to get them there so as far as you're all of it out and you're at the chair of the board and you had an opportunity and recently two reshape what the board looks at me and he was so tell me that we did an end and why in terms of the word yeah so i think edward dot org the commitment is really to exceptional results and so we can look across the board at well what are the static with the status quo or what are the norms the space and how can we think and do differently and then so when he came toward composition when you look at the fact that a percentage nonprofit board members are male well let's be exceptional there and create an all female board end you know will this be in perpetuity i don't know but for right now it's working really really well i am
we convene the new board in january of this year and you know it's a small board that are all female and we spent ten hours in a room together are doing all kinds of planning and thinking and debating and so forth and then we had a dinner that followed on and at the end of it i reflected that with a colleague found that a fellow board member you know normally at the end of any board meeting whether i'm on the border on the self serving the lord i'm exhausted and this time and then into this what's the difference and it i really it's a gooey and b to realize that not having to facilitate and manage around gender politics in a boardroom was a very liberating experience and so back to the idea of the incubator for all women's faces an incubator just having that experience in an awareness made me
gave me the tools to start looking at other boardrooms that i participate in for example and helping to bring some leadership to let's imagine if this look different and that is actually don't think that makes gender boardrooms are the wrong way to go necessarily i do think that you know in general people need more self awareness about how they show up in a room and so whether you were you know a man who doesn't necessarily have self awareness about talking and over others or taking credit for other people's ideas or your woman who perhaps nino doesn't know doesn't listen very well and i think being in a space where we didn't have to spend a lot of energy making sure that all the voices were heard and so forth and so on because there was just a more natural flow gave me a sense of what's possible and so experiencing the art of the possible in one space can actually help to bring examples of making that a possibility in other spaces i mean i can't imagine an f that chair of the board
of just like any other organization was like you know i had read make the sport amen i mean obviously you know i mean is there any it received any backlash for making this decision i'm sure i well now that i've been on we have not received today any backlash and the man that were on our board prior to the cycle works really supportive of the idea so i will say that i am i think that we have to look at these things in a more global context in the server comes back to earth and how it was talking about the power in assets and so if men were marginalized men would need allman spaces but they're not marginalized every system that we know of power in place right now is still designed with the benefit of man and so until that's different i but you know this is not a one to one
comparison you know women we need to help our to create a more equal society and until that's not annie and i think all women spaces are completely justified as one way towards that and so itsy bitsy like this going to two strings of that one is around just how the heil any group of people operates together was a bloody way energizes a deflated and it's possible that a man could participate in that group dynamic and you and feeling the same way only with the characteristics that you're seeking in this totally or organization and then the other is this idea of consolidating power and having and women together in a way that they can create an use power to push things in the direction that they would like taylor yeah which leads me to a question around how does this play into you so he had it or a garret if you're a proponent of all women's be
said that is that helped us get to gender diversity symbols when ask him a question and so it might be a little bit of a circuitous route announcer bert i think that there is to start certain at the very person all i am i think as i've gotten older i've only now realized how much personal work i've had to do to be able to show up like fully as myself authentically with a sense of my own power sort of irrespective of the context whether it's an all women space or annex space and i think that if it's in it's representation is a big part of equality and me no more equal spaces and that is not the whole answer and so if all women spaces are
a place where girls and women can you know build their sense of self and connect to their own worth and do all the sort of things that we need to do to figure out how to have be in ourselves in a way that we feel fully valued by ourselves because there are so many messages that run counter to that then i think that's a perfect steppingstone to more equal society on the whole because it means i can show up in a board room full of man or a room full of engineers that are all man or wherever you know as both myself and an advocate for women more broadly and i i think that's true of love what i've seen in the racial justice and work that i've done as you know an
activist and volunteer on you know there are places where white folks don't belong and moments where our voices should not the rapist an and i think we have to realize like there's so much oppression and leads to you know deep multigenerational once and those winds have to get healed and often the spaces that he'll help to heal those wounds are not make space there's something about that that dot org all female board as this sort of educate our idea at at the testing ground and iowa and a place for new ideas to proliferate but inside the board and out into the world and you sensor the success metric in terms of is it working wendy re evaluate what happens now when next so there's a certain goal setting framework that's pretty damn common in
tech or tech inspired organizations that ok our objective and hear assault framework so we're developing actual metrics for four and you know for a performance and arm and i think that that is the place where will look too first to see if or making progress if you're asking is there a point at which were in a state as all female board thing was a sick suster a failure i mean i suppose that's an important question for us to be asking but i think it's pretty early days for for us differing about it yet or whether you're whether you whenever you have yet to see whether you're going to continue to look specifically for women only will for deferred the i would say for the foreseeable future and deftly through twenty twenty two shorter timeframe to expect to see any significant results bring into your own organization through is feeling optimistic about her off enough or
i can see why and more women on these cases are popping up so fast it's hard to keep track women's coworking spaces the van jammed from that work in new york the waning it kind of government be in the assembly and while some are quietly growing our member base others are getting and minus the wane for not being in compliance york's public accommodation was a lot ironically created a further gender equality and remember when cowan a draught house announced it would host to the wonder one of the streams are no men were allowed downtown locations and they were accused of violating city id laws that is glynis technical co founder to let the network and visibility platform for professional women from all industries told the male host of the story in a bottle podcast as a man that has access to everyplace why is that a problem to allow him and us the states juliet and to
talk with me about the vote doesn't work all female board and women only spaces in general but she also recently took a job at the partnership on ai for the benefit of the people in society the official name of the organization we've all heard that and see is things like bias and tribalism can be perpetuated by an official intelligence if you had someone like juliet and power to advise an equity lancet everything to death could that actually shift the power of the first what's the pressure on a child you know their organization is really a out that it's a multi stakeholder membership organization which really means that it has representatives from corporations and from civil society from academic research institutions and others all of whom are working together to you really
shape the future artificial intelligence now and then from my perspective this is really the frontier of society there's so much we don't know and i think early indications of the impact that technology can have on society suggests that we're in for ivan we really do need to play a more proactive role in informing and designing technologies that that it does benefit people and jam and does as little harm as possible i guess of bill atkinson about so when you said there's already been some indications that there could potentially be hamlet where you're eating as a specific example i mean you could really point to our current markers in the united states that i'm as an example of at least technology broadly and that is that in some way supported by aspects of ai technology you found that i mean facebook was he used as a platform and by a foreign power to influence our democratic election in twenty sixteen and
that is a pretty significant thing that happened so i think that there are a lot of questions in general right now about you know for an organization or company who has previously thought of itself as this neutral utility of of being a platform to connect people when they can be used for such insidious and see no what is the responsibility of a company to come to mitigate that risk now i'm an and that's an extremely important question that should be extrapolated to the entire technology industry and to those of us you know in and around that you know what are our responsibilities and to society at large can you define artificial intelligence i mean is it always them serve human manifestation or human impersonation are well what is it so that's a great question that arm and you've got a million different answers to or depending on who you ask i think so for solids worth noting
i don't have a technical background i am i ate we came into this are the intersection of technology and society in my career about five years ago and have increased my knowledge two hundred fold as a result of working closely with technologist and so i have a different answer than someone who say got a phd in computer science but in general this is a very broad term that i think now media has even further muddied the waters generally because a lot of folks don't understand the technology and so they're trying to put words to but doughnuts surly get us very far in terms of understanding and i think it's an umbrella term that really speaks to sort of making machines more intelligent and what i mean by that is the thing and it's a very basic science a computer that can run a program that has some similarities to a decision making process i'm could be considered artificial intelligence so in
fact zero your entire smartphone runs on all kinds of quote artificial intelligence really what that means is there are a number of decision trees so that are on programmed into the different applications on your phone and the thing that super charges this technology is that much of of these formula as or around their algorithms as they're known in technical parlance i'm actually adapt over time so one thing for everyone to understand about ai is this is not if fixed tool so i'm like a hammer in a now they are a hammer in an allen you really can change their form very easily and when your user of a smartphone or e user of any kind of ai technology at all and your use of that technology actually changes how that technology operates and so we have this iterative relationship with technology that i think few users understand and i think we should all feel more empowered
by that actually so when you choose to use facebook in a particular way to click on it or not you're actually informing facebook in the future of how it should relate to you and that can sound scary but i also think it can sound really empowering and i think that that the latter is a better relationship there we should start to cultivate with our technology if we're going to have a better future are on that so the thing that i'm trying to understand about the role of ai in the human while hamas and how humans are interacting with each other she says holler whoever sort of saying this technology least influences the way that interacts with the world and holler that might either magnifying or reduce the bias that azeri in the world you'll be a racial gender you know pick one now sir so this is a huge topic and today gas is
so there are a lot of effort in durham technical community to mitigate an end salt for the ways in which date back carries bias and can further bias algorithms and therefore technology systems and they're unbelievable examples of you know early on apps that were i think there was an a health out that was put out early on that had been built entirely by a male engineering team and had zero acknowledgement of menstruation as a regular part of the health that women experience i have monthly daily basis and so so those oversight see you know are sort of the most obvious examples of the ways in which on who builds the technology and how they think and he's around the table really informed society and i think that we have to think about it in a number of different ways and i actually i'm really excited about my work in partnership on a highway
because there is a deep recognition on the part of the organization that we have to have a diversity of voices and stakeholders around the table and we are making decisions about what this technology is going to do and how it's built and designed and so forth and so i think that there's a long way to go in terms of a man being able to the old sort of how to have more time practical ways that engineers in a room can kind of you know have a checklist that nino helps them recognize where their own biases might be and how to mitigate them and a technical capacity and then there's a whole body of work around the pipeline issue and the fact that you know you have far fewer women in stammen there that's changing time and over time i think it's a slow process you have a lot of far fewer number of people of color in stem as well for all kinds of reasons and so there are many many efforts sue
address these different ways and much bias can show up and technology and i think it's important for technology creators to work to bridge the gap because you know to serve shift the systemic issues that contribute to the fact that most technologists are male for example that's gonna take time so what we do in the interim and what are the incentives that we have at our our fingertips to kind of shift the landscape candidates it seems like with every new innovation it's an opportunity to get ahead but it's also just this hour to exist it might make it well yeah i heard it a really compelling conversation between reid hoffman founder of linked and partner at greylock except for i think most people are various and kara swisher has a really fantastic media editor i guess i am and host of the recurrent potter podcast they were in public conversation at that conference in severn cisco and date ina care was really pressing read on
we know why is it that armed tech companies so often fail to identify unintended consequences and address them before they become the problematic unintended consequences of say ann intervened election or something like that and reads response mounted on the record you know is bad that when you have a homogeneous group of young white largely white mina relatively affluent lee raised man around a table building a product this is a group of people who haven't lost very much in their lives and so they're not all that from earlier with what it looks like to be on the losing end of an unintended consequence and i think that's i mean that has just sat with me at the front of my mind ever since i heard that conversation i mean it certainly speaks to something i believe for a long time but to hear for eight hoffman you know assertive
put seven teeth do it in a way and i am i think that that that should be reason enough time to really push for you know more diverse rooms you know whether it's the engineering room as a world war the boardroom we need eh eh to recognize all different kinds of people right now that we don't have people working on ai they recognize all kinds of different people right now so how do we get where we need to be given where we are in this moment slash how does your equity lands that you learn everything you see and tie into the work that you're doing your question yeah so i think that there are there is two angles to the square to two to enhance further choose to different kinds of answers here one of which i can speak to more directly and one of which is worth mentioning that it's worthy work that other people are getting so representation among engineers matters tremendously if we're going to solve for
eight more both both conclusively designed and inclusive arm conclusively executed if you will technology so the issues of getting more women into technology spaces is huge and i think that there are a number of incredible organizations focus on that and it needs to we need to proliferate those efforts across the board this house to be the health of serious focus of every technology company of every academic institution of every undergraduate program eccentric so that's a huge undertaking and that i fully support and i'm so grateful for people who dedicate their work to that an apparition but i i i am looking at this question right now in terms of who is our current membership wave just over seventy members currently and they represent corporations they represent think tanks they represent academic labs research labs they also human rights
organization's advocacy organizations there is more representation from some parts of sectors and less from others and there are certain constituency were more and less represented and so i'm very actively you know trying to understand who's voices out the table and his voice is missing and how do we arm how we balance on his around the table so that's really at the forefront of my mind going date of my job as their partnership and we have that we have an institutional command men both in terms of amari psychic director tara lyons comes out of the obama white house as well as our board to really make sure that our multi stakeholder organisation an arm is representative of hand on represented by a diverse set of stakeholders and more to come on that
i don't you know i think we're doing a good job and i think there's a lot that there's more improvements that we can make in terms of you know to get back to sort of the impetus for the question how do we make sure that that pay eyes is built for four and by everyone most of us move through the world with blind spots and has blind spots are typically treated where we grew up and that the stories we were told julie read steve it seems to be caught in the faces of power lines not free so everyone's story is represented where did her obsession with representation come from that's coming up after the break this is an inflection point i'm lauren shuler subscribe to the infection when podcast on apple podcasts real public stitcher and npr one will be right back that
it has been i'm lauren shuler and this is an inflection point and talking to julia rhodes davis the chair of the board of the dot org and director of partnerships at the partnership you're just recently started with that the verge of re icy can possibly to have all the answers but in terms of why it is important to us and what matters in your life and why why are you working with them when he and woody hoping to do you know i come from a long line of change makers especially on my mother's side of the family and my mother's family is
from north carolina on hand you know back in the turn of the twentieth century my great grandfather was one of the leaders around hoping for a school for black children in potter county north carolina and as a result my grandmother his daughter grew up with the ku klux klan regularly visiting the house to intimidate the family and my family and town to try to get them to close the school down and family story goes you know hard to hard to fact check this one that and he would write my great grandfather would regularly go out and meet the klan and just stand there with actually a shotgun in his hand and just acknowledged them but not kowtow and the line was i'll see you in church on sunday and that translated to my grandmother and grandfather participating a lot in civil rights marches and will kentucky where they raise their family and where my mother grew up on them and my mother has gone on to build
a really impressive institution that trains progressive religious leaders to help bring about you know a more just and equitable society and with occult auburn cemetery and so with that background you wonder where this technology for them a hand why we get to wear a shirt fit and so where i mean as far as you were growing up and that obviously that you know it's sort of baked into your growing up experience in the stories of her family and stuff like that but i mean have you personally experienced you're on your way women that any experience around in an equity earth the candidates share them i also have influenced your trajectory like the first time you're like hey that's not fair i wish i could remember the first time i mean i i i think that i'm most i mean first of all i remember seeing in a movie i think i was probably somewhere years old i
can really remember is called class actions and i said to my parents i wanna be a litigator once i saw that movie in so i think very early on i kind of understood that there was a way in which standing up for what's right and being aired you know precocious young person and girl niamh was somehow subversive i was full and it was really a politicized really early i mean i remember clinton and bush running against each other and really feeling very strongly that you know bill clinton should win the election and i was relatively young i mean it so so certainly i was i was aware of politics i felt certain dates by politics or was writing colonel van articles in the seventh grade about politics and i think abortion actually abortion access was the first issue that really hit home for me i'm just in that i remember hearing male relatives you know speaking about
your abortion access as though they had had any right to any opinion whatsoever and i remember being at a family function and i was probably sixteen or seventeen years old talking to you know ten fully grown the male all you know uncles and grandfather also more anti choice and basically just holding the line in and saying you know and then arguing served every angle of the point that ultimately not willing to seed ground around reproductive rights so haddad you had to handle that you know righteous anger as i said thing warren i mean i think on some level ira i do around feel in my bones what is right and and bodily autonomy as something that we all knead it is a human right and the fact
that there are women in this country and around the sweet young globe who literally every day do not have full control over their bodies is i'm in rio it's a horrifying thing but are you still many are you in love with religion at all yeah and so if there were an analogy to a cultural jew in my cultural christianity way like we get today got a passover seder and you know i have great rich are all answered of these cultural identity as a i feel like they would that would be my identity to some degree i'm in that i feel i love the version of religion and that i watch my parents left like you pray with your feet so i think that religion can be an incredible force for good personally i don't go to church anymore i might go again that i am i'm definitely in a very what i would
call a kind of spiritual part of my life or i am i a i have sort of a regular practice of various reflective activities like being a journal a new meditation and you know then thinking generally about serve there more broadly about the way that time believing in something larger than ourselves is important to me but that you know at the dog much of the presbyterian church as an institution and is not something that speaks to me nor is necessarily going to church every sunday you know my guy that was the pulpit minister when i was growing up so i was to the minister's daughter on and had a real public role to play in that regard and i think for that reason and spirituality is a much more personable journey experience for me and one that i'm more like you were connected to a year since you brought up abortion and an adjacent adjacent you are your parent's rate is the same cantrell hell yeah
you know and again this is wiser to put it in the frame of barley autonomy like to my mind is the political issues about controlling women and has nothing to do really with the individual case or are or what you know what would his clinic and i probably should know what this means woods having to play with your feet up it's shorthand i think for you know i'm the behaviors we engage and how we show up in the world i think it is a it is the evidence for our beliefs so if you believe in justice and equality for all what are you doing to in the real world to bring those beliefs about and quite frankly if you are pro life what are you doing to live that valuable and and i don't mean i mean this is where i think language really matters you know and the role of the religious right the conservative right you know
that sort of started in the reagan era and builds power through jerry falwell's church and so forth you know de de did a masterful job of claiming language i am but if you don't stand up for people on death row who are have not gotten a fair trial and who are there because of racism and because of xena phobia you know that is not pro life to me and if you put the life of the woman behind the non entity like that's not pro life to me either and quite frankly if you put your you know if you're a girl let's go down a lesson there much more to do with people and on the subject but the effects of climate change and you know it is killing our plan and and and really changing the course of the lives of the of our collective
children and you know the right has done nothing to preserve life in that regard i mean i'd love to know what the best of race we've ever been given is about how to find and be your authentic self you know it's interesting i've done unbelievable amounts of wonderful wise advice over the years i've had an incredible access to where men of all ages who played tremendous roles in terms of mentorship and advice giving in withstand both in more formal settings and also just fronts around the dinner table and at the end of the day the thing i've learned it's not someone else to buy something i've learned is any man of advice is only as good as how much work you're willing
to do yourself and how much work i've been willing to do myself thinking everybody's heard of demons are different in a way i am but i guess my take on that is you have to find ways to internalize your wins hands really fundamentally believe that you are not a waiter the pope is the pope julie rafferty that three d all within faith in the foreground through dot org and is willing to give if sometimes the fear that not only feels good think that's death and is the director of partnerships for the partnership that jolie is making sure thing first voices are at the table when it comes to what technology is used for i would hear your stories of how empowerment has led to power tell us about a moment when you were and how if they're going to a face inflection point five for better reflects something friday dot
org i learned to laugh and at this inflection point that's oliver episodes of an adult it hasn't really a public institution in and try and give us a five star review subscribe to the podcast and no one in the great right while you're there and it does support inflection point the monthly or one time contribution your support keeps winning stories from the center like something really a dot org really has been and he
more or syria to their own content manager is apparently there or engineer producers are to the voters ces teasers
Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller
Episode Number
A Boardroom Of Our Own - Julia Rhodes Davis, and The Partnership on AI
Producing Organization
Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller
Contributing Organization
Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller (San Francisco, California)
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Episode Description
Ask any woman who’s sat through a long meeting surrounded by men, and she could tell you how exhausting it can be: we struggle to make ourselves heard while carefully avoiding accusations of being ‘bitchy,’ ‘strident,’ or ‘shrill.’ We rarely have the kind of permission to fail that our male counterparts get. We want to take ownership of what little power is tossed our way, yet we’re always at risk of being punished for wielding such power. Which is why Julia Rhodes Davis decided to form an all-women board for the non-profit, The question is, can the empowerment that takes place in an all-women board meeting translate into actual, world-changing power once they step outside the boardroom? Find out what Julia has to say about turning empowerment into power, and also shaping the future so women and minorities don’t need to be “empowered” anymore. Listen to my conversation with Julia Rhodes of and Director Partnerships at The Partnership on AI in the latest episode of Inflection Point.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Talk Show
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Guest: Davis, Julia Rhodes
Host: Schiller, Lauren
Producing Organization: Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller
Identifier: cpb-aacip-09622c3e82c (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller; #98; A Boardroom Of Our Own - Julia Rhodes Davis, and The Partnership on AI,” 2018-09-24, Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 19, 2024,
MLA: “Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller; #98; A Boardroom Of Our Own - Julia Rhodes Davis, and The Partnership on AI.” 2018-09-24. Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 19, 2024. <>.
APA: Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller; #98; A Boardroom Of Our Own - Julia Rhodes Davis, and The Partnership on AI. Boston, MA: Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from