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fb is chief but simpson how simple this is a vice provost for the us and global alliance for safeway work in retail and friends this thing's obviously this law yeah that's true it says to you this is invaluable to this are you
just glance character is he's the journey and you write it about the show that won't be won't really get a different story it's great
is blanking very hard to get some effect from spring we've broken a decades old us we invited a strong deck and why and why they
would suffer and we are really a conference assistant now this is john jackson that's margaret here and i ran around for some moral certainty this is a final bill of a big tv series that focuses on isis be developed countries and we began interviewing have dvds and this next track and i think he was here is you know a target
of gammon says scientists working for some regional there's an air i can see why you're so gorgeous the factory keep it up there is said to be here but the bank
or something and it's just for me instantly sadly best banda genius of letters and then you know just became really close and just crazy clothes sitting around him telling stories at all of us have a storage common sense in the story we just go and go and go anywhere in the district and
just laughed ourselves silly i listen to that speech i think you have to have reasons for things that happened at pretty devastating for assistance why stop making movies and we started that once again police and a lot of it is because i've spoken to the system if you can
remember nineteen seventy years ago cabbages and bill and happy listening to take a teacher that time we had the party can always there and i ended up in the kitchen talking with this big guy and i was down on the hand and hip hop as far as i was a certain relationships or all of that sort of soul mate it neatly this process and then we just became very very dear friends than the difference in when the first floor of congress and
so the program to curb the size if it stiffens in a month than the bills of the us and so on a gruesome moments in history someone up there very very cold in the user is called the running though he told me that you really don't know that the unit left in them and diana got married in california this week for support for france so you still
are named some reason my house this is a long distance relationship that have been lots and lots of like insecurity since the bravest living a triple blind says teaching this at the iowa writers' workshop and that's why i thought he was i mean he was also teaching that sentence so he on the weekends he played back to santa cruz was that the charts and yeah so you know all these different lives kelly was when he got very close the chamber and the two of them are just crazy in the writers' workshop and i was just crazy i didn't know nearly i didn't know what fraction of these different arrangements and parading around near a public discussion about this terrible
awful human being he was you know they knew that from a benefit not to trust your way of felt did you just think these you know i did not know at least we're still seeing each and my understanding you know i might use a tsa employees will likely that you just living elsewhere he can separate apartment you said i don't want to hear any more strange and when it gets me one day it wasn't registering our guy his arrest he was charming his arrest though he was fun and i think when all of that sort of came out we all laughed about that as well including ariana as researcher of stores in various and dull you are building a prisoner in her instrument
there and in iraq where there have been a lot more intimate when they're neutral like they're special very scary man with stephen if i never had that sense of panic and i think that's what she tries to find that for thirty seven years but he does really going to be able to use your province and married she promised this writing course getting to be problems here and at that point i think they did a lot of things
that he did not and then when he got his life back together again those were not typical of the slide so he just had a stellar near where he was kind of out of control and that's when i met him and it coincided with a period of time when i was it was i was going through the court so it was crazy sixteen years that is the first one in his speech for a warm cuban women that are like they
were just a few cigarettes will be ready get back together their plan was to take a trip up north to see something here and i am a long haul a difficult time at and it was a shaky start getting back together we had them at our house for dinner as sort of a send off and there had been a lot of retaliatory behavior and i'm not sure we can run it well anyway there were a lot of people in our house and they're sent our farewell dinner and things got a little bit crazy sure sure are eating more and they're ensuring
that was big steak dinner there's a degree yes i always fighting the notion that they were they were harmful days in some winners will also but there also one family maestro for the immune system and may seem to differ worry the sample that it came from a real life happier funnier thompson says as a political stories those options just as we do for hours
as the niece or make it better stories you know how they recruit people when we were here living in chicago and after their hand to know we've been pretty losses champagne and what we're going to propose a toast something to send them off and trying to remember the details but somehow rather a toast to barry and say that and made reference to someone she didn't say and it was it's hot and deductions still she had lots and lots of anger at sharif air and re arm it was like a slow motion sen leahy this piece either with a bottle and i watched him he just he swung with a bottle i don't think he knew
what he was doing and he just hit her on the side of the head and she turned she ran out i saw was and it is not in israel and that again i think what has happened and suddenly raise revenue the door and my first instinct was omar put this back and they're going to reverse this state this has a bad take and i ran outside and brave is getting into the car and i said get to work you get back into his house and don't move and he was like something you need to tell him what to do because at this point he didn't know what to do he didn't know what he'd done and again i followed i could see the blood on the sidewalk and i followed the blood down to the corner and then returned and i could see the blood drops and i saw some in the porch and i said abc a woman running by here he said yes she said the ali i think she's hurt and so i ran up the alley and there was very open at this point it was a serious
cut and she was just coated with what well that is very scary when it's that scary you don't even know what you have to do just do it and so i got her back in the house we tried to use tunnels she she says she couldn't sustain the foot we'll know it's the rest of us didn't tell us a lower rate or the rate was never able to talk about that at any point it but it was so it never happened our views most chill in the system says this is because you
recently as the two nations i think it's terrifying part of today in seattle in years later when that like you have a great site to maybe two seconds of person who's a person is left reserved person so they really do serve in the environment right the hospital is you're going to have for every state has been learning came in her purse or take a chicken and watch and she came in in the recent years just devastated
zimmerman discussion and revenues for instance insists beijing between him and went crazy because a lot of trains lots and lots of kids and they saw big dreams have possibility that scene and they've lost their hold on everything than after after the break at the case became a reality i think that was from marianne extremely painful because they were never going to be part of a reality that they always have part of her dream it's really it
really is it ten cents so that was how do you use to actually experience that story less to resist these recess out of his own experience that rose was something that he promised to do is obvious now is that something that
the disease is the same story of the session was clearly shall we recovered or visit with his photo and re found that the privilege that you are maria comella return of the base is the main thing as you couldn't so anything her and something else she's smart she's filing system can lead to sit around various she's always she storyteller recruit people resorting to marion jones to stores won't
see tapia were uprooted storytellers coveted something really american student was so yeah i wasn't it isn't that the same kind of storytelling that i sent them that when the likes of them it's recession like the fossil record from it on our back when things were high and things were going for one liners in the rejoinder is right and we were all part of them a firm withdrawal people cruelly whipped them with a long distance for hours breyer said family members since those zany flying embers and we talked for hours that would
probably three years you know there's also discussion of how much this story's actual experiences compared to just being completely media what would you say that the recent knight ridder it safe mission specialist fiction it's hundreds and that's assuming new national discussion and this year right wing unable to assume that we've seen the people and trying to understand him feel that maybe they
feel it's some histories are so repealing it they say just to get you know a priest an author in order to see iran made a lot of his vision certainly came right out of this experience absolutely but when you look at somebody start you have to know their experience to work at their art know you look at the raw or if it is going to be seen if it's going to survive it won't be because of dance and all the other is just enhance my under i think some interesting exploration maybe an intimacy that the reader wants because they love the art so much and enjoy the art so much now they want to know more about the person that i don't think that it's necessarily an empty and i don't think to understanding heart and that's the accents
if you treat what would you say to do you think this incident but i think you know more about and eight anyone who has contributed yes knowing what you can know how many people are going to care i mean those are the people that you want to reach people that really people think about literature that people that care deeply about it along for them knowing all of this i think is so that's
a plus thank from sam's book paris review sections speaking of the recession is they took that as things as they sound like these dark under fire from his friends and then it's really in the waves have two and it's just out there and we're not just offering it to slip happen it sounds different now was it all sounds awful was just it was also a new record for the
new republic oh i'm stuck in some point so there was less yes sir ronald reagan's i think the discourse about these talks never used to use those things seriously we still stories are still stories stories carson says he was so good
it just reflects that it's lost was our classes and just like a seed and with top of my writer friends about them is that when he did you know that in early christianity to early christianity mayday mayday defiance of democratic mystery democratic where you are he made him take the mundane and make your mysterious so months singing monday make mysterious sacred james
bay fb
Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest
Raw Footage
Diane Cecily and Chuck Kinder interview on Raymond Carver, tape 31
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Raw Footage Description
Diane Cecily and Chuck Kinder interview about author Raymond Carver.
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Interviewee: Cecily, Diane
Interviewee: Kinder, Chuck
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-59b05c35352 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Diane Cecily and Chuck Kinder interview on Raymond Carver, tape 31,” 1993, SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Diane Cecily and Chuck Kinder interview on Raymond Carver, tape 31.” 1993. SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Diane Cecily and Chuck Kinder interview on Raymond Carver, tape 31. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from