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a soccer game between a white falcons has just begun as the two teens kickoff hundreds of people gather on the sidelines why athletic manager or in the container so what's this show ids and down the line because of this they're amazing listening is just a really important gains different years is that first bit it's great for the catch us up the raiders damon defeated today they hope to add teams to the championship trophy list it's halftime the writers gather around us coach palace when a nice it's the rosy what might as well be a jew was to plant four dollars in mortgages they owe which serves going to get some beans against them ready to fly smart it's not bad to have now we got one half of soccer lived in the season i watched best at who is due to go slow as the clock ticks down more people come out to
watch he waded into the game star he's now the soccer coach ed page high school but he knows the team well three years ago he was callous is a system right and the best football team in the city probably in the state back then as a relative of the great football very few really entrenched in soccer so it took a lot of recruiting are going out single your friends at your will teach in a game of soccer will digital in a soccer and the religion of almost wasn't married in five years to those of just a few minutes left it's three to one and writes favre if the raiders wind howling cal shave his beard campaign to scare very similar promises like three years ago and has a series of unfortunate wouldn't wind so then they violated their shotguns justice which is to gain from the sidelines it's a really great feeling to be able to make the change of heart of the planet in the end all those years ago and i said soccer when i'm reading a middle school and even you know the referees and the coaches was a juggler be the rebels will you know and this is this is actually serving in the ribs with his watch these
areas the right reader's nature athletic director scott burnett reasons the trophy ya like the gentleman waited day that which we should be both about y'all done a great job done a great job congratulations has a couple more socrates more than athletic ability it also takes dedication assistant coach matthew bean these guys worked out here every day since the beginning of february monday through friday commuting other teams as religion themselves running laps that is a lot of needs a lot more than it does to me our needs from egypt he's played ever since he was a child of the others being on the team's help to make new friends graves some of the boy's thing to
disclose known wanting to them every six weeks and alan garcia was he said if you like to play soccer writing obituaries let's give a grade to live theater have to the people maybe great britain as a seventh grader his father kevin holmes and what happened i'm an eighties in boston i entered the cemetery course they're seven tonight writer so it's been exciting for him to start and play a lot and they just have so many talented boyz and a lot of money not even play and it's just been one season so what and they're under
conditional ahead unless now temporarily changed hair colored glows with pride for his team's victory passport about this marriage is the key is the way they played the way he stepped up they got to go behind that it lets faison and they just put three goals and their world championship and well i am a
WPLN News Archive
Wright Wins City Soccer Championship (Adrienne) 5 18 01
News Archive 5/15/01-7/3/01
Producing Organization
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WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Wright Middle School soccer championship game vs. McMurray Falcons. Hundreds gather on sideline. Wright athletic manager Frankie Hill can hardly control her excitement. The Wright Raiders stand undefeated. Coach Callis with Wright encourages the athletes.
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Producing Organization: WPLN
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-f853734b7ab (Filename)
Format: CD
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Chicago: “WPLN News Archive; Wright Wins City Soccer Championship (Adrienne) 5 18 01; News Archive 5/15/01-7/3/01,” 2001-05-18, WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 22, 2024,
MLA: “WPLN News Archive; Wright Wins City Soccer Championship (Adrienne) 5 18 01; News Archive 5/15/01-7/3/01.” 2001-05-18. WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 22, 2024. <>.
APA: WPLN News Archive; Wright Wins City Soccer Championship (Adrienne) 5 18 01; News Archive 5/15/01-7/3/01. Boston, MA: WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from