thumbnail of Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot; 3; Historic Film Collection, Video 0003
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Can we bring the camera here so it doesn't freeze? This is an agreement between Felix Rodriguez, Director of Corrections, Baba Montoya, Deputy Deputy Warden, Penitentiary in Mexico. On this date, we have met inmates Lonnie Durand and Kidrick Grant. Inmates of the Penitentiary will not abide by any retribution on the staff's part in a new, far power or physical force on any of the inmates. Administrative and disciplinary segregation policies must be clearly defined to the inmates and the staff. We further agree that the mediation team will meet with representatives of the news media, which is you guys. There will be no double-selling, double-bunking
on this, emergency access. Immediately upon signing this agreement, the inmates will negotiate their fellow inmates and present the other inmates points of view and administration with further fire hoses to be brought into an institution. They will be handled by inmates to put out the fires. All four parties and listed above realize the living quarters will be important so the inmates are in good faith. In good faith, effort will start putting on the fires. And it's signed here by Mr. Felix Rodriguez and Mr. Baba Montoya, myself and Kidrick Grant. One of you said that the President of the Penitentiary has agreed not to abide by any
charges. Can I have a look at that? I just looked over there. I looked over there and I brought in some donuts early and I figured it Felix ate them. Did you have anything to eat? No. Well, they have a grape of honey and all that stuff. You have anything to eat? No, there's a grape of honey. I could say I look back there. I see they've got a look back there. Say, say, one. Oh, yeah, man. Thank you Felix. I'll take one of them again. All right.
Practice. Thank you. I told the guys last night we'd be back in with the camera. Good morning. Make sure they knew I could just leave. Thank you. Should they want any of these? I'll keep the camera here. The camera's not on any of that statement. We'll just stay here and wait. Just take the way it is. But I wanted to make sure they knew I kept my word on it because they gave me their word when they talked about, you know, Lieutenant and I are coming out because I told them, I said, man, if he comes out, we get an eye out. I think that we're really help. And they really did. And they kept their word to me and I said, he comes out, I'll go and vote. All the whole trip was behind this. It wasn't an escape but trip. It was just a trip
to show the institution that we were not on evil grounds. Like you're treating us like little children in the whole world and growing up, man. In other words, we're just tired of all this harassment, harassment, harassment. I miss not that they harassed everybody. It's just a select field. You know that they're just getting down, on getting down, like this is my second time here. Okay. When I was here the first time, I was harassed and harassed until I finally made a throw and got out of here. And now that I came back, I tried to do the best I could, but no, they wouldn't let me. They have to knock me off and knock me off or push it that way. I had nothing. I wouldn't even go, we just keep away from them. For they won't see me. Still, they got me and they're angry. Felix told me last night because he made me, when I talked to the guys, you know, he said, he said, look, he said, you have to see when we come out. He said, we'll, uh, got some poppies on me. I thought Phillies would put that there but he told me to come back in. So you got statements like this and I told him, he said,
we'll give it to you and we'll run it and make it available just as you want it. Another thing that they've been brought up is, uh, they're trying to lead people in permanent segregation as a program, but, uh, there's no college program in there, no good time program in there. There's no program in there, but bunk. So it doesn't seem right. I can see if you commit a crime inside the institution, well, let's go pay for it. But when you can get picked up for nothing without a report, well, then it's kind of hard for you to understand, you know, it keeps you nimble or, you know, like two or three weeks, you know, what's happening and all of a sudden they come and say, well, you're turned loose, you know, but, uh, I don't think that's fair at all. If they got some money, let's, let's go do it and get it over with, you know, but all this stuff about investigation and all that stuff just doesn't hit the spot. What's wrong with this penitentiary? I'll be truthful you. Is there is too many Indians and none of cheese.
Too many? Not enough Indians. All right. Too many cheese and none of Indians. But I mean, uh-uh. Each captain has their own set of rules. At one time it was run by one captain and it ran smooth under under the supervision of Mr. Rodriguez, Mr. Rodriguez when he was the foreman. This penitentiary ran smooth. There was there was beatings there. There was none of the exosatomies and all that performing forced on, on, on different inmates. You know, it was a great task to us. When we last saw Mr. Felix Rodriguez, you know, by all means, I know he won't take a demotent pay, but you know what, that we need somebody with Mr. Rodriguez caliber to run this penitentiary. You know, I took, there was Felix when he said, you're giving me my word. And I told him that you, you know, you guys want, I can keep that camera just, you're mounted up in here. And if you've got guys you want to speak, you know, come on, I think they trust me and I think they trust Felix.
And we're taking, I think pretty much that the three people involved here have the same feelings as the most institution. All of them have been through it. And everybody's been gripping about the same thing. And maybe if we get it cleared up and it will be a lot better for all the institutions. I think John had a question. John? How much of the penitentiary can they say by putting out the fire? Yeah. It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a total disaster. Let's put it that way. It's a total disaster because the water leakage, water, the main water valve has burst. And there's water in every tier, except on the higher tiers. But there's water everywhere. You got to walk through, through water. I don't know, on the way out right now there's a man in between the two grills of the control center. I believe he's dead.
The last time he saw him, he was dead. It's an image. You know who that is? I don't have no idea. You can tell by blood all over his face. But I know a personal friend of mine that died of smoke inhalation trying to get back to get another guy out. That is a thanks to deal. He, he tried to go back and get somebody out of smoke inhalation and he's dead now. And they still haven't as, right now, taking them out. And I'm going to ask Mr. Felix Rodriguez. I'm pretty sure he'll give me a permission to get a nine stretchers or maybe nine stretches. We'll have to make a double, a double take on it because there's about 18 who are dead. But 18 inmates are dead and the hostages are doing fairly well. I go every, every 10 minutes or every 15 minutes to go check on them. I don't run nothing in this penitentiary. I'm just doing my time but yet because I have got college education, the guys want me to become a mediator friend. And the reason for, for the three of us to come in here is because we've been here a while and we seem to change.
They come down and it's not that we're some modern ordinary or anything. We just said not too many people like to come and talk to the man or anything. But if somebody don't come and do it, then it's got to be. It's going to just resort to more killing and I think there's been enough of this. And mind personally myself, I don't want to see no more killings. And I like to just get on this, taking care of as soon as possible. The easiest way possible without no more violence. Mr. Rodriguez, so I go to mediation hearing once a month with Mr. Rodriguez. Mr. Rodriguez proposed this in our mediation hearing but at the department of directions at the time didn't go along with it. But under Mr. Rodriguez's rule, they had school release, work release, rehabilitative courses. This is what the penitentiary lacks is rehabilitative courses.
Right now they've got a six months' waiting list to see a psychiatrist. And there's guys in there that are walking around like zombies. They've got them up in Thorazine or whatever it is. They don't belong in a penitentiary, they belong in a mental institution. What I'm saying is that it kind of hurts me because of this renovation that's gone on. It's gone to the birds now because of what's happened. There's knee high foot water all over the place. That's what I wanted to do with the firewood. I asked what's the name last night. Let me ask you. I asked Felix and he gave me his word last night when I talk to the guys. The film we have here, we're going to take down and make it available. Not just for the channel five, but it's going to be available for all the networks. Felix said, so you're going to take it. Anyone who wants to use it can use it.
If you want any further negotiations if you want, we'll keep the camera here. I know the rest of these guys are going to keep it here and they want to get out. The same thing will happen. The old stations will have available. They'll make copies. They can all take it. As long as that's what you guys want to go stay. As long as it's known that we are not the ring-meters. I am not a ring-meter. I am here for the fact that three of us were in South Block 3 and we were brought out. Wherever it started, I don't know where or who started it. Just say it that way because we're not cutting it and channel five, we're not cutting it. So you know that when you say it, that's where it's going out. You're like, you're directly brought out by other inmates. By other inmates, us three, the three of us were all in secret in secret. We were in South Block 3. I still have my same location. My cover off here. What were you all doing?
You guys on the upper tier? I was in the basement. He was in the basement. I was on the north side, bottom tier. And he was on the south side. But he used to be the death roll? That's where I was at. See a lot of things that you can get around with. You've been doing time and something like that comes down. Well, it's just automatically that you have something to do. Either pull water or something like that. See, we don't. There might be a few more that they found there. See that? Watch out for your own interests. Even though you try not to get as deep or deep at all, you try to do what you're possible. Sometimes you don't want to hook somebody. You turn the other cheek and he's still hooked, you see? So what are you going to do? Most of the guys feel the same way about Felix's weight.
Yeah. And the first time. Oh, yeah. I believe I got Felix. Well, the biggest word and Mr. Montoya's word for it. Retribution or whatsoever. And I want to give it that. He also told me that assuming they can get the hostages out and everything that we can come back in and make sure and do a follow-up to make sure and talk to the same guys. And I'm talking about today. We'll be here as long as you guys want us to. But do we can come back in in a week or two weeks and check with you again to make sure that the promises carry that? We're in cell block three. At least we were. I know. We were fast asleep and we heard this noise and all that. They opened our doors. They told us either you come out and join in or, you know, what's going to happen. We're just following our interest, you know? There's no way that we could have kept ourselves in the cell. Because they have cutting torches as you'll see once
you get inside a lot of the cell bars are cut that they couldn't open the doors. They're cut and they cut the rest of the money. Do you think you can get the other end to agree to this? To agree to what? To the agreement. They can agree. They said that. I presented them with the agreement and they said that they do not want, especially this part. They said that the firepower and physical power has retaliation towards the inmates of the penitentiary for what they have accomplished as far as killing. It was like a rampage. Everybody was just killing one another. That's what kind of... There are some more of the hostages to come out when you go back. When you go back after this. They said that they didn't want to release the hostages.
No, unless we got to talk to the news media. And Dr. Keane, who's Dr. Keane? Is there any way possible that we can get a lawyer in here? Make this all legal like it. That way, if something comes down, I'm not saying that maybe you'll go back on your work because I doubt it or Mr. Montoya or anything. But it always looks better in black and white, but we can say, well, you look at here, this is what they gave us. It's not just hearsay, you know what I mean. And if you could arrange something like that. Let me ask you this. If we do this, we're still talking about the relief of the hostages. Once I've agreement this made, etc. Whenever we negotiate at that time, then you guys would release hostages. I'll do my damnedest, so I haven't released. Once we release all the hostages,
then we'll have no play besides your word. That's right. And touch the fact that we're here. And we heard, and he hasn't come back in his word with me yet. We hear the last time that the men were marched in strips, feet to the hands over the head, and everybody just hit it with belly clubs and all. Well, that's what happened the last time. And that's the kind of retaliation that these inmates don't want. That's the kind of thing we don't know about it. So we talked to you like this, you know? Yeah, that's the thing. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? You know what I mean? But we don't hear about it. You can see what it does. We don't watch nothing like that. We don't watch nothing like that. You know, there's one lockers up. Lockers up, whatever they want to do. It's turn over. They're on. Straighten out our differences, right, Z? What? What's turn ever against us? They keep in touch, 76. We're sending the seats. Somebody with a higher power of a train. Very great friend.
We can. We can stay out of you. We can stay out of you. We want us to stay here. So when you come back, the only thing we'll do is take the film. So they may want to file their stories. So we'll take it. And when they call us, we'll be here again. When you want to talk to us again. We'll be here again when you want to come back out. There's no medical staff in there now. Because they don't want to go out. When you come back, why don't you call us three of us out and that way we will know more of what's gone down inside the institution already. And that way we can run out of here. Because I trust Felix. Yeah, I trust Bobby. Yeah. We'll just let him know what they did not come far. We're just going to take it. I'm going to take the tape, send it down. And he's got to call it and they got to file it. So it's nothing more. It will take us more than 15 minutes. We'll be here. In other words, the cameras stay in here. So there's no spread inside the medical attention right now. I think it's not right now. There's a... I think we've gotten them all out. No, no, no, no. Other than the dead people.
There's about 15 dead. And there's about six injured that need sutures on their face. And I mean, they're really bashed in pretty bad, man. They've soaked through two towels already. One guy I know of. And he said, I said, you need stitches on that, man. You better go to hospital. He says, I can't go. They'll shoot me. He's lost a lot of blood. Yeah. Yeah. And it hurts you get like that. And there's a... Right now, what we're seeing here, there's probably killing going on now. But we'll be here. Well, you bet. They were just... They just take them 15 days. Huh? We are staying today until... You guys want to come out again and talk, and give us an update. John. I'll be here. Okay. I'm ready. One, one, one. Wrap to all the people. Kedrick. No, nothing. That's it. I'm sorry, Kedrick. I'm 26. We're going to go on and wrap to all the people and see what they feel. That's it. And when we get... We're going to come back out and say, well, good luck. You asked the guys I talked to last night.
We said we'd be back. That's when I went in. I said, you can't do that. I'm about to get a word with our Mr. Rodriguez. And see if I can get approval. If I could get some guys that get them dead people out of there. And you would run guys from here to get dead people out of here. I want inmates to get the people out of here. Why don't... Felix is coming back, so we're just asking when... You're... You're through with your... You want to talk? Yeah. You want the stretchers to get the dead people out of here? Yeah. And the hurt people? Yeah. Can I... Hold on a second. Felix? Felix? Yes. Yeah, you need your... Line you got something you want to ask you. And it's up right now. Mr. Rodriguez, I want to know if it'd be available to get a... One, two, three, four, five, six... Well, see we got 15 dead people. I want to pull them out of there, man. At least if they're still being... They've got some pulse, we can be able to help them. They need your help. Yeah. Well, can at least have...
If you can send a stretchers out here, we can take a million. Start rolling them up. We've got all the stretchers you need. All right. And I need the keys to the gym. The keys are to the gym. I don't know. Now I can go this route to the gym, right? No. There's only one exit. Excuse me. Say anything. Yeah. Okay, okay. Awesome. Yeah. Have you ever felt like your life has been threatened the last 25 or 30 hours? Well, sure, I've been, you know... And all I... What have you been trying to do is take you to the hostages. That was the one that was communicating back and forth from sub-luxics from the hostages. They didn't even try to get them coffee, so whatever they needed, you know... You can perform there with Larry Mendosa. I stayed talking to him for quite a while and... Yeah, for sure. That are it. And our custody right now are... Most of the old-time guards that we know are pretty good
and they always try to... They treat it as right. And that's the reason they're getting treated right. I just got a note saying that they're going to feed this... In Simul Cast, all of the stations. They gave the approval. And we'll be here. But Joe, we have to do is give it to someone to send it out. All right. That means they're going to send all the stations at the same time. Oh, not just one. Okay. I believe the main problem in this pandemic is over the chronic conditions. And I filed a class 81 suit and 77 on it. I knew we were sitting on a time bomb.
I knew eventually that it was going to blow up. And I was trying to prevent it through mediation, but mediation hasn't seemed to accomplish nothing. And the guys are just fed up with being harassed by the inmate guards. It seems that most of these guards don't have adequate facilities, adequate training. And me, as me being the spokesman for the inmate, I'd say that a new administration is indeed needed. Do you need me if I was having a question? From the deputy warden down. Anybody else have any questions? A lot of them. I'm sorry I didn't catch you. We sure do. From the deputy warden down. Yeah, the deputy warden. What's wrong with this place is there's too many cheese, not enough indians. Each captain has his own rules. I feel he asked whether you want the Jerry to stay his warden
or do you want a new warden? Jerry Griffin seems to be pretty lenient. As far as his job. I've come to realize that he's nothing but a headstone also. From what we want is that we want an administration where they could cope with us. All the inmate really wants is mutual respect. And we'll give them respect. But the respect that we're getting isn't adequate. Good deal. That's all the inmate wants is a mutual respect. Give me a word. Give him and you kept it. Thank you. Good luck. Can you find out just who's next? Okay, no problem. This way? Okay. Hi. Thank you again. This is John Roberts. Cool. Yeah. You haven't met him and built feather for the Associated Prince. Good. You yourself are cute, man. Yeah. If you want to bring anyone out,
you can bring him around. But I want to keep talking to you. Cool. Okay, great. Okay. Well, what we'd really like to find out is what's going to happen to us right now, you know, after we release all the hostages and everything, if we're going to be retaliation. That's one thing, one of our questions. They're going to hurt us. Okay. If not, there's no way we can live in these units. What's going to happen to us then? Are they going to transfer us to county jails? Are they going to know? What's going to happen to us? Candelar, you're talking about, like, as soon as it's over, whether it be like if it wraps up and say two hours, then you want to know exactly what the game plan is. Can I, Felix? Candelar is something you may have worked on now. He's anxious to know what the game plan is. You want to come in? Come on in a second. You still got. Remember. I wish he wanted to ask about the game plan guy, okay? Keep the guys back for just a minute, okay? Can I get Felix? He wanted to ask about the game plan.
We're just holding for a minute. Okay, Felix comes in for a second. He was answering Candelar's question. We'll get it on the tape. Candelar asked Felix. He wants to know what will happen, what will happen immediately to make sure there's no retaliation. Why do you get the hostages out? People give up their weapons. And they come out here. And then we go in and assist the situation in there to see where we're going to house the rest of the people. And you have my word that nobody will be beaten up, shot at, or anything else. Okay, I wanted to ask you. There's not too many good living quarters left. Okay. What's going to happen there if you don't have enough room to put out the people? Are they going to be transferred to county jails? Are they going to be just handcuffed out here? No. No, we will find proper housing.
In fact, we have contacted other states to see if we can house on an emergency measure. Okay, that sounds good to you. That sounds good to you. Can you pass it on to them? But can you bring someone else up to me? And then pass on to what Felix said, okay? Okay. Hey guy, you kept your word. Okay. Good luck. Yeah. Taxi man. Sure, okay. I need about a minute to set up our camera again, okay? Okay. Okay. Okay. Right. Yeah. Mike Colby and you haven't met you. Why don't you just shake hands for a moment. The Journal Bill Feather from the Associated Press. Yeah. John Killis and John Robertson, who's within the Mexican. That's my cameraman who can't hear me. Thank you. They're from the Journal Press. They're from the Journal Press. Let's see the United Press here, though. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So we'll see the other thing here. They'll go out to all the TV stations. Let's get. No way, man. No way.
Anything you say? I'm going. I'm going, I'm going to go and edit it. Okay. Now we can go, Mike. First, I made the promise that we would come in. I don't want to ask you a question later on. They may want to ask you if you don't want to answer it fine, but you got a statement to make. How about it? have any. Yeah well I like to say about this institution that it's the administration in this institution's been here for over 20 years and most of them they're just a click they call us click they've got one of their own they do anything they want concerning cell house three and they they just got us run okay Dr. Mark Orner who is the head of the psychological unit here in the United in a penitentiary has threatened myself and Mr. Stevens there on several occasions we were charged with escape two months ago from the penitentiary and it was because of him they have threatened our lives they're gonna continue to threaten our lives even after we leave this penitentiary but one of our demands now is that the five of us the five that you've talked to are in
jeopardy right now no matter what they say once you people leave and they go in there they're gonna beat us and beat us bad you know people may not believe that kind of shit goes on but it does I've seen it I've had it done to me I know you know I don't understand you know they they think that what we've done here is wrong this penitentiary is 20 years behind any joint in the United States and I think that can be proven by records so yeah I think we've done something was right Mike thank you and even if I was having any questions of Mike okay I appreciate it I I'm running emails good luck I need just one thing I can let me introduce it he's gonna set the camera this thing is going to all the TV stations the Spruce Campbell of a cricket journal bill feather with the Associated Press John Gillis United Press International John Robertson with the Santa Fe in the Mexican and one of the fellows won
in the Mexican guy here I made a promise to him last night that I bring back the cameras and the reporters and I don't want to stop you from saying anything what you say is going to them unedited we don't work for the penitentiary people we're here because I took the words of the guys last night and they haven't broken it to me yet have it yeah my name is William Jack Stevens yeah and I was housed in segregation about P. P. H. P. H. yes sir and I was housed in segregation about four about three three and a half months ago for a tempted escape and the reason the reason for that escape was I was being threatened by inmate staff and Dr. Mark Orner for one particular and and people was bringing me this every day telling me that Mark Orner had some kind of grievance
against us and and he was not going to allow us out of this penitentiary alive and as of this minute I'm doing a life's 15 year sentence with a life running wild and I feel as long as I'm in this penitentiary I'll never get out alive do you have anything else? I would like to I would like to talk to Mr. Rodriguez if I may Felix Felix can I see you for a minute oh he's talking to the other guy so could you give him your please sure can Felix can we see you for one minute can you commit for one minute sure can Mr. Rodriguez has just told me that he would give myself Mr. Stevens and the three other gentlemen you have talked to his word in writing that the five of us will be transferred out of this penitentiary by tomorrow right that's all right I say it again let's get around the TV can you swing a camera can you get us do it again Mr.
okay I have a shirt Colby Stevens the Tutorans and Candelaria Candelaria that they will be transferred out of state tomorrow it's out of state right to another institution that's five of us that's five okay you satisfied with it and this goes that on the camera because it's on the camera and it's in the paper and you agree to give that to us in writing before we let those right and the other thing is these men upon that I will give them my agreement I'll give it to any males upon you guys giving me the hostages and he can give you the paper I'll bring the paper and TV we will get the hostage out here and the fact that I'm also that none of these other dudes here in this institution that have stayed behind will be hurt no no rest in no segregation I'm gonna tell you right now we can't put people on the cell block three because there's no cell block three there we're gonna be looking at it we're looking at other facilities for the people that are in here that we start getting the plates in shape okay and I think one other thing you cannot expect to perform
miracle to okay another thing it's going to take a little bit of time another thing we don't want the hostages released until we're transferred tomorrow morning no no it is nothing for you people to say no look you guys are fucking over you know yeah yeah we're a mystery we made an agreement this morning yep yep Mr. Rodriguez look here you had a you had a man named Harmon Ellis come back from the state 10th century in in Arizona right he went to court he got a court order that as soon as his trial was completed he would be transferred back to back to Arizona yeah well that man was here for for this other escape you guys didn't fulfill your bargain nobody sent him about that I did not know about that court order yeah I talked to Ellis and okay all all all these people all these people back here are are are doing buku time there's a 90% of them are flat-time sentences and they cannot go with
with every other day in in the last week they've had 15 people bring in the segregation on investigation no reports without no reports come to their house say yeah you're investigation and lock you up and some of them has been in there for four months and don't even know why and they're there you know all all of that there is people she had come from court with a life sentence 150 years a minute we're making apples in Oregon let's take one step at a time okay let's go because I told them one thing I said a few days we're going to stay it like I'm talking to you three we want to get around the tech we getting our sound okay good they come from court directly to south block three without no kind of disciplinary reports here in the institution they're kept there six nine months just because they have a life sentence and hour or one hour much time they have there's no reason why they should be kept there they don't
give them no reasons then all of a sudden they just let them out the population I think it's probably come in the message you're right 20 did you want to give your name before we because we just talked for a minute my name is Rudy Aldas how do you spell that Rudy ALDAZ last name ALDAZ Rudy Rudy are you D.Y. do you have anything else yeah yeah good good good good good good good another thing all of us five are doing enough time we're not going to leave this institution for the next five or ten years you're not going to leave an institution the this I am never leaving an institution for the rest of my life I'm assuming that he talked about being transferred out of state you mean yeah I'll go out of state to where a motherfucker can do time comfortable like a human being like a human being I'm never getting out could you could you guys hold here for a second can we do yeah well man can you just make sure bring back the same five okay that's cool well I need one thing when you
come back I need about just about two minutes to set up the camera again okay hey cool thank you you haven't broken your word none of them had our
oh the double Let's go, Let's go! Let's go, Let's go! Move and the problem goes through there. Let's go! Let's go up theconny! Let's go, let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go. Move it out! Move it out, move it out! Stay down, Let's go! Let's go, move it, move it! Move it, move it! Move it! Okay, Let's go moving out! Move it out, Let's go.
Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Come on, let's go. Get it. Get it. Yeah, yeah. Down there. Go. Get it. Now the starting body's down. Go. Go. Time to wait. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go. Come on, let's go.
Come on, let's go. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. Thank you, thank you.
Thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.
Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot
Episode Number
Raw Footage
Historic Film Collection, Video 0003
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives (Santa Fe, New Mexico)
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Raw Footage Description
*Please Note: this file contains content that may be sensitive for some viewers.* Inmate Dwight Duran is interviewed and reads from a paper: "This is an agreement between Felix Rodriguez, Director of Corrections, Bobby Montoya, Deputy Warden, Penitentiary of New Mexico. On this date, we have met inmate Lonnie Duran and Kedrick Duran. Inmates of the penitentiary will not abide by any retribution, on the staff's part, and in use of firepower and physical force used on any of the inmates. Administrative and disciplinary segregation policies must be clearly defined for the inmates and the staff. We further agree that the mediation team will meet with representatives of the news media… In Cell Block 3, there will be no double sealing, double-bunking unless an emergency exists. Immediately, upon signing this agreement, the agreement the inmates will negotiate their fellow inmates and present the other inmates points of view on administration with further firehoses to be brought into the institution. It will be handled by inmates to put out the fires. All four parties enlisted above realize the living quarters will be important, so the inmates are in good faith effort will start putting out the fires." Duran and other inmates (Vincent Candelaria and Kedrick Duran) sit in a room with a news reporter where they talk and share donuts. The inmates talk about constant harassment from penitentiary staff and the unlivable conditions of the penitentiary. Duran discusses the work of Felix Rodriguez at the penitentiary and reveals that there are individuals in the institution that should be receiving mental health treatment as opposed to being in prison. The inmates discuss the riot and negotiations to release hostages. Duran, Candelaria, William Jack Stephens, Rudy Aldaz, and various other inmates are interviewed outside of the penitentiary by Ernie Mills. From 00:38:37 to the end of the file, a helicopter flies over the penitentiary and armed forces enter the gates of the institution. An interview with a colonel is conducted about the military's entry. Various nurses and medical professionals treat wounded inmates. (NM State Pen Riot. KOB NBC Pool Footage, Mike Shugune camera. VC 132.1).
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Raw Footage
Event Coverage
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Moving Image
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Producing Organization: KOAT-TV
AAPB Contributor Holdings
New Mexico State Records Center and Archives
Identifier: cpb-aacip-f4e87824ebd (Filename)
Format: U-matic
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot; 3; Historic Film Collection, Video 0003,” 1981-02-03, New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 6, 2024,
MLA: “Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot; 3; Historic Film Collection, Video 0003.” 1981-02-03. New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 6, 2024. <>.
APA: Penitentiary of New Mexico Riot; 3; Historic Film Collection, Video 0003. Boston, MA: New Mexico State Records Center and Archives, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from