Our Children are in Peril
- Transcript
Karwchawunaai ni unwgrissu Miroeibneid Udd honfen prima enwchancan y犴odau i'r fabulousn yn gallu ac ddim âchwpawran i hyn yn bydd yn eich fel darko'r hunafes Ond leithiauu d※ nou fel y gall mwy nodio. Hado'r cyflwyn y gall gen 100 Guys. Gohe福, fŵst yn y ff nurgu, Ondgy'r cynneog, I Twistie mewn cyflwyn. Y drill hunennu ulti beti yma. Y ya oedd yw. a g Teili gyd yn y jakill ni'n dobof ma Weihnblanwan a'r $1K Mordodes. Ti d zaczynau Old Newtohoraat wedi rhywbidol i contnyd.
Mae yng Ngun ymwchol an gaglwter ei gynnydiwfallol. Thy busu ei gwneud mutedodolaendol, yma golferோ a gyd i chi dGHThinoli. erweise, beth bydd beth o f将att beth a academics. Mae gingen 11 ymg i'r i alivebara i sy'n gaf genostwy ll♥ Mae g Mae'n guretesb i'n Ugen Felly'n evtel, felly feleid, Hun mwy'n beth yn gwiąir ac Afydram Roedd feld yr al驴 ac ond llond ynonnen a cerw wedi'r celebrator Ddi pens newig a gwunae. Go on. kaith api'u llig Jane Leo?
Mae'n cypr布olaeth unrhyw i'n boi elop sydd fy photoreg yn o詘i telefonon Mae gerawraeth sydd ymy wedi' i ni'n ni'n bell Mae clyddech cyrrian monぉgrill esăr'io gynillihurithio Iendraethau Fylands? Fylands? How about you? You can turn about the shooting. Gangs? You can be at the wrong place at the wrong time. You can turn about that. So you feel like that. Your life feels in jeopardy. Where are you going? Your life can be in a heights. You can be in a heights. You can be in a mountains. How do you get so bad? Why is it so bad? Why is it so bad? Movies? I think so. I think it all falls back on parents. It depends on how your parents bring you up.
Because some kids be born into gangs. Okay, some kids are born into gangs. Okay, how many of you are in a gang? How many of you have been in a gang? All of us. Except her. Okay, so what makes you different now from when you were in a gang? The start on this scene. The start over here with the requirement. Yeah, well what makes me different is because see, five years ago it changed me. You know, I was like, crimp this, crimp that. But when I almost lost my life five years ago, it changed me a lot. What happened? I had gotten a bad car accident, and it broke me from head to toe, you know. And I was pronounced dead on the scene. And that changed me a lot from selling drugs, getting into gangs. Got my head back together, started back to school, you know. How long were you there? 16 years old. I was 16 years old back then.
I was um, dealing drugs because I didn't have no guidance, because my mother and my father was no longer together. You know, when we moved here, my mom left my father and said, I was like the breadwinner, you know. I went out and sold drugs to help my mother, you know. And we get places. Every time we get a house, either my brothers or my sisters get us kicked out. So I wind up going back on the streets to get us another. So you're telling us you, you have gangs in the mid-school there, huh? You know, these black gangs, terrorizing black students. So what's the tenor of that? What's that about? What kind of... Guaritos, Spanish gangs, white gangs, and black gangs. So how do you have the most problems with Spanish gangs? How does racism affect you? It affects me a lot in school.
Racism and gangs, because after a while, I'm getting into a lot of fights. Just get kicked out or just stop going. I'm a landscaper. What else do you want to know? I'm a white supremacist. What else do you want to know? What else do you want to know? What does that mean, white supremacist? I don't like niggers and Mexicans. I don't want my way to hurt one of them, but I wouldn't live next to one of them, or stand next to one of them, you know? I think it's kind of unfair how they have, like a Negro college fund, and I'm going to have a white college fund if you call discrimination. You know, just like in this state, white people are considered a minority, but we are. And we get a lot more black from, like say, unemployment, you know,
I've tried to get unemployment several times. It's kind of hard because of, you know, on the right. Yeah. Tell me a little bit about, you don't really have a game, just kind of have a hard time. There's several types of gangs here in the Albuquerque, about our skinheads. They have sharps, which is a skinhead to get racial prejudice. And you have the NSWAP, you have neo-Nazis, then you have independence, which is what I consider myself. You know, because I really don't like to belong to one certain type of thing, because, you know, I believe the way I do, I push my opinion on anybody else, like a lot of gangs and stuff, too. What are you doing? I'm going to shoot her head. Oh, right. You should get her head off. You got tattoos? Tell me about your tattoo. You lost a kid going through a heart right there. And I have my German SS. And just some other stuff that a friend of mine does tattoos.
And I like tattoos. So I like to get tattooed. You want to leave this off? Sure. Okay, tell me, tell the activities. You know, drink beer. Pretty much, hang on, drink beer. I guess if problems confronted, you know, like Mexican, you know, black people. They can front us and we'll do something, you know, but we're not the type to go out and push our opinion on people, like I said, you know. Yeah. You know, but we're for personal safety and influence. Yeah. Nothing like, why myself? I'm trying to get to the point, you know, just get out of it because I'm on felony probation right now. And too many more things. I'm going to end up in prison. So, um, trying to go on the mellow side of life right here. Is it hard to get out? No. It's just, uh, it's got to make a conscious effort, you know?
Yeah. It's an albuquerque, so small, it's hard to, uh, it's really easy to get involved in a lot of trouble. Right, you know. How about drugs with you guys? Well, I'm just curious. Anything you know? I've done a lot. A big thing with skinheads. Acid and pot. Of course, you know, pretty much do everything. I do, I do have friends that do it all. Yeah. Any of you guys been killed? Yeah, few of my friends have been killed. Tell me how that happened. Fights, people running them over to car, getting shot. Uh, cancer. Had a friend died from cancer. Which, you know, it really didn't bother him because he's bald anyways. Uh, nothing very violent, though. I've never had any friends. You know, as far as getting runnin' over in a car or shot, that's about as violent as it's been. You have any, uh, perspective of the future? Um, you guys are changing anyway. What's going to happen?
What do I feel is going to happen? I feel that, uh, America is going to get overthrown by its old people. Because, uh, you know, we're like $30 billion in debt. We are giving the G's $10 billion to build houses with, you know? This is literally impossible. American dollars going to shit. You know? What happens when we get a black president? Probably die. The big end, the word nigger. How many times you might hear today? Small. Too many times. Too many times. So many times. So many times you get used to it. You never want to get used to it. You never want to get used to being called a nigger. How many do you feel like you're a nigger? Any of you? Okay then. So you never want to get used to that. But, uh, you know, no matter what you do, or how powerful you become, somebody's going to leave you as a nigger. Okay.
Okay. You find racism. When other groups don't like each other, like when a fight over is like territory, and colors and stuff, like if you're black, and white, like it's banish, and black, and it's banish, and white, all the racism find each other. Okay. Anyone else going into racism? Of course. How does it affect you? How does it affect you? A lot. Yeah, it affects most black people. It affects us in school. We can't even go to a store. Can't even catch a ride in a taxi cab. A group of us can't even catch a ride. Or either getting on the bus. What happens when you get on the bus? So you're at the bus stop. Somebody has to open up the M.O. Carlos. Somebody to drive by. Like in a car. It's black. How does it affect school? They'd be racial.
They don't say they weren't here at all, but they make you... They show it in a different way. And how does it make you feel? Her. How many guns you see a day in a school? Too many. Fatty. This one boy wanted to sell me a $9 millimeter for $45. And my school. Most of everybody at our school always have guns. Some kind of weapon. It's... It's just... It's just hard to go to school. Even another user. It was a nerd. Well, so-called smart people. They have to carry weapons. I always get picked by... Sometimes I get tired of it. I had a gun at school one time. Because my friend got called to the office to get searched. And he asked me to hold it for a while.
And I held it tight to school for him. Have you ever feared for your life? I've been shot at. My car. My house has been done up. My car has been done up. My work. I've just seen sparks coming off the street. That's how close I've been shot at. My way home from a girl's pad. It's scary. Sometimes we have to back our own stuff. Go get our own guns. And go after them. It just comes like a yo-yo back and forth. Yeah, it goes back and forth. It goes around. When we go get them at night, I sit up late at night. Because I know my window's going to get done in my car. So I just kick it off front. And then they come. And then we get in the shootout from my house. And the cops come. They just take a report and they forget about you. And it's like my house has been done up.
My little brothers, you know, been chased. And my mom and stuff. So they harass your family as well? Yeah. It gets real deep. And then you get to see what you do. Oh. Oh. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, miss. Bye. Have a great day.
And bye. See you soon, Mama. PARA Mursa ploodu Mursa hwnnig arew Mursa ploodu Pomir Dorol ′ The Bell ′ MEMUS Sept Labour, c DR Lyd! Whyr diolch yn gallu dysgu godsfjs Rochop Whyr goinnen y gran bod yn syrch oes cerfyr o'r gyllaam yn gallu
y rhoi di? Gerilim? Ang eto di'r grasp un vaeio? Mae rogydedddyddio yn rwy'r neidès. Pun yn f Cymi i ho society? Neulau enfetnog, unon gwahanol eto. C ensuring y gwahanol Jero Meh, a mynddwaad am ys g引ol'us ddSír obledo valdwyr pwy o paith— Mh, buti grave, Beth bobl toid
Bat i omelir... Ti'neld gweld, ailol, ym bus i ddidduno, ti'niedd ar Flint– Huwydnwyd gan'n blald, bleud i'n gwynd! Blalnwyd yn eich dorki! Cymru, Gemeiono 당 ydyni, pyt diagramod. Dwi wnech g рис toadio'r y settledes, confused mewn i'n deill i eig gynnas, sut fewn yn hyn yn bus. Mae yma d laws yr arodol flarcku awedodol. Mae francesio yn cwlawerch chi generation. My staff personnel but um i AB's friends um—Big chickens go back to school and there is a certain personal
I was always telling you know When they meet at Brass when they need them and them They're the friends that are buying them problems the parent are buying them to introduce on and but how these generally happens What y-tyart work is easiest, it's easier What's more popular plant with the say Dafu Ew Batter, mae'n im Doctor edd. Trying to prepare a tood. Mae'n немnygym mewn ddung unrhywlegt ddung ym. Mae'r rhelogan a' positive si Mae'n unrhy dry. Mae'n si ffordd oedduoloo unrhynd i'n car. Mae'n gym oes yn cymred oedd yn ni fudge mo'r sgul Ithai. Faidnau aceg проpwy... Content understeaел Butterblond. Gwchád y bydwch ar newll Blond nºfwk labi...
...i'r byn pwi Wasenau bwmain a' mw i'n ou fy fanneri fi'r grefodaeth a'i'r odo. Düna zam, worr Fransau Whyno? Mae'n gwybod andryd o'r bym Used in the someyei, yn ffordd ya'n fan. Bethwch gen ychwsfiref, yr ffordd i y pethat gallwe��wch globuy anchon. At baithiwch, ramhen tywssig o roedd yna. Wllfwrd fraeth s possibilityellai neu, fi broliod a sealed reisaeth eu moiff gydwllfg uni daos yma. Hefyd fel ar machines. OK, no I don't know. Here is your round board.
Are you trying to get run over another round? 3? 3? It can't be one more. I think I see brother and she'll be here soon if she lados i buy No. That's it. That will belection, ok? Yes. It's not the first time. With mwy gwyilieth am grooma gobl yn fy sylwch ondρχaul. Nghyn idiu 1, ac at mwy i' mwy sefydig ac addefeandg o'r trunjurradu. Ewi ddim eithigaedeth gyda hoewch weithen f இsi ffa hefost utiafa iîtaciu'r impiagol... Dolgi o'r labhastch. Mae risau'r labhastch, floregt os y du, f難 peth. Fadeb i'n enthusiastic, wedi os ni y sideraeddlor a'n tuf a dyd o amserol y z gorfo cefru afraser dorol a'n g הנb creFOawdd Gyn na aeg���wod. Er lad pinchan am y meddwl beth? Ryder a'i ymdeg. U amod. Urwag arாp byw roig i fod i'n ôl!
Clan. Felly, yn gallwch! одноelien ac mae'n maeth yw'r swydd sylfa yn inform— Fi ei perfel. Meir ei droid deid yn gallach eraill. שai deideír, u angenau eu topol fi mae hyn yn flaw diwy. Felly, mae rhywsoedd hanes bell yngwy. Felly'n nih materat Enginiau wrthae. I was your family, that's what my father said, and pride in getting him right into that. As I said, the saying that my mom didn't care for me or anything.. I thought I'd rather go get him to a gang that came off from me, and my mom cared for me, So that's what I said. You know, I screwed my mom in this and that, and I went in, I got with her my homeboys and all that, gone right into the gang and everything. Whose are full Elliott says, Chyaredd mw'n listern?
Or wh So be the right kid. Do you want to talk with him? What will your expectations? Or if any, what part of the game play you as a family? Well, a game play was go second of the guaranteed, because you can run a game city Ma雊, brig gyfoedd yn hwn y dou c recountouleabbau yn e Metro Columbidawr yn pormor. Mae fel ddeud i nie siddol bod a'r engin neud cynha'r ffwstio'u? Diwnnang i'r vuur amr i mewn irritation no amedig, scrooeln ymron o'n mynd iadau wedi gan diad argisol o fellyr. Mae'n gwaith angwaith holl i greu cynlluncaith.
Mae'n gwaith lum Freithio'M Allan o'r hyws. Yellen gawr yn adoddiol a gydystillwedd soybeans. су gydda freithiowi'r yngfon filme va ahí. Millaeth rydddoedd un bod yna mae'n gusti o hy Orion vegetaraethol wrth yn tua. handling y smyddi ar i'rser, fel dinenio eithrafen yn unrhyfyll iawn gwneud mig. Dwkwg»sio bethau gyn nhw'r i been going to bod gwneud llawer", i pob buttons. Felly chi我 gallu還有 i'n gobyn, ric wneud itali dow tôi'r cyenser hyn yn ei eild. Ki fydd o'n gyfer oedd ei blilsau ar fynd ar CuriosityÙ'n adeg diw, i ddim gyfer drwedd, dylu dobl ond. Ond mae gyd yn y fyg Layer 4, Ys ymyddiad jotam eu ynmarion pobl dyn ni'n bre Fora i yn cefydio, Bwllit� ni'n var Charwing Bibli Beth'r Dwi,
a'r extended firyd yn fel foam, bod又 yna ganaf. Rydym yn sem a'r arw wrthrwad itium, mae'r gwybod poig botau, hunoraid, o fynol yn gallu wneud fydd digital 39. Reszmeidai da Ephorhau fel ni'n ei hy. Dynaf yn hyn maaf fr� ש wiring sy kidnapped. Oui, o guした ff большой rare pellethach i cael digid adegumbi'i wneud. Yna fi proshwchach yn oau, Mae'n daen yr play gy や yn gwneud i'r trwyl dim oill yn gwneud. Mae'n gwneud eu manner o elsefor i. Mae'n gedesill os popwerth yn edrych chi yn catw lin ar eianti mai unweddol 1999. Hwyوج yn ei rh am ryddych yn ei am yn ei dwi! Nghyw Europa felly, ac mae'm yn y mawr i ddyfod ac mae hun ond o'erdoor gynhy. lle o ei beth mae Lockhe c muchas unrhyw I'm giawfr y Pey i'r failänd there
o rynas iaith. Maeoli wnas iaith. Felly afreitfarënio newid i aerwyth wedi hynny a newid i failanddi fi hefUU I can't they be friends, why can't they do things together? I don't know the answer, I wish somebody did. Because it's so sad, because even my character down, you would think that I guess a lot of his friends are still out there even getting worse than they were. I know because Jamie's friends after,
I figured, you know, I really saw him the way he was and the way he is now. I think, you know, maybe something will happen, and something good will come out of this. You can't, they're still shooting each other, they're still out there hurting each other. Yeah, sure, somebody killed Dominic, my son, but I still have two other boys and they could end up killing somebody. And I, like I told him, I don't either want you dead and I don't want you to be a murderer. I don't want neither one of them that I said, I said, because either way, the moms are the ones that pay for it. I mean, you go out, you kill somebody, it's going to hurt me that you did that, that I brought you up since you were a little kid, and I saw you playing, you know, ball, and just be a lovable little boy, and then you grow up and you go and you kill somebody I tell them, you know, I can't either way, you know, I can't. I think the mother is the one that keeps all the guilt, most of the guilt, you know, we blame ourselves, you know, because we could have,
we could have always done better, we always think we could have done a better job. That's what I kept, you know, a lot of things that I kept in me, it's a lot of guilt, you know, that I could have done better. But I didn't, you know, it can be helped. There can be changed, that part is gone, but I feel like I have a lot to do still, and I just, you know, like I said, I told Robert, you've got your life to live, you live it, you know, I can't live your life for you. It's up to you how you want to live it. If you want to live a good life, or if you want to live a bad life, I can't live it for you when I can't change it for you, it's up to you. Of course Jamie, he didn't have a choice, I have to, I really have to live his life for him, now he has to do for him, because he can't, you know, if I wasn't there to feed him, he wouldn't be able to eat. But when they're there to change him, he's dirty when he, where's our diaper now? He would, he'd speak now, you know, and Jamie wasn't like that.
Yeah, I always wanted to look nice. Dominic died because of what he was. You know, if he would have been a good kid, he would have died. Exactly. So he died because of what he was, but to me, he was still a human being, and any gang member is a human being. Right. And maybe if we ourselves in the law would treat it as a human being instead of just a gang member dying, and give the, whatever did the killing at least five years, I mean, a life. You know, I don't know. I don't know. Some people, I've heard some people, they just say that when they join the gang,
they, the gang, they dress something, they feed them and stuff like that. It is not like that. It's not from what I've seen. When, because when I told Robert, he couldn't come around my house, and my daughters didn't want them around their house, I mean, Robert was out there in the street hungry, and I even, he even told me some one time that he was around the guys from the gang, and that they all had money, and they were all going to go to Burger King City, and none of them offered to buy him a damn hamburger, you know? And he did break in my house once to eat, to eat. So, I'm saying they're not there. They're not there for them. Sometimes, I tell my mom, it's, it's the end of the world, because I can't understand it. It's, you know, how can people not care for each other? I mean, these are kids. They're supposed to have more loves than anybody else, the young teenagers, you know? And they say that when you, when they're,
when they're babies and they're growing up, you know, when they're, when they're, when they're babies and they're growing up, when they're, when they're, when they're, when they're babies and they're growing up, when they're, when they're babies and they're growing up, they don't even know what hate is. They don't, you know, when we grow up, they're growing up and the kids are, the kids are out there fighting, and the parents end up getting mad at each other, the kids go back and play with each other, you know? Yeah, they're always forget about it, you know? They, they'll beat each other up for a second, extend their plane again, you know, they forget about it. But it's not like that when they're teenagers. It, it, it, it doesn't happen like that anymore. There's something happens. I don't know. It's sometimes, that's why sometimes I feel safe when I close that door right there, and that world is up there, and I mean, you know, I feel safe. But I can't stay in here for the rest. I have to go out there and face it, you know? You know, we've got to face it. You know, I don't, I don't need to be in the game for protection
because, you know, most of my friends are in the game, and they can't protect me while I'm in the game or not. That's all. So how did you get out? Just, you know, I don't know, stop claiming. I hung around them still. You know, I still hang around them and everything. But you know, I'm not, you know, I'm down with them. But, you know. I got into it for protection from other gang, for other people like what, eight thousand. They thought I was in the game already. So, because I was hanging around them already before I got into it. And so they started jumping on me, and started shooting at me, and I got into a game for protection. I got to start shooting at me. My name is Steve.
I'm 20 years old right now. And I'm from Westside Happyums, and I have a cookie. I've been in this game. Shit, it's all about 9 or 10. I grew up in this neighborhood, and I just grew up. I grew up into the game like that. You know, it's just part of my life. It's just like, you know, how somebody goes to, like, baseball practice or football practice, I'm like that. I used to go to my friends' house and get drunk and go still shit. And he doesn't have a big thing for you. We got from into this life, a city of Snipe Smoke. Inaut yw sân yme שwchw wràm non. You asked mych ddatum werau, did itch yn carh 50 yw de Yn mat yn yma bod fod a'r berhwstans ar ddu akeny llpau.
NŐ o Whench â'r trefau welg o telefon i heb gyda lun. If yw i a fawr Fell o Eiffr graphau ar na Ubrai Turf i'n gâniaithauer a chydau a chydau r bara. CŐm plantewc i, gefnigaor. Rydych chi'n bydd yw i'n tynnu mae'n rha�! El i ffs, ap' ila i dresh a gallu flos o gwff de ffin. Os o frozenbidd cydbu wneud i'r gael sewingaeodat ac i ni'n lem beun yn y brood o pe��ag a ylo oh delbyn. fe i'r ysbyte o giawn ni fewn i eill Ca precon ohywys, y gallau ysbynte. A'i iawn gydol o g totallyion, maen nhw ddim eidais
Maybe I just give up my work to the desk. When you needed help, you need help create a home. This is such a great idea! I love it! I museum it out there and it funnilyen but keeping it safe like a夠ld and being cheaper ones is the record. After using stuff like this CoHo Mightain L시간ar姐, mae wedi'r lovefter i'n cwbid? Mae'r def加入 yn ac'n rώρα. Waith o gwnnwyr, ment fel, mae'r dyra ei lfin wythazio? Mae, eraat expecteda? Mae, cyng Yayr unrhyw ein bus AAigio'r bar?! Mae LOTn eu ar cyda, Mae mitton cyngal yn do�� yn fa Mae'r beth, mae'r bethw i'r leid yn deiaffony ode. No, au, au?
Gio avis oek cubio pan? No, oaf, gan hynw un bod osnadornaorditem eisiau angenylleidion聽au a'r ty ar Rygi. Sew bhai mucho. Adearau, vaedag. Maedag y май g power a pwrdau a'r baryt. 4 Marten roll ng four Clément 4 Marten roll ng four quickly Ym yn pleasedio yn unig ac gyko chi? ¿Sodraeth? Rydym yn gweld fraifiadu y communism.
Hysdf mewn cyfrir sydd sy'n gynès. Rodd un ein cyfrir. Dyna mi'n i'ch fyrnswl wedi a'u sicrhau y mynd brydau beth a'u pwedeen, ac rhag ein fel nasun hyn y middân orden per fawr geix honor ac mae yu nostっau ar y feithau'r gy Genesis na'u�� chip sut. a'u i feelen ym mwy�� adeiladau a'u fel��iau hyn o'r ffrang i oen hon o ffewn i am. Bachelor of Hail, allun ambrifiol, allun am mwylwch moballat eu goblau бwchos a n visuallyllwch neu. Bwchau hwnn y fewnog ffawr i fy mae gydugauenhu fel yw'r tábw'nnyaethu hyn o hun gu Rall o horriblyll. a ond beth o fffffaau ryw девfaen gwrsid. i aIG yn y rod i dog i writeiach yn agosau acopti eu sw шир yw gŵl ond ijor yn ymlwatau amserwch bach
Pwrgol yn unŵr drach felМ yw scurys, unrhyw rwy'r syddol a Siráwsedd. We gais yn gwstedterwl ar sym Garrettylleyna, Tonight's a astreif ك ti'n yw'n inni wneud chi'n eisiau, At we'n ei yna ac a'r ty'n ansu, Non eisiau, ei hefn魔itな, waith ar y rhagon. Mae'n maternail o awl i'n myf замwkid.
Hεί wrth i hwnn nhw drop cymau'r dry. Mha st надen sever o hynny. Targ yn bwy i aithaeth. Rygymn mynd y nanud carrythnau o st shallog yn gallws. Ti rhywhelio, a'n eleurf ar anag. Yn accessi fi fel happily yw. Gyddi ran hwn, i gyddi. Ydaw i hwn, heire oae阿id label bod y roid aeddraethgrai. ogi ac ydy dydoodyd mae yma liberal gyda o'r taunsad. Chyd gwnau yn y gToddysio gall, no add mos cyddi explicau.
Ond gynwyna dungängcaid goffyddu waith, a divraiad oedd gwbl â cy vegetationaeth mae? Aos unald ddechol eft— llwbod fywraid trianglesau mellaithio clywel a'r xioch wedi Douegno lassen. Mae'r rh切olations. Yna tun y goffynt yn lwyth m nokiliu nhw… …dwrs gwальной beth yn ei. Mewn drefgenid, hoe, yna eu ar bacon, Hoi waith ni'n deikodol a ym wedi hynna bi personaje. Mae'n gwaith fy ywOST gwar antynor assignw cancelanw'n miw varaatt mor iawn. Testament brysl na'n ddyefmrydd weldd y bydd eich ddoros prepare'n dito достиo. Byddwch, mae'n sh Conan'r pwysigio'r oes yn bubblingianu f foundi, lauseau'r pwis yn y rhwy mwy gone. G outstro y llwysig chi Dreamy'n cockrofaus Iing Nghymru. Gyn那就gu tão rym festan i'n gwneud hyggwad. G漂亮 hefyd yn gynnas yma gareg!
Mae hynCPwch dd passo biti'r mynds. Fwst, fwst fraetaith tuni rhywch dda greatlyddies grabo'r f Democracy... ...ny ohyngelцol yn ôl fefwch wnt 훈�leddwch â dynau ac ent ysgonddoedd HY Sikhonoeddured? ya o Prayer'r swbyn gwneuatau ni'n ki Ymni geth fel naig o'l swbyn. Sau hynny parg yn ei dgyd yn fydd amser flashưởngol oeddwn ni. Tai mewn i laetafir yw frور. Yna pweret moddai'r nhiều, eraill na naw Snapoddain yng Nghagenaeth. Tau argyholl y gallw besteg gofn oeddwn ni i lebneu a hun. A dro'n jobh yn rwy'ch gael nhweddfan'n anionnau i'n mor lemon acean? A dwi b anion wedi cael vaig bol A pargach yn gael dyna g mesaethlwch ym Mumeneuceed cl4 a g Crypt y Cymru Maen nhw Garpa Sita fe gyff AM
mae hefyd anion manter mefyd ag ool alive eraise, bagu dysgu ynall, ryd dwystef medтиan. 代ret. Mae ymwy manefodd i na ryddy mi'n dynastothu gweldwch yn mail? Trai ti dynastagedadowci waith beth g Statisticsbydd eraoftan a'u myndd yshw cym Celineland Cyfrywag 关io ei nog thfedbirds yn llanc'n aes. a- ceis da, reuwydiu yn cyfar. co-f哨 trynyni. Unriיז doliデod yn dod Nhraen, Dw yna gweithio'r jobfo mithio. Glo, yna ces reilio bethyn. 然 ystod ym digwydd, Stelle,
yna sdishad yn nodd aionweru iawn dondepig cyfod. Yna myllaewyr eraid calledi mellol Tych enfadol unno a'au dod oedd diall. Yna beth ar gyda werefoadau Lyw ei! Chywchytat hawchaf neu pastac bu drynau gallu yn fy meddwl os. Os oed wneud i'r magbarnaut feb Jarod I'm Pableham. Czy yn gefnwn cyffbrTubea? Mae 건�iertenu ac mae'r ran nghewn i'r parangau'r maryangol, yn eu wer yn llyboeddwen. Ond mae'n defnyddau arlylliol hynny. Gangbang was a lot of prawns in my life, but I learned to deal with it. I lost my brother. So, gangbang got shot in the head. He was associated with our enemies, 18 streeters in the west side. I've been doing time, driven out time. It's about 12 years old. So, I've really been away from the body a lot of years.
When I got out, I got out and I gangbang hard. I try to get all the homies together. And a lot of shit went down. It's hard for me to say what I'm going to do when I get out. I got my girls expecting my baby now in October. I'm hoping this will change me around. I like to see all the young chicanos out there just to work together instead of killing each other off. I like to see them all get together and try to help one another because it's just getting worse as the days go by. All the other people are just laughing at us killing each other off. They don't care. And if they do, they just don't show up. Like all the warriors in the west side, there's a few in the west side, but they all bang against each other. And most of the vatos from the vatios, they all grew up together.
But they bang against each other because that's the vatios, even though they're friends. That's the way the same goes with me. I had a lot of friends from other vatios, but when he came down to it, I backed out the homies. It's just getting crazy. Especially now, guns are playing guns like toys to them. They don't realize that it's a really big thing that they're... A lot of them realize that you can go out there and kill someone and all they're going to do is send you to the voice school. That's what they're doing right now. That's really nothing. Two years and a boy's going to get out of here. That's ridiculous, but it's happened in reality. Guns, 14-year-old Peweys, whatever, get ahold of a gun and they don't kill someone. It's just a joke to them. Was your father involved in gang activity? For what I've been hearing, he was...
He was from Guatemala when he was out on the streets. I never... I met him twice. Or I actually remember him meeting twice. When I was a little baby, I'm sure he was around. I don't really remember my little kid or nothing, but... When I was 15, he got out of the penitentiary and came to see me. Before that, when I was seven. And I haven't seen him since, but he was an into gang banging, you know. He was really old, but you know, all collage down. Most of his life in the penitentiary. He didn't know I was a gang member when I met him. So he really didn't tell me nothing about it. He just told me he stayed away from drugs, because drugs were no good. He told me, and he told me, he said he was telling me from his own experiences, that he don't ever want to see me in a penitentiary. And I don't even think he knows that I ever got sent to prison. I never heard anything from him since 85. I've heard word that he's in federal prison where I have no idea.
I haven't been able to get a hold of him. I've been trying, but, you know. A lot of times I would sit at home and just think, you know, damn. You know, I lost another homie. My homie got shot. He's going to make it. He got stabbed. Just because these bottles come into the bottle that we never even met, we don't even know. But they're just coming in. They're protecting the name of their bottle. Because of so-and-so, God, and whole bottles of what? So a couple of years ago, and this bottle killed this bottle, and it just goes on and it not. What we would have to do is get a truce, you know. We'd have to meet and say, she asked, do I know let's get this gang bag, you know. And, you know, we're all Chicago's arasa. We're all living this town, you know. You know, like a lot of homies won't go into another part of town by themselves because afraid of getting stabbed or jumped or their car messed up or something. We just all need to get together.
Shake hands and, you know, just get it over and stop the banging and stop the killing and just all unite. And that's all, that's what needs to be done. You ever dream about college? Did everything college is for you? I never actually did. Because I grew up, the people I grew up around with, nobody ever went to college. So college was never a thing for me to ever think about. To like, to like, you know, prison, like right now, you know. In a college class of English. And, you know, like now they get older, I think about, you know what? Why didn't I go to school and get my diploma and, you know, to sit like that? But when I was young, I never, I never thought about high school. You know, I was out there getting highways to my life and, sweet. What I would like to know, Elp, you could, what kind of programs, what type of programs would you introduce into this city?
Introducing to the city of Albuquerque? All my basketball. All my basketball. Yup. And have like kids put on plays and stuff like, you know, do, like, performance stuff like this. The entire job, Raleigh's just going on. No, that's weak. That's weak. Yeah. Okay. So what would you do to change that? Uh-huh. I had the kids running because I think all they go for is the food and they get up out of there. You know, I have it like the kids, you know, the teenagers running every time. Okay. And the teenagers, because the place that they do are fake. Mm-hmm. You want something realistic? You want something real realistic? Yeah. Not peer pan and under that little piece of stuff. They should have like, like, games or game problems. Yeah, they should have actual game members doing it. Okay. Touching them on the problem. Yeah. Okay. Do you guys feel or can you see in the future where in the near future, black, brown, white,
and yellow can live together in harmony? Yeah. You got it? Yeah. Yeah. The race is stopped. So when you pit stop, if it stops, if it stops, if it stops, uh-huh. The race is stopped and everybody gets along. Okay. If it stops, but it hasn't stopped. It hasn't stopped. Brown is killing Brown right now. Black is killing Black right now. What would it take? What would it take to take the violence away out of the community and guns out of kids' hands? What should I say to them? You can't, um, you can't just take a point, you know. First, it's like you got to get into a group or organization that's going to, you're going to be busy and not doing negative stuff.
And then when you hear more about, about, um, if you think, think more about what if your brother, your sister, your parents get shot. Think about it. They're going to be like, guys, it's sad, you know. And they're going to think more and they're going to realize, you know, it's not worth it. And then they're going to stop doing negative stuff little by little. And someday we'll end up having pieces as well. I don't know if it's because I can't cry or if I don't want to cry. I can't, I don't know.
I have a cry I've lost. I can't cry. I guess like see the bullet as long as we're here. I guess that's where your emotions are held. And I guess that's, I don't know, I can't cry again. I get sad and I get mad and I can't cry at it. Someday I'm going to cry. And there was a feeling of relief. I want to cry, you know, but I can't cry. It's hard. I'll ask you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Hey, there's a, there's a girls clan right there. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. That's the girls clan. I thought the girls clan. That's the South Valley chicks clan. Hey, don't flay. Don't flay. Don't flay. Don't flay. Don't flay. Don't flay. Don't flay.
Don't flay. Don't flay. Don't flay. Thank you.
Thank you.
- Program
- Our Children are in Peril
- Producing Organization
- Contributing Organization
- New Mexico PBS (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
- cpb-aacip-cbb7c7f9811
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-cbb7c7f9811).
- Description
- Program Description
- *Please Note: this file contains content that may be sensitive for some viewers* On “Our Children are in Peril,” statistics reveal that institutions serving youth are failing. Leroy, a former gang member is serving a life sentence in the New Mexico penal system and offers a message to New Mexico youth. A group of male youth discuss racism and gangs. Law enforcement issues a narcotics warrant in Valley Gardens where a subject has been dealing crack cocaine. A group of youth discuss the proliferation of drugs in their community and the prevalence of drive-by shootings. Police investigate a local drive-by shooting. A couple of parents in the community discuss senseless gang violence and how it affects their families. Gang members hang out in the neighborhood.
- Created Date
- 1993
- Asset type
- Program
- Genres
- Documentary
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:58:17.561
- Credits
Producing Organization: KRWG
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-54cca3c3b2f (Filename)
Format: VHS
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Our Children are in Peril,” 1993, New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 3, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-cbb7c7f9811.
- MLA: “Our Children are in Peril.” 1993. New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 3, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-cbb7c7f9811>.
- APA: Our Children are in Peril. Boston, MA: New Mexico PBS, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-cbb7c7f9811