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it's been funding for this program was provided by central and northern virginia public
television by a grant from the university of virginia and through the generous support of viewers like you thomas jefferson built his home on a mountaintop on the edge of the virginia frontier be called a lot of cello italian for valor really very obvious much of the world of jefferson's family and slate's be african american men women and children who lived on the five thousand acre plantation jefferson was born into a society that accepted slavery as a way of life it was a system the monetary much the whole commerce between master and slave is the perpetual exercise of the most boisterous passions most unremitting despotism on one part and degrading submissions on the other thomas jefferson yet as strong as his words are like a little monkey meat
on the label what a cello is a home that reveals much about its auditor precision of jefferson's mind and the passions of his life a balance of the headline here surrounded by his books and the wonders of nature jefferson develop his ideas about natural ideas he becomes central to respect only seven entitled by the laws of nature and of nature's god we hold these drones to be self evident that all men are created equal for his studies of science and human nature but also leave them to conclusions about the inequality of his ideas are based strictly on his observations about the cello and put forward in notes on the state of virginia invisible jefferson is reluctant to see published on board that makes jefferson one of the first americans to put in print ideas about racial differences it appears to me that in memory the equal to what is a
reason much of her and that imagination that all tasteless and anonymous jefferson speculated baldwin always consistently about the market was that none of the speculation about blacks had a thing the world while as expressed in a year jefferson the private farmer gives away to jefferson the publication of his ideas about equality and his notions about the inferiority of wines will unite and divide the nation revolution for independence is over if a struggle over slavery at jefferson's words are taking on a life of their own is it now than a dove in
any law clerk law in the circuit maybe we are create a daylong then to know what an incomprehensible machines man who can endure current phantom stripes imprisonment and death itself an indication of his own liberty and the next moment all those motives who's our supported him through his trial and inflict on his fellow band of bondage one hour of which is fraught with more misery than the ages of that which he rose in rebellion to voters but we must away with patients the
workings of the problems that is preparing to live in cities are suffering with a measure of their tears shilpa full when they're grown show involving heaven itself dogs and doubtless the god of justice will awaken their distress and thomas jefferson and the revolution that won america's independence and has taken a toll on the land use of poor harvests have increased the debt from many farmers marcelo like most virginia plantains thomas jefferson and his wife martha now facing years ago some plantation owner as an excuse to raise debt to british writers jefferson is not one of the jefferson and what what political solutions to problems and governments and that wasn't that he was a man of war never think of jefferson as
being extremely conscious of the importance of war is authentically spoken that's what the declaration of independence if words don't matter we can redefine them and reinterpret them and this declaration is nonsense stand for and this is the central principle of jefferson political wife connection with words and be true to his doubts for jefferson the issues of slavery and indebtedness are connected with the phrases slaves worked on the plantation stops and who defaults on the debt if he sells the slaves to raise capital and pay off debt plantation suffers and the slaves remained slaves only was someone else jefferson always believes his slaves are mistreated under his care owning slaves makes jefferson part of the privileged class it provides him with the opportunity for a lifestyle has grown accustomed to it his views on the institution remained the same
slavery as unjust unpleasant part of america's inheritance from britain but for jefferson the conditions are not yet right for change the center of domestic life of martin shell is jefferson's wife more in ten years of marriage they have six children only two daughters more fun and maria survive childhood after giving birth to their sixth child jefferson's wife martha becomes will she will never recover and she is dying and she's attended by jefferson their daughter martha and servants bedding hemmings and a young sally hemmings jefferson cares for his wife with a law of their oldest daughter martha never forgets as an air no female ever had martin is our anxiety he noticed my poor mother sitting up with learned minister in her
medicines and drink to the last full four months that she's angered he was never out of kong plants seem to remember is the finest should not die happy if she thought and for children were with the house news conference on monday have been in on her deathbed law the rights to her husband from lawrence jones novel tristram shandy wastes too fast let's play the blues and pounds of the land around here like hounds of windy day or never to turn more recently prices own she used to be
and in retirement their absence which follows a prelude to then turn separation which we are shortly to maine jefferson keeps they're know for the rest of his life will really bring along nor any of their correspondence survives it is believed in his brief jefferson destroys everything before that event my scheme of life have been deterred i fooled myself and he owns a retired and rested or prospects future happens and domestic and a tree objects a single event wipes away all my plans left knee implant which i have noticed this so thomas jefferson there were slaves and all the thirteen states and send in seventy six when they declare
independence by the end of the revolution massachusetts and new hampshire our abolished slavery a massachusetts declares slavery to be ended because the massachusetts constitution and seventeen ad uses language almost identical to the declaration of independence declaring all manner born free at all therefore they can't be slaves if you're born free nickol pennsylvania rhode island and connecticut have passed gradual emancipation statutes which means that the children of all slaves will be born free and as the existing slaves die institution of slavery will die out art by eighteen or four new jersey has become the western states new york and sending and nine to also adopt these gradual emancipation statutes so the north creates itself the american revolution created and it began by slave consciousness since four hundred years later had existed in the colonies without substantial criticism from the late seventies century
to the middle of the eighteenth century was very little criticism what's a while a quaker a few isolated individually but by and large slavery is accepted as a given but suddenly in the middle of the eighteenth century coincident with the rising sense of enlightenment values and that became freedom independence slavery becomes a problem people some assemble this is inconsistent and from that moment on and it coincides with the american revolution slavery is on the defensive and it's only then that you begin to get racial differences slate buildings racism as an excuse or justification that slavery was it in half so well jefferson's words about equality in the declaration provide a spark for emancipation in the north ironically it is also jefferson's words this time in notes on the state of virginia and express the feeling of many slaves whether a regionally distinct race or maintenance
it's in the indictment this unfortunate difference caught and perhaps fact is impossible obstacle to the emancipation these people thomas jefferson jefferson finds himself between two worlds moving on a collision course he condemns the evils of slavery what he does and for his own slaves yet in notes on the state of virginia the details of why and for emancipation on the condition that went free blacks must be colonized in africa or the caribbean where they can live as free people through that and jefferson proposes educating blacks now at the public expects these ideas angered many slave owners who have no interest in educating their slaves only to lose them colonizing blacks is crucial to jefferson because he believes the history of pain and suffering makes it impossible for blacks and whites to live together and freed
what jefferson was was reflecting again was the confusion and the that search for solutions to a sort of impossible situation that had been created which he perceived as being impossible innocence painful situation that if it had not existed it would have been better might be the way to put it would be better we hadn't you know created the situation but has happened it has its benefits it has its liabilities i don't see how we after all that happened i could live together well some attendees them right because there have been some very painful arizona history when it seemed as if we couldn't live together so that was an appropriate question for him to ask and in the context of his own times a solution that made sense to him a lot of other people
still in the years after the revolution settlers moving west in greater numbers and what they discovered is in america bless beyond dreams for the london games and food and so what has people promise things they bring with them the question will this be a slave territory jefferson details of planning and seventy before the jefferson and the region into the computers to congress introduced you came to this particular do so too describe the terms of that was the church were rough with an appalachian mountains disappear from the great lakes to the gulf with them to organize and to states gypsum presented a plan to divide it up into fifteen different state described how the church will be converted into a state and an article six said that slavery would be banned from his territory and do your eating habits unfortunately that
provision was eliminated from the ordinance of seventy eighty four the first time the western character one well and he said that so the future for each was hanging on that one and haven't shown an awful long a regional one vote was not fair the restriction we chose to look at the service at official think about yourself in the past the wistful sarcasm it which didn't have six and so sleep was not in the senate dealt with
slavery in the years of kentucky tennessee elements in fact received the country which would say you are but it was different mr krasinski jefferson's defiance says jefferson is a tiny salons night his imagination one thing that disturbs him is that french women have notions about politics and they're willing to express or jefferson this is a natural jefferson has
introduced to london or re a causeway and she is the writer jefferson is mesmerized by her and for months they are constant companions but the relationship a short lived jefferson is a composer the models is letter after novel by laurence sterne sentimental journey more than a good buy it reveals jefferson's inner struggle between reason and passion his head in one hand these are the eternal concert prince's of your warmth and precipitation is one of this great city which you ever leaving us thought oh my friend this is no moment or brave my follicles i meant into fragments by the force of my roof everything in this movie is a matter of calculation that's in the
caution and balance in your book and one ski of the places which any of the layoffs but what they are and the other team most effectual means of being secured its pain is to retire would be no sales and to suffice for our own heart but let us not try the virtues of the mathematical routes as you put in one scale the friendship let me put its campus in india for sure nobody will care for him who cares about one officials in the sunshine to remembering things ms thomas jefferson virginia legislature
and in philadelphia the constitutional convention one of the most heated debates at the convention is over slavery although the word slavery never appears in the final count one compromise reached is that the federal government cannot prevent importation of loosely into america and at the insistence of the southern states asleep now counts as three fifths of a person in determining a state's representation to congress and votes in the election looms pedaling two homes one day jefferson's election as president while jefferson is in france he sees the borrowing and squandering that results in the financial collapse of a country it helps to crystallize what becomes for him a fundamental principle of government and private life no generation can practice problems or the dates on them the next
generation for jefferson that is generational tyranny from paris he writes to his friend james madison he uses a term from roman law use of front meaning something given interest and rights because we're belongs in use affront to the living to make use of no generation can contract that's greater than may be paid during the course of its own existence the whole idea of self government is based on being free to act people in debt or not free to act in nineteen seventy nine in that famous letter of september six to james madison jefferson was fully develops this great scene of his political philosophy and that is that every generation is like an independent nation should be free and equal respect every other generation that is if you imagine a generation is aging eleven generation is a country unto itself and that it should be free of an
independent of these burdens passed on my predecessors and it should pass on the legacy of freedom and sell garment of the next generation by not encountering it with enormous debts so jefferson's concerned with deaths becomes not just a personal issue and a lifelong problem that he deals with was also a central premise of his political philosophy for jefferson the principal of the living generation extends beyond the issue of debt it applies to land use resource allocation anything that should be passed on to the next generation and for jefferson a term like generation could not be left vague he uses tables compiled by the fall and calculates a generation to be nineteen years as how long he says vets should be contracted a lot happens and populations and he even proposes that every nineteen years the us constitution should be re examined to many this
is far fetched jefferson the key point is that each generation has the light to determine its own destiny in the fall seventeen jefferson returns to do new designs for modern cello and a commission from president george washington to become america's first secretary of state you also should soon the pieces of french furniture and finally for during jefferson's term as secretary of state and a rebellion breaks out of the caribbean at that time this was a colony of france called santa's man was in fact at the time of revolution the richest the most prosperous most productive old slave colonies in fact happened to your sugar it was produced on
this one third of an island in the caribbean to them again to have this massive slave rebellion in a series of successive status independence party a nation evolution is really very much a part of jefferson's world and we also know that johnson had a special interest partly because he was such a devil tay of the french revolution enough lance love contracts the main one really being there in the haitian kids you have a new holiday that builds on the fundamental principle of the atlas mostly restless rebellious lady is that the lemon jefferson and the new nation
during the american revolution asian soldiers for what the colonies in their struggle for independence but now in haiti this is a revolution of slaves slaves are rebelling against their white masters masters who support french rule and france is a powerful ally of the united states but it also speaks to register one of jefferson's greatest fear of violence unless something is to move beyond being generous and remains a lasting more than a decade was ultimately becoming the second independent nation in the hemisphere but imagine living in virginia there are any number of things that could make even a relatively large slave holder think twice about the future of slavery or so you have these ideas associate with the revolution and of universal human freedom the ideas are being
expanded in france and england but there's more than this there are things that are much more immediate such a great ear just a fact that your plantation doesn't seem to be nearly as profitable as it might be a new travel pennsylvania or new jersey you see productive farms there you wonder how productive virginia be if we had free labor instead of slave labor so you can find people who are not disturbed begin with the infection of and a lot of ideas and to believe that as a very hard headed services proposition question global economy that vetting slavery being gradually might not be all that bad in like jefferson george washington inherited most of his slaves to marriage but during his life washington refuses to buy or sell his slaves he also leaves instructions in his will that all the slaves be freed upon the
death of his wife martha in early in his life benjamin franklin all the small number of slaves but in his last years he becomes president of the pennsylvania abolitionist movement shortly before his death he writes congress asking them to loosen the band's of slavery at all may enjoy the birthright of liberty in and jefferson's daughter martha writes about her distress over the ownership of slaves and good god have we not enough i wish with all my soul that the poor laborers all freed it grieves my heart when i think that the ease our fellow creatures should be treated so terribly as they are but many of our countrymen the course of his lifetime jefferson owned some four hundred slaves engages in the commerce of slavery buying and selling them as a source of red a capital or to
keep slaves families together him during his life he frees only three in the good causes often injured mob ideal time efforts of its friends than by the arguments of its enemies persuasion perseverance and patience and the best advocates are questions depending on the will of others the revolution in which this was not to be expected to pay perhaps in an ancient time job lives all things evil also thomas jefferson jefferson was actually here on a regular basis seem to have gone quite well and when he would go back into public service all kinds of trouble broke out i think epa in general that his absence had a definite effect on how things are parade here on the plantation and the whole financial health of that
operation jefferson's own family in fact blamed his constant absences in public service for the state of its finances while he is away jefferson's boredom often now the wife of thomas mann randolph keeps her father informed about the difficulties at home my dearest father we are going to hope for walt of rain the drought has continued for upwards of five weeks and days no appearance of its discontinue an as yet people are doing great pain about their crops indeed they have a ratty plastic before that as many of them are suffering from prayer even at this market jets and radar in seventy nine thomas jefferson resigns as secretary of state at the age of fifty he returns home to many of his own slaves and as governor was kind of a cool
company washington the poor people of all to come through on you know immediately in common cause he told me that when they came to him and told him that ct not refuse and he did not know what to do i told a senate committee he did so what they would know how calm they know what books that had been there to for the next few years jefferson turns his attention to the plantation and its growing debt or improves a shorter time for seventeen ninety six his political party a republican one against the federalists led by jefferson's old friend john adams the federalist win by three electoral votes and adam's becomes the nation's second president for coming in second jefferson becomes mies
yacht eighteen hundred jefferson and adams face each other again jefferson writes i like everything about adam's except as politics now the two men who were so a line at the declaration of independence disagree over the direction of the new nation adams supports a strong central government jefferson a more limited states' rights government campaign is true and the attacks person jefferson is labeled an infidel by the federalists in part for his position on the separation of church and state republicans little atoms a monarchist slavery is not a major region the election is so close it takes thirty six ballots in the house of representatives to decide in the end thomas jefferson becomes president of the united states' adams weary of political life and impeded by the campaign retires to massachusetts
jefferson is under attack from the start of his presidency but in september at no to jefferson finds himself facing accusations of a very different kind of the richmond recorder publishes a story a legit relationship between jefferson and the moderate your slave sally hemmings it is well known that the man who made to like to get people to talk on the cheap center many years passed has yet as he's concubine one of his own slaves they made it sound in the name of her eldest son is tall is features a set to bear a striking all those same resemblance to those of the president himself the african pianist has said to officiate as house march of james t and the seventy nine days the scottish born james
keller wrote the dance the federalists including stories about alexander hamilton and his affair with a married woman actor jefferson is elected president calderon expects to be rewarded with a political appointment but jefferson decides otherwise the calendar is angered by the rejection and now begins writing for the federalists one of his first stories is about jefferson and sally hemmings this was the scandal of the day and in very short order only federalist presley picked up calendars story with serialized thing it's not the way up to boston well there
is a public outcry and the person who engages in the federation of predicts what the supply is a person who has illicit sexual relationship and that has a direct bearing upon his capacity to be a leader for his nation what makes the accusations so damning for jefferson is that throughout his life he has condemned the center nation mixing of the races jefferson leans amalgamation of blacks and whites and he was concerned they feel so strongly it developed an elaborate mathematical formula for when the descendants of mixed blood and returned to full body to process with pure white and it's just as painful as the accusations about
sally hemmings jefferson's defense is to say no and in fact his violence in a way fueled the newspaper stories because by not saying anything the opposition press could say well it's still bleeding and jefferson resolutely refused to deny so the story continued and continued what is hailed as fact by some in possibility by others is that while in france jefferson fathered avoid being taught by sally hemmings at the time jefferson would've been forty four and sally hemmings fourteen the position and i can't say that we have discovered the research is there thomas woodson and discard top seed in paris as sally hemmings and youngest daughter one living daughter to him back in seventeen
at age seventy seven cents and eighty eight and while there she was given clothing being educated learn french and most likely became his daughter when she returned to the united states show after thomas was hit with bomb seventeen nineteen according to the county handed down in the woodson family jefferson bends to pressure from the press and any to note to win the boy's twelve cents into a nearby plantation it takes the name of the plantation owner and becomes thomas woodson there is almost no written history about this most slaves and slave descendants could not rewrite so many who trust the story rely on oral tradition we have all these people
who have and so the question when did you first hear about the sally hemmings and thomas jefferson relationship and i come up with stories with very close to being identical and for four generations contact list or a restroom for different families in pennsylvania ohio tennessee and texas so that sort of thing leave me to believe that it happened in jefferson keeps lists of the children of his slaves in his farm near the list no child named tom under sally hemmings is named it does list of town with no last name on the woodson family believed to be thomas woodson others claim to be an itinerant farm worker in jefferson does record selling having at least five other children beverly
marriott who died in infancy in the second harry and madison and best and most believe that all of sally's children were fathered by a white man we're going to listen to first and sally jo and ability to find those children was that no one contains that point no one contains the point a slave mother leaves in his memoir a description of selling as best we know and this comes through oral tradition that no one really
has disputed much sally hemmings herself was three quarters white she was the daughter of betty hemmings a milano that is half black half white slave woman and john wales who happened to be jefferson's father in law eddie hemming sell his mother was john whales slide back to the death of his wife he apparently took very hemmings says his slave mistress fathers and children one of whom was sally what this means also is it sally hemmings would have been thomas jefferson's wife martha's half sister she might well of resemble mark the jefferson ii she might've reminded jefferson of his deceased wife in eighty seven an article appears in an ohio newspaper dictated by sally some madison him in madison identifies thomas jefferson as his father and describes in detail like that much to chill medicine also tells how his mother's duties would you care for jefferson's
chambers and wardrobe the argument over where to send did or did not father salaries children as rage now only two hundred euros jefferson's grandchildren maintain as samuel cord jefferson into much detail after their father's death if true it could account for any family resemblance what unmistakable proof either way may never be realized jefferson greatest defenders among the historical profession i thought the jefferson was a man of impeccable character one man who hated slavery a man who was uncomfortable with women and would have been uncomfortable with the very idea of extramarital order and non marital relationship with a woman and given those are considerations it was impossible to them the jefferson put it is engaged in a deli in cern affair or
even a long term loving relationship with a woman who was his life beginning in the late sixties and early seventies first with winter jordan's won over black family at farnborough he's very famous biography thomas jefferson intimate biography of the stories began to look at the sally hemmings to re examine the sally hemmings legend and just say let's not necessarily implausible argue that to say that he was capable of loving relationship with a slave woman humanizes him other people who dislike jefferson will say he's a hypocrite ent therefore all americans are hypocritical american democracies in some fundamental way hypocritical jefferson the way that you treat jefferson and sally hemmings that story then becomes a symbol of what you think the legacy of slavery and american race
relations is one of the great achievements of louisiana purchase extending from the mississippi river to the rocky mountains for fifteen million dollars roughly three cents an acre at nearly doubles the size of the new nation to jefferson sent his private secretary meriwether lewis along with william clark to explore the territory and years before jefferson training was as a surveyor now jefferson gives the two detailed instructions to record every great natural sight and to greet the native americans jefferson says children the opportunity to be educated at nau for jefferson easily wins
reelection during his second term the constitution's twenty year moratorium on the importation of slaves ends and jefferson signs the ban into law during jefferson's second tensions between england and france are growing there is my resiliency and then instead of jefferson being instantly has been success closing as much as seven the federalist again when jefferson an easy target mm hmm as jefferson's second term draws to a close his desire to return to marcelo even stronger we can enjoy again the life of the country forward using public services
the impossibility of paying serious addicts like rocks and landed at the same time has been so often prove that i'm afraid you should trust to lead it by any sacrifice you can relieve yourself on the pressure of day and i can julie you not to think of the children your happiness is alone to be considered let not the tranquility of the old age be disturbed and we shall do well i never could enjoy happiness to see you're deprived of those comforts you have always been accustomed to and which had at his rented necessary to your health and these mark jefferson randolph when i look to the inevitable measures enough and the society become more and more disgust of huge passions receive lament my having ever grown into public view
when jefferson took office in at no one young nation was already eighty three million dollars in there as he leaves office after two terms of the government and growing commerce the debt has cut by almost a third as president jefferson received a rather healthy annual salary of twenty five thousand dollars for the salary did not include an allowance for the social obligations of a president and with jefferson's passion for the finest in everything he leaves office ten thousand dollars more in debt and when he began he says that is comforting to know he did not profit from his years in service to the country in at no no huey jefferson returns to mother jones is nearly sixty six overtime to transform politics stopped reading newspapers and even purchases advertisements are telling people not to write him because he has neither the interest
or the energy to reply the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he reads it as much as he knows nothing nearer the truth when he whose mind is filled with offseason narratives thomas jefferson in the last two years i think he has like epicurus the us deciding it came out of a world knowledge problems and he he does some become more tranquil and simply accept things in the context of course there's a lot of fatalism in jefferson times the old man burned down with enormous problems deep end and in the way out in his later years in jefferson's greatest joy comes from is twelve grandchildren who feel much the cello they'll his escape from the infirmities of arthritis and migraine headaches yet even in retirement jefferson inbox and what he believes is one of his most
important projects the creation of the university of virginia jefferson designed the campus develops the curriculum and selects many of the professors all with the intention he says of preparing leaders for a new nation and yet in the next generation of statesmen is already shaping the future of slavery in including a young admirer of jefferson's and edward colson cole's rights to jefferson basically says i'm going to free mice when someone to free muslims because i've read jefferson because i've been persuaded by the jeffersonian ideas that slavery is wrong and he basically say asking thomas jefferson's eighteen fourteen jefferson's home and he's basically asking his former president for his blessings jefferson response to calls my opinion has ever been until more can be done for we should endeavor with those who've fortune has thrown on our hands stephen colbert well protect them from your usage requires such reasonable label only is as
before voluntarily by friedman and they lay eggs jefferson reminds colson that as a young member of the house of burgers says he and richard bland attempted to ease the virginia slave laws and were called traitors but so much has happened since that day forty five years earlier jefferson's declaration of independence has become the foundation for a new nation based on equality in those days of abandon slavery altogether southern states invasion of the cotton gin was immortal institution now even more entrenched and jefferson who spoke so strongly against generational charity against passing the problems and the debts of one generation to the next now seems resigned to doing just that when it comes to slavery and his own personal use through conservation
easily weapons thomas jefferson close for jewelers freeze them and then later becomes governor of illinois and helps prevent illinois from becoming a slave state you see jefferson's hair it's a joke near the end of his long life in eighteen twenty condors at mit's missouri into the union as a slave state and a line is drawn at the thirty six thirty power of art which slavery is prohibited alone which it is accepted it is the missouri compromise for jefferson is the beginning of the end of the new nation i have been among the most i'm in believing that our union should be a long duration i know don't much and see the
event but not great distance and the direct consequence of this question this momentous question weekend you just won state and self preservation in new orleans the second generation of seventy and seventy six haitians have this solution is to live not to eat in the spring of eighteen twenty six division over slavery grows ever
deeper the country prepares a special celebration for the fiftieth anniversary of its founding documents the declaration of independence of the original signers only jefferson john adams and shawls tell us toll on jefferson eighty three and in failing health declined the invitation to attend i should indeed to july have met and exchange their congratulations personally was a small van or remnant of the postal workers who joined with us on that day all and local election we were to make for our country between simplicity or disorder and two have enjoyed with american soldiers that he also citizens after half a century of experience and calls sweeney thomas jefferson in the early afternoon of july four eighteen
twenty sixteen thomas jefferson lived incredibly that same day in massachusetts john adams also the last words adam speaks art thomas jefferson still survives jefferson left at seven hundred thousand dollars covers poverty the house plans and slaves had to be sold to help a distance of this economic catastrophe really swept away all the families of the top of the black and white citizens will bequeath freedoms in five states john hemmings the cabinet maker and his nephews mass unrest and henningsen his apprentices really joe faucet the blacksmith and the real colbert but a hundred and thirty slaves were sold at auction after jackson's death because the great indebtedness of his history
in jefferson's children or grandchildren of many things he does not freeze selling drugs she is free to use later by jefferson's baltimore and dies and eighteen thirty five at the age of sixty two the great dilemma of jefferson's own life is that you recognize the injustice of slavery but was unable to change with them little more than a generation after his death his prediction about the end of the union nearly comes true yet jefferson well for every part of american conscience for the declaration he wrote a defiant spirit and dreams of a nation so the world's getting howard his generation and every generation since to make real ghost june's report abuse of others these
diseases iron age jesus fb fb
both these pieces fb these
peace peace it's big these keys keys fb cheese yes those signs that they're right but these guys who know a
lot just about everything for monogamy model now here's something you can really sink your teeth into gregory the terrible year i mean a baby goat even though all the other godly whatever they can come on by this is a library book hear the story of a graduate student at the word so simon once there was a girl named gregory gregory like to jump from rock to walk kick his legs into the air and by his head against walls
i am an average gault say gregor
Thomas Jefferson: A View from the Mountain
Part 2
Producing Organization
WCVE-TV (Television station : Richmond, Va.)
Contributing Organization
VPM (Richmond, Virginia)
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Episode Description
Part 2 covers slave revolt, the Jefferson presidency, the Sally Hemings scandal, and the end of Jefferson’s life.
Series Description
Tells the compelling story of one of America's most complex and enduring figures, and his personal and public struggle with an issue that would come to define our nation. The program also examines the possible relationship between Jefferson and Monticello slave, Sally Hemings. Includes comments from such noted historians as Pulitzer Prize-winner Gordon Wood, former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, noted Jefferson biographer Merrill Peterson, and others. The documentary features the voices of Edward Herrmann, Sissy Spacek, Danny Glover and Robert Prosky.
Asset type
Jefferson, Thomas, -- 1743-1826., Jefferson, Thomas, -- 1743-1826 -- Views on slavery., Presidents -- United States -- Biography., Slavery -- United States -- History., Slaves -- Emancipation -- United States., Monticello (Va.), Presidents., Slavery., Slaves -- Emancipation., United States., Virginia -- Monticello.
Media type
Moving Image
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Executive Producer: Sydnor, Charles W.
Producer: Doblmeier, Martin
Producing Organization: WCVE-TV (Television station : Richmond, Va.)
Writer: Doblmeier, Martin
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-f2f7d3674e3 (Filename)
Format: Betacam: SP
Color: Color
Duration: 01:00:00
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Chicago: “Thomas Jefferson: A View from the Mountain; Part 2,” VPM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 4, 2024,
MLA: “Thomas Jefferson: A View from the Mountain; Part 2.” VPM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Thomas Jefferson: A View from the Mountain; Part 2. Boston, MA: VPM, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from