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it is better for people who have links what my question is broke down she's from new york or family live not too far from the world trade center she had a phone message from them but without an average probably all but she heard on that boat was crying and i completely failed and being able to control that person and when i think of that multiplied by afghan people a republican richard been measurable in a camping equipment that i'm incapable of doing that in there that were very what you want on the day did that take place in costs both in the afternoon my class we get to thirty
or so it would you know allow that the event but obviously people were still trying to digest this i'm not a level that makes it really difficult for me and what i do professionally and what i do professionally and with the idea for big history of islamic culture and in a very painful and i get the fact that the issue of the vote connected to the story islam for some thirty five years ago thirty five years to come to really appreciate what if on the main thing and for the most part people that i know who are muslims are much better people because they're muslims and i think a lot of what we hear that the n e d trump and people like that on a pair of them and everything that i get that but there are there is to a model
and even come to the farm quietly their perception that would have gone into them the terrible but we hear that ultimately we hear that an island where a lot of people do terrible things yet we would never think of linking jovan to christianity we see a mountain trail but we don't think about very often when they kneel on their regular ridley thinking we don't think that terrorism is a question for you what's your study of islamic and he also buying any chance read more or pay attention more too to this whole and sullivan lot and i saw there were these nasty years in the more focus on you know relatively little about a farm of mr tam i tried to keep a lot of what's going on in the arab israeli situation especially in the last year i've been following it every day in the news even on a third
level now that was very painful to watch on television i'll pile of money and thin and somewhat lengthy rebuilding not with were responding to be about three feet and cheer with a very painful thing to watch but as i watched it at that it was clear to me that they were cheering not because they were muslims not because they were arabs but because of their perception of what the world of all about them that they have the nature of living under occupation in the last thirty years or so even more so in the last year and i think they feel abandoned by the world but that might be a little bit in view of the fact that many people were there it was just a tough day all the way
around all these emotions coming coming to a certain point that's right when we don't forget at what level what it is that they're going to come and agree on the american people and i'm sure but apparently to try to imagine what that response might be a danger that we could approach the response based on the idea of retaliation or revenge the global which i think would not be the best approach because we get caught up with a vengeance what happened to david like of the only asian what happened yesterday but what happened today the provocation what will happen tomorrow and i think we have to have you know whatever we are owed comes from the merits of the work one image but with a very very carefully thought out i think very focused
and complicating any of that whoever to be responsible and and perhaps that would also have to be really completely within the number of legality and products at the same time that's not exactly the message i think that we're inferring from from march for our leaders are basically saying the gloves are coming off whoever is harboring these whoever's assisting you were now fair game well an end you know that the normal response i think that the normal response but i don't think that the response that will produce the ultimate ultimately produced the best results are i think that would be huge but the arab world who already received a flood of the beacon of light what are before because like the clout that suffering a toothpick of empathy that we can and i think that would be even worse before it our response not deliberate focused and within the legality
but honestly is there damage for unity in the arab world a mark stern different countries there will be more so i think you know what if we respond appropriately that would unite them more than they are no it's not a terrible amount of unity now with a lot of empathy with the arab world and they want an interview that i remember seeing during the cold war well you know i think we're at probably the day after iraq and large group of governors who prepared foods are healthy and we interviewed people in jerusalem who saw palestinian poet we thought the day jumping industry cheering on the government and the camera shots to that bradley interviewing ali will be more articulate spokesperson the plo
but you no longer have the perfect po thank you know the prospect of the arab league but medications that you wanna know i think people are cheering up because they've been suffering for the last thirty years that nobody has paid attention to the art and now they feel that perhaps the world who get a glimpse of how they were going to be in a world with no political unit that so often it doesn't work that way payments to pay attention i know the anger that this nation feels mercer and unspoken in those words that basically said this is a lack of war totally agree there's nothing nothing that i could conceivably could justify that kind of creativity you know where we're going whenever we would show up without an apartment or we witnessed something
unexpectedly he was very important to the mccain excuse park explain that but it doesn't excuse an epidemic and i think we see a lot of that here it's been the danger that we could approach but we are based on the idea of retaliation or revenge for this horrible thing that happened which i think would not be the best approach we caught up with a vengeance what happened today and michael avenge improve in retaliation for what happened yesterday about what happened today the provocation what will happen tomorrow the pay
Bugg Stories vol. 11
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WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Audio of Ron Messier speaking on the events of September 11, 2001. Ron Messier was professor emeritus in history at Middle Tennessee State University where he taught Islamic history and historical archaeology from 1972-2004.
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-9659323fc23 (Filename)
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Chicago: “Bugg Stories vol. 11,” WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “Bugg Stories vol. 11.” WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Bugg Stories vol. 11. Boston, MA: WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from