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B-B-B-B-B-B B-B-B-B B-B-B-B B-B-B!
It's been hidden for a long time. You have the knowledge you know the art. On Black Journal... Black Journal. Can you dig it? A game of quick recall, skill, and fun. From New York City, your host, Tony Brown. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you very much, Gene. Hello, everybody. The big prize on Can you dig it is, of course, knowing yourself. Edmund Burke once said, a people will never look forward to posterity, who never look backward to their ancestors. Gene, let's meet our first players for the game. Tony, this is Kathy Liggins, a Taurus. Brenda Wallace, a Scorpio, and Melvin Jackson, a Libra. The object of the game is to accumulate
more points than any other player. And thereby achieve the highest score and when prizes containing knowledgeable information with the biggest prize of all being the knowledge gained of ourselves. The contestants are selected according to their astrological sun sign. There are no two contestants of the same sign in any one round. There are two preliminary rounds, one elimination round for the winners of those and a bonus round in which the game winner plays the numbers and runs the risk of getting busted for it or winning it all. During the preliminary rounds, the contestants will have to ring in trying to beat the other two contestants. If the contestant does ring in first and answers correctly, he or she will receive the 10 point value for that question. If he or she is incorrect, the other two contestants will have to ring in again. There is no penalty during the preliminary rounds for the wrong answer and the contestants may interrupt before the question is completed. The round continues until time runs out. The player at the end of the round with the highest scores declared the winner.
Two preliminary rounds are played in the same manner. At the end of the second preliminary round, there are two winners. The two winners of the preliminary rounds face each other in an elimination round. But during this round, a wrong answer means a penalty. And the point value of the question is deducted from the player's total. The player should devise a strategy whereby they can ring in early if they feel they know the answer. But be certain that it is the correct answer, so they won't be penalized. The trick is to be first and correct. The elimination round continues until the end of the allotted time. In case of a tie score, one final question will be given to determine the winner. The winner at the end of the elimination round goes to the bonus round and plays the numbers. On the bonus board, there are 12 numbers. Behind 11 of the numbers are names of famous blacks with assigned point values totaling 500 points. However, behind one of the numbers is the sign of jeopardy getting busted. The player can continue to call out numbers and accumulate points until either he has gotten all 11 famous blacks or he's busted.
If he does get busted, he or she will lose everything. An astrological prediction is made at the beginning of each preliminary round. This is not to advocate astrology as a science, just the form of entertainment. Gene, what are some of the prizes? Some of the prizes that will be won during this game include beautiful and functional handmade fans from Volga Tanga Marketplace in Northern Ghana. Handcrafted market baskets found in Dahomi. The fine designs and patterns of color in these baskets is hundreds of years old. A selection of books from the Johnson Publishing Company, including the Ebony Success Library, a practical three-volume working reference for individual and professional use in career orientation and guidance, the Ebony pictorial history of black America, up-to-date comprehensive authentic material, prepared under the direction of Ebony senior editorly Ron Bennett, hundreds of photographs and illustrations combined with living text, chronicle the times, and preserve a vital era of the black liberation movement. The Ebony Classics, the most inspiring works written by black writers about early struggles for freedom and dignity, beautifully bound
each with an introduction by a well-known scholar, the shaping of black America, the Ron Bennett's newest book. That's it, toning. Other than the questions on music, all the questions are selected by using this wheel. We spin the wheel, and depending on where it stops, let's say it stops then Leo. Then the question category will be things assigned to the constellation of Leo. All right? We'll be right back with our first questions in one minute. APPLAUSE All right, now let me remind you of the rules and the preliminary round.
When I ask a question, you may interrupt before I complete the question. You will not be penalized. And let me at this moment remind you that I did say earlier that we had astrologically predicted one of you as the favorite, the person who would win this round. And I think now for the home audience, we ought to let them look in at what our staff astrology has said about the outcome of this preliminary round. The contestants are favored in this round in this order. The Taurus, Kathy Liggins, the Libra, Melvin Jackson, the Scorpio, Brenda Wallace. All right, let's begin the real late game. The realist winning category for the first question is cancer. Hannibal, the father of military strategy, was from A. Carthage, Georgia.
Judge. Taurus. Carthage. Greece. Carthage, the country of Carthage. No. Libra. No, I thought you were going to question that. I'm going to finish the question. Carthage, Georgia. Carthage, Africa. Carthage, Africa. Carthage, Africa is right to ten points. In the year 218 BC, Hannibal brought an army into Italy by A. Scorpio. Elephants. No? That's it. Finishing the question. Crossing the album. Libra. Crossing the Alps. Crossing the Alps for ten points. In the Battle of Cainiac, C-A-N-N-N-A-E, Hannibal's outnumber troops A gave the Romans what four? B.
Went down and defeat. C. Kill 57. Libra. Defeated the Romans. Kill 57,000 Romans will be acceptable. That's right. They're getting the question. We've got a glory of the question. B. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Okay. Okay. Five Black men earn the Congressional Medal of Honor in the aid. Libra. World War II, I believe that was. No, I'll finished the question. In the Civil War, biggest battle in American history, French Revolution. Scopeo. Civil War. Right.
It's ten points. C. Arian Anderson. Robert Blac. John Lawson and Joe Kahn P's all earned A. A goal medal in the Olympics B. The Congressional Medal of Honor. The Congressional Medal of Honor. Right, for ten points. The Congressional Medal of Honor. We'll see the next question, Category. Passing through, fighting, fencing. Aries. Questions will be on Saturn, pertaining to. Cancer. The all-black 24th Infantry Regiment gave the United States its first A. Stars. Victory in the Career and War. Right, it's at ten points. The 24th Infantry Regiment had a fine reputation dating A. Back to the Civil War B.
The best-looking girls C. Back to the Career Regiment. Libra. Back to the Korean War. No. Tars. Back to the Civil War. Right, for ten points. The 24th Infantry Regiment's victory stopped A. Libra. Germans. No. A. The Korean War B. A dangerous Communist Offensive C. Short of the Go. Tars. A dangerous Communist Offensive. The same point. Back to the Rio. No. No. And. Right, the Category will be Scopio. During the World War II Italian Campaign, two crack German divisions were, I'm sorry, let me restake that question. The Germans during the World War II Italian Campaign believed that black men A. Could not stand up to them B.
Were fun to B. C. Libra. Where are superhuman or animalistic? No. That is not correct. B. Were fun to B. C. Crack Troops. Scopio. A. Could not stand up with them. Right, for ten points. The All Black 92nd Infantry Division lost 3,000 men killed A. In an automobile accident. B. Fighting in the Italian Campaign during World War II. Tars. World War II. Right, for ten points. Black. One. 68 silver stars. 72 bronze stars. And 1,431. Who? Scopio. Benjamin Davis. No. 1,431 purple hearts. A. Two crack German divisions. One.
The 92nd. Six. Tars. The 92nd division. That's right. The All Black 92nd Infantry Division. All right. Let's see where we are. Tars has 60 points. Scopio. 20. Libra close behind Tars with 40 points at this time. At the top of the program, we had the opportunity to know you individually by your astrological sign. We would now like to know a little more about you as individuals. Tars is actually Kathy Legans. Kathy, tell us a little about yourself. Well, I'm 28 years old. I'm from Omaha, Nebraska. And I presently live in Washington, D.C. What are you doing, Washington? I work with W.H.U.R., which is the Howard University, owned and operated radio station. What you do there. I'm the sales director. Thank you very much. Kathy Legans. Scopio is another beautiful sister. Brenda Wallace. Brenda, tell us a little about yourself. I'm an elementary school teacher.
I'm from Boston, Massachusetts. I'm a part-time modest and an aspiring mile. Thank you very much. Well, the Melbourne Jackson is Libra. What about you, Melvin? Well, I was born here in Brooklyn, New York. I'm currently an instructor out in Brooklyn College. And a mass media, a mass media teaching, a mass media class. All right. Which degree do you have? I have a massive science. You have a communication. Right. Very good. Let's give a hand. Thank you very much. All right. Thank you very much. Oh, man. We are at Sagittarius. John Louis, a black officer in Napoleon's Army, was personally awarded the Legion of Honor by Napoleon. A, for his sword war. Libra. I'm sorry. I made a mistake. The judge rules the Tars. For his ability as a swordsman. For his incredible courage and swordsmanship.
That's right, for Tim Paul. In under one hour of brilliant swordplay, John Louis, a, cut his path to glory, b, put an into Napoleon's Army, c, judge, Libra. C. C, slew, or injured, 11 hand-picked swordsman. Right, Tim Paul. The 11 swordsman slain or wounded by John Louis and the famous grudge match were a, from a rival regiment, b, English nobleman, c, and a possible for inventing schish kebab. Scorpio. A. A is right from a rival regiment. All right, now I think we'll take a musical question. And when you hear this tune, I would like for you to tell me who was the composer of Lift Every Voice and Saint. Scorpio.
James Weldon Johnson. Right, for Tim Paul. Back to the wheel. And C. R, next much to the category is Capricorn. Capricorn controls Congress. Name the Black Congress persons who served on the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment investigation. Libra. You want to finish the question? No. Who's, let me complete the question. You've lost your, your turn. Who served on the House Judiciary Committee's impeachment investigation of Richard Nixon. Cars. Rango and Jordan. And Conjures. Right, for Tim Paul. The only member, the only black member of the U.S. Senate Ed Brooke. Ed Brooke. Right, for Tim Paul. Nominated as president of the 1968 Democratic
Tars. Channing Phillips. Channing Phillips, who's nominating for president. Thank you. You're welcome. You're welcome. All right. Woo. Woo. All right, next question. Category, we'll see. Under. Black men were ahead of the English by almost 50 years. A, in Alabama. B, making Florida a better place. C, establishing America. Libra. Alabama. No. Scorpio. C. C is establishing America's first colonial settlement. That's right, for 10 points. Black men have been living in America's oldest city since. Tars. In Augustine, Florida since 1565. No.
The question is, A, it was founded in 1565. B, Columbus founded by accident. C, George Washington slept there. Libra. George Washington slept there? No. It was founded. It was founded. It was founded. All right, go ahead. In 1965. Right. That was the right answer. 1565. We're 10 points. America's oldest city is A. Tars. Augustine, Florida. St. Augustine, Florida. St. Augustine, Florida. St. Augustine, Florida. Right for 10 points. Whoo! Category is Virgo, just over the line. In 1793, when a yellow fever epidemic struck Philadelphia, A, the white population turned for help to the blacks, whom they thought to be immune, B, everyone became infected.
C, Chinese were moved out. Scorpio. A is right for 10 points. The blacks knew they were no more immune than the whites. A, so they packed up and left town. B, nevertheless, they willingly helped their fellow... Scorpio. B. B, they willingly helped their fellow Philadelphia. That's right for 10 points. The blacks cared for the sick, buried the dead, and kept the city A, forever, B, until help came C. Scorpio. B. No. C. Is. So you can have three choices. Services functioning during the crisis. Libra. C. C is right for 10 points. C.
C. C. C. C. C. C. Next category question is... C. Leo. And a Leo question. What well-known actor who starred in NYPD television series... Tars. Robert Hooks. Robert Hooks. It's the director of the Jack Bishop's House. All right. That whistle signals the two-minute warning. And the next warning we hear will be the next sound we hear. It will be a bell which will be the end of this round. Now the score is Tars 120. Scorpio 70. Libra 60. And we'll continue in the category of Leo. What actress played the title role in Claudine? Libra. Diana Carol. Right for 10 points. What was the first black rock group to appear at the Metropolitan Opera?
Tars. Patti LaBelle and LaBelle. Patti's this LaBelle. It's the LaBelle. Which used to be Patti LaBelle and LaBelle. Right. Here we go. All right. Next category. And the question will be... Under the sign of... Libra. All right. Find a Libra question somewhere. James Bland's song. Scorpio. Can we be back to all of it? Whatever. Can we be back to all of it, Jenny? Yes, but that's not the answer. Oh. I'll continue in question. James Bland's song. Can we be back to all of it, Jenny? A. Never played. B. The official state song. Who? Tars. The official state song of the state of Virginia. Right.
The 10 points. Another famous song written by James Bland is... A. Sunrise Serenade. B. In the evening by the moonlight. C. Star Spangled Banner. Scorpio. B. B is right for 10 points in the evening by the moonlight. The Bland banjo is the only popular instrument ever invented. A. In the 19th century. B. In the world. C. In America. Libra. America. Right for 10 points. All right. Next question. Scorpio. Scorpio question. The Fugitive Slave Act, which gave federal officials the right to arrest and returned Runaway Slave. Scorpio.
Friedman's Bureau. No. To return Runaway Slave to their masters, no matter where they were found. The Fugitive Slave Act was part of the A. Bill of Rights. B. At Play. C. Libra. C. C. The Compromise of 1850 to save the Union. That's the end of this round. And in a moment our scores will be up. They are Tars, the winner with 140 points. Scorpio A. You will be playing the winner of the second preliminary round. And we will be back with that round in a moment. I'm Tony Brown. And for professionals, three shows in one this year.
First, this evening, top on in fashion, back by Billy Taylor in his orchestra. Then, can you dig it? An unusual game show. Finally, the red, black and green, a music variety celebration. Beautiful, Black Journal. Different each time. Welcome back. And we're now going to play our second preliminary round, and as we said before, the winner of this round will play Kathy Liggins, the Aries, who won the first preliminary round. Jean, let's meet our new contestants. Tony, this is Les Robato, a Scorpio. Benjamin Cook, a Gemini. And Adi Yamie Littcott, a Pisces. Now let me remind you that in this round, you can interrupt me before I complete a question. But if you are wrong, you lose your turn and then we go on, I'll complete the question
and I go to the other two contestants. And also, as we said earlier, as far as the audience is concerned, our staff astrologer is predicting in a very lighthearted way, which of you gentlemen will be the survivor or the victor of this contest. And now Jean, who is our predicted winner? The contestants are favored in this round, in this order. The Gemini, Benjamin Cook, the Pisces, Adi Yamie Littcott, the Scorpio, Les Robato. All right, now we'll start playing our game, we'll expand and get a category for the first set of questions for our new contestants. And the first question category is going to be, I believe, stars. And we'll start off by asking, the oldest and only surviving wonder of the world is A, the City of Cairo, B, the Great Pyramid, Pisces, the Great Pyramids, V-J.
Right, for ten points. The Pyramid built an honor of K-H-U-F-U in the event that I mispronounced it, was completed around A, 10 o'clock in the morning, B, 3,700 AD, C, Scorpio. What is C? C is 3,700 BC, that's right, for ten points. Same Pyramid took 100,000 men, blank, to complete, that blank stands for A, 30 years, Gemini. 30 years. 30 years is right, for ten points. All right, now we'll try some musical questions. Let's ask it. Ella Fitzgerald, Scorpio.
All right, Ella Fitzgerald was discovered by A, Chick Webb. Chick Webb, right, for ten points. This famous blue singer was portrayed unscreened by Diana Rawl, Pisces, Billy Holiday. Billy Holiday is right, for ten points. And our next musical question. Spicy. I wish I knew how it would be free, but Billy Taylor. That's not the question. That's not the question. This song composed by Billy Taylor was recorded by the high priestess of soul. She is. Scorpio. No. Gemini. I'm sorry. She is Nina Simone. Our next musical question. Name the composer of this song, which is Chiller Joe.
Spicy. Quincy Jones. Right, for ten points. Quincy Jones. I will spend for another category. And that question in category will be under Scorpio. The original founder and organizer of the Underground Railroad was... Pisces. Levi Coffey. Uh, Coffin. Right. Levi Coffin, a white quaker for ten points. Levi Coffin. Levi Coffin led over blank to freedom. Blank is a three thousand slaves. Gemini thousand slaves. Right. For ten points. Levi Coffin was given the title of Blank of the Underground Railroad. A. Engineer. B. Conductor. Scorpio.
Conductor. No. Pisces. Engineer. No, the last one is C. President. President. Right. Ten points. All right. Next question in category will be under the sign of... Cancer. General Thomas Dumas was the father of the famous black French... Alexandra Dumas, the famous poet. Right. For ten points. General Thomas Dumas was a hero of A. Bunker Hill. B. The American Revolution. C. The French Revolution. French Revolution. C is right. The French Revolution. Gemini gets ten points. Now you can be rang. You must wait to be recognized before you answer. But you were first.
General Thomas Dumas commanded A. The Brigade Pisces. Napoleon's cavalry. No. A. The Brigade of the Alps B. A mountain fort C. The Army of the Pyrenees. Scorpio. Army of the Pyrenees. Right. For ten points. For ten points. For ten points. And that question in category... Which means controller by Capricorn. Capricorn controls Congress and Congressional matters. Who is the chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus? Gemini. Charles Wrangles. Who you are? Right. For ten points. All right. That is our warning whistle. We now have two minutes to play. And our score this time is Scorpio 20, Gemini 70, Pisces 40. with two minutes to play. Applause. Now we've had the opportunity to know our contestants by their sign.
Now let's try to get to know them a little bit as individuals. Our Scorpio is actually less revolved though. Am I correct, Les? It's right. Tell us a little about yourself. Well, I'm an editor of New Yorker Tony and... Editor? New Yorker. Oh, uh-huh. New Yorker. I'm working for a large cable TV company and data processing. But my first love is always performing. Your actor? Yeah. Anything you'll pay me to do? All right. Thank you very much for being with us. Thank you. Applause. Our next contestant is Mr. Benjamin Cook, who's the Gemini. Tell us about yourself. I'm from Washington, D.C. By way of Kentucky, Ohio, and Chicago. I'm presently chairman of the Department of Applied Communications at Howard University. Thank you very much. Benjamin with us. Applause. And our Pisces contestant is brother Adiyemi. What about you, brother Adiyemi? Um, I stay in New York and I produce a program at the National Black Theatre, which you have appeared on before.
Yes. And the biggest gas in my life is being around Barbara Rante and all the brothers and sisters at the National Black Theatre. I'm going to say it's one of my greatest, too. I just have a wonderful time there. What's the term you use getting into other person's fears, is it? Getting into each other's space. Getting into each other's space. Sharing space with each other. That's beautiful. At the National Black Theatre. Let's go to Adiyemi. Applause. All right. We have more questions in the Capacorn category before we spin the wheel. What city has more than one black congressman? Scorpio. New York. No. Chicago. No. Adiyemi. Los Angeles. No. The answer is Detroit. Conures and digs. But, but, uh, Conures, Mina, uh, Medcalfe and Collins are from Chicago. And we're not attached to judge for ruling. Wrangling Chisholm. Is, uh, from West, New York. That's right. Who answered first? He says we'll eliminate the question because of my error. All right.
The last question then. Sorry about that. Name the black congressman from Los Angeles. No. No. No. Brathe with, uh, Burke. No. Paisies. Yvonne, Brathe, Burke. That's the only one. Congress. Men. Congressmen? Well, persons. Uh, Hawkins. Hawkins and Burke. And Burke. And Burke. All right. All right. I feel a little ambivalent about, uh, I think we'll have to eliminate that question also. All right. Let's try another category. All right. All right. Next category. Be under. Burke. The South was rebuilt after the Civil War, mostly by A. Paisies. Black skilled workers. Right. Black craftsmen. It's end point. In other words, about blank of postwar South's skilled craftsmen were black. And that blank would be this percentage.
A 75 percent. B 85 percent. Paisies. 85 percent. Right. For ten points. After the South was rebuilt, blacks were rarely permitted A. Inside the plantation. B. To learn skilled trades. Paisies. B. To learn skilled trades as apprentices. All right. For ten points. All right. Think of another category. And that category will be Sagittarius. D. Gregory and Walt Frazier were star athletes at Whatcom. Southern Illinois. Oh. Gemini. Southern Illinois University. All right. For ten points. Southern Illinois University. Who was the first black captain of the Yale University football team? Gemini. Sorry about that. All right. Anybody? All right. Levi Jackson.
The juice refers to what? Who? Paisies. O.J. Simpson. O.J. Simpson. Right. For ten points. O.J. Simpson. All right. This question is under Capricorn. How many of the following cities has a black mayor? A. Fargo North Dakota. Wilmington, Delaware. Detroit, Michigan. Chicago, Illinois. Los Angeles, California. Scorpio. Three. No. Four. Paisies. Two. Two is right. Detroit and Los Angeles. The newest black congressman is from Memphis, Tennessee. Gemini. Harold Ford. Right. For ten points. How many blacks are members of Congress? Paisies.
Seventeen. Seventeen is right. For ten points. It's going to be under the sign of cancer. Forty-seven percent of the black population. Gemini. Under nineteen years of age. Right. For ten points. Among the white population. Only. Gemini. Thirty-eight percent. Because of greater opportunities in education, economics and politics. A. Young blacks can expect greater success in achievement. Gemini. From the decade of the 70s and 80s. No. Let me complete for the other two. A. Young blacks can expect greater success in achievement than ever in the past. B. More people are black. C. Blacks are in general younger. Scorpio. A. A is right. For ten points. Young blacks can expect greater success in achievement than ever in the past. All right.
Next question is out of order. Be under the sign of. Come on into. Leo. What was the first, I have, we've used that one before. The Ganges River was named. Paisies. An African explorer, Ganges. Ganges. He was the king in Africa. You're right. The question was, Ganges River was named after. Ganges, you're right. That's good for ten points. That's a big step. It's a black Ethiopian ruler. The Ganges River is A. Gemini. An India. No. A. 1,560 miles long. B. 900 miles long. C. 1,560 miles wide. Paisies. 1,560 miles long. Right. For ten points. In 712 AD, Ganges, the first, not the first, but the black Ethiopian ruler,
went as far east as A. The Ganges River. B. The Y in G-T-Z-E. River. C. The Mississippi River. Gemini. The Yangtze River. No. Paisies. The Ganges River. Right. For ten points. I like the mention of this time that we did, our astrologer, rather, did accurately predict the winner of the first round, the Taurus, Cathy Liggins. And it also, like at this time, to correct the score. We did accept the answer given by the Gemini, Benny Cook, for the killer jail composition. It is Benny Goulson. We had accepted Quincy Jones, which is incorrect, and we've made that change. We're now into the last two minutes of the preliminary round, and we'll spend the wheel and changing the category. We have a tie between the Paisies and the Gemini at this point.
With our Scorpio close behind, our category is going to be Virgo. Anton Amo, AMO, a black slave, was one of the greatest scholars in the history of Paisies. Germany. Germany is right for ten points. At Hall University, Anton Amo mastered many subjects, including blank languages. A, one, B, two, C, six. Scorpio, six. Six is right for ten points. Anton Amo was appointed to the chair of Philosophy at A. Miami University, B. The University of Wittenburg, Paisies. The University of Wittenburg. Right for ten points. Happy New Year! And we won!
From the category of Scorpio. And the category of Scorpio. St. George's was a world famous A. Conductor and Composer, B. Frenchman, Paisie. Frenchman and Swordsman. No. The C is Musketeer. Gemini. Oh, A. A, Conductor and Composer. For ten points. During the French Revolution, St. George's recruited A. A recruitment of black soldiers, B. An entire orchestra, C. A party of famous soldiers. Oh, Gemini. A. A, a regiment of black soldiers. Right for ten points. That is the end of the preliminary round. And we have a tie between Gemini and Paisie. Now, a rule for a tie is that we ask one more question.
And we will attempt with this question to change our Gemini Paisie. Choose a winner of this preliminary round. Come under the sign of Capricorn. Henry Holland Garnett was one of the few slaves in the United States, too. A. Obtain Gemini. Obtain a college education. Obtain a formal education. Right. Gemini at ten points. And Gemini is the winner of the C. C. A range, the elimination round, which will take place between Kathy Liggins, the Taurus, and Benjamin Cook, the Gemini. And we'll be right back with the elimination round for these two winners of the preliminary round. Congratulations to both of you for winning your rounds. Whatever it's worth, the astrology did choose each of you to win your rounds.
That does mean astrology works, it does mean it's interesting. Remember in this round that if you interrupt before I complete the question, that you, if you do not get the question correctly, you will be penalized ten points for your interruption. So you can take the chance of the Gemini. All right. And we'll decide the elimination round to see what we're going to play in the number of rounds and we have Aquarius. And an aquarium question. Elijah McCoy's inventions inspired the phrase A. Taurus. The Real McCoy. Right. The Real McCoy for ten points. Elijah McCoy receives more than Taurus. 75 patents. 75 patents. Right. For ten points. McCoy's most important patent was a device which A. Taurus.
Lubricates an engine while the engine's running. Oil's machines while they're running. Right. For ten points. All right. Take another California here. What do you get? Cancer. Marker's Garvey was called Gemini. Black Moses. No, that's not the question. Taurus. Marker's Garvey was called the Black Moses because A. He wanted his people to go to the Holy Land. B. He wanted to lead his people to the African Homeland. C. He liked the name. He wanted to lead his people to the African Homeland. Right. Ten points. Gemini. He was penalized for not getting, for interrupting and not getting it correctly. Marker's Garvey said, quote, black men A. You were once great. You shall be great again. B.
R together. C. And women. Gemini. You were once great and a little bit great. For ten points. You were once great and a little bit great again. Marker's Garvey organized the A. Gemini. The Universal Improvement Association. That's close enough. The Universal Negro Improvement Association. Right. Thank you. All right. Now let's have a musical question. Oh, sorry. I have to ask a question first. Who is the composer of the entertainment? Gemini. Scott Joplin. Right. For ten points. Our next musical question. Who wrote? Ain't Miss Bay. Gemini. That's Waller. That's Waller. For ten points. And the next musical question. Who invented the trumpet style of piano playing?
Gemini. Father Hans. Father Earl Hans. Right. The ten points. Now we'll take our next musical question. Which will be under the sign of Leo. The University of Paris was organized by Tars. By the scholars of Timbuktu. Right. For ten points. By black scholars, Timbuktu. Which was an African city of scholars. The Chancellor of Notre Dame was ordered to set up the University of Paris by A. King Henry I of France. B. The Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. C. Napoleon III. Tars. King Henry. King Henry I. Right. The early development of the University of Paris by black scholars took place A. In Africa, B. From 1150 to 1170, C.
In the 20th century. Gemini. From 1150 to 1170. Right. For ten points. Thank you. You're welcome. You're welcome. And you'll find questions. In this explanation round, we'll play the numbers under Capricorn. And this question is. Dr. Jerome Holland was president. Correct, I'm sorry. At Cornell University. Dr. Jerome Holland was twice A. Named to the All-American Football Team. Gemini. Named twice to the All-American Football Team. Right. For ten points. From 1970, Jerome Holland was named A. Gemini. Ambassador to Finland. You know. Tar. Ambassador to Sweden. Right. For ten points. Right. Dr. Jerome Holland had been named president of A. Tar.
Delaware College and Hampton Institute. Right. For ten points. Come on. For ten points. I can see which you got next. And this elimination round. And it's going to stop under Virgo. During World War I, the All Black Eighth Infantry Regiment from Illinois received A. More mail than anyone else. B. More combat citations. Gemini. More combat citations. Right. And any other regiment in the United States Army. The U.S. Army had the deepest way to commit A. The Eighth Infantry Regiment to the Battle in France. B. Mayhem C. The 10th Infantry to the Battle of France. Tar. A. The Eighth Infantry Regiment to the Battle of France. Right. The Eighth Infantry Regiment from Illinois carried out the most dangerous assignments. Even though A. They were not a fighting outfit. B.
They were from Illinois. C. They sustained many casualties. Gemini. They sustained many casualties. Right. For ten points. The Eighth Infantry Regiment to the Battle of France. The Eighth Infantry Regiment to the Battle of France. The Eighth Infantry Regiment to the Battle of France. The Eighth Infantry Regiment to the Battle of France. Next question, Captain Murray is going to be found under... Cancer. The most famous battle of the Spanish-American wars. War was A. The Battle of San Juan... San Juan Hill. Right. The Battle of San Juan Hill. The Battle of San Juan Hill. Black Troopers charged and captured A. Cuba. Right. For ten points. President Theodore Teddy Roosevelt thought Black Troopers were A. Neat and good marchers. B. Brave men in battle. C. Very fast. Gemini. Brave men in battle. Right. For ten points. Now, that whistle signals that we have two minutes left in this elimination round. And we'll see now, the score is, Taurus is leading with 100 points and Gemini is close behind with 90.
The next question, Captain Murray, is going to be the question, Captain Murray. Under the category of Libra. Libra controls sculpture. The oldest known sculpture of the human body is A. Gemini. Uh... By the Grimaldi? No. I will finish it for Taurus. A. Ten thousand feet tall. B. Ten to fifteen thousand years old. C. Falling apart. Ten to fifteen thousand years old. Right. For ten points. And Gemini is the king wise. This ancient sculpture of the human body was carved by A. The Grimaldi? Taurus. The Grimaldi. The Grimaldi. A Black Trooper. Right. For ten points. The sculpture done by the Black Grimaldi is known as A. Mary Grimaldi B. The old statue of Vienna C.
The Venus of Willendorf. Taurus. The Venus. The Venus of Willendorf. Right. For ten points. The next question, Captain Murray. Time to be. Leo. Paul Robeson was a famous A. War protestor B. An opera star. Gemini. Opera star. Right. For ten points. And your friend Russia, Paul Robeson found a lack of A. Racial discrimination. Taurus. Racial discrimination. Right. For ten points. Paul Robeson left the United States because of A. Some silly argument. B. His health. C. Herat. Taurus. His views as a communist. His radical views. No. I don't think that's acceptable. I'll finish it for Gemini. C. A. Some silly argument. B.
His health. C. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. Herat. So what was Taurus? Across the Delaware with General George Washington. Right. For ten points. George Washington crossed the Delaware River. So A. France could join his troop's feet. He could get to the other side. C. He could attack the bridge. Taurus. So he could attack the bridge. Right. For ten points. And George Washington crossed the Delaware River. In 1776, he asked to have A. France and over B. A bridge built C. Experience Black Troops. Gemini. Experience Black Troops. Experience Black Troops to take part in the act. And I think that is the bell for the end of the round. And it appears that Taurus is the victor.
That's good. That's good. That's good. That's good. Would you please join me at the board? We're a week and now let me just for your memory. Let me restate. We're going to play the numbers. And when anybody plays the numbers, there is a potential that you might get busted. Now, under 11 of these 12 numbers is the name of a famous black person. And there are points that you will be given if you choose this number by that name. However, there is one that will bust you. As long as you accumulate points and you may continue, you will receive prizes commensurate with the number of points that you've accumulated. Ready? All right. Now, if you get busted, you lose all of the points you've accumulated. However, you get your prizes from winning the first round. All right? Which number do you want to try first? Number two.
Number two is ten points. Two sides of the loop are two. Number three. Number three is... John Russ Worm, 75 points. All right. That's a total of 85 points so far. Do you want to quit or do you want to continue? I want to gamble. Do you want to gamble? Play the numbers a little longer. All right. Which one do you want to take this time? Let's try number four. Number four is... Mary Ann Anderson, 45 points. Now, you have a total of 130 points. You can lose it all if you continue and get busted. Or you can continue to accumulate prizes. Which would you prefer? I'd like to keep trying. Number one to complete the row. Number one is... 65 points. All right. We're playing the numbers. We don't want to get busted. Don't have legal money and so forth. You have 195 points.
You're accumulating all kinds of good volumes and information about Black America and Black Asia. Do you want to keep on going? Yeah. It should you go on. What's your number? Number eight. Number eight is... 25 points. All right. Now, are still accumulating points. And what would you... You have 220 points. And do you want to continue? Or do you want to take the chance on losing it all by getting busted? Go for it. Someone said go for it. You'll go for it. All right. Which number do you want to go for? I'll dance around seven and try six. Seven. Got somebody. All right. You'll try six. Six is... Yeah! 55 points. All right. You now are at 275 points.
You could keep that and get you some very handsome reading material. Or you could blow it and get busted. Which would you prefer to do? I'll keep going. You'll keep going. All right. What's your new number? My new number is 10. Her new number is 10. And it is... Oh! There are only five numbers left. You have 280 points. That's a handsome accumulation of very good information on black experience. Do you want to jeopardize it by potentially getting busted? Or do you want to keep accumulating it, perhaps, get even some nicer volumes? It's 500. 500 is your maximum number. You have now a total of 280. I'll try number 11. Number 11, you know that her chances are slimmer and slimmer. Number 11 is... Oh! 80 points. That's enough. All right.
You now have 365. Someone said, stop. Out of the next four. Out of the next four. Go ahead. What do you want to do? She's going to keep going. All right. This is going to be a very crucial, very crucial decision. Which do you want to try? I'll try five. Five. It might be the bus it is. Oh! Oh! Number 11. You need legal money. You need a lawyer. You lost all of those books. But you played a wonderful game. How about... APPLAUSE APPLAUSE This is going to be a very important game. Thank you very much for staying on. Can you dig it? What do you want to do? What do you want to do?
What do you want to do? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? What do you want to do? Now I'm going to start. And make a request. Or send a thing forward. And meth by her, It tastes like you have good if you laugh. Here's good, what do? . . . .
Black Journal
Episode Number
No. 505
Can You Dig It?
Producing Organization
WNET (Television station : New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
Library of Congress (Washington, District of Columbia)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-b3e8b891466).
Episode Description
A game show featuring trivia questions about Black history.
Series Description
Black Journal began as a monthly series produced for, about, and – to a large extent – by black Americans, which used the magazine format to report on relevant issues to black Americans. Starting with the October 5, 1971 broadcast, the show switched to a half-hour weekly format that focused on one issue per week, with a brief segment on black news called “Grapevine.” Beginning in 1973, the series changed back into a hour long show and experimented with various formats, including a call-in portion. From its initial broadcast on June 12, 1968 through November 7, 1972, Black Journal was produced under the National Educational Television name. Starting on November 14, 1972, the series was produced solely by WNET/13. Only the episodes produced under the NET name are included in the NET Collection. For the first part of Black Journal, episodes are numbered sequential spanning broadcast seasons. After the 1971-72 season, which ended with episode #68, the series started using season specific episode numbers, beginning with #301. The 1972-73 season spans #301 - 332, and then the 1973-74 season starts with #401. This new numbering pattern continues through the end of the series.
Created Date
Asset type
Race and Ethnicity
Media type
Moving Image
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Guest: Ribaudo, Les
Guest: Lithcott, Adeyemi
Guest: Wallace, Brenda
Guest: Jackson, Melvin
Guest: Cooke, Benjamin
Guest: Liggins, Kathy
Host: Brown, Tony
Producing Organization: WNET (Television station : New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Library of Congress
Identifier: cpb-aacip-9b9f202acd0 (Filename)
Format: 2 inch videotape
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Black Journal; No. 505; Can You Dig It?,” 1975-01-22, Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 23, 2024,
MLA: “Black Journal; No. 505; Can You Dig It?.” 1975-01-22. Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Black Journal; No. 505; Can You Dig It?. Boston, MA: Library of Congress, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from