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her humanitarian sense we are different too seriously seriously that's juana summers prosaic soul and world climate forcing and their theory i love their very few villains in in my novels and because i found that when i get to know people i hated these end of qana liken them for a time up a meal of people and a lie
the only enemy i have ever heard is the tyranny of the door mud and what has happened in the social movements in this country in recent years as that some very desperately needed men highly benevolent called for changes in culture movement have been taken over by dollars and people would go minds one of the characteristics of song with a dull mind is if they can't the frantic they can't make distinctions therefore to live in jane howard's wonderful phrase thrown out the sex with the
sexism they were gracious enough and sensitive enough and sharper know they would be able to distinguish between something that is really sexual and something that's sexist and there might just be on the finer gradation of like the difference between date rape and seduction and sexual harassment and flirtation they're helpless they rush everything with the same big word branch and as result of all for nonsense of a lot of pain has been perpetrated has also it's not just i'm gracious and wrong headed and mean spirited and often done for reasons of ego and economics because there is now today
a victim industry in this country a politically correct industry as well but time a lot of it is just that will last fall and the destructive and so hypocritical just it's so hypocritical like really i was a spy a civil rights worker in the self and now ninety six the one around when the year was and prince edward county virginia they close the schools rather than integrate and so the black kids have no place to go and a number of us in richmond i volunteered to go and teach classes there on our days off i was going i was taken eighteen hours of class were my senior in college and working for full forty hour week on the richmond times
dispatch copy this and i had two days off a week the last few days the prince edward county va tips go to black kids at a time when that was not necessarily a safe thing to do not only that i receive many insults and would have lost my job on the paper had my employer's learned of it but it was physically dangerous now know he wrote on the sand has to be heroic when i'm wanted oh i give some of that background before some dull minded nun school overreact the one i'm about the side the hard rocker say of political correctness there was a motion picture a few years ago called white men can't jump i wasn't offended by it because i actually am a pretty good job or and i know the rex
chapman who nearly sunk the sonics in our high school a white boy from kentucky where a vertical jump on forty eight inches fell theres someone can jump but probably there are omens probably al black men can't jump higher better faster quicker than white man but solomon bothered by that tylenol but suppose the title of that movie had been black men can't do algebra as cities would still be burning and then when they at the dollars and politically correct army would be marching in the streets no the areas and it i'm not i can do algebra
and actually ends up better than i can do calculus my four but this attack on christians there and i never heard anybody complain about the title white men can't jump but if the pilot men white men can do calculus there were even held up a sign saying no with liz b true for speed on is that the problem it doesn't matter if it's leftist i'm margaret whiting right wing dynamo or the dime of those snowden people in the middle any kind of dogma sooner or later no matter how much how valid the roots of the islamic beliefs are sooner or later your dog mom my dogma comes into conflict with the truth is inevitable always happens well the problem with the doctrinaire person is that in those instances rather than alter their dogma they turned their back on the truth
and cling to the garden and that's where we've gotten us into so much trouble with this thank you and everyone seems to be so worried about been offended i mean come on life is offensive every time i pick up a newspaper every time i turn on the television set every time i walked out in the street i'm offended but so what life is offensive and if you're so thin skinned and so witty that you can handle that then i got dr kevorkian phone number in there my pocket
and he really does it just end it all it's okay to be offended at all with your life relax single most crime and worst of all this because you're offended don't start thinking that some the person who have been in euros your money because i guarantee you want to express the fact that you've been offended that will be twenty three lawyers on your doorstep wanting to take your taste and try to rob this person of their hard earned money simply because you hit your sensibilities <unk> bad then it's interesting how you and jessica and how much you're writing a jessica and you changed your writing in order to try to
reach people who are using more along these lines and you changed around unknown so much dave i don't like some boxes in my books and i will never met one of my novels well there's a somewhat similar to in the same way as i do i suppose that there is an undercurrent of social commentary in my work but that's not the primary thing in my work tennessee
on the book tour that i was on recently until it was interviewed by an eighty year old woman who was a friend of hemingway's in fitzgerald's she is been for the foremost our champion of american literature in a modern american literature in italy over the past five six decades she's a legend in atlanta name is fernando lima and she said to me you are the most dangerous right there in the world today i was i said do you want me to like your feet with his shoes on or off the greatest compliment i have
every city but and i want to buy one to find out why this was actually after the interview was over it was sort of a social situation and people were coming by speaking to her because she's a real celebrity and in italy and the system's a wild windy think i'm so dangerous and she said because you're going to be for that everything in the world is in the joke except for love for people someone reads books he comes away from for them to be in the state that they might be a man her day just left or does seem a movie by federico fellini or a concert by grateful dead which is to say
that they have encountered the life force and a large and really unpredictable every press a mole way and that as a result their sense of wonder has been awakened and then they realize that all things are possible right right i'm going to go with no the numbers are optimistic now mudd i don't think they're pessimistic i think i think there
were a list of that the realistic they come down they are completely on this this level of us athletes activists in this that you might have to be married people and that is do you want to let your trailers lee one of the very messy drill very messy and i have no regrets about same reason to get into it you don't know that at yale and villages or listen this was soul emotions you
at all you know i would change a few things i suppose if i could go back with a pretty vacuum cleaner and get into some of those corners but now are trying to live alone regret it saying yes it is you know i don't always get in the messiah door my side two sons actually one i didn't that seal is going up a father son was eighteen years old my first sexual experience and i never saw him until he was grown salinger really more like brothers them father and son but my son now as i spent a great deal of time with through rome for his childhood took him on trips every summer was
thirteen years ago nine years always been a month in england's than increase durham as a company was eleven we rode the trains from one end of italy to another town so you know i suppose we can all be better but i think of an upgraded far and we have a very close relationship and know and i absolutely adore him in so i don't know a great deal of the bone chaudhry or no mowry i'm uncertain i could have done more than i did but i think they're a bit okay without a
home my present my home life on my home of his shrouded in secrecy i do have a wife she will tell you that we met under a very romantic circumstances our the truth of america's says sharm el a true a tranquilizer gun see is the loveliest person and oh man liane with sarah's like an ice cream cone and ever melts we've been together ten years alone and four months and three days
not every day you know but you know i'm not going to mess it didn't take long to figure out the city on the regular days a motel owner we know that when the assassin sixties on me on that at our well in the nineteen nineties in a new bit irresponsible to a spouse free love science well social world carries with it the day or the danger of annihilation which is our own morris a sad thing enormous the center
i think you know i think in the past in brooklyn anglicize cultures week we do take we've taken sex forty seriously amiss and it's and by that i'm not advocating cheap mr bernardo for years i think that is really anti riot is anti sexual oh the market is made by puritans only a puritan could be that i'm feeling about sex is to present it in such a mechanical non mysterious way but the tablet wars minute of the uptight in this culture not the majority in one americans about sexual it goes back to the puritans our puritan heritage i guess how he finally broke out of that
someone her and the twenties and again in the sixties now since be worse than ever and then i don't get too worked up about that because there is no physical danger in the mix but aside from that i think are different people in this culture to sex for four to seriously they take their relationships to seriously i think one reason alexa and i have been together for more than ten years were never really a fight is that not was announced ten years and four months and we sat down and talked about a relationship they had never had a discussion about our relationship and so he'd go discussions
about relationship or just people work in other legal problems around most and happiness and in this world are caused by people taken themselves to surface in
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Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 5
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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An interview with author Tom Robbins.
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Interviewee: Robbins, Tom
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-8535a2aa5ca (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 5,” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 4, 2024,
MLA: “Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 5.” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 5. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from