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You You You You
You You You
You You We do have dishes that come from north or central and south of Italy so we cover the all peninsula now we do we make our own bread here we make our own pasta
Tortelloni Praveoli Panayaki Cavattelli And Manacani We do have a lot of fish we have a fish program we buy fresh fish from a company that bring the fish from Alaska We do have a lot of wild cut fish, scampi, salmon, sauerkraut salmon, we do have a lot of fresh mushrooms, fresh plants We do have veal, chicken, they all made in a very authentic traditional Italian recipe We got wine from 20 dollars a bowl to 500 dollars a bowl I believe that we are the only Italian restaurant here that is owned by Italian and the chefs are Italian We are the only one We make the food like they were made 100 years ago
Everything is homemade everything is fresh everything is purchased daily basic there's nothing frozen nothing Story it's that's what I think is set us apart from any other Italian restaurant we don't have microwave Polo masala Polo Since this is very culture related to me the restaurant tour I would not do anything else different than just open up my own restaurant I enjoy when people come here they share a moment they share a big date or It's part of life for me I believe that it's part of very important part of life So if together interact to each other it's just it's important I opened Accent Real Estate in 2000 January of 2003 and originally I was working out on my home
And January of 2006 we moved the office into here we bought the building in October before and we did some work on it renovating This originally had bathed and been out to here and we wanted to make a handicap accessible We didn't have to lose the old cabinets that were in the bathroom but we managed to keep them upstairs and put a little kitchenette down there Really I'm liking the location and liking the old building it makes it a lot nicer getting up in the morning and not going straight to your desk you actually get to drive there I worked a lot with first time home buyers I like working with people that are trying to get into their first home I do commercial but I usually do those up around the TRC area because I'm familiar with the commercial areas up there I did a lot of that when I lived there I do a little bit of everything we do vacant land we do commercial we do residential we do mobile home we do just about a little bit of anything I'll take on anything at least once and give it a try I just find the satisfaction of working with people that are getting their first home and trying to make it go as smoothly as possible for them
Because I feel buying a home shouldn't be a headache or a challenge it should be made fun And I fear I should do as much as I can to take the brunt of the stress for them so that they when they're done feel like It was something that maybe they want to do again in a few years and then keep me in mind and come back when they get ready to move on up I first arrived in Las Cruces about nine to ten months ago and I have a lot of family in the area I came down to visit them and I heard about the opportunity here because Sunset Grill and the Peppermont Restaurant So when I first arrived it was being run by consultant whose ten year was up and they were looking for someone with little more experience, little more expertise
They go over and pretty much take the businesses from where they were to make them a profitable venture The history of the Sunset Grill started out just as a sandwich shop that was attached to the Pro Shop And over the course of maybe six to eight months the partners expanded it into more of a full service restaurant Coming down from New Jersey where I'm originally from I've been doing this for over twenty years now turning over restaurants I saw a lot of potential here, it's actually the premier location in Las Cruces with our views, sunsets And the quality of food that we provide you really can't find anywhere else in Las Cruces In the weekend we get our fish FedEx overnight from Hawaii, it's the freshest food in town And that's the place it's gonna stay that, we do a lot of caterings, we do a lot of banquets, we do banquets up to 300 people Okay, inside and outside we have weddings that we do outside on the 18th green on a golf course
We have two beautiful patios outside that again, great for half an hour, watch the Sunset Primarily for breakfast and lunch we catered toward the community and the golfers That's our main core business for breakfast and lunch, we serve anything from you know regular robin, the ability to stay, sunset club, traditional hamburgers And I get you guys anything else, mustard, mayonnaise Do you have some light pastas on our lunch menu? Breakfast menu is simple breakfast, eggs, pancakes, Belgian waffles, skillets, burritos But dinner is really where we shine, we have a fantastic beef Wellington But really hard to find in Las Cruces, and if you find one good luck, we serve fantastic flaming yons The Montpellier Watery A lot of people think we're a country club that we are a private dining facility One of the most difficult things I had to overcome is getting our name out there Being on a country club, but we're actually open to the public Seven days a week, we're open from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.
I thrive on the ability of taking something and turning it into something very, very special Customers love us, our food's amazing, and we're getting very, very great reviews Well my grandfather came up the valley in 1925, and that's when the business was founded And he started out with cotton, decided to plant the countries And the story rolls on from there This store has been here since about the 1930s
It was a commissary at the beginning, because there really were no roads into El Paso Or into Las Cruces that were easily accessible And it sold clothes, it sold groceries, it sold material to make clothes It sold everything that all the employees needed, and that my grandparents needed to And it went from being a commissary to being a grocery store, a full-fledged grocery store We had our own meat market, and our fruit section And that's when I started working here when I was nine When it was the grocery store And then it went from being a grocery store to being the candy store And we were selling candy, and then we started selling other things That really had nothing to do with pecans And we decided to cut all that out And sell only our products, and ice cream and coffee
Stomens really have something for everyone We have a lot of pecan products, a big variety of things From the natural pecans to chocolate covered pecans We have gift baskets, our products are really really good for gift giving And we produce all of the products here at the farm We grow pecans in the field, we bring them in, we sort them, we size them, we sterilize them And we crack them and shell them From there they go to the candy plant, where they create these delicious candies And we sell them all here in the store, and we want everybody to come here and see us My favorite are the zias, of course A lot of people really like the chocolate pecans And we have pecan brittle, we have pecan crunch, which is really good in buttery We have gift baskets that have a variety of pecans They have everything you want in there
We have the praline pecans, roasted and salted We have natural for baking in the corner, we have an ice cream bar And we have toppings, we have hot pudge, caramel, pecans, of course, whipped cream We also have espresso Oh yeah, we can't forget about the pecans pies We have a store on the Missilla Plaza Also we're 6 miles south of Missilla on Old Highway 28 And we have, it's a beautiful drive out here So if you guys want to come out to the store, it's beautiful right now with the leaves changing color And we also have a mail order business We're available on the internet at The rewards are that year after year, you can see the fruits of your work We see the pecans coming up from the very beginning And the springtime when the leaves come out in the trees And it's always beautiful here, and you're always seeing the trees change And all the work that you put in, that we've all put in, all the people here put in
We see the reward at then because we get to harvest the crop And so we see what it looks like, the quality, we see how much we get And it's just awesome to be able to turn those pecans into candy and into other products that people like I came to Las Cruces via the United States Army I was stationed at White Sands Missile Range from 1982 to 1984 And met several of the dentists here in Las Cruces And decided there was a place for me to settle February 1985, I count as my official start date
The building itself has a Frank Lloyd Wright influence One of the things that I've always taken pride in is that we've also collected a lot of art from New Mexican artists And we keep them represented on our walls Dave Sudamack is the other dentists that's represented in our office We offer a full range of dental procedures from your basics, the extractions and routine fillings We do crowns, bridges, partials, dentures, we do implants We're actually venturing into some of the sleep apnea devices You know, you can't beat the weather, you can't beat the people, you can't beat the food And it's been a very fortunately, it's been a good place to do business A quick side note, dental associate's PA has recently added a new partner, Dr. Lauren Cunningham If you're just joining us, we're in the middle of a Best of Business feature show Let's keep rolling with the colorful card between the Las Cruces City Hall and the Main Street Post Office Desert Dogs My wife and I owned a restaurant, Joy Luck, and we sold that about a year and a half ago
And I got into this, the Navy helped me with it Actually, the VA helped me because I retired from the Navy March 2003 And they helped me get the card through a vocational rehabilitation Originally, I wanted to go to Harley School, but she said no, not what you're a medical record in my back And so they helped me get this I was working at night at lows also And I was doing this during the day and working at night at lows, working seven days a week And after about seven months, I got totally burnt out So I just did this on the weekends at the market And then this past June, I decided the part way is at lows And I just do this now Growing up in New Jersey, there was a, there was a young, or actually he was an older Italian gentleman He had a hot dog card on the corner and every day you go by there and you think there was an accident Well, it was people backed up to buy this man's hot dog
One day I stopped and talked to him This was probably in the mid-70s when they were 50 cents a piece And he said he had like four houses He sent three kids through college, he had several cars All from selling hot dogs and that always stuck in my mind What a great idea Alrighty, sir, what can I put on here for you? I sell Hebrew national hot dogs in my opinion It's the best hot dog on the market So I'll be kosher Just from the front of the cow I like to think it's the best hot dog in the town actually I use quality products like gouldins, golden brown mustard The only mustard in my book, Heinz ketchup I use hatched jalapenos Everybody likes sauerkraut A lot of people have never had a sauerkraut dog You got any? I do I got two Alrighty This is the way you eat a hot dog, man My hours of operation are 11 to 3 in the afternoon Tuesday through Friday Saturday from 8 to 12 30 I'm at the market right down the street
Yeah What keeps you coming back to work with me? The smiles on my customer's faces No one is doing this And a no hot dog tastes as good as when you get it off a street vendor He started his business as I believe back in 60s up in Washington State Seattle, Washington area He was known for his breakfasts mainly We had the biggest breakfast in town We're 1950s-based I mean we like the 50s and 60s music
We play 50s and 60s music Hot Rod cars all over round Here we offer fish and chips Which is the freshest fish you can buy Handmade French fries, made to order Hand cut and hand dipped onion rings We get onions for fresh and then Just dip it in there Like so After it's all nice and good Hand burgers, milkshakes, hand dip with hot ice cream Chicken burgers And we're getting ready to add a few more items We don't do our burgers traditionally We have a special sauce that we put on there It's a secret recipe We also put a nice thick slice of onion Versus just a few pieces of onion on there On request We offer pickles but they're not actually in our original recipe But if you want pickles they are hand cut from a kosher deal Everything's fresh You'll find no preservatives And we use 100% cholesterol for your vegetable oil When you see a face more than once
You know you're doing a good job When you can make somebody else smile It makes you smile It makes a great day Business skills institute was accepted in 1997 It was a division of international business college At the time I was hired to be the director And after eight years working here I had the opportunity to go to the next level and purchase the school Business skills institute is a very exciting place to go to school We offer over 150 different classes in nine different majors We have everything from beginning introductory to computer classes Accounting classes, legal medical classes And our newest program is our BSI Cosmetology and Barberschool Where you can earn a license by the Mexico Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists In the Esthetician field, which is a skin care specialist A nail technician program, a barber program, and the Cosmetology program
We're nationally accredited by the accrediting council for independent colleges and schools And that's located in Washington DC By having national accreditation our students are able to graduate And have their diplomas recognize nationwide It also gives them the opportunity if they decide to pursue a higher education Such as a degree that they can transfer their credits to another for your college or a two-year college There's so many different reasons why I recommend BSI for individuals One of the main things is that it's short-term career training You don't have to take a year of basics, you get in, you get your training you need and you get out And you get to work within a year One of the exciting things that Business Skills Institute offers is lifetime job placement Once an individual goes to work they may work in their field for two or three years And have the opportunity to come back and take free refresher courses And be able to get out and work in their field in another area This program here is about two months so you'll be in and out We offer financial aid and it is the same financial aid that you'll find at any traditional college
With the Stafford and student loans and also the Pell Grip We also have private lenders that assist our students There are also financial institutions that they can apply for student loans And we are the very unique school in New Mexico that we offer an in-house payment plan of zero percent interest The student can pay for their school while they attend and they graduate debt free I'll tell you, the biggest paycheck I ever get is graduation day To see an individual put their cap and gown on and to stand in front of their friends and their family All the people who said they could never do it To be able to stand in front of their children and to just say I get it It's just a magical part of being involved in an evolution process like that The business started in March 17th, 1993
So we've been going for 15 years, it is a family-owned business, it was my mother and I who started it Our first location was a 12-11 East Idaho After five years there we did purchase the building which was next door to the old Great American In the year 2003 we built this and we currently here at 250 North Solano with 5,000 square feet What we offer at sports accessories is we offer a full range of team sports gear We do team sales, we do team uniforms Also we do retail sales for virtually every sport that is considered a team sport We do uniforms for New Mexico State, we do uniforms for the high school, we basically do southern New Mexico, high school and colleges We also do the youth leagues for softball, baseball, basketball, volleyball, so virtually we are your one-stop shop for all your sporting needs We feel we have a unique opportunity to offer lost cruises, something very special
Because we are collegently licensed and we are the vendor who makes a lot of the New Mexico State apparel We can offer the product at a cheaper price because we are the manufacturer of the goods So virtually anything you see we make in-house and there's no middleman involved so we feel we can offer some of the best prices around If you compare us to certain other stores we call them the big box stores, we have a lot more to offer Because we are considered a high-end dealer where we are going to carry the best products usually available We have the most knowledge about the products because we have employees that have played the sports or still playing the sports I was born and raised in lost cruises so that's really made me want to stay in this town to give back to the community I played football out in the Mexico State, I just wanted to carry on the tradition and open up the store here I felt there was a need to do business in this town I look at leaders such as Roberto with Robert Estrada, Berger Time with Kevin McGrath Those are the people that I want to model my business after and move forward and give back to the community like those people
Some of the rewards that I love to come to work for is when you deal with the younger kids And you get them their equipment at a young age and their fifth and sixth graders and you see them blossom into high school athletes After being in business for 15 years I can really see kids that used to be four-year-olds and now they're graduating from high school in college And it's such a joy to see how their careers develop, how good of a human being they have turned into and it's just great to be part of that That just about does it for this week, if you have a question or comment about the show you can call them in your business hotline at 6467350 or email me at Charles Comer at A special thanks goes out to all the businesses that let me in their doors and thank you so much for watching Comer, here's helping, you have a great one Minding your business is provided by support from Seal Levitino of Emorick Realtors, proud to be associated with the quality programs and community service projects of PBS and KRWG TV
By Camino Real Builders, a committed partner with KRWG Broadcasting providing educational, informative and entertaining programs to our region And by the New Mexico Humanities Council, working with local groups to bring programs about culture and the human experience to all communities in New Mexico Thank you Minding your business is provided by support from Seal Levitino of Emorick Realtors, proud to be associated with the quality programs and community service projects of PBS and KRWG TV
By Camino Real Builders, a committed partner with KRWG Broadcasting providing educational, informative and entertaining programs to our region And by the New Mexico Humanities Council, working with local groups to bring programs about culture and the human experience to all communities in New Mexico KRWG TV presents Minding Your Business, a look at the people, places, events and issues that impact the business and economy of Southwest New Mexico, with your host Charles Comer Hello and welcome to Minding Your Business to show where we explore business, politics and issues that impact our region. This week, it's time for a special show that spotlights the field element of Minding Your Business, the Greater Los Cruces Chamber of Commerce, local business feature
You're going right away with risotto's bistro This is a fantasy that started a few years ago by trying to come to the U.S. which is one of the biggest markets in the world I started to research where and how and it took me five years to come to Las Cruces and design risotto's and open the doors We are creating a new category with risotto's, it's a Mediterranean restaurant, if you picture the Mediterranean Rim, which is the ocean, every single country that touches the Mediterranean Rim, we are creating a new category in the restaurant industry We're not Italian, we're not French, we're not Spanish, we are Mediterranean, and therefore, in order for us to establish a new category, we're looking for the perfect variables in a market
Las Cruces has it because it has a youth market because of the university, it has a very well-consistent market because of the retirees and all the economy that surrounds them We've got some food from all over the Mediterranean Rim, so we've got Italian Making two hatching wienies, spicy signatures, it has chili, the arbol, a little bit of garlic, we add a little bit of butter We do have brick oven roasted pizzas on our menu as well I'm going to eat the beautiful pizza. Amazing pizza! And then we have some more Lebanese traditional foods, it's very lean, ground beef, mixed with crushed wheat, and we spice it, mix it together And we make it into a lemon shape, football shape, and we stuff it with this, which is beef with cheddar cheese, and then we bake it
And we serve it as appetizer or as a main meal When we came together and decided to start developing the menu, we wanted to make sure that our menu was as traditional as possible We fired a vet out of that shrimp and a chicken risotto We actually hired two other chefs other than our executive chef Santiago And one of them is Gianni, he's Italian, and he came in and helped develop the Italian portion of our menu But Susan actually works in the restaurant every day, six, seven days a week, preparing all of our Mediterranean, Syrian and Lebanese dishes that are on the menu, so she's fabulous The people in Las Cruces is very friendly, we really have been blessed by their favoritism, choosing us as their favorite restaurant, their praise are work, and we're very honor for that because we put a lot of hard work in the back We prepare all of our sauces from scratch, we have service and back service to excel the service, and I think people in Las Cruces are accepting that concept very nicely
Good evening, I'm Pamela Incher, this is Judy Pat Campbell was founded by Pat Campbell back in 1946, it's an independent insurance agency which basically means that we contract with a number of companies The basic product line that the agency offers hasn't changed that much over the years, although we feel like we've come along ways in delivering our products and services, and what we strive to be is a one-stop shop for our customers To make it easy, people's lives are busy, fast, hectic, and we all have a lot to do, and one of the things that we try to help them with, whether they're a personal client or a commercial client, is to be able to deliver a full set of insurance products to them so they don't have to visit one shop for part of their insurance and another insurance agency for another type of insurance
We offer personal insurance products such as home, auto, life, individual health, Medicare, supplement, coverage, on the commercial side we offer business insurance, which includes liability insurance, property insurance, workers compensation insurance, group health insurance, group medical plans, life insurance for a key person, owner, key person insurance, as well as a full array of other companies in a two-year period So we basically went from about 12 employees to now approximately 24 employees in about a two or three-year period
We're a people business, we're not a paper business, and that's really what makes it rewarding When you help somebody with a need, when they come into your business, they're stressed out, they don't know what they want, they don't know what they need, and they leave feeling like they have been taken care of, and that we genuinely care about their needs, that's very rewarding, and I think all of our employees feel the same way The history of McCoys is a start-off as a roofing company in the early 1950s hurricane struck by an earthquake The history of McCoys is a start-off as a roofing company in the early 1950s hurricane struck Galveston Island, that's where the company was based out of
and soon became a lumber company after the influx of building into the Galveston area after the hurricane hit in that area Roughly we have 86 stores in four states, home-based in Texas, the biggest thing we take pride in as a company is customer service We try to get a degree in that when you walk in the door, thank you when you leave, you'll be greeted in the yard, don't have to do anything yourself, we'll do it all for you kind of place Our target customer would be repair-y model, so anything that a repair-y modeler would have or need, we carry that kind of product base Anything from even framing lumber to floor tile, I mean everything in between, plumbing fixtures, light fixtures, and faucets, everything that would go in a bathroom What we used to handle was very dated now, it was very modernized, we even handled plumbing, electrical, all that stuff Big time contractors, everything that they would need to frame the house, and even up to the roof sheet rock, everything that you could do to build the house You'd do it yourself guy, the same thing, we can get a delivery there within an hour, usually our delivery service is that quick, or even if we run about 20 deliveries a day, and we can get a frame and package there within three hours
So frame and package, anything small, hot-shotted, we can get there in an hour, 30 minutes I've worked for this company for six years and had offers from others, and there's no way, nothing that could pull me away from McCoy's The way it takes great care of their employees, like no other company would Not just talking about pay, it's just the way that I know that Mr. McCoy knows me personally, knows my life, and knows my kids And he's got 86 other managers that he has to keep up with, and he will call me and ask me how everybody's doing by their name That's what I'm impressed by, and that's why I always worked for that man It was question and answer, question and answer, and then got to level three
And the question was, capital city of Canada, and I think they said, you know, like 10 bucks too, was the best answer the person could come up with It was terrible Everybody knows Mexico City It sounds a lot different It was almost $320 this morning, because he was saying, ah, the king of the lights One on 1.1 FM has been in Las Cruces and started about 1994 And in 2004, just after it's celebrated its 10th anniversary, Ned Bennett approached me about getting into He'd like to buy radio stations, and wanted to know if I wanted to get an I've been in radio for about 32 years, worked in New York at W ABC And he and I got together, and we did a little investigation and found out that 101.1 FM, 101 Gold was for sale
And so that was around 2004 and in January of 2005, we got FCC approval and purchased the station Shortly thereafter, we started looking for a facility, a new facility to move the station to We bought 99.5, that became KXBZ And approximately six months after that, two other stations, which had been in existence here in Las Cruces for some time, became available to us And Magic 105, KMBR, FM, and KOBE AM So money money money money on Swapper Stop, any number of different opportunities? The flagship of Bravo Mike is certainly 101.1 FM KBLC It had a great listening audience in its 10-year history prior to our purchase We've been fortunate enough to expand on that It is unquestionably the number one station, the Arbitron Rating in southern New Mexico
When we started developing the format for the rocket, KXBZ 99.5, we were looking for The hole in the market, there was no rock station in Las Cruces people could catch it from El Paso And there were a lot of listeners for rock So we found that to be the hole Then when we had the opportunity by KMBR Magic 105, a station that very well known in this area And we changed the format slightly, not dramatically, we certainly kept the name Magic 105 We changed the format to what is known as an adult contemporary If the rocket primary listener you think of male, the primary listener of magic is a female
K-O-B-E, which is our 4th station and AM station, also had been obviously many, many years decades of history serving Las Cruces And in various formats, most recently talked format, we have Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly and so on We provide full services for production, we can produce commercials here We're very much involved in the community providing support to various organizations, all our stations are Based in Las Cruces, even though our transmitters may be in different locations, our offices are in Las Cruces But we get into Alamo Porto, we get into Deming, we get into as far north as Sicuro We are for this particular area, and that's where we target, that's the folks that we're trying to show them If you're just joining us, we're in the middle of a best-of-business feature show
Let's keep things going with the story of Radio of Las Cruces How about now, through the hottest hit music with Sean Kingston and beautiful girls on the station, I'll always give you more of what you want to hear Radio of Las Cruces, all four stations have been together since 2001 Originally we were one company group, Sunrise Broadcasting Incorporated, it has been around since the early 1990s And was run charge of running KGRT FM and KGRT AM at that time, was until 2000 and KGRT AM became KSNM AM And as a result we were KGRT FM and KSNM AM, and then we moved over here, acquired two stations That were originally called KXDA FM and KSNM FM, and we changed the call letters on those stations and changed formats And they became KHQT FM and KKBS FM
We offer two types of services to two different members of the community Number one is actually the community itself, it's our job to put public service announcements on the air It's our job to cover events that there's no dollars or anything necessary for it For example, Relay for Life with the American Cancer Society America with Marcha Diamonds, which is one of the most successful walks in this town We're involved in such projects as that, where they're beginning announcements on the air We're giving the people the opportunity to speak on air, to talk about the causes to explain about them That's part of the way we serve our listeners, but that also helps out our listeners as well Because besides giving them the news and information of the day, the daily stories and headlines We also provide a service by being the local radio station in town, where from emergency happens, where they're to cover it Whether it be a flood in hatch, whether it be a thunderstorm coming, our airwaves are dedicated for that That's one part, that's the community part The second part for the businesses is by helping out the business communities
You know, you have so many types of media today, you've got internet, you've got national TV, you've got national streamlining things Like iPods and stuff like that, where a lot of local businesses can't advertise on No local advertisers can't buy the 62nd ad to run exactly at the right time on CSI on any type of shows or anything They can't buy an iPod ad that's going to go to every iPod that goes around, they can't get every internet setting that needs to be there Local businesses can't do that, our job here is to provide an outlet for local community members to get their message across Whether it be a promotion, a business opening, or sales, to help bring more customers into their business That's the second part of what's important for us, it's to our business community to give them that edge It makes go take over tours show in Albuquerque With working with people in this community, things change a lot, a lot of businesses come in, but I still feel the best part of it is when you get to work with a local business That's competing against one of these national changes that moves in, you know, the national chains have got people that make decisions in other places But don't know this market here, you know, to see the local restaurant see how it strives as a perfect example of something great to work with
Because you get to come up and help them with promotions, they're just right across the street, they're right across the corner You can meet with them in lunch, have a personal talk, it's not sending an email and waiting for an impersonal response just to say, hey, go ahead and put that on, let it run No, and you can actually be in the part of a project with the business and a community to bring more people with them Live here and a successful one that works, it's the best part of them I'm originally from the Midwest, Missouri is my home state, but I grew up with the school there, I went to college We lived in Las Cruces 20 years ago, I was Dean of Libraries at New Mexico State, and then when I left I went to direct a library at Michigan State
And then from there to the Library of Congress, and then to Cal Poly and San Luis Obispo, where I was Dean of Libraries, and retired last June from Cal Poly I knew I wanted to do something after I retired, and I guess I really didn't retire, I changed occupations And decided that I would open up a men's casual clothing store This is Pulu, and that's spelled P-U-L-U, which means cotton in Hawaiian And he was named just a few weeks ago, we had a naming party for him, and he shouldn't say that some people say it looks like Brad Pitt I don't know if Brad would agree We named it Kaya, and it's named after our grandson, who's seven years old, and he lives in Atlanta He was here for the opening, which opened up last spring in fact in April, and he was here to meet his customers
I tell people when they come in that I'm actually working for Kaya We have about eight to ten products here in the store, and they really are the top line for men's casual clothing For example, we carried Tommy Bahama, Toy Richards, Nat Nast, Citron, Jaw Strings, Salt Air, which is a new company that just opened up a couple years ago in Seattle Where Tommy Bahama's corporate offices is located as well There's a philosophy, one of the things that we say that, you know, good taste never goes out of style And, you know, it's really distinctive type clothing, I mean most of the, for example, the Tommy Bahama is resort where they do a lot of silks, they do nits And it dresses up a casual outfit
The same is for also for Salt Air, you know, they do cottons and blends Part of our philosophy is that you can dress casual, but it doesn't have to be jeans In fact, if you look around the store, there's no denim, and I'm being chastised by some of my vendors that I'm not carrying denim One of the things that gets me excited and wants to come to work are the people that walk in the door If you look at our guest book, we've had people from all over the country In fact, I joke and say that we're becoming international You know, it's really about our interaction, it's not about selling, it's really getting to know the people who walk into the store And that's the thing that I get really excited about This month, the historic Hadley House is 100 years old
And so over the next 12 months, we'll be celebrating that historic milestone The beginning of the story really started when Hiram Hadley came here And was the very first president of New Mexico State University, and in 1907, he built his retirement house Which we're in right now at the corner of University in El Paso Hiram Hadley was also very instrumental in the public school system within the state of New Mexico, he created it Hiram lived here and worked here and wrote journals until his death in 1922 In 1936, the home the Hadley House was purchased by Richard Ludwig And it was in their family from 1936 until 1974
And what the Ludwigs did is they kind of carried on Hiram's history or tradition or legacy by farming these 15 acres and creating a nursery And they were also very instrumental in helping all of the farmers here in the Missy of Ali In 1974, Don and Marie Dwyer purchased the home from the Ludwigs And then in 1990, Glen and Sally Cutter purchased the home with the sole purpose of recreating it in all of its 1907 splendor in order for us to move the jewelry store here When people come in our store, there is an expectation that you can find a pair of diamond earrings, you can find a beautiful engagement ring, you can select a time piece to celebrate maybe the passing of time So we're a very time-honored traditional jewelry store, but we've also tried to shake it up a little bit by having things that no one else has
So you can come in and find a wonderful custom-made limited edition gentleman's pocket knife You could also come in for a beautiful South Sea pearl necklace, we were recently chosen by Elizabeth Taylor and Kathy Ireland to represent their beautiful lines of jewelry Obviously, we are known in the community as a wonderful jewelry store that has what no one else has But we also have wonderful housewarming gifts, wedding gifts, antique jewelry, wonderful crystal pieces of art We have sculptures, the services we provide, we can do a state appraisals, replacement appraisals, we do jewelry repair, watch repair, free gift wrapping, free delivery service We can custom design jewelry, we can take an heirloom from 1907 and resurrect it into something beautiful that could be cherished and passed on through generations
So we really have something for everyone, if you want something nice, you know that you can come here and be totally satisfied with the wonderful staff, the level of service, and the level of quality that we've stood for since 1974 For me as the owner of Glencutter Jewelers, I have the opportunity every single day to walk in this historic part of Las Cruces, of New Mexico State University, and that is really exciting That just about does it for this week, I'm proud to say over the last year the show has featured 46 local businesses, and a special thanks to all of them
I'd also like to thank our production staff, JD Jarvis, Ralph Escondone, Christian Valle, and engineers Richard Mall, and Mike Vens I'd also like to thank our studio crew, Mitsumi, Sean, and Thomas, definitely a big thanks to Maureen Howard for all her support, Antigem, Barry, and Danny Deluca from the Las Cruces Chamber And of course, thank you for watching, I'm Charles Comer, here's hoping you have a great one Minding your business is provided by support from Seal Levitino of Emoryk Realtors, proud to be associated with the quality programs and community service projects of PBS and KRWG TV And by the New Mexico Humanities Council, working with local groups to bring programs about culture and the human experience to all communities in New Mexico
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You You You
Minding Your Business
Episode Number
354 & 355
Local Business Feature 4 & 5
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
KRWG (Las Cruces, New Mexico)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-aba5768f0e8).
Episode Description
Local business feature 4 spotlights Salvino's Italiano, Stahmanns Inc., Mr. Bill's Dine in, and more. Local business feature 5 spotlights Pat Campbell Insurance, McCoy's Building Supplies, and more.
Series Description
KRWG-TV's local informational program dealing with the people, events, issues, and politics that impact the businesses in southwest New Mexico and far west Texas. The program is intended to provide viewers with an understanding of current economic issues provided by the individuals who deal directly with those issues.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Talk Show
Media type
Moving Image
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Producer: Comer, Charles
Producing Organization: KRWG
AAPB Contributor Holdings
KRWG Public Media
Identifier: cpb-aacip-fe66a7d5e04 (Filename)
Format: MiniDV
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Minding Your Business; 354 & 355; Local Business Feature 4 & 5,” 2008-01-18, KRWG, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “Minding Your Business; 354 & 355; Local Business Feature 4 & 5.” 2008-01-18. KRWG, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: Minding Your Business; 354 & 355; Local Business Feature 4 & 5. Boston, MA: KRWG, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from