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     Communicable diseases; physical health; mental health;
    "superbugs"; HIV
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the people need to play off became what welcome to connect in the community and robin are sharp one is mercer the common cold in a chevy have in common on this additional connection community will delve into the topic of communicable diseases that affect the body's external environment as well as the body's internal conditions what are these infections and bacteria that are attacking our bodies and affecting our physical and mental health to what degree if any are we contributing to the growth of the so called superbugs joining us in our studio is dr barbara weighed with the center for prevention and
treatment of infections dr wade serves as a sacred heart hospital epidemiologist as well and she has been involved in a jazzy care for over twenty years and incorporates age of the patient here in her practice if you have a question for dan to wait on infectious health issues we welcome your call to us said for eight four twelve twenty three or one eight hundred to three ninth of us aarti welcome back away this promises to be an enlightening topic for our community tonight it lets four sort of get the definition of staph infection viral infection of fungal infection and bacterial infection let's let's lay the groundwork for those fires all of those germs bacteria viruses funk fungus fungi this world all refer to a friday of microorganisms infections are caused by a microorganism so they can
be caused by bacteria viruses fungi parasites probably many others have been just the most amazing thing in general where do they owe originate the bacterium india microorganisms they're everywhere they're all around us we have a variety of microorganisms in and on our body that our protective elder time official all the time totally normal and their environment and they are beneficial and our environment they're deported in are so well for things to grow the portland water it in and all other living organisms so give me an example of a bacterial infection in a viral infection let's talk about the differences here well common viral infection is a cold are now becoming a viral infection his arm was the common word but measles if it wins her that marks on those are viral infections on stage it
as a viral infection and violent hepatitis a b and c are all viral infections so they combine all called all types on summer mild some to be fatal sunday get over it and some viruses invade your body and then stay there forever for instance the chicken pox virus what you get in public that byers high in the cells of your body instead for it and so we don't have some of those diseases but we don't see as much as as those diseases chicken pox and measles in and moms why we not see in those infections as much now compared to some of the new ones that we're going to get into rehab vaccinations for those those three you just need measles mumps and even now we have a vaccine for chicken pox was not available but now we do have that so very clear those can be prevented nile virus our violent factions can the preventive vaccine just because of the nature of the virus might change like a chevy for instance changes so rapidly
by the time you make a vaccine to fight to fight a chevy it's changed a bit and when the effect it also depends on how the body responds to the microorganism whether the antibodies going to help or not we have a multitude of of ways that the body can fight off infection was a simple your body when we have cells they can do it our skin is part of our immune system comes back up we talk about staph infection on our skin is a first line of defense against infections from the outside in and you're saying it viral infection know bacterial infections while pensions typically come in through the mucus membranes so the nose the mouth the chest so track order the the sexual organs but by killer factions coming out friday ways to end with the mercer that's been in the news
so much these days it is referred to as the super bug art and though there's almost a super bug or every decade but this is the decades this decade super bug is through the skin most commonly so the skin and it's very important we need to keep our skin soft and supple meaning not drive like hear it and we are taking care of risking a lot of times people will scrub too much they get raul allen and don't drive it and then that causes infections to occur wells analysis sold the girl a bacterial example in venice a staph infection areas says marcelle says an so why are we hearing about this mercenaries and that it is a super bug well that's what the media hasn't has named that's fine i mean it it makes it a little more scary than it to our navy should be but the good part
is of being in the media it's the word out to people what they needed to know and what they need to do it is there any reason to fear it there's a reason they feared if you ignore it and he's certainly can kill people who get very sick very quickly with it sometimes they have troubles with their own immune system or or perhaps they haven't gone to medical care early enough but and there's a lot of myth that they're to the philippines in my office who are so fearful they've heard a lot like we can never cured and it's not true art what you have it you'll always have that that's not true hardcore that you know either die from the weight and it does cost that sometimes and i don't want to minimize that but on the other hand if we do the right thing in terms of taking cameras can getting promised taken care of early on most of the time it doesn't cause of death can be a radically unique sure so the difference between a staff a
normal what you would see in your practice a normal staph infection or even under the microscope and dumber set is what the er nurse and mrsa which we pronounce marcel stands format the cylinder resistant staph aureus and the bottom line is this particular strain if you will has developed mutations that allow it to survive are around the old fashion anna by alex that we have typically just so it's a little harder to treat ahmed of people over the joke or can flex used to kill staff he killed all stuff now it only kills about thirty percent of the staff that we see so i see mild infections an icy severe infections with steph and now we have to plan are being resistant kind of start the advice that we really for the resistance strains right
away and not not zoom that is the sense that so so how would someone that let's say that a person gets an infection how do you know if it's a bacterial infection or a virus or a viral infection and doesn't matter moore it's hard to make broad generalizations like that ends here and saw little soft tissue infection skin and muscle absences in boyle's those bacteria and the new virus that causes a boiler absence now there are some skin infections like turkeys or shingles that are volatile but they're not boils are absences so on i think most infectious it will come across calmly would be the bacterial urinary tract infection is bacterial prof to tie this is bacterial so it's just really hard to so much out there to make a broad generalization it's
about that will wheaton been changing seasons here and so we've been hearing a lot about this merciless china seas and i are these infections seasonal no they're not sad seasonal and they're in the yard turned super bug is is more appropriate it really reflects the fact that have come to public attention more now on this this organisms bacteria this person we in healthcare been aware of for decades and we've had outbreaks for decades and the answer is the same and has it really changed its cleanliness and hygiene and that is nominated emerson affection are not clean but what we do know is that in the facilities where people are not able to use the best hygiene or they're not aware that their practices are not good hygiene they came to get a place in fiction receded in prisons and they don't play clean sheets and clean clothing
every day in prisons and they tell me that at the housekeeping unevenly the personal habits of some of the prisoners are not what will be with acceptance appropriate arm so they get outbreaks are an arm athletic situational and teens when they might use gear person the person that they might have the bacteria one might have an infection or just be colonized which means the backyard there but you're not having read this pain and fever on their past present a person and it was your towels and athletic situations even in a high school sports teams there have been outbreaks linked to that but the message is is clueless if you have a child in her home who isn't the type though he'll put four children about them together you separate them you are luce's tells individual towels and if someone has an ar and unknown infection were ads as you can
fake you keep it covered take your bag covered with the band bandage and see a doctor if it's severe and don't share tells and we're in bed linens towels i phoned him in any given them television commercial in the sunday paper answer you see all of these advertisements for anti bacterial soap and products and detergents unclaimed cleaning products and hair things are our weekly being ourselves today with some of the forests are very important but there are some cases including ourselves to death well i have developed actually asking for handouts that is the best thing flying out of my office we haven't all exam rooms and we just ended up partially because they were so fearful that isn't easing into natural substance and it would take two or three bats a day in hot water and seasons change drier now and they get dry unity and they come in with these defections all over them and
sometimes we have to treat the infection that there but there we can interrupt the cycle just by have them news i'm molly and soapstone i don't use the authors of these dark i recommend down to lawyers can simply want more natural oils in a skin than others see an analogy to be driving it but how people with hiv the says the scanner or fair skin particularly our have to be very careful that end i tell them i don't use super hot water just warm water have to be comfortable pat dry when you finish showering with lotion on after every shower before you get tony bone dry so you know if she was we cut but this'll earlier about a third of people is showing us is that the same people all the time about their people carry this organism in their nose at any one point on we ought to have this touch you know we put it everywhere and in a normal court is a normal course of activity is
so if your skin is dry eighteen you do and there's your you're going to get it and there are silly wordplay they can the skin sew most the time in that case we don't get infections even if we have that that word isn't in our nose so a curious can now use of harsh things on your skate on the other hand but the thing that our environment that don't look thirty may have the bacteria on someone else's combine touched pen and of course a bacteria's microscopic so then you can see he sells it is one thing and doing people have repeated factions is tell them to get those pop up disinfectant wipes and clean things that you know ordinarily know quickly like door knobs telephones cell phones computers on your tv remote and things like that sometimes our pets can harbor these pictures we've many cases that the human has given it to the pet pet not fit but then they keep in their nose and they get in casablanca or portland human gets about it but let's take call hi mary have a question for
the delay my delight corridor land have never bought that have been infected with a hard and good and then there'd be a lot of not knowing if you have anything to conduct enlighten me on the record mr greg thank you mary thank you though of course squared out is not an affection but i can change scan and anything that changes as kin from so after the normal candidate port of entry for infectious oh so what this court i'm scared him or scleroderma as an auto noon on a disease that now causes a different kind of disease in there and we did as mild as severe and everything and twain so it can be just the skin changes thickening of redness rationing areas and that is it's a very likely cause through their problems with his traffickers that whoa
that's another play and so certain point what what are some odd would without was at her i would say take your doctor suggestions for care of the scleroderma and then all the skin care comments that i just may would apply to the general and this can't tell time don't try to overly planned what wonder what if you do all these things you you'd do another anti bacterial soap and i went on a disservice to the good bacteria that you said that lives and in our different body parts are we actually killing them as we do all of this and now like you're like a really know that those antibacterial soaps are just our surface and there are times an airport like if you're going to have surgery a doctor tells it awash with him to cleanse or some other special product before surgery that's fine but they had they knew that's in fact that they removed
oil than the normal things in the skin that protection and so i don't think those are the ideas i'm a rambling using hydrogen peroxide every time we got i cut she would get some hmong with a q tip or or or with the cotton ball and their anti better products that are good for you that are not the sort of a new age over the counter things of those already still affected well when you have a cutter a scratch it is important to force cleanse it explains the open water and then depending on how big a ship could apply some topical on our control iodine peroxide is fine is not very powerful the what we use it that much anymore any kind of a significant cut or scratch and in a biologist over the counter tripling about appointment is funny and cover it and then your body will heal alcohol in and things like that are those still anti alcohol
kills kills bacteria and those alcohol hand disinfectants that we can all we all get thrown in every drugstore and all types of brands colors and fans probably a find they are good to disinfect their hands if you don't have another resource for that we use them in the hospital considerably and even if you wash your hands a soap and water using that alcohol based hand disinfect it decreases the number of bacteria on your head and so how long where they'll stay on how long with alcohol or the props siberian that stay on on top to to work for you will it were so what they're in the next venue to something you got it you know you haven't even so what's it saying make constant war and is hand washing is the message he cared in normal life you might like to think that your mother's daughters and hair washing let's take another call hi tommy have a question for dr wayne doctor exposed to they're you know bacteria called a
stereo to jon shure something or other food product and ocean wondering if some large voter rather similar to someone else oh thank you thank you tell me you are referring to listeria listeria miles high tide in the eighties which is can be found in your food products for instance chooses that i might be improperly pasteurized and there are a variety of illnesses that can occur and when you ingest that bacteria you can get fever chills in bloodstream infection you can get meningitis from that it can be carried in the female genital track and has been known to cause meningitis and infants who work were born a lot of women who carried that is it like as a salmonella that he referred to
ah which is a chicken warning that was really well or no salmonella salmonella is that is really a common on chickens and the cooked chickens and yes side effects that got it can cause a blessed in a fashionable common cause diarrhea was that diarrhea illness so except for the fact that as a food borne illness i would really put them together too much of a night we have danielle hi danielle you have a question for dr wade yet down here yet i get down because my daughter that they're going to do at the middle school and that the document recommended age you reach that it is out that bad of a pokey and bring a lady a they get a body and prevent getting a cookie or that i would be here at any rain that a little better okay thank you danielle and that led to what you're referring to a fairly new
vaccine which is our fights our human papilloma viruses a very common virus and their lawyer strains of it and fellow get those trains cause on what's called genital warts and some strains cause cervical cancer it is so sexually transmitted and now now they have developed a bad thing that if he is given to the young woman prior to becoming infected with those viruses own people become infected with an inch long get cervical cancer in the news it's a it's been pretty that the hpv virus of the vaccine has been pretty contentious because of the age that they are recommending what what's the reasoning behind given it to pre teens and preteen girls were you had to get out before they have sexual activities while before they have any social contact so it's at this point it's a guess when they will have and if you have an eighteen year
old was there any sex official contacts and give it to her but just going by the statistics said as they are they say that a mini bar young teenagers are starting to have sex and that's where the recommendations and doesn't particularly is does the virus occurred in man as as well other honestly cervical cancer doesn't but does that virus occurred man yes it is it's imprisoned man and it's transmitted from men to women and firm into man in case of hamas official males again tales out at the camera not a meteorologist but i believe it can cause genital warts in the region art but i don't know on video and i just don't know about it causing cancer in the hero sets official mail it can cause the same virus can cause a rectal cancer in and gay males so you think in that it's gonna be a
vaccination sometime down the road or is there one brunet down and research facilities that are looking to to be given to tim in her young man i wouldn't a surprise but on vaccines anything that we need this or medically it has to go through fda approval so that is based on studies that are done we get the big problems in the end the lesser problem just by population numbers women with cervical cancer a greater greater numbers than gay males would replicate so in that group of females that the studies were done young females and has been shown to prevent cervical cancer it would make sense to me there were probably prevent rectal cancer in gay males in the studies to seven and says it is an investment can drive prices and you have a cliff the question for dan to wait yes well i hear it i'm
alex they know a couple months ago diagnosed with a lighter and i'd be a complex and but then they ll and that really check the american comedy also what the playing the to and how can that when they had difficulty diagnosing the end and out of willy that a nearby animal cold accommodate that the two lines with an ad how do you know that well the term serial liar this refers to red nose tenderness and sometimes a little swelling in the skin which is just silly ally this is no opening an ulcer is the opening in scale and several layers of skin and soft as your missing sometimes even get zelaya this from an officer's as an
ulcer maybe you got hit by a stick recently took a chunk out there's an ulcer and then that that affected your the sailors around there for him and in your case you might have had a sale like this goals are developed and i just don't know about their marriages you have about half the patients who come in with infectious like that have been resisting kind and a half that on the catholics were work didn't have time that would say that this also occurred in the middle of where you had the sale items i mean we have we have also say but what let's talk about your point about having to take the antibody excitement and then a hold of the courses ally sheets she had to take what's the danger in in doing that that sort of prolonged well the first thing they ask is that you have to take two months ago ah that's pretty strange for an ulcer i mean are usually an ulcer
look at all areas of them i'm one of the fortunate that walking on it if it's somewhere else on the body and you got to keep the claim coltrane the trick that confession should take to cause an excellent maybe something in that she needs to go back and check with their position and take it our young children more susceptible to different factions because of their age as we wind down here because of their age and we are the nurse in the school setting it isn't just a close contact that we literally will say if the clerk close contact at the extremes of age isn't and babies and very young infants and their young babies are in an elderly people as long as your immune system is intact said thats the skin that's the proteins the building and why isn't that the collisions selzer in the body or the architecture of your lungs and sinuses and everything in la is those are our normal you'll have some underlying disease like
diabetes few instances is a handicap in fighting infections then people in a broad range of ages are equally susceptible it's the contact still in daycare again the hygiene heat of the gist get to do the same thing that you know we talked earlier that you have an association with the university of alabama doug berman him research facility what's what one thing is on the table now that you find innovative and exciting real quick what was thinking well yeah well what's a life it's really more than a research itself was coming out now is the ability to rapidly diagnose of infection so i feel affections with various molecular tech something we get it we get it in that their pet sounds like a whole another recession that's all the time that we have our show with charlie like to thank dr barbara way with the center for prevention and treatment
infectious located at sacred heart hospital remember to check us out on live and debby a sorry dot org from all this year domestically thanks for joining us and runners start we'll see you next week the pain fb
Connecting the Community
Episode Number
Communicable diseases; physical health; mental health; "superbugs"; HIV
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WSRE (Pensacola, Florida)
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A weekly, half-hour public affairs show.
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Asset type
Communicable diseases; bacterial diseases; virus diseases
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Director: Dr. Barbara Wade
Producing Organization: WSRE
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a388a0739b6 (Filename)
Format: Betacam: SP
Duration: 00:28:58
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Chicago: “Connecting the Community; 2744; Communicable diseases; physical health; mental health; "superbugs"; HIV ,” 2007-11-08, WSRE, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 4, 2025,
MLA: “Connecting the Community; 2744; Communicable diseases; physical health; mental health; "superbugs"; HIV .” 2007-11-08. WSRE, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 4, 2025. <>.
APA: Connecting the Community; 2744; Communicable diseases; physical health; mental health; "superbugs"; HIV . Boston, MA: WSRE, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from