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and now the secret ingredient can't see of course is a ten has an onion and garlic tickled him brian aged was a korean dishes on the national ditch a career on this and quite pungent unique the stuff you breath and run a train weekend a close power plants in this country of his harem of people in connection with the mosque in generators but a poll this stuff this is almost all this as homemade gather there's some pretty good stuff you can buy in the more sophisticated supermarkets but this is made by james southeast asian woman hero a car and h stuart in crocs' engaged in is all stone croxton the traditional it is fabulous so your meat to
nigeria to jews which is that that can see our own to turn on its national debt mayor rea to go for one with a socialist oh it was such a word as lois oh my life jacinda and so it to relax i stand up i read some of the poem
no really enormous it has been hockey game when a syrian people city follows is a nightmare for years on indian land in all people of
all when you fifty your waist with tact and all round here known tiger turned eleven hormone or your membership list but it's completely free of all the trial but it still gets sneered an aberration and you can renew it is it has been four years no market one reason and
no that was it yeah yeah as diners here that is based there victoria halfway through the book does it anyway fiction dune at the
time it was about the only restaurant open in mind in that area so many a meal not necessarily memorable meal well terrible only way that it was that interesting people and they have these holdouts of the business noel our own version of this that no more than ten and i have a song sum find deals going on that re opened her pretty much the same list with a different man standing there are some from attacks show business he tells her his own single until four years newspapers from the wallet on social good with these
are you and we must guard unit most parts of the world there is a lot of nervous energy scarlett magnetic magnetic poetry and boxes and while a word for madness on the back to make points on the refrigerator door as carmela was not about fifty people won't be able to miss it up on in your refrigerator door will come around come in for a record for our players are flooded one of his visuals maryland but i'm her word in the middle of the owner and her living room sets so award snowden may be
headed and in this window and oregon at this moment with his entourage of michael ensure curse perhaps only a mile or two now and then maybe ending man in the comptroller publishers clearing warehouse go to the pool and hot rock sweaty girl lazy like that diamond leather meet spray of the summer one in warsaw sanctions emily dickinson your heart out and if you can't you know and one said anything with the reservoir of reader nosair case and pay for the surgery
just in seattle but then i really needed to grow past that has a lot of resentment towards me an email every community they are seo is a town that does not like success mr hathaway care about it i think the artist and sale must have great fears of inferiority the lens of npr news well i don't think it is a call for guzman press there as men at the un mark tobey mrs graves did not have successful careers
in seattle but when they became internationally successful course a lot of the city was very problem and rightly so but most of the artists hated them for their success and still do there's still young artist in seattle today you just can't let it when a and one brings up a mark of a mars crater guy anderson and in a way is a natural thing because the sons do have to kill the father that's extremely important in human development but you kill the fall a slave of water and then get him out of your way and then you do what you need to do and then you resurrect a menu honoring you don't just keep stop an imminent welna ninety one after his dead be a human being and be a name until there's nothing left but pulp and jelly as one third happens in the cellar community many still been marked home in mars' graves
at well the general reading public ticks me wonderfully the sailor rania are there's a huge amount of india thing toward my success not necessarily toward my work that many on pollan noted that my disavow in my work but they're not happy about my success because they think i have the success nation of it and maybe they're right but not the way to cook it crumbled is it well successes a peculiar american word that except in its most ironic since those not the roomba long and we can deliver an artist an
unknown the guards would destroy rainforest made popular so loaded it's a very dangerous thing to take success seriously we have to keep it in perspective and this maximum or having classes and also you know you know i had to avoid leaders came here for thirty minutes until after world want to spend a week with me they just do it for you you're seeing a way to repay
my own mother was a chippewa indiana my father was a wild duck yes vs the question i wonder what it is numbing don't take this personally but i wonder what it is about the american media and perhaps american reading audience on our viewing audience that makes them so concerned with biography and personality i recently did a a media tour in italy but two are a promotional tour i was interviewed by thirty eight different journalist denis exhibit curated picture more interviews and i would normally do in a ten year period and not one of those thirty eight
journalist asked me how old i was having times and the married i want money and they last year they stayed away from biographical questions almost entirely they focused on the work they had read the work they asked questions about the work about style about the content than my books were a certain issues they want to discuss those issues it was so refreshing so what is it about as americans that we wanna know why when you wear to bed at night instead of something about the work itself you have an answer for that to do that her prominence in a
tentative pressed the last time in general yeah yeah well it is where it is well i see why i'm interested in that too i just wonder what it is about us that mixes different and that way from your parents were just more but they've all these is even worse than in the west about these codes and personality calls a bell on the newer my parents in their water your mother is
he right i'll also as i have both of my grandfathers were southern baptist ministers one ordained in one a lay minister i rode a mule back in the halls of north carolina on sunday as the prettiest little on churches said that it had no regular minister mr wheatley build cabinets and write for roses with you and that was he was my father's father my mother's father was an ordained minister and his father was a far police chief charlotte north carolina saw crumble online and the cops and preachers a look at the comment i have to divest myself well thank you
in my late teens early twenties one became increasingly apparent to me that that there was nothing about christianity that appealed to me and i suppose i still have like most people have made a spiritual appetite so and begin to turn over the stones one film buddha's and bonus offer isn't bow ties offer is unknown goddesses and guns in more interesting stuff some things that the things that can be applied to one's life perhaps more around so efficiently but
at the same tomb to make more sense of a day to day basis than the problem of christianity is that it takes its interprets it from that symbol cern and turban sits myths historically rather than symbolically and they don't make the mistake in the eighties i didn't know all religions and two cheese whiz and wrote for the url the major religions include an asian religions are a dozen based buddhism hinduism jane isn't she know where is my head see ism all the mainstream religions have been
so processed over time and so watered down to make them tasty two largest possible number of people that they have lost all their conscience say and all their power but each one of the mainstream religions has a small splinter group that is actually trump has remained more true to the origins and the roots of their religion and the mainstream religion itself in buddhism there is an and christianity there's gnosticism and hinduism there's comptroller an islamic there's safely in judaism there this aims there's a role for religion but they have not been processor not been
watered down or not pasteurized they're mainly pungent and you know and they have all the original flavor some very interested in those road for religion's although i do not practice any particular one to the exclusion of the others lonely older i became as a child in them or somehow were really worked around and in the way so our religious people practice their faith no more discouraged i became i was i was the entire simpson semblance i was bar gal as lisa and even to some extent i was may i
was a lot like bart simpson and then i was for his genius always in getting into trouble or hours but i was at the same time a lot like willie sutton that i had a sensitive side and really creative artistic side and then sometimes overwhelmed by the conflicts over mark only one way lisa lee are there aren't i was a lot like maggie i would just stress around second month of taking every than one erin when you walk in the world you know as i worked both sides of the story i spent a lot of time alone i have a completely secret intellectual life which a young male growing up in small towns and rural self had to
be secretive about i would have been not only ridicule the problem physically assaulted had my peers been aware of the reading i did in the writing i did in the fink in idaho sidle around the slide and then i went on race as mattel as possible with only a redneck than brats and i'm high school i played basketball and fairly well known case cheerleaders for whom were still the reformist so i'm schizophrenia growing not an mit clinical sense but and then the fact that they have two distinct personalities and i was born on july twenty second because read twain can certainly are cancer doesn't bear the main players are presented by the sun
so i have this and so split right down the middle of the slower side and i have the lower side and the very few things that you can say about me that you could not one time or another saying the opposite there are people who will tell you that palm oil is a generous generous man there are people who would you go on about how selfish i am and the thing is they're probably both write the times i am very generous at times i am selfish living with me and emmy winner with myself my palms the fly up almost animated they almost think when they look at my palms there's so many lines is so complex mr braden about this it's just the way it isn't a what i did no less like if i had a less like a normal necessarily buy into that
then caused me to be such a complex person one thing about me and schizophrenia you're never alone you're right are unique i was living in richmond virginia during the sixties early sixties which of course was the home by the time love the centennial war between the states so things were nearly unknown restraints there in terms of
retrograde ideas there was a true conservative for me no there's a term implies and so germany art school and went to say on the estimable humanism i loved every minute i feel repressed there and i looked at the map and i saw that seo is that for a spot on the map from richmond virginia without leaving the country and i couldn't afford to leave the country but also in my sex is the statics classes hendren been studying a little bit about the northwest mr painters now is very intrigued about what kind of american landscape or environment that have fostered a school mystique so that was a draw as well they are
let's listen there was an interesting mysticism here i think because of the fact that sale was somewhat isolated and that a settlement pacific rim face in the asian instead of carol europe and the sailors in her an excellent korean for asian collection fortunately our history and had been exposed to but it wasn't at all what the apocryphal stories that we've heard baggies and we you know i had heard that mars graves live the whole tree am i came here and the potentially a net morris i found out that he absolutely loved a luxury
with a car or when you were you know you knew where they were an excuse i gave myself the fermenting the ceo was the far east department of the worst in washington where it was my intention to stay for eastern philosophy graduate school and in fact did go where one quarter but i arrived in january expect it not to go to school until the fall when the world about city and first and how climate does myself and now i'm martha graham in the town and um hum of valiant one hundred dollars in my pocket crossley oh mercer island bridge
bridge kamal morin looked up minor as i was run by and software inside animals old brick well roosevelt era apartment building and so i made a quick right turn went up but eighty five dollars of my hundred gallon month's rent and that was on a friday afternoon on tuesday night not by the seattle times and no i think on saturday the next day i went down that times on saturday and an engineer was in was there and i introduced myself and i had a letter recommendation from me on managing editor of the richmond times dispatch and onto the ice her to work because someone had just left that on sabbatical i am found a replacement for me and this isn't the features apartment
so began my journalism career in seattle it's in as the nba and dear abby fact when abigail came to see alan watson visit to tame the newspaper she always let go of the newspaper and says she was in the character called yes to see the person who has been writing mayhem on the recall because so there were like any other headline says she was her column was carried out two hundred newspapers or something to send them the other hundred and nine i never had headlines like the ones in the seattle times saying was that was an error and lenders to remember who is in with paper and her sisters a chorus or whichever one it was made a special
trip back to my old corner to meet me because my hands were so outrageous allows the first the journalistic attention first attention i had in seattle as a writer or headlines on the advice of the lord calls it in ft
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Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 2
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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An interview with author Tom Robbins.
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Interviewee: Robbins, Tom
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-ab4ddb6b8c4 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 2,” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed July 4, 2024,
MLA: “Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 2.” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. July 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 2. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from