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the state's water quality board has reversed itself yet again today and the board took up the issue of the discharge point for treated water from the new spencer tennessee sewage plant environmentalists wanted the board to ban spencer from dumping the water into dr board creek but the final vote ended up in a four to four tie with one member absent since the burden of proof bill on the environmental groups a permit to allow spencer to dub stays in place he also is the spokesperson for the tennessee department of environment and conservation know and the grief of a couple a huge here want that feeling over forty percent of the pine and something happened to be down about that the packaging even know and it's agreed that the cave in the surrounding areas are environmentally significant and they are worthy of protection so we believe that our permaculture the people of both protecting human health in protecting the environmental report that however will tell way of the tennessee environmental council disagrees he questions the dumping permit pretty dire for creek which is we haven't had repeatedly is not even a creepy several months of the year the dry creek bed and therefore their wannabe is
charging up to two hundred and fifty thousand gallons of treated wastewater into a dry creek bed and as effectively will be the creek kelly says environmental groups will continue to ask the governor and the congressional delegation to get the money or not permitted we still have an opportunity for someone at the state will step up and show leadership work with the federal delegation to work with the epa region for get the money for why an application and that should be done immediately i they should not hide behind what they favor an adequate permit an establishment hide behind the day the infant with a we were right all along and you're on the abdication really their responsibility to protect resources spencer sewage treatment plant has been waiting for the discharge issue to be settled for it to go online
Bugg Stories vol. 12
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WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Water quality board report has reversed itself. Taking on the Spencer discharge issue. Environmentalists wanted to ban the discharge going into Dry Fort Creek. The final vote ended up in a 4-4 tie, with one member absent. The permit to allow Spencer to dump stays in place. Kim Olsen is the spokesperson for the TN Dept of Environment and Conversation, speaking on the issue.
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-629f349a896 (Filename)
Format: DAT
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Chicago: “Bugg Stories vol. 12,” WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “Bugg Stories vol. 12.” WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Bugg Stories vol. 12. Boston, MA: WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from