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in a way he sees it in the second row on i can't like i have this terrible thing that names a moment a monitor think the name of the video he is busy campus oh we are the only radio
there for it's hard to tell that was as of renaissance of writing in the west until your time will sort of cyber terrorism and the rise of it in recent years of of important writers and i think it's got mama day and i think of the people we've already mentioned at him for example and the family within the montana mafias a are they sometimes called love i'm annoyed emanuel davis you mean a lot of the writing about the west was what was done by people from the east who came out here in and looked at it the more amazed or something before now is being done by people who were you know our it thickens a naval westerner who at least are well william marston west in the west so when he was a very a
renaissance certainly there are more western people writing that on being published than there used to be and in all feel joy harjo of poetry the death of border that left them which was published written by a little in a little press but it's catching on now things like that are happening that that make you think there are perhaps is a portion of literature out here in the boondocks at play these questions that in your career reading about the rest of the cowboys and indians and all of people feel that you feel about the whole coming out of the cowboy and indian reading at you feel about them in the west in writing a lot of the a lot of the real problem in her writing was just plain awful i mean not that they were necessarily bad books but there's certainly social
effect was bad when i was a kid that the naughty boys were upon one reason they lived and worked there were three of them and then my brother in it played with a mullet with a couple enablers and we play cowboys in the course of any wannabe indians you know they won't be cowboys or they wanted to be the cavalry is a post and why not because that whole period all you saw of the indians in those westerns where they were some way to be shot an impediment progress and i'll let you still see a lot of that on in his old movies or television keeps i fear they are i just less likely someone in crime will be in and every time the cavalry for a jewish art online version of the other day an indian you know there's that
stuff we all would do all the coalition would do about our culture humiliating his unique folk a very western reading weekend ben is there any community collaborative to the contrary quite possibly some of the other is a fulfilling the few week or so that have to live by their man you know you do the kind of tribalism about the west we are so happy with with what i'm seeing i'm looking at your nearest there is a director on the tree and be under bring on this this raptor is that the mounds rise in the snow on a mountain and yet have formed a musher fixer oliver skiing if it was interesting i could be skiing in an hour you know and there's no small and the
stars blue sun is shining no traffic going to go someplace argument are going nowhere and you know we we think why do these people put up with amid public or leave they don't know any better or that or they have to be near new york to make her career work right so we have a kind of a mixture of a very complex mixed with or they have a child initially get great there's very there's a major security is that which you write and you know i still like you say it is semi retired that is true and i'll give you one day i am going to work for somebody and i got to
my mom hotel a veteran on the television and with the talk shows eddie's to young writers just have all supported a man and a woman and i watched the rest of an end most of what i was a gradual princeton the owners graduate of one of the other ivy league schools and they were very it will calm and the good looking kids the next day had a meeting with my editor who's old groucho as eddie read the books you know yet he read both books are us and would they have been published and those kids been from emporia state teachers college or utah state visit formal he said they would never filed in and read he said what the boy is third generation one is all one of his uncles as a of an attorney for social the girl is bryn mawr and so forth and her mother's social change
and he said the end and that's it he's at the book for a play that authorities can get right in only extant grown up rich in connecticut where it will and he said that you know we don't have that right about weed weed well we'd like to have the death a barn that left and it's about a woman who's so by thirteen year old girls for the use of science at both beautifully written about is about four talks about that come alive we know really and then i don't i don't write that cost of exactly but yeah we have to know but how many of those you know they were trying to work themselves the college's a dish for sharon in a boarding house you know with a choctaw indian as a first the dishwasher of the second one and he endlessly sang i'll never smile again that was the only
song he like to sign any sign yet in this mournful voice night after night as we watched those dishes and he was a lot bigger than they were tolling for god's sakes think that's an effort he gave me a heart eastern for me you'd signed by golly what they're really like to say you know it is on the right about done that in the rye i could i could i could never read catcher in the rye and none of these western writers on nor could write it you're not because the whole this whole world of prep schools and you know is the is not nor can i write this book the most part robed what's enabled was a bestseller about a about a sheep of tried to imagine a poor boy
california poor boy going to dart going to have to not enormous tub bending she denied that and falling in with this group of normal kid we were all sort of generation ultra rich and she has escaped a good book it's a good interesting tale but she has is california poor boy they integrating for old furnishings in his apartment a sinking of the man looking like calling for a major holiday and furniture was a great leap forward for most of us this is about a poor boy this is the bondholders long shot why not
we use that language a direct expression is that more progress is so strong and that will use that language but intriguing is that language and even here is only going to use it to study the way people express themselves through gps is very intriguing to hear it the double language and you were right they got for hemingway's shows we did that is all of course i am but i don't think that's a critically east or west are i think all writers will write in croatia or boston or more really know if they're good riders of the really unrest and writing their focusing on a language the way it's used often we talk a little bit about her and he
really only in the last at least equal because they give your character your reign who you're picking well among the more minor character john maginnis mcginnis is trading post on a researcher who's been trying to sell its trading post for about forty five years nobody wants to buy oh i always liked him he was just max and i just heard that somebody that asked questions to and get information from the work in ramala suddenly be in for a mining in here this old man who old bachelor who live down the section on from us and who had a whole room full of all these awful paul detective box stores and my mother would not have approved of that rating sank a real crash site go down or no man man with american and that he was a grouchy old and he still was resenting the yankees burning is betty's car and the freebies that he
slips when he was born from health shorter than the span of history is is it and he wouldn't leave didn't like any buyer going to car although he was happy enough to get take a ride into town in any way that was sort of sort of tomorrow for my guinness our budget or karzai came out did exactly what i wanted to do in the book to me that tree farmers more and with because the second image director farm that if you think a destination your time you get too political with pam's if you review by boat for the politics like the nlrb and the bible because it is the wilderness society and then what i did my goal is to is to make people enjoy the book and smiled and get a kick out of a
viable funny spot in it which i don't have much but you'll get caught up in a book like that and if i can find an actual inner find a grimy act that has gotten you can intrude or you're not you know your cue licensure serve to preach and i don't think many of us know enough about other thing but not driving to the fore i don't think well i think nonfiction you know well i like people to understand indians unlike people of priests by stephen venables and understand it there you don't they're not homogenized or not if one great great less of indians in america they're all kind of different cultures and therefore quite different in many ways and i like i think we get sustained we don't understand that if i were were dictator of the world or of america i
was i would require all history books to begin to spit back a few chapters and start with the first migration the discovery of america by the first migrants migrate across the bering straits and the development for a flowering of cultures in north and south america the rise and fall of civilizations at a and then i would get in the nature of the indian cultures in north america when the europeans arrived i have my students understand that the european discovered in america the most important thing they discovered was a notion of individual rights which was a fool idea that have not dawned on anybody in here and the ideal of a democratic society in which everybody voted not just your rich landowners you hear or confederation everybody voted to let the surgeons and only the women had a right to vote in a recall election since the second
floor reflecting the other crowd the women could recall women have rights because this needs to be taught to america and it's not being top clearly it's not being part of that very thing is people only asking where is the mysteries as well the most retailers still usually made i don't know what i'm more for my books was from the ministry tends to be not so much who did it has a wise being why why that is i like to
begin to clear the why it was being done to basically something that i believe i think it's evil greek vengeance movie which are very big things i think i also like to use i think one reason i use anthropologists are only so much in my books is not is and making villains out a plan for archaeologists it's not that i don't like an archaeologist i do like them is because they too are working on that streets almost without exception the us building is being done that's not done because as a question that needs to be answered ok so if i can use chick for example and think of time the great mystery that charcoal canyon and then the rooms are present it's a gray background players more industry you know oh why a
person's has killed a really good look at thank you well i learned when when you live on a narrow down a muddy road you learned to love to read my mother was a storyteller my we didn't there was no library anywhere near so we got airborne sending off to the library and i would know back to finally not the look you want you to that there were books to growing really think he is the recipient to hear that when you live down a muddy road and there's nothing to do to entertain yourself in a wetter than you earn both the
value of reading an end sweden are no library and we get her book spies sending often order blind to the state's library which would make the bacteria amazing and have what you wanted but soon they'll buy three or four books they were all good do you know how to do it we don't believe there's as many ways to ride or for people who are like i have never known about a book so i get some ideas basic ideas basic characters and and and i know i got that way and hugely foot of revolve around
crime dream up the crime and try to find a place to start a book and usually august i did write a first chapter even fit there another first chapter that didn't go anywhere funny i get a first chapter that works on and then it leads in the second chapter and i'm also the us didn't have stuff it yet is that it's the landscape and the mood and forth like that a lot of my old friends bowl you'll be in the heat of the night with his best on both john with the other expenses he would outline he would write a brief outline of the book that he would outline every chapter has been when he came to a character he would stop to describe the character antecedents and there isn't anyone and that he would go and maybe hundred and fifty hp typewritten pages single
spaced of our lives with a mini would imitating mobster listening would very quickly right to block refugee even alive first half years where in august you think of one lessing woman was going to involve the navajo origin story that the section in which the hero twenty merge are born and set about on an odyssey to make the whorls the surface world sorry for the tribe for the people so i was beyond their twenties that i was going to on uses of them have two wars one who becomes a franciscan one who becomes a militant revolutionary both wanting to save their people from the
bills that the senate passed by roof force that you're going to reproduce a franciscan enroll he was sent to rome thirty eight american college brilliant man he is seduced by a washington by eight years the border of a i write this shelter home and i don't really think it had pretty java but it didn't didn't seem to fully intimate look it's sort of an all star with her to an early chapter in washington where this guy's alluding to the bill feds and to see him again the chapter with breeden factors are sour with a lot of the people in iran we didn't go in the book so that i write a chapter on a reservation where you see the murder victim and the shaman who is interviewing him about what causes eldredge and the shaman been important or can a book and i use that jeopardy enters the setting and the mood in
interviews shankman and then a after i had re write it didn't work first but a lot of that became the first chapter that led him to a second chapter living with her captor good morning you know what i did in the book the book sort of takes on a life of a solemn and i finish and only time i did it was a book that was called for summer of muddy head keeper i started it the smugglers who was good at his job that he wanted to get out of the one of michael vick ok that'll be concerned and i started it was gone ok and i'm i want to think that my develop cancer my brother guided abruptly and he was
also my best friend their of the nail has died of a shooting picture than the one all while israel is when a friend came out and i had the book just five died former worker mr assad in syria oh you work yourself and i worked most of the course all the time we don't know exactly what you're going to do next and that what you plan to do with his chapter isn't something a better idea comes along you adapt and then finally don't know howard goldblatt a mixed at the idea that happens quite a bit with they would always think well with the way you're you go with me i used little like drummers ration if a book as if mom stuck on the reservation or it was going to happen next is on the restoration up to what they're innocent around smell when look at the shadows and
talk to people maybe not about the plot but they are sometimes you get a great stroke from armory sometimes goes with me and i was really stuck on the barkley couldn't find a way to motivate my policeman to be worrying the end of the end so recently new novel as a book you really okay so it wasn't that was winter was coming on we go out to return zucker making a move on the race all goes competent and all of motels were full of hollywood types so they're well as a motel it oh my lord it was closed as well as the moto drivers but not snowing hard motels through city was there but they poor but ensuring their normal so
sleep in a pickup truck and the next day we go to the reservation and while we were out there are just before another summit vandalized a minute when we know the odd thing to do in my country of my bed was a window i suddenly be in it we could see why some of my van was one male and we hurried home when i finished the book and it's the whole book revolves around a lot when you get all this the dark web is the most incredible shock this week we share we doing that with a very well may i was was that first for years without to unveil a book with a big steel born without a ventilator
and re created a lot of my little mystery which my car was assigned to solve who's doing this i kept doing say repeatedly and when he finally found the person who did it he also found a way to solve the major crime which was the murder murders that much or is it the prescient to get into and be working with people who don't people eat well and actually anywhere near it can be pressed about the fact that people with legal or da da da da da da not know why i was a rifleman and they are from him or to him and you saw on a death you saw even for people who are your friends i grew up a course of a
farm boy i work in the country when somebody died the body was kept in a living room with him for one of the grave you know you this was a the other end of like it was partly why are then i work as a place for puerto rican on the bad guys and you find out they're there really viewed when you get to not only understand you understand why crime is committed to an intimate and why they'd rationalize it and are so annoyed and oppress the future is part of the natural order or get your really only people would do it i mean you only animals and well heeled boots emptied and killer and spacey says that the panama agreed out of look at
these two boys that were briefly quinn in connecticut they'd they wanted their inheritance really killer mother and father and the lawyers get the inherent do you see where you are today fb
Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest
Raw Footage
Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 11
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Interview with author Tony Hillerman.
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Raw Footage
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Interviewee: Hillerman, Tony
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-05a0729e1a5 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 11,” 1993, SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 23, 2024,
MLA: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 11.” 1993. SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Interview with Tony Hillerman, Tape 11. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from