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he's been a poem is bill's been to pay off base
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been he came with fb is bad he's
been to pass by it's really funny it's the second week
ms bee fb
to put this is by the pittsburgh ginger looked at it in reality technology to reinterpret that started out and we talk about the effect the chef's house has created here that they really did live here and you could talk a little bit about the extent to which
the stories go beyond the actual experience that they actually experienced really there are a lot of things here that are in the stories well yes that's very true stroke ray and mariam had decided to get together again after the call my marriage seems uncle signs and simply wasn't drinking start here and they came up here and in a way i do it for the time they were here re got a chance to go fishing and he was writing his writing world and marianne wants a housewife again she was an ordinary housewife he was tremendously until she read a lot in our house of energy so that much of the background of the story is really authentic know everything else in the
story will come straight from ray's imagination the recent evidence that whenever you write a story when you don't always have to have entered a given situation and then the story itself begins making demands on the right or to the extent that the writer has to accommodate the story of the story marines and ray was an expert knowing how to do that so things change the two people become not exactly rating marianne the story takes a life of its own and really transcends both the situation in france at its a sad thing is this is the house that that side and yet sure this
is so nice to say does this this is the house this is where ray and marianne moore was a house belonging to a friend of the main character in this story belong to relate to the corner pizza bella vista in re called chefs loves the shelf used to live there and this device more and say this is the savings for this story sheds house exterior of the us this is the setting for the story shows it's re live to the house wasn't gift alone from the front of the narrator who belong to the chef bella this in
grand marais and rented it for a few months and ray was very productive you are a pro it has been has been
as it's been no no
no no no in libya can the pay is
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by fbi and it's been the point ms bee
it is but these benefits because bees bet they are
well ray was a pseudonym one this was twenty nine years ago than done i was teaching creative writing for the first time and i got this skinny tall kid in my class he was twenty two and the first time i read his manuscript a manuscript of his wife thought my god i've got a real one first time law and it turned out to be true so we became friends not so much teachers certain we looked at one another's manuscripts and both of us have things to say about the other person's work and we became friends and we
have we stayed friends over all the years since that time the easiest to their ocean are now is to have a funeral it's together and he and his family and i have my family would get together for dinner drink some wine good conversation and so on yet we spent quite a bit of time with one of them is a second and that was very hectic marianne was a student and she was working she would get jobs in restaurants cocktail lounges and so on and they had the two small children racing to and so they were busy very
much from morning till night ray did a lot of his writing after what else went to bed and the house because he had to have some quiet very very busy life and they have friends among the states with traffic of that sort of around thirty three thousand and the repairs to get going for the last for the question of happiness was never something that really figured in to the covers relationship that they were either absolutely joyful and ecstatic or they were pretty much depressed happiness is a kind of
steady state that just doesn't seem to apply to people like the us for helping re with his writing a lot of people help re this assailant people looked at his manuscripts and made suggestions and he was very open to all kinds of suggestions but whenever a line in a manuscript that changed it never get changed in accord with the suggestion that was always highly imaginative and it was always raise own solution no one now helped re writing stories beyond that nautilus from experience because i had made comments on race stories scientists are doesn't work you should change this and why not try this you listen to me and the
solution that he would come up with for the sly part in the manuscript was always unique he was a real marvel at finding just the right voice just the right tone just right next to sarah's use at how happy new year but first well she supported him like crazy she said i'm married to a genius the world doesn't know it but i'm going to show the world that he is a genius and she supported him in that respect one hundred percent so she gave him that kind of support and she made room for him to write that his chief rival she's a very assertive forcing herself
mccain to re she sort of made sure you got time to write for and got a space to write then she's written a whole lot in that respect that's set to use a gps and a tv writer marianne well she had a whole lot to do and with worries of creativity because to some extent he saw the world through the site himself when he saw her in the world of art and he had a lot to be thankful for his first man was concerned she supported him one hundred percent it said that texas' your
observations as well to begin with to save lick the res life saving the chicken with tests a gray's life she helped him through the hard part of recovery from alcohol and she supported him a lot of tests because there's a point a kind of special access to race sensibility i guess that would be the way to put it she still the same language radio ad man does she too saw what ray was and she helped him to become what he finally became now the business of alcohol a lot of people
concentrate on that when they're talking about recover that's not what people should be concentrating on the issue because training on what happened to ray after the alcohol when he finally and finally came into his own the media couldn't have been done without falling into the lower depths so to speak to become a saint one has to while in the gutter for a while and maybe that was necessary for ray but the major part of his work and what he might have done had he lived began actually alcohol was over how to say things or re stories sugar ray story he's after the alcohol began to
pick up what i would call more amplitude in his early stories i always thought of ray as the master of the short stroke in and out very quickly but i think maybe his attention span increased after he stopped drinking we begin to notice longer rhythms in some of his prose we began to notice more filling and he was no longer simply operating by leaving out and i think the stores were getting bigger and i think they were much more important the major stories such as cathedral and there and in those stories you don't sense any kind of preakness any kind of shortness nonsense anything like connett the development is
full and all of those stories and in the story cathedral particularly for the first time and raised for you found the transcendence at the end of the story a charter experiencing some kind of leap beyond the normal circumstances of his life in a very positive way or how to have a house i visited ray in sacramento wants when he and maryann had that pontiac and we went more or in the wrong the streets of seven sisko
and inexcusably sacramento you might say three sheets to the wind and they was a car they actually did and asked a very color of course that's in where these actual miles now what happened to the sibling of the current where the story where the husband is at home and the wife is out supposedly trying to sell the car but the husband suspects but doing something entirely different and not so nice most of that i would say is this once again the demand that the story puts on the right or something like that had to happen if the story was triggered by the possession of the car and the difficulties that way and mariam had with that car
the story itself become something else because that's the way stories get written a very serious exactly how race means to the debate around sure yeah that's very true of raven normally would change the name of the place not simply for self protection that he would change the name to sort of make it part of his own vision as he saw for example in eureka about six miles south of here there's a cafe the so called i think the humble coffee shop used to be called samples that have changed the restaurant name for obvious reasons but dirt
mariam had a job there as a waitress and the story that raid got out of that is the story of the title that they're not your husband and it has to do with us and coming into this cafe and seeing his wife oh working behind the counter and listening to two men down the cowgirl always talking about the wife so did did did rate ever hear two men talking about his wife if she was working behind the counter when he had come in to see are probably not but there could have been two men there and his wife is there way is there and suddenly the character in the story demands that most people say something to say fb
the pain
Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest
Raw Footage
Richard Day Interview on Raymond Carver, tape 49
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Richard Day interview on author Raymond Carver.
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Interviewee: Day, Richard
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-ba15f4f2240 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Richard Day Interview on Raymond Carver, tape 49,” 1993, SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 23, 2024,
MLA: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Richard Day Interview on Raymond Carver, tape 49.” 1993. SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 23, 2024. <>.
APA: Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Richard Day Interview on Raymond Carver, tape 49. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from