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over a the hundred and forty thousand times a year attempted abductions remain in local past communities so missing about insurance are a local problem law week has enforcement has to help the state and federal agencies to been recover their children had been a child protection advocate for over twenty five years now will never tough compromise my burning desire to save every child as but a kid there will be my grandson did we have some problems and our first activation obviously we did that we make a difference even with all the problems yes i think we did because i think the metropolitan nystrom national police department got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of additional cause i would not have gotten any other way from both inside and outside the state as a result so they're with me about share with you some emotion because i probably looked at more jealous of cases the police chief in america in the work at the national
center at the higher four thousand tickets every year four thousand of the more successful three hundred of them approximately turn in the long term the actions in twenty fifteen or fifty children dying away what's critically important stranger abduction cases is that around sixty percent of those children are smart on nerve within the first two hours so you can become a bureaucratic and what we're trying to do drug laws and other agencies across the study is to minimize bureaucracy and yet agencies with resources out into the field now an amber plan is only one tool it went well in terms of they were receptive to the twenty people they came on there was a there was another twenty five on individual physicians that want to speak with her fifth office and they were not allow them and that and they were now out indirectly three people
that were arrested because they could do that would not leave until they were allowed to speak with representative from republican on private property and even though gadhafi had him before the taxpayers' dollar dime the owner of the bill actually when we're allowed him and yet dupuis everyone on the word since its private property probably is no legal right to do so then he had approval rating report and if the governor's race they may be nonfiction that have he can get that one off that is our major concern of ours and that in general what if we want the military or threatened to have someone that not connected to defenders office to how to write a book and from that erika brockman about how the twenty
people able to get in n word was a camp was a was there a number can that's a very key out first group of about twenty people and the band and then they have a word that if you're now and i could speak with a representative or there were the narrative of their village of native americans a lot of the time on individual but in general you think of the conversation with the twenty people to dig it in was a good conversational yeah from what i heard of a big pr with an opportunity to be confirmed an overheard and we're hoping that that will be transferred to fire her fb and it's real important consideration for us is the attractiveness to relocate people here i'll tell you this environment this community is making my job very easy come asking a lot of people to pick up and move from new york city
from california from texas and the quality of life the attractiveness of the tax structure the number of things to do is just been outstanding fb says sometimes you know we think of the tenncare money somehow coming out of local government on the reality is that when it's all going out into these communities all across or processed at some central banks on where it's being used to that tent nearby is being used to support the health care needs of a lot of people who are the constituents of legislators and that live in small communities across a process that i think is important yemeni detainees here helen is essential isis of a reminder that that does is all alone when you didn't even
superficially at their numbers yet they need the tenth year helped on this essential access payments but that doesn't solve the problem it just postpone three billion dollars to six billion dollars and i think that as we had to do with general a decade ago tom i think it's a more comprehensive look at what its funding sources are or what his real needs our mission is over that's what i'm asking them to do is just you see me do it hundred times different things which is the evidence of that to make it go away for years that the backup and let's sit back and figure out what the problem is if you're a long term solution and that's what i'm asking sunset there's been some sunset provisions on one very small systems but it's not a huge it's not a huge issue but i would say i was at the main concerns about will be any major sun setting of a visa provisions because that really does seem to contravene the basic principle of the budget
fb we when you're corporation like us making decisions you know things like that may change over time but we we haven't is just one of many many factors so right now it's an arc in iraq they were and we'd like to see many tennesseans or are having trouble affording the coverage that they have and have a preferred provider network they expect us to keep our providers in line across the state an hca requested a significant amount of money reimbursement that much higher for comparable facilities within the state and we just felt like we couldn't accept it on behalf of members fb i'm more concerned about this year because there's so few things you can do at this point this late in the year that really make a difference for the
year and lay people off for a time even a vacation half as much money to really keep on the payroll for the rest of this year so this is going to be particularly challenging the workers here will love affair with her i very much want to be released without using any one time money because all that does is push the problem off into the you know into a following year we were going down that road i can tell you've given this hit this late in the year there would not have to be some kind of a one time i use to plug the hole this year because it has so little you can do that you know this late and i wish we started for environment around back in the summer it became you know that when the first estimates are shortfalls from future what the original projection said damn it will become evident but and this is a situation we have right now
if you say to somebody look you don't have a job anymore at the same time they know something like that's going on so hard to look them in the eye and say you've done everything you could to clean up some of the settlers more and so i'm just try to pay some attention so those are the status morris israel's a moral issue of budget problems but the second thing and maybe that's a few people you have to do something more draconian situation in which people who are out in the field a lot more or whatever that makes sense for them to have some ability to make long distance calls by calling some number gotten understand that but i'll be probably on who made the calls of the libyan made today don't know either of those of the moment thing the current situation and assisting the hands but i'd be astonished there was somebody gave the mother of her two kids in college and you know favorite cousin i mean that said it closed because there's no downside to that and so obviously a problem for celeste with clean that one up and and i'd take you're also
the service great partition say to somebody look you don't have a job anymore at the same time they know something like that's going on so hard every pool here which we use an empty paper calls are pretty good rate and i'm told that the phone expenses in tennessee are quite good that we've done a good job of management managing asia under a couple little holes in it half of it is going to name some people can't say i'm more concerned about this year than that because the time is so short but certainly like overwhelming philosophy is don't use one time money to fund recurring kinds of kinds of problems and that a substantial reason for part of the problem today is is the past is a onetime money for that at this time in and you just
see what else we need to do and then sit down and we will go through another round budget hearings but i certainly would call people together outside i don't know the answer i certainly have as a result of these budget hearings and i think a far better sense of what's going on in the department's aware of the year is the flexibility of that i would be if i had done that but you know this is just as tough as a question not to sugarcoat this is not good news this morning but i've been telling people just wishes to peel away layers of the onion here and tell me the way things really aren't that at all do it together i really think that you've got a ultimately put the accountability for operating this place in some narrow place i think it ought to be the governor but you know which is the way it happens and in that in most of these areas the state
government i think the legislature clearly have a role to play in that as well this came down to the question of the composition of the board which is where the biggest fields of the reveal discussions around and what i propose in this is that we do a three one and one arrangement where the governor would appoint three members of the speakers of the house and the senate to point to appoint one of each board small as five members of a year quick on your feet are going to be bored i think he keeps the accountability squarely in the us we're in the size of whoever is the governor to make this thing work but i think that's important not not just with me but this this will be going on for a lot of years after all of us are gone and other kinds of things but it keeps me up it keeps the accountability clear these contracts around the lottery are big contracts they have lobbyists all over them there's a lot of stake in these contracts we need to do some extra things just to make sure not only the procurement process is right but it really is seeing to be absolutely clean and write about people on the outside part of the
discussion as we as people up there was bragging about the fact that nashville and some wonderful thing nashville has committed to spent two hundred and forty million dollars on parks and brain what resonated very difficult for him to leave was looking at that they said they say it in about where we're up here given no races are cut were busy cutting out things like real estate transfer tax of buying land are doing things right now to we get through this isn't it fair to ask some of his illnesses to step up to small fractions of the kinds of things that were happening were having to do hear when you put it in context what we're asking local government to do is not that serious you know really get all sorts of special pleading i and i'm sure that's happened in a way as i do know about an upcoming a million ways that don't know about with individual constituent of yours if we just we joined hands here together and stick with the program i think we all have a very solid place to stay if we start letting anyone interest get out there and say what
i need to be treated differently than everybody else especially ones largest lab and i think we get ourselves on a slippery slope is very difficult but talking about people here or and you're scared if it were read to start the wave actually developed at convocation and have been a lot harder than people who have been killed there needed to be able to get to work at the record and we hope that town will be caught up in their feature the people who were the old man in the area he said you could redeem the record and we're pretty quiet right now we have a number of people on the back now there were moving in the right direction many people do we have before comparative how we how we have no hemming more openings we have a memory i did you get those numbers for me to know how close we are and that you know what we had to be built for a year for now the woodstove another position or what the city we have hired and people now have a special filter native yuri at
record them were on track and have a bad habit of a more complete in the future and at that point six percent complete we needed ninety percent they're very quiet we do a initial review and then we go back and build wealth or reveal selective type of cases after july the first that information be a lot more detail will not only put up who is registered will also put up a we believe is in the state and has not registered with her to get a solo like a scrooge lives on not only on their faces they're registered but according to our review the not properly using the money that's coming into their possession and you can just look at the numbers and we invite the public to not only look at the mouth with the cooperation of the attorney general's office to pursue those cases in binghamton but ultimately the rubber meets the road out there with the public and that's where we have a tremendous responsibility to educate the public and we have a wonderful history of giving in this
nation it's been here since the beginning about tax benefits to look to charities they perform an awesome responsibility but there are people out there who see the numbers and see that over two hundred billion dollars are being raised in this country they want a piece of the pie and i wanted to add an unscrupulous men so when they assault that elderly when they insult us when it but they do that for a lawful purpose i believe that they're tearing at the very fabric of what america is all about and that is our ability to reach out and help other people and so it's a confidence issue we take it personally and the secretary state we will be you need to exercise patience patience to the degree that you say well would you call me back in a week and in the meantime you have time to research that organization found out that the leadership within that organization was the community that they serve where is it do you know when a battery that's perhaps on their boards of directors or whatever and because i think by doing that then you can feel good about giving
your contribution to those organizations when hollywood at or famine surrounded the plane and told people to be quiet lovely rent collector and i did tender one of the year we are not afraid only in moving the the old thirty years if you know were the grade point average it does permit a lot more speeds to put this a bike but
also cost a lot more money if you lower the grade point average it does permit a lot more states to put this a bike but also cost a lot more money i noted that two point seven five cost about i think it's give or take forty million started a forty eight million dollars extra if you add the two point five it's probably more like eighty billion dollars extra it is money we don't have we don't rent money plus those dunes or not the students are most likely to be able to succeed in college you don't want some up for failure we use mr himes the georgia laws model and that we made it much stronger ethically then the georgia bill and the idea that the administration has put a strong ethical backbone is is basically press talk and pr talking back is we had a strong ethical build start with that we are not a dysfunctional family but we worked here and get accomplished through committee process that has surfaced it for over two hundred years and get a bill passed
for boston for las vegas adverse effect because they are you know worse case scenario that would cross the ncaa released ross son randy thomasson rumors and family lives fb you listen to a bit of hardy yeah i mean you know you look for solutions you become sort of the subject of the best live with a good living forward what's going on i go with people oh
no you're you're you're not what is their department takes a larger something in the present so i think you know there's a wage in your arms around helping patients aren't reason for sitting down individually with departments say ok now now let's talk about the specifics of this target was the situation last saturday was the situation with the requirements if you have three hundred and twenty one children who were missing on a given day after without officially enters document that you have a problem with recordkeeping and that records are not being properly then the logical conclusion of anyone that's looking into this would be to ask how long have
these children been is and if you can document anything about as to whether or not that have been contacted or anybody has been contact there is a search for them and if you can is how credible is the documentation that that would be the key questions i would what would logically allies with his high number of children missing out on a given day when someone takes a look at it i agree the ol of age number of placement changes represents where the children were not missing but the data was missing this is where the worker had to go back to the input to the computer data form and correct information that was in there and you'll see on each of the regional lines a representation anywhere from all low love four point eight percent to a high of twenty six percent
these levels of incorrect date are of course unacceptable as i said to you last time part of my management task and the challenge ahead of me is to get our paperwork to agree with our people work and if we can do that we will begin to establish some trust with all of our audience is beginning with the monitor certainly beginning with you and then with the public at large when our paperwork agrees with the work were doing with people we'd rather seen numbers at all than to say boneless the short term that changes in the complexities of how we do business anyway it really is not that big of an impact job confident says don't actually regulate jobs more than me please let us have more money than it is to build and grow the business cordell is about sort of that is not being tough because those investors who can have some money to invest in small business you know if they don't have it we know they won't we would take a proactive than
a lot of anxiety a lot of it to events that have happened recently are writers beginning tonight are going to be going in visiting clubs and hopefully not thriving any type of the servant of the business at all about me doing what the qualifier take the survey at looking for a few things and if he hadn't or identified they will immediately notify the fire marshal's office fb we hope and that we don't find any problems at all but we are they're taken advantage randomly be spotted in nightclubs couldn't they were so unique about a monster to me and saying about a matinee you know the black kids just come in our missile youth and iranian hegemony and kansas gave me i think the first thing would you do say there's not going to be the first year and early k pre k
posted a super k program reduce scholarship program and get into that and then we'll know what access fund says if we were talking about tax money i would be one stand up for him and strong again susan tax money for private institutions but we're not talking about tax money we're talking about gift money or give away money or you on target now we're talking about students asked to still considered discriminatory to separate and head to different things year to government i think that we need to really consider coming up with a plan and les say what it would do it in both all students asylum out without irrespective of private or public we can still look at meat and so forth but likud's didn't sign i cannot say how that weekend i put all these
students into public education and not have to increase so why the amount of money going into public education and i'd love to do that but all i know we haven't done much where there are lice the years and if you can say anything about her own horizon as for sala money going to higher education and i'd like to say that horizon usher i certainly don't say the president is sure that is tailored to fit into what we need to say that it will has a regional educational achievement goes through it for the program which is increasing access getting more help to those who are not very bright who are not quite as night but we lost his interviews local there are counties in virginia maryland and
fifty fifty whatever originally from a national perspective there is nowhere near the recognition of the importance of tennessee played in a symbol on her part of our reason in highlighting those very threatened sides is the fact that tennessee was extremely important to the war and therefore extremely important to our heritage november was colder than last year were to restore the normal customers whether was called a normal year alone he'll see increases in it and get used to it so the combination of the colder weather and and higher i guess right because you also got cost of increased were going to mean higher bills for our customers but that shouldn't get worried that it really will give baghdad two years ago and also cost of gas really shot out of sight we hope to have is something that is a real working documents and by opening up this
process to you and to the and to others we hope we can kind of shortened this cycle a little bit but having the information out and having everybody discusses maybe you can help us get out of here on a on a reasonable schedule which i think is something we all would would want to do after having gone through the last several years just like many tennessee families we face some painful choices i'm proposing cuts that no one likes including me but that's what families do face up to their situations the realistic pick the best course of action and move ahead a basic education program has been fully funded including the increase is called for next year under the funding formula in addition were making a twenty seven million dollar down payment to help small mostly rural school days its address issues related equity in teacher pay this down payment will mean races for roughly seventeen thousand of our lowest paid teachers in seventy five school
districts across our state next year a proposal long term strategy for improving teacher pay for now in this difficult year we should be pleased that were making modest progress and not losing ground first we look at what we're spending this year then we added to that a very few items that we thought were absolutely necessary these items include honestly recognizing rising costs and tenncare they include the education funding that i describe in vital dollars for homeland security initiatives they also include increases in the cost of health benefits for state employees as well as the cost of the races that were awarded last year but only partially fund and all these items it added up to about six hundred and twenty nine million dollars more than half of which will go to ten year as we look for
cuts we applied three basic principles first of all we have to be fair to everyone asking everyone to share the pain no sacred cows number two the reductions ahead to be really couldn't be made using one time money and number three we said we make the cuts openly and let the public see the process even though we knew it would be messy and it was our state agencies and departments are cutting nine percent the highway fund is thirty nine percent higher education is cutting nine percent we're asking local governments to accept the nine percent reduction in tax revenues that we share with them we're cutting grapes to a wide variety of organizations and projects by nine percent i'm grateful that the legislatures volunteered to cut their budget by nine percent and there are other cuts as well the net effect of all these i'm proud to say as an actual decrease in
state appropriations of about a hundred and thirty two million dollars this is only the third time the state appropriations have gone down in thirty years now i know that you'll hear a lot of special pleading in the weeks ahead but it's important that we play and conservatively for the upcoming year while we hope for good economic news this is an uncertain time we still face a deficit in the current fiscal year of a half a billion dollars to get through this we're going to have to use up our reserves including the rainy day fund it is vital that we not overspend our budget next year and it's important that we do better than our budget so we can begin the process of building back of the reserves to a safe level in the short term we're going to have to substantially reduce benefits before the end of the current fiscal year this will include placing reasonable limits on the use of costly
prescription drugs one of the biggest reasons for a tenncare overruns and by this summer will begin making fundamental changes in the structure of ten here this program is innovative is helping hundreds of thousands of tennesseans it is also deeply troubled and it's one of the most significant sources of archivist the waltz its problems are structural not superficial it requires major surgery not bandits my grandmother used to tell me that if i watch the pennies the dollars would take your themselves that advice to serve my family me well over the years and i intend to bring that same discipline detained here and to the rest of state government i o i grew up in a family where my mother had a steady job in a small local bank in my life would have been different without the stability that job provided our family
it is a personal pain for me to see anyone lose their job as painful to watch that happen in state government i've tried my best to hold job losses to a minimum and i've asked our departments to make sure these transitions at her as smoothly as possible for the employees who were affected i ran for this office promising to captain the ship and this part of the job is among the most unpleasant the wealth of our state is not in the state capital it's in the many businesses that employ our citizens and pay taxes it in the hardworking tennessee and to have good paying jobs with good futures if we grow their number and if they prosper we will have the resources it takes to educate and protect and to help those who are less fortunate if they don't cross or knoll amount of new taxes or trips to
washington will protect us from being left behind the these what i wanted the legislature something to say this my best job that you assigned here we are moving to move forward they're going to want to take them and change it surely will as long as they hear this like put a dollar in here i think and are out over here it'll work just to just find i think they were and i'm not going to let their bill frist is going to get us to earn fifty million dollars that nobody else is getting where it's very clear that's not what we're trying to do is to work within the confines of the situation they have talked a lot about this budget caps that we have which is to say is different for tennessee the
minister for other states and the what the rationale for that was and would they be willing to reconsider the approach our revenue neutrality budget neutrality is the watch word of the day up there we do things that are proposed an honor with regard to medicaid i'll give a little more money now in exchange for less money later it's probably not a great policy but right now take any action i can get on that you know in that particular subject but i no i don't think there are hardly any bailouts but in other issues like the camp that we have a budget gap that we have i would love to find out in some way at the releases from bad or cannot be spread over a number a number of canadian kept relating to a number of years where the distance one year because somethings to get us into a position where we have a lot more flexibility but we'll have to have
to we have to get we have to get thirty days notice an unbelieving in many years and only some of the letters of oh wait they're not big numbers of the skin it's like i can tell just in office of all these benefit reductions of what you know what we can expect this year but like they're not you know there are tens of millions of dollars not hundreds of this week we have gotten in trouble and came here so many times by leaping off a cliff and doing something and you know that this whole issue of being in court over these terminations we head with because we just did it they don't have big way and i don't want to do this on just walking through carefully making sure without legal authority to do everything we're doing that we've touched all the right places and events on here
this set of storms letters of damage well over half of our county isn't getting an assessment that has been a huge task that really i'm so grateful that you know as of that tennessee emergency management and feed the federal reserve that it is a wonderful listen people into the state to help listeners preparation i hope the president will will approve inside his new disaster assistance air as soon as possible in the business of helping people rebuild their homes on their businesses and their lives we've been talking about this for weeks and weeks and weeks and we need to have some proposal that when he goes to the canadian bacon and their evaluations they were in support of it or they can say we want change but we need something concrete that the committees scan and barry white i am not naive enough to think that it's going to stay exactly in the storm but it's a starting point for everybody and i expect that it will be massaged unchanged i want people to know that that would make it about i'm do and what it takes to be able to submit to see if we can get some money to help with the
damage that a falling and thirty nine and the governor's job to work closely together to work to do that i also asked her various cabinet department members some of whom you know they're on some of these issues are really trying to reach out to people on his county's and not wait for somebody to come to the us for health care and tell me what they can do to help it's both we gave the word on saturday they worked through the weekend to find those cuts out we went over to people what those cuts will discuss the x seven people have stepped up i really have taken a hard look at some things about some difficult things are there is no such thing as one size fits all system for state taxes
what we can tell you is what's broken there is no such thing as a one size fits all system for state taxes what we can tell you is what's broken and we can tell you pretty much categorically the tennessee stack structure is broken but when i couldn't tell tennessee what you need to do is replicate what's been done in new hampshire or what's been done in connecticut or what's been done in any of the other forty nine states what we can say is here are things that are working in other states here are things that should be considered in tennessee and take it from there is many of these members amend their own state local government they're not only education committee they're not off as ways and means so the opportunity to hear the bill will be on the phone or something get information year and when they go to the floor they'll be ready to make some kind of decision of how they want to build on they invaded has digested but what is the bank
going to be i think we have to look at happens actions in a booth and make the projections and how we gonna make those projections and we got here four point students who get scholarships an abundance of scholarships and everywhere else i wouldn't give him the same thing scientists are because i wouldn't try to help students go to college this is really about pre k at various diffusion methods now if we want to leave students out of that we should say that you know stop playing games of the atlanta lemonade a certain segment of our society that's what we need to see and say that we only want to help to promote an advanced though students who will accomplish will be accomplished any way and i think that's not what we're about were about trying to help a young people prepare themselves for the future
a good beginning never hands and a bad start is almost impossible to overcome and we know that very well in our community and we're not doing it as we said before we believe that that girl is best achieved in the context of the success that is already built into the program a child that receives health services mental health services he's had the vision screening and a hearing screening and has been to the dentist a healthy child can be a learning child and so while we see we embrace a greater emphasis on literacy we do not want that to come at the expanse of what have really led to their success for the showtime a good beginning of our hands and a bad start is almost impossible to
overcome a child that receives health services mental health services he's had the vision screening and the hearing screaming and has been to the dentist a healthy child can be a learning child and so while we embrace a greater emphasis on literacy we do not want that to come at the expanse of what have really led to their success for the showtime we're receiving something like seventy back at bat call for people that are having the oath that before there have been somewhere in the neighborhood of fifty feet at dallas they are going to light some of the elderly people are getting be outside the reach forty four twenty three you really aren't accustomed to fleeing be over you know with this amount of money
well we don't have the funding mechanism to small circles called paul's positions still be open wi fi film they come back home and you know why somebody also were scuffling people back and forth out of work though shields cover farm until the sun interact result of archive may use some of the people i have in a rec today are some our top lines about who are highly trained and how is your personal in their sights on what it took place on the market so he's got a position came open so we're hoping for a speedy result or some obvious drawing people back the homeland security in tennessee is elsewhere is primarily about the first responders about the police and sheriffs in the emergency medical personnel the fire the fire department's end fb i want us to do a
good job of the state of listening to people who were on the frontlines of these first responder positions and making sure that that's where we're putting our effort and that's we're putting our resources because that's where the river's gonna be the road we have some problems here that bill has a fiscal note attached to it and so consistent with every deal is head of the school know we've asked not to proceed with this year more importantly i am we have asked a number of people including the chiefs association their feelings about it in among at least what seems to me to be the majority of law enforcement personnel and i'm sure there's a law enforcement committee and both sides of that but at the that feedback navigating for most people is that they would rather have people have the driver's licenses and be documented in that in that way the cases are is important and you know that some of the chemical biological radiological protection and we live in a probably see people communities are
asking for the school protection devices and so forth deflation cameras might be the security of water plants and those kinds of things employers are confirmed about re thing employee health insurance premium contribution too much because they don't want the coverage to be unaffordable the people feel and faith they've started to change plan provision to share more of the hall with employee at the time that they need further for proteins rather jeff thinking that they're here are the ten dollar office that the co payments while there anything dollars from their personal here account or in their deductible corridor between the personal care account a catastrophic health plans they're actually saying what the full providers charge year for oliver firth of that they're confirming and you know the anticipation and if that it'll help fund that have people take more
to the cost of health care services and perhaps for some discretionary services people will make different decisions about the services that they named we got to this day people that are here are mama papa people who we know their day they were required to comply with our laws and collect the taxes we got the online retailers are making significant sales into the state i don't have that requirement and therefore they have a significant competitive advantage we're losing a lot of revenue over this matter and we're sitting here trying to apply laws that were pay innocent sixty years ago to the age of electronic commerce do you think when this law was written in nineteen forty seven that anybody thought about digitally downloading cds they set up a separate company for online sales and then get their separate warehouses separate board of directors separate facilities to send out those clothes or lines than i've been boarded only online catalog
what happens those the customers will again i'm a little like jack and it'll likely get a dvd player to have they don't wanna have to package it up and wait for ubs or fedex to come pick it up they want to get back to warmer weather minute wal mart takes a back they violated their separate seniors status and they become a liability for the sales tax the nexus and so a number of stores have felt that it was putting in jeopardy for legal action from the states that the challenges that separate identity between their online company and their work and mortar store so both for customer convenience and to avoid legal problems and states in the future they have decided to begin collecting sales taxes those the companies that i volunteered to collect represent for the seventy five million dollars in online sales small amount but it but it is something that i think is is
in two thousand and four at the expectation is it e commerce sales are going to be get this one point nine trillion dollars this is not a little business this is not something that needs our tax subsidies to survive this is one point nine trillion dollars this year tennessee is going to lose something like three hundred million dollars in revenue because of the growth in the internet we take although the internet transactions taking place were probably losing more like six hundred million dollars to hear if we could collect on at all it is a major revenue issue in tennessee and in every state anything we passed to have winners
and losers and the man with the situation as it is with the economy and to say as it is nationally and also with the threat of war wanting i think you can definitely expect fb the figure that the thought showed of what was at one point nine trillion dollars that we're losing his justice just mind boggling think it's incumbent upon us assertion that it isn't for an end of without is beach he was a fine guitar player lead guitar bar room where he also played some steel guitar people knew that he was a wonderful writer and bar none was one of the greatest ballad singers of country music of
all time but in my opinion george jones never saying the same after johnny paycheck it came in a band i've got the records that they made before and i've got the records he made after it was a very deep man in the way he looked at life and his fault song that you wrote i could talk to you for hours about whether to lockheed rambling year native american people will also talked about his influence and george jones since george jones well in my opinion george jones way back up just a little bit and johnny paycheck paid his dues as a lot of people did years ago and that they serve the partnerships with some of the best band leaders of the time in country music from anger show band singing tenor harmony at and i look at the buzzard raised area down there to fall creek falls and others say my
gosh if we let that turn into real estate development so that it sticks important i think is very profound which are asking us to an a strong and says this governor is as well intentioned as the years i just didn't trust anybody to promise of these monies are going to be restored they get a large department we have many challenges ahead of it and also an art and comparative the flow of updated canon thing because we're we can show our carrying and confirmed for the fifth and they need help in the day and if i can figure a wonderful challenge governor had indicated that he wanted a proactive role in this at least as far as on the whole record and the light is being you know and we respect his opinion but also
instead of george mcgovern's elmo with water instead georgia the push for yep get it on the ballot in many successive therefore to the victory builds schools and i will tell you this is something that we always try to keep in mind this was a legislative initiative and we respect his opinions but also it's but instead of georgia did they miss chairman whenever i went to the polls to blow the mostly this for the record i'm here around my mom on that love boat a lot a referendum i never envisioned that video poker machine jury master training flying like an i don't like the vast majority says the state did either they did present tester boats and five rejections by constitution by virtue of that no one that we're looking at the georgia model under the war or downer definition section of the letter like sonic a mechanical glass is an explicit prohibition all dealing with the video lottery
sideshows and if i have to build video games black jack jerry master anything about la or anything of that nature and we made a fry man german newspaper hid under that definition of search and at them like that the formal motions set company will submit in its licence application several alternatives that it believes will meet energy requirements well explain what this announcement is that it believes that they are bair well maybe a better way to do this than simply meeting an already requirements to carry out that want to know about it to consider doing it let's you choose an independent college in fact if anything often take into account the cost of attendance and sometimes offer a higher stipend i know there's the impression some of my colleagues on the task force even shared it that students a goat and then the colleges are quite wealthy the reality is seventy two percent of all the students to go to the state and many colleges receive financial
aid effect in an ecologist than two hundred twenty million dollars from their own funds and financial late last year one telling statistic is that twenty eight percent of all the four year and attended college students receive pell grants in the state four year institutions only twenty seven percent of the students receive pell grants so there is a need for this type of eighty or any type of paid for the state independent college students to get a scholarship to a tennessee resident who chooses a tennessee independent that's half the size of the stipend if they choose tennessee public knowledge i think is grossly unfair a second time it is it's unwise the disparity awards will greatly increase the number of our students that are going to be headed to state universities and that will drastically affect the state general appropriation budget as a taxpayer that concerns me
it's four year public university student receives a six thousand fifty nine dollars subsidy from the state's general budget right now the twenty seven thousand eight hundred and forty tennessee into her students are independent colleges or to be enrolled in a tennessee state university's it would put an extra tax burden on our state of a hundred and sixty eight a half million dollars and that doesn't even take into account the extra capital needs to build new buildings that would be necessary is those enrollments well mike adams president pursued george is a good friend and with an equal dollar people actually have dreams about numbers and when i wake up in the mornin is outweighed and the mothers wrapped about they leave their house they will be in the carmel go by a ticket now people do then tennessee and i would enjoy very evident and all can open turkey but now people in kentucky and georgia you know they had the number they dropped about that number down that issue with tennis
places somebody gonna make your retailers upset because in every state in the union that sells lottery tickets is no sales tax rsa get sick as a dallas or two about i'd say about three dollar for dollar five often i have to do to reverse math dude figure episode about taking them out again to reverse its second lead is already taxed you know maybe fifty of it be a dollar for every guy give you four letter to the cell tower about epic free ticket seller about that free to recklessly about well after well i'm only going get fifty cents because as a fifty percent pay now i've already given education thirty three cents and up a foot administrative expenses of the lottery decided about purchase mainly come on you know i mean you know that we care a little bit about a player too results before every dollar they just selling you automatically get and thirty
three cents for education that he had some wanted to one discourage lottery ticket to win win georgia and kentucky all your competitors and that shot and not taxing arctic i have never seen in purple reports that would suggest that this if true correlation was about the fact that i was a jazz and ollie's opposite you know some us company gas they're also they don't have a reuse i'm going to you know the store a nasa will only buy a ticket because pop also two hundred million dollars they walk in about ticket about slim jim you know about something else so it could have opposite effect but there's no empirical data the word prove that security security security of the us security allows were closed door got caught like that you'll have water and granted it has not been a lot of public corruption that was brought up a force also know what they have been security breaches that can make a break a lot but you open
again where there's not a third row who's not and then that they describe an imploding close enough to do such two people elliot is our bright young people who are the people that would be great teachers if they got a base and that includes about their family's neighborhood as a new teacher played the rabbi their families into rabbi the news journal inside that i do feel like a lot of what they were saying was the quality of play disparities are too great but the disparity was not created by the state's gale is really created by what the locals did so how do i dress this issue which seems to be created by the locals were young what controlled our constitution have over locals with respect to their employer the bp litigation and
bought an attack on the phrasing and as we head into the day the court found that they're lazy and was constitutionally ok if that is a precedent we might be able to use them of course i'm sure that the court and i'm sure that wasn't like to say i quote solution on what we get this year fb we're not seen the great big huge legend morte worse in places like motels in your motel room they came and sees that they can see how we can see our mercy of transporting small tribes much like this one here the steps going up and down the highways of their neighborhood streets every day crash right now the people in the neighborhood were in that community are exposed to that same way that you think of that in somebody's lawn
these retail status mr knowingly selling large quantities sunday's countless for no other purpose only manufacture this drug and won't go so far as possible into their licenses for stricter marcella privileges do something to get their tensions we've got to turn around a losing generation appears next ten years to this drought fb we are nine the bars and it's important that you don't need that for example with microsoft you have to do all of the year and washington an argument online and you're not able to do that you can't be michael sullivan and i think increasingly companies coming up with energy
fb we're putting in these low interest rate loans to may and hours for two thousand three two thousand for best not thought about tax dollars less fond of our organization is going to fragment we lose money on these farms but it's our investment in the future to our investment in your grades teeth in the law allowing the state to place troubled nurse puts new teeth in the law allowing the state to place troubled nursing homes for example on probation for documented problems it increases the penalties for a range of violations of brings investigator resource sources to bear by bringing up by bringing reports of abuse and neglect to go to the tdi the is important as anything else he brings
accountability to the process each year the department of health now will have to detail our progress in a report to the legislature and outline our future efforts toward enforcement so it keeps my feet and i are in our in our state governments feet to the fire in terms of not only paying lip service to this but actually making things happen that at the debate and force enforce this new law in short it's a comprehensive in concert this really gives us this legislation really gives us hope to is an additional duties to deal with some of these issues and an arsenal of images i think there's an industry that really is trying to come to grips with the quality of iran there are a lot of cost pressures and this is good legislation it's legislation that would really put together by both advocates the aarp in the industry gets me in a health department i am the tdi the tools they need to think to make some progress in the sugar it edging toward fooling around with a revenue
estimates is a way of balancing the budget and i wish they hadn't done that it's not such a huge number of them to lay down the road you can stream it edging toward certainly edging toward the kind of things that we should not be doing well wait and see how much of that stuff was analysts also been done before i have an opinion but there don't like it we're going to do with it will be replacing some of the reserves that that are the status and down over the years and rhythms and now again you're right right now the center which hosts a local government so big is to bolster their reserves as well i just think it is real important not to look at it is continuing money there is a onetime a one time thing which we can use for one time for christmas it hurts a little bit we'd been able to accommodate it we keep track of it in the hopes that someday the venerable a step up to their responsibilities and the us in this
regard but it's just one of those things that it's a lot of responsibility of the state government will figure out over your acting career now on the dmz have are crying wolf problem but i think for the time being the notion of being careful is conservative and when you think there's a problem of when your level of my interview with that's it with an autumn day and i certainly hope nothing happens but it's like it's a lot better to do that it may be a false alarm or a false alert then is to be sitting there that having yeah i think a sense across the state as we like to resolve these issues i think they're down to a couple of the issues on which are not any easier to resolve necks ears and they are they are this year it will give a result in an intimate business of conducting along it's spread all over the place and it depends on whether
there are specific facilities to be protected not identified it depends on how many major public events there are obviously if that happens at a time when a lot of football games it's a whole different level of expense and that is when you're not a major public events or no there are three i think important issues number one is is the whole issue of fiscal responsibility in having a procedure by which were not over spending lottery not get into the tent your message an odd number two is to have these ethics and ethics legislation there to give people some comfort and number three is the it's a real accountability somebody has to run the thing and the key responsibilities that all over the place i think the proper place for that's an executive branch and one of the ways that shows up his and he'll be able to appoint appoint the board of one majority of the board and i feel pretty strongly about that somebody has to run the thing i mean he had one an
effective program where the responsibility is split all over the place and i think the proper place for that's an executive branch and one of the ways that shows up has an he'll be able to appoint appoint the board when majority of the board and i feel pretty strongly about that it sometimes will type of color to find out exactly where a child is over on the children were not a runaway over the last nine years we failed them and we found the majority of them to be said that the data systems are not where they are today in kincaid's tinted says their data systems as they're not in many parts of the systems are just not where we are and we can sustain shape of the chao is fun that they're being fair that they're being cared for that they're going to school that they're not being abused for that is not in any way to say that this is happening is to say we as the stewards of these children's lives and he showed the awards and the state we're obviously not been very good
parents so what i want to see is set folks were being paid to do to care for the children to watch over these show that restricts only shortened they be responsible for reporting back to the state of tennessee we then they come and acting every year and that the representative for two thousand and eight the right here for people to drink and drive it never think about day it would never think about an accident no one would drive a father was an accident so to read what should remind people that if you try to contrive thought of an accident are very very high and that could be their set your show said to do that i know i'm going to do it and we're very worried
so all of a sudden they've moved to a new department then did nothing about the waiver they knew nothing about the new rules for the new waiver and they were poorly trained now that was the problem and we told him about the crime or you doing it if they were kept it with the department of health i think i don't think we'd be looking at all approach really didn't for the last three or four years the department of health with doing re determination and they knew how to do it at the last moment they decide to move the re determination profits to a new department altogether at the department human services and decided almost and try to train workers who actually never knew anything about change or waiver and how it worked and their attorney so all of a sudden they move to a new department then do nothing about the waiver they knew nothing
about the new rules for the new waiver and they were poorly trained says that was the problem nearly ten years of war the aircraft what occurred this morning noted that we know right now that we had on them quite a new maps of the rival a un embankment injury or individual and that are now i had heard something that might have been caused by fraud or they're working poor visibility conditions that victory remain in the area as a ticket very well have been part of a partner lawyer that winning car crash really bad it's my understanding that the faa is conducting further investigation and you could probably get additional information to them
and that after they concluded their investigation said that the faa on this this particular instant and i do not have a particular contract now debt service called it a year best rock bands what time did this occur morning and i'm saying that no we say far cause this summer slipped off the runway that means they just they were they were getting ready to take off they were in that in the mail there are but they're just setting they were correcting or lady aired the runway and i am a second year but first for the cardiac than i am i'm not even here there were some a bank is there anything else that we need to say here that we go to make things very plainly neck as of november two thousand to we had twenty four thousand seven hundred and seven persons under tac jurisdiction that's how many we were responsible for housing its highest
it's ever been that's going to continue to grow grain and at a lower rate of growth that's going to continue to grow fb and number one i'm not going to cut a k through twelve spending and we just heard it's been slow on opposite is is plenty of other needs that we're just not going to work is not an illness or actually mess with that and second of all this is not a year would still be any major new tax increases has built those things that they're just not going to happen even if i want to be either of those things that the legislature and with a good sense would let beach and so where to figure how to make things work there inside of that i just want to knock of bails them on any one play any one person's back basically i think this is a time in which everybody ought to be sacrificing more or less to get us to the point we need to be in place get people to be a part of to be doing
that and not single out any one the parliamentary one who really won the budget item on month earlier necessarily in that one of the things that i want to do is to is to try and help return to a higher degree of confidence of the public and what's going on in state of what's going on with people people in state government and i'm i think people are always a little suspicious of government ought to be but i also think that there's a lot of opportunity to make people feel better about what's going on and i think one of the cornerstones of that is what you do in terms of in terms of an ethics policy i did that goes first thing i do when i became a year ago it paid dividends and a thousand ways over the course of the next eight years i've learned from abscam what we have here is a basic basically that policy an updated and
modernized and you know some changes made the reflexive of those we learned about either of the year at the time i'm not going to balance the budget on the backs of one knows what one would not balanced budget by by taking the station texas mr south and thereby pushing the problem down to the palin also was careful to say that if it as good as they were ready to cut five percent i certainly might well as they share of taxes that their five percent too i think everyone agrees that where we need to be his teacher salaries and how we decided to legalize these to be incorporated into the process in some fashion i like to solve the problem once and for all religions redefine approach approach to it is that something we're just every year ago the legislature or i think we can do
so and i think there's a general agreement around the table that was the way to go nation while we spend thirty one billion dollars on prisons to win yet jails new directions program probation for all the stuff that one day our question is that we have programs that have shown promise and we are tracking those programs and we can prove all appeared time that we'll have success are you willing to put a few dollars into the air as opposed to construction fb if it is to be national century as i believe he can and will then we must be together as never before i ask only that you join me and the rest of your government as we move forward together the record
clearly shows that you have done all of that and more the pope this ad is more focused and more together as a people than at any other time we are the friendliest safest city in america our tourism statistics this year indicate that america knows that's in the years ahead is our shared work to be sure that america acts on this knowledge and that the world followed right behind our visitors will find that we have more to do than ever before are cultural attractions art exhibitions and performances museums to sporting events and music venues are the strongest they have ever been and they're all moving toward world class status an historic courthouse renovation and public square
will soon be underway many people enter the city on our new gateway bridge we will walk together to the coliseum on the show the street walking around the downtown traffic plants trees they plant will further enhance the experience of our great shared downtown neighborhood in my first state of metro address i said this is the beginning of our century if it is to be national century as i believe he can and will then we must be together as never before i ask only that you join me in the rest of your government as we move forward together the record clearly shows that you have done all of that and more this cd is more focused and more together as a people than at any other time for this you will always have my facts and the thanks of all who will follow us here they got continued it was nashville and
america the pope there's also a statutory sanctions no question is no question to make these reductions that there is that there will be additional pieces of the package hard to make it happen well we'll just have to go through the process as sheer on location and parties and making sure that we're going to see is less money to do it but once again our mind there by the highway construction you factor in the federal money it's only a five percent reduction so it is not quite as draconian <unk> looking at that statement and i'm not sure that i read an
obit the competitive on a much better way than i actually given us you are very unhappy with their weekends ago and rebellion satisfied with the progress there was no plan and no leadership and because whiteness was from the year before and home are different this year we just tried to get it this year because overall grave haven't improved but we were so encouraged by their own wave at the strategic plan that pretty much on paralleled with anything we've had before the leadership that the school board had sought and their own but one of the most qualified people in the country are going to lead this effort and he's attracted a tremendous team input but there are some local people to deal with that and we really think between the school board and dr garcia city and we have all the makings of a great school system
the thieves all indicative of what the achievement scores were able to do this year but those areas are they concentrated on the owners' grades three four gas they've made remarkable strides and we think and they began to do that fine print on the other greats were going through that same thing happen over the next four years it's a quick fix if you can protect a business when your business was just rally and warning the needs of our people and try to change it just a few years to get this way for a couple years get out of the two where there's usually enters horses around a particular grade point average and the war at q score as far as how to measure merit there seems to be almost unanimous agreement that there needs to be a recognition of need so that student with greater financial need would receive additional aid that's pretty much where we are and i feel pretty confident will be older bring this to
closure not this week but next week sure the four nursing home put on probation but they have all the due process rights as if they were being suspended or about just like you we also ensure that there are specific knowledge into law a memorandum so that each nursing home or know when there are those of her that will bite him of problem with him any tax season only there at the table and said a moment goes back many men come from jordan that they were to a man and that's just well let's go with their look there is a window again and then they just matter how it i think probably the result of a sudden i think the income gap it used to be out there i think
whether they're full scholarships which they which i think they should be and i think the constitutional limits as they should be maybe because of the governor's decision but that cooperation from the republicans on that cooperation the democrats have a great relationship was bigger navy got a lot on the bill gradison it again off to the right start when he wanted to name all the lottery people and i don't think there was a sleepless night was a policy difference today on i haven't heard from him since i've not had a situation with any governor says rabe land where i haven't heard from the governor of michigan on and didn't stonewall set we got the two budget expert estate office a doctor gary green age of davenport this review the federal budget experts from the two finest lottery company cited again to detach
they've all estimated two hundred to three hundred million dollars into why various a two hundred million dollars in their first year that's plenty of money to give full scholarships to do a program to give kids juniors seniors that the incentive to make good grades next year the incentive to take you spent a lot of tennessee schools and we don't get this thing started alamo whitson of either not have an incentive to make good grades we like to make beer all it comes as a summertime program giving money away at a time when people come just to giveaway programs that encourage the program two thirds of what georgia hope scholarship program does win tennessee visited is get those kids that incentive to make good grades whether nasa vacation and if he does get the money away with npr news analyst you lose two thirds of it we hear
stories that said it was a boy and back projects fb for instance if we were to accept that tractor trailer load full of potatoes we might bring in half to get into a cooked potato soup freeze it into but sas bad sprite quarter a gallon it splashed wasn't politically far as in the store bar agencies for longer periods of time and allows us to capture a lot of freedom to be going to waste and that's the main challenge with hunger in this country the problem is not a lack of faith from the significance available doesn't get to the people who need it and then it's a much safer product didn't ease they don't have to be commercially train schatz toward disaster the warrantless search of picturing comedian bob dylan bag microwave or steam table process and then you cut the top up that bag of bitterness serving container service to their clients you have this really is three thousand
square feet and will it will be a full three production facility with once it is up and running we're very proud of this aid as i said it's a much more it's a product that's much easier for agencies to use is much safer product that prize you don't have to be a commercial you've trained chef and it is much more economical for them for instance if you're a church congregation that runs a remedy and bribery in a hand massage or indian programs around mitch prothero about volunteers for instance if you're writing that really appropriate and given it a new anticipate fifty guess that maybe only twenty five show up and that it really had to open one gallon bag of potato seed versus having took a whole batch of potato seed it's a much more economical product for agencies as well the second harvest food bank and middleton say absolutely we're excited about it we really our own house or working hard to remedy that this will allow us
another channel to do that we have seen no decline in subscriptions not subscription tickets since we went in the hall and it just keeps increasing in spite of the fact there were just a little bit better as far as i can and goes in seattle now then back in nineteen seventy two it we're in a horrible economic times that we are still seeing increasing ticket revenue you should be able to look forward to exact same thing well i think so it's really so the whole thing is thrilling and utterly overwhelming and yet there's a legacy
there is going to be is that there is a lot of that as well do you really like to leave the world always know better what motivated what would we have been as a better place once believe it is not the case psycho i said in an interview and it's in it's an anticipated have about twenty million dollars per year on the annual economic impact that's conserving we think importantly the interesting is what when you look at it and you compare the numbers from dallas you compare the numbers we heard the day to seattle you say
these numbers problem really are conservative and there are probably a far greater chance to do to succeed in tuxedos i'm at a point where music city usa and so many people know as the country music and where we're much more were much more where music where music of all types and that and this will give us a world class concert hall oh this give us an opportunity to resume resume and also this will lead yesterday a trial in the war the jewel in the crown all of our doubt that this will be such a late inning important revitalization effort on in the sober over south of broadway areas that were trying to focus resources are you an annual attendance at seven events should increase from fifty five thousand a day two hundred and thirty four thousand plus an additional seventy five thousand people attending other events in the hall themselves
again these estimates are conservative not included over eighty thousand students safely performs or every year i normally take tourists or visitors into account in these numbers are based on eighty percent a lot of capacity in india so you know performances at new concert halls across america usually sell out for many years now when we apply our per capital expense of twenty four forty eight to this attack opportunities for a committee the fact is scared on city hall will be good for all the trillions at all middle tennessee is whether they ever attend a concert or not it was a hundred and twenty million dollar world class facility potentially the best in the world will bring more dollars into the region by generating increased economic activity and this is not just pie in the sky wishful thinking it's real it's verifiable
that's been demonstrated time and again across entire country damn my apologies on behalf of the road to kill people affected in this case once again our age and did nothing criminal did nothing wrong but he used incredibly incredibly bad judgment and judgment to the point that i cannot believe him in the position in which he was formally end this thing is going on in the middle east those communities of that indian event we go toward her that i'd read and we are closer they whither of brothers divided on an obligation we to say our goal of a crow an intelligence unit that goes information that in every one of these rallies that i know of i think we have an obligation and will continue to do that to protect the rights of the citizens to a peaceful assembly oh that's for the situation or it happens to be a guest a situation i think they have that absolute right
i'm not there yet i said considered but these are sobering terms of numbers and there's no way they're certainly wasn't any solution put on the table this morning at some of the senators they will make this program work and i guess we're saying is all i can do it maybe i can't spend any more money than the state has coming and i've gone through state government with a least a broad tooth color is getting down to a fine tooth comb and regular way to cut their expenditures you know we may have gotten on tenncare a position where we're trying to pieces of this highly desirable as wonderful we just don't have the money to do that certainly think italy prime responsibility of minors governors just make sure that the government is running a sound basis until bankruptcy the government runs because a sound basis with the
bankruptcy he's got a stake in your body in the study because of this program craters that ripple effect for the entire state budget k through twelve education colleges roads you name this is the thousand pound role on the dining room table this program a sense of what's at stake in the body are hopeful the unreasonable or realistic about trying to be part of the solution but i keep going back infected if we don't get relief from the federal government offers some of the banter loans that were imposed in the last wave of negotiations he's pictures that's the iceberg so on has really got a b and you know they talk about some of that was in to speak about things like it and mentioned the premiums in and so for sci fi if you translate all that stuff there were a lot of very
complex financial firms in the first wave of that got stripped out that were favorable advantageous the state that got stripped out in the last one and i think it's because frankly the convention last week didn't know what they were doing there over the years the program got in trouble when it could be managed as a healthcare program start being used as as a debating point in the fight over the income tax and people start making policy in an effort to try to win an income tax any neglected running a very sophisticated and complex program so there's a lot of digging out that this administration is going to do and my colleagues who haven't helped with that process and will welcome any discussions the program got into trouble when it could be managed as a health care programs are being used as as a debating point in the fight over the income tax and people start making policy in an effort to try to win an income tax any neglected running a very sophisticated and complex program
but it's a mistake to see what is really a symptom as a cause said that the lawsuits are carson to not because because his poor management for policy calculations according to the american academy of pediatrics and the national campaign for hearing how toys over eighty five decibels can significantly affect a child's hearing here is an example of this way that we tested at nine hundred and two decimal it wasn't most people don't realize that not to the aged ninety children have the ability to give a cross streets safely to recognize how fast as the car coming up asking i moved across the street so you give a child a scooter they can judge distances of carson and gross motor they can control the scooter all those kind of play together to not being a safe thing for young
children came to an agreement which i will provide you showing the universal care and he had not been sufficiently paid by can hear the cover the health care needs of the members it's been outstrip reunion at universal care that they by the tenncare program by more than two hundred thousand dollars per day and the agreement can hear great to pay up to fifty one million dollars owed to are contracted tradition or myth that the hospital and other health care providers but by repeatedly heard the air today the doctors and we have not seen one dime i'm able to the
outbreak a meeting with attorney general paul palmer finance administration commissioner david gets that the commissioner mary martin i would enter into letters one that hadn't voluntarily withdrawing from the tenncare program and another completely different letter that terminated our contract unilaterally by ken character caught along with a live record and regulatory division at that time i would pull that if we find a voluntary termination letter s i would later call that if we all the kind of really thing that we were dropping airplanes for the millions of dollars in care of our providers would be or not i provide you i will provide you with copies of the two letters along with the proposed really that was drafted by the day the two administrative
blackmail we've always known that the proposed regulatory deficiencies were unfounded we actually the question why would they had tentatively agreed a terrible for cod terminated the letter all walk through administrative blackmail we've always known that the devoted regulatory deficiencies rundown than we have at the show what would they tentatively agreed a terrible for cod traditional are contending regulatory division feed it the vacuum accusations were true why would if they attended the represent the wealth that they would go public with them for confirmation letter a month we quietly withdrew from the tenncare program and drop the right to collect the asset that can carry previously valued at approximately fifty one million dollars well gentlemen we will not quietly go away our complaint
about first and foremost that came here before are prevented from terminating the contract for that health care providers can be paying continue their mission providing healthcare to the people of tennessee and jared actions are probably especially considering that we were recruited to participate in the elevated we broke in and i sure can hear additional that the patient resources would be provided to pay our contract doctors now for universal care act one provider network that have been shortchanged the providers need to be paid sure and i think that you know a lot of the ira weekend issue work that our members continue to get a quality care that they deserve and we can assure that providers continue to get paid we need to be able to do that
did you believe you just like standing up a plant or whatever that you well that you know universal whether any idea what doctors in and hospitals are owned by the elite be or is it a little bit and then we add million dollars that we believe i would be additional revenue to universal care tent city that will be clear get on in their assets that that they don't have the funds necessary oh yeah
green green green whoa whoa whoa forty million dollars twenty million dollars will allow forty million dollars and was eight million dollars in co payments they'd bell what its condition was born in the conditions it has i want to assure you understand and you know we're involved in the eight million dollars that simply just something we're trying to not voted early zero
well when we arrived it would be premature for us to speak to that because of the potential regulatory action consequences are what we would what we would know what we would have to say is that we will do our best to make sure that we get that are available for providers are data providers are other than a weekly comment further on on potential of regulatory issues oh yeah well right there was no matter what they're not with that
he defended the idea though that for that they would let the level that it's really kind of a provision there are in a comment on an elite we don't know really until whatever regulatory approaches are taking an ideal situation and report back to call the bill even more and i'm jewish i said you said you can't take a myth that there were about last week last weekend they were poor they had assets sixty eight point six man in building the senate report and the bcs bowls
will only say that they had some serious questions about those numbers what you think there are threats or do you have an estimate that's true for college majors to determine what is going to drive away has this morning it was in the proposal but that one was one of the reasons they're mailman then there were runaway republic and yemen in the same astronaut approve that no one knew about it
you only care about which we've all wanted we wanted hugh hewitt you are several are firmly and it universal there should be an end and functioning well so i'm not at all are in agreement with that statement my my sense is that the bear out there is a great deal of care being provided intensely through the tenncare program it's covering the uninsured uninsured will population ah if you look at that i think our morbidity mortality or overt way her infant mortality rate they're all pretty dramatic license
since the program started so believe what that what we experienced here of what we experience in any in any business enterprise and that is we have business is that coming into my life decision to make mr goetz has the kneaded dough you'll be a land you said earlier that you tried to give them away to gracefully exit and i believe the administrative blackmail charge is based on alloy mr davis said was an april second two thousand three meeting at which show you were in attendance along with mr martin's i'm wondering did that meeting take place on that day they were two separate letters presented one voluntarily at terminating the company and the other a unilateral terminations for cause among them anymore
that will seek to arm our nation one of them you know we entered in that letter explaining that you know we intended to terminate their contract with them and they said if you're willing to work better for you and it worked better for us we can you can weave we will all instead of a standalone and that's still part of the public record there was no way i was going to go it was not been torn up you and we wouldn't sign an unusual permission agreement that would make more rational way fb that was a way that would help them with their california regulators who had already been
asking tennessee regulators what was going on in tennessee with this company so obviously they have some level of concern and it was a wave that would have been frankly we thought was was probably just a little more helpful to both sides it's you know it's no secret that program has had some problems we could find a way that made it there is a little more grateful and easier for enrollees and then call the court quite like this one apparently has been their choice to go after and choose to fight in court that it was better for all involved fb and iran one million
then once we think about that the simple wire walker of mutual permission and said well what in the wrong regulatory action and we continue to pay money to the davidson personally in california and continued dependence amount of money to the management and the management a contract they asked for employment agreement to be honored there were you know there were just a number of things that they were trying to get as part of that settlement and that was at their initiation we were happy with unusual permission to us we belong here meet for her in the
lead bonds' seven sixty year old suni zero five two no no well yeah or thirty eight and your property to the report court going on here a
lot more people every year joe palca reporting fb hundred thousand dollars a day we obviously don't agree with that and we believe that the problem with universal is that they they they did not appropriately do due diligence on the tennessee market and make a negotiated rate large part of their problem has been off the range they negotiated hired another in cod and not they're not appropriate for the tennessee market experience rather than a cease fire
oh my you were here first the terminations a result of concerns about a range of management issues related to universal care including questions about the companies that were delays in claims processing and all the rice transfers of funds to unaffiliated company can hear and hope to reach a mutual agreement with universal care that would allow the company to voluntarily he thought were right
can hear and hope to reach an unusual agreement with universal care that would allow the company to voluntarily he's operating the end here in seattle universal care refuse to accept the conditions that she chose to prolong the situation are pursuing a batch of wine in federal court and sandy and is really magical everyone says will that we go to war or quickly that's great but you know rap is conservative side it's a new plan to get it up to you know modern country standard so this is a really daunting task i think they think we can go in quickly and reshaped the world no matter how much money or military throw at it we can only achieve so much of the people you're ruling on the back my name's
gail cordy i mull over quickly and that was wanting to reinvent braddock rare things stabilize over now i just keep thinking about the old saying that in the devil you know than the one you don't know what's going to happen around the bad guy helping to get the incredible instability in the whole area once a new government and forty names came away from a burned out several non profit i work with small museums instance the originally from texas to nashville for four years and very sad overwhelmingly sad and let's actually and one ari fleischer came out of the president in a destination and exactly what he was going to stay in afghanistan on several levels
and a lot of life is totally effects like sword and also i think within and my profession working with museums in wanting to see you caroline it is no no no no the people are just live somewhere where they will have a dictator that an election is not have you know a text or easily candidate or every single vote is the freedom to do it they won both with a long live the life the way they want and not be living in a dictator who you know
ruled by fear but allen i'm from nashville and i work in the publishing business are smarter about where we think the american people are now along and stand and aggressive situation in vietnam was they are supposedly to contain communism and i was a pretty vague objective an objective is more clear now other than just getting rid of saddam you know other than his stories democratizing the middle east as being on that day it's
been generally if you're going to try to drive that the best thing you do is is not your
party any way he possibly take a day off and that would be the best thing well everybody i want your hotel and walk away great trouble getting angry trouble getting back very overnight it's just as you are and you're supposed to be a minor side street it's hard for it but not a minor ones and it's just covered with ice you're a gentle snowfall in nashville eleven point one prima when juliet i'm sure we've had eight or nine inches total will simultaneously get eight inches yesterday if you were in which i did yesterday i found that eight inches divided by one point one annual average is seventy two percent probably around seventy three percent were to about three quarters of a year's worth of snowfall in maybe fix our guest today fb
WPLN News Archive
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio (Nashville, Tennessee)
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip-7d2acbc2945).
Episode Description
Anita Bugg at WPLN provided a document listing notes about this tape, which states: “Bugg Stories Vol 15 | 1 - 2. Amber Alert 3 cuts - Knox Chief, Larry Wallace | 3. Arrest @ Frist Office - Matt? 4 cuts | 4. Asurion HQ to Nashville melons | Gov. on TnCare - cut it - hurts locally | The Med/Memphis | 6. Wetlands - no sunset provisions | 7. Asurian - income tax | 8. Blue Cross / Blue Shielf on HCA contract | 9. Bredesen concerned about this year | 10. Bredesen on one-time $ | 11. Phone cards | 12. Bred. stop using one-time money for recurring expenses | 13. Budget hearings - tough not gonna sugar-coat 9% cuts | 14. Bred on lottery accountability - w/gov | 15. lottery contracts/lobbyists | 16. State-shared taxes (Nashville whinning) | 17. Bred - lawmakers will hear pleading - stick w/program | 18. Tn Cancer Data - 2 cuts | 19-20. Charitable Fraud - Barbara Townes and Mary Clement | 21-22. Guy Carawan - We Shall Overcome | 23. Sen. Steve Cohen - 2.75 GPA cost more $ | 24. Cohen - ethics leg. criticism of Gov | 25. Jerry Cooper- 4 rural hospitals adversely affect, but want to leave hca-blue cross/blue shield alone | 26. Quentin White Dept. of Corrections | 27. Gov on 7.5% cuts | 28. Ulyssess Jones - DCS data - DCS's Mike Miller | 29. NFIB's Farris - wants dividend tax removed | 30. Pro-active stance on Nightclub safety | 31. Kim Lawson on FD's spot checks of clubs | 32. Elizabeth Stanley on first car - Ford Model-T | 33. Cohen - not pre-K first year | 34.Les Winningham - keep private/public even | 35 - 36. Leonard Bradly - goals - 1) to increase access 2)more help to poor 3) more help to very bright | 37. Ft. Negley - two cuts| 38. Gas Prices - Conner at Piedmont Gas | 39. Goetz on budget hearings-40 | 41. Gov inaugural address | 42. gov on budget-best jobs - discipline in $ in $out | 43. Gov - TnCare /DC/Frist | 44.TnCare benefits will go down | 45. trouble for terminations | 46. Gov. on damage in Jackson – first declaration | 47. Graves - scholarship proposal | 48. Gov. on disaster/cuts | 49. Green on Tn Tax Structure | 50. Sen. Harper holding up lottery bill – 3 cutss | 51. (41:20) Head Start - Mayors – 3 cuts | (42:57) Heating assistance | (43:29) Homeland Sec. - Wilson Co. chief | (44:10) Bred - homeland sec. – first responders -2 cuts | (44:50) Drivers license | (45:20) Gen. Jerry Humble on h.s. $ | (45:46) Mercer Inc. on hc benefit changes – 3 cuts | (46:48) Omtermet taxes – Loren Chumley (?) and ? and ? Fox lose 300-600-million 7 cuts | 49:45 Gene Davidson - expect streamling - John Hood | 51:42 Doug Jackson-on real estate transfer tax – wetlands fund | 52:08 Gina Lodge - Mental Health | (53:30) Newton on lottery commission - video lottery machines | (54:11) John Van Mol - LES believes better way than merely NRC | (54:44) Steve Flatt - on lotto scholarship - 3 cuts $6,059- subsidy | (56:41) SC lotto director - 5 cuts | (59:00) Come to lake co. teacher pay – Fowler – Summers | (1:00:47) Meth labs | (1:01:52) Microsoft guy @ Black Enterprise conf. | (1:02:34) Ed South – nursing loans | (1:02:30) Bred on AARP – nursing home law | (1:04:30) Gov on leg. boosting bank loophole estimate | (Fed $ to states - make go to reserves | Homeland Security costs | (1:05:47) Crying wolf problem with homeland security | lotto debate | H.S. stuff | (1:07) Gov. on fiscal responsibility with lotto , ethics, real accoutibility with executive branch | Gov on lotto accountability / appts | (1:07:58) advocacy group on DCS/ Ulysses Jones | (1:09:02) over 70K - Allison-Frist son plane - down ditch | (1:09:22) Free funeral - drink/drive | (1:09:55) New dept. /poorly trained - shy dept. Health | (1:10:21) De[pt. Health re-determination - DHS – train workers – memos | (1:10:58) Frist son's plane | (1:12:51) 24K - highest prison population ever | (1:13:11) no cut K-12 spending/not year tax increase – not gonna happen | (1:13:44) Not going to balance budget on any one person's back | (1:14:15) Return higher degree of confidence | (1:14:46) Ethics policy as Mayor | (1:15:06) taking state share – everybody wil be asked to cut | (1:15:46) teacher salary – BEP – solve problem once and for all – | (1:16) Dept. correction - program showing promise – success - willing to put a few $ in it as opposed to constructing more jail spaces | (1:17) Mayor – state of Metro | (1:19:28 ) Gov. on Statutory changes | (1:19:48) Gerald Nicely – TDOT hwy. construc. 5% reduction | (1:20:11) gave Metro Schools a "U" last year. had to give it a "C" this year - 3 cuts | (1:22:01) Rhoda - GPA/ACT – recognition of need | (1:22:33) Nursing hom guy on AARP law | (1:22:56) Rinks - cities and counties | (1:23:16) Steve Cohen on lotto/gov 4 cuts | (1:25:23) Susanna Shumate on Cook/chill at 2nd Harvest | (1:27:40) Symphony guy fro Seattle | (1:28:14) Schermerhorn - really so – legacy | (1:29:10) Mike Neal - new symphony impact | (1:30:37) Neal presentation / board chair | (1:31:47) Larry Wallace – TBI – note taking @ peace rally Dept. of Safety head – 2 cuts | (1:32:45) Gov. on TnCare - cuts ahead | (1:33:56) Gordon Bonnyman – 6 cuts | (1:36:13) Dangerous Toys -= 2 cuts | (1:37:22) Universal Care / Manny Martins/Dave Goetz | (1:55:30) Quotes on war from Flying Saucer | (2:00:54) Kurt Pickering - take day off 2nd cut: avg. snowfall for TN is 11.1 inches - some parts got 8 inches - 72% in six hours”
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Chicago: “WPLN News Archive; WPLN-02-Anita-Bugg-Tape-15,” WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 18, 2024,
MLA: “WPLN News Archive; WPLN-02-Anita-Bugg-Tape-15.” WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 18, 2024. <>.
APA: WPLN News Archive; WPLN-02-Anita-Bugg-Tape-15. Boston, MA: WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from