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ms bee is busy week is by fbi in the polls both pieces by fbi is
but the pink it
is because i mean this is
nice light ms allam or a distinctive in his
world so it's not like it says that locking which became paradise wins if i'm not interested in liberalizing the more determined than spear and media tycoon like that that we might say yes that's really long or gloria live in la that's where chihuahuas during might have happened on a block like this in a neighborhood like her feel the atmosphere which becomes a spiritual character in a story or a play more than liberalizing because i'm not writing a biography so why would you want to track the biography of advancing character and the feeling is that this is a matter in existence the site are here
down here in new orleans for new orleans that you know that's where gloria gloria ryan well i was walking the streets they are really anxious about our greenhouses didn't even know what our work here like that's just what i am a broken tail light makes it are at a greater attraction think there are temporary contracts changed my mind because i feel like trump mostly been just learned that fertility and really comes out of all of that said in alexandria in mind that there is a very good not serve wet that is
now about an endless rows of here near parity very day saying very un security council wants no guarantee a very compelling come into being with the rocky romeo just like to marry when the candidate and his cousin the reverend jimmy swaggart and he has been here in years right here let's start it and there may well be
probably and i think that this is the elegant designs tank parts do you know why serve in a concert which really disturbed me
because it seems like the odds with the party should still be available to people who can least afford it because they are using things like to be a law against militias so because i do really think that a country where are you the rest of our culture i think that's a world war ii america where i think like spirit church's world of those grey is a kind of a cultural underbelly of our society which i'm very very large with likes to listen to and not like that's me and recognized until you see its report made by white culture and makeup and buying insurance
strategies to lure portable in louisiana than it is in the rest of the country like red beans rise but they are silly like the people in the rest of the country it has cost mortgages usually involve complex disturbing economy basically i think the thing that culture having any making incidents as so that only certain people were going and a sort of very important respects to belong to such a day and i met him and his work day
people want so what south they can maintain a girl and the girl really been a real great year they have been responsible for a lot of the rain and an awful lot of interfering with tracking and with an original way of knowing it's now for you easy and i think i mean that's not the main difference in alaska make sure that
the similarity is that about very very naturally rich says the similarities in louisiana the punishment i think the similarities in louisiana and alaska are very very naturally rich resources states and the oil industry's has bass billy got quite closely and asking me any way changed the nature of the geography technology especially the world has intruded upon louisiana in alaska in a way that has changed the complexity of this day and thereby change the culture and nothing gets on the new jobs were created with the intrusion of the well
technology into places that are as isolated as louisiana wants to politicize last still is causes a great deal of disturbance and i think we still have not assessed the complexity of the intrusion of that technology causes when the soul of the people who live here and the way they interact very lucky we luckily the earth is very very forgiving very generous and i think the mother goes to great expense to support i don't really think this is the system that
pakistanis are basically louisiana roads that character and it's just it's nice but this
became a nice if both it's b it's
been it's b it's
better to pay off by fbi it's been the
point is by the pittsburgh because biko it's been the pay to play is by the pool is
because the pay is better he's bitter fb
the pain fb
The Many Roles of Rebecca
Raw Footage
Interview with Rebecca Wells, tape 53 - 20269
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
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Raw Footage Description
Interview with actress Rebecca Wells in New Orleans.
Created Date
Asset type
Raw Footage
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Moving Image
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Interviewee: Wells, Rebecca
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: cpb-aacip-7bc0fa49686 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The Many Roles of Rebecca; Interview with Rebecca Wells, tape 53 - 20269,” 1987-06-03, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed June 26, 2024,
MLA: “The Many Roles of Rebecca; Interview with Rebecca Wells, tape 53 - 20269.” 1987-06-03. American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. June 26, 2024. <>.
APA: The Many Roles of Rebecca; Interview with Rebecca Wells, tape 53 - 20269. Boston, MA: American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from