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take a look around this office in downtown dc and obvious bill ivey mrs nashville he spelled a huge was this sweet with paintings and photographs from summit middle tennessee's best artists it gives people coming to visit me a sense of the art and artists that i like personally and i think also it makes it feel like the office of the chairman of the national where there is the work of the two artists are surrounding us here every day and i think it really and enhances the workspace i have an office with some impressive wall space high ceilings in the corner of the old old post office building in nc hey center on pennsylvania avenue after took office carol stein owner of cumberland gallery london the works by nash billions maryland murphy jane braddock run puerto john bader to retire and jack spencer to name a few murphy's piece pines just outside ideas office her up or your heart out just moves to the mandate to take us a mere metaphor and bring it to life the kind of work which is which is
she's been doing for a number of years it should know he's been friends with murphy for years and has been closely following her career where he described the piece as she put the finishing touches on it last year the painting looks like a still from an old nineteen fifties movie as a man pour some red liquid into a vaguely recognizable mold on the table next to an innocent of a luscious piece of chocolate pie and three small hearts a glass of red wine sits beside the chocolate pie it's hard to tell if that means actions are romantic or sinister the element of surprise is important in my work i like high contrast obvious it like contrast to buy the list of his favorite art works i've got a very nice white way diner painting by john vader in the prominent position and a couple of photographs by jack spencer really does great kind of mysterious so haunting
photographs and then a fascinating multi piece simply truly that jamie braddock painted it arranged bright colorful paintings next the window overlooking pennsylvania avenue today for a pretty stunning example of cholera balancing because there are six separate campuses they're arranged in a kind of vertically oriented rectangle she specifies exactly how each one has to be oriented and what the relationship is leaving exactly which intends and if you tell you find the most alarming color imbalances show up so there's a very sophisticated balance one thing against another trip to a comet with the whole you know there's paintings also grace the walls of ids office where braddock arranges campuses for her compositions likes to arrange common objects like stone where all cloth and plain boxes for her still life works i don't think of it is just painting and i'm set for me it's taking something very humble and simple
and totally romanticizing on the canvas although it attends far more performances and visual arts events in washington as chair for the nea he says he really misses the kinds of relationships he was able to develop in nashville what i don't reduce emissions and emotional decisions our small hole and actually experience are being made by people who i know well who's careers and enable a tracker remember years he admits getting especially homesick for the national scene during a recent honorary event at the kennedy center in shelby lynne olson and i thought gosh i really miss that because i know those people really well and i don't know that as much as the endowment job can give me a can ever bring that kind of connection with perhaps seeking re kidnapped by taking a ride on the red grooms tennessee foxtrot carousel when he did
this mash up of the holidays appropriately enough the figure that the nea help to find and buy these leadership is grimm's depiction of the influential blues artist we were car since a great treat to have this many great artists representative for national public radio oh oh
WPLN News Archive
03 Bill Ivey (Adrienne) 12 22 98
News Archive 1/8/99-2/5/99
Producing Organization
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WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio (Nashville, Tennessee)
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Episode Description
Bill Ivey misses Nashville from his office in D.C. as he fills his office with Nashville art works. He is a chairman of the national endowment.
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Identifier: cpb-aacip-3ab18811c01 (Filename)
Format: CD
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Chicago: “WPLN News Archive; 03 Bill Ivey (Adrienne) 12 22 98; News Archive 1/8/99-2/5/99,” 1998-12-22, WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 18, 2024,
MLA: “WPLN News Archive; 03 Bill Ivey (Adrienne) 12 22 98; News Archive 1/8/99-2/5/99.” 1998-12-22. WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 18, 2024. <>.
APA: WPLN News Archive; 03 Bill Ivey (Adrienne) 12 22 98; News Archive 1/8/99-2/5/99. Boston, MA: WPLN News/Nashville Public Radio, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from