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funding for remarkable people jean walkinshaw is made possible by the void and delores jones foundation and the protocol foundation for our houses fortune after you know nearly two hundred and eighty seven steps that go from the freeway and every morning i mean number one is therapeutic and number two thank you this is essential i
know jesus' sake let us history i grew up with three sisters and one brother and i have two sisters there were ten and twelve years older than i am then when systems just two years so there were these four women and i was the last one the baby of the family and my father is a road builder and actually he built to last may the north cascades
highway before they pushed it through over the past eight and a marble mouth and my father had a camp here we go up in the summer and stay in his logging camp for his construction plans so i was brought up it very very tiny and living in construction camp does he always have wonderful cooks if you get high and so we have these fabulous meals in the clubhouse like high end state for breakfast which is a little girl course i loved i grew up with a lot about their activities in the city of paradise for every barrel vault down the devil's debt and we have to fight that and love to play tennis and then to walk to school is to walk to school to miles and think nothing of it sam was
always very democratic very strong believer that everybody was equal ali's brought up with that sense of democracy and i was somebody else we weren't quite well to do almost tonight my background as i thought it was separate it it does seem pretty and i was brought up in a very immediate terribly a privileged and narrow little segment of tacoma tacoma washington that's nothing like the east coast i think because of my background i bent over backwards not to follow that path some
life i've been kind of the wrong goals in a way i thought was very important to be secretary this or prisoner that and so forth and in the city you see people that i was very aware of i don't think i stepped on people but i wasn't very happy with myself when i came back to seattle i went to the quake at church and i was there and that a man by the name of flights will jensen houses for years he felt terrible about the bombing and he thought that the least he could do would be to go and build some token house and goodwill and he asked me if i'd like to very fair share rule flights not set up this tragic in hiroshima a year after the war was ended and after
the bomb so why can't we got the air five years later the city was still pretty does dr watson i had that experience of working on houses for hiroshima the main idea was to make friends and it was just astounding that japanese erskine does they were told why we live here we go three houses i love the japanese people critically the women so he was archery did it is it is incredible experience for me and i think that helped me grow up more than probably anything else i'd just come back from hiroshima and i was at the church and this guy water
walk and shot had just come to seattle as he tells the story about the crisis he was meditating he some of his ankle and then he looked out and he phoned me home the ceilings citizens i just think we've been blessed with a lot of things that we hadn't come in not having a lot of gaps that we had to overcome he i think it's tourists again we started out
very cheaply in this city when you first married thousand years old warehouse down on fourteenth day which is right near the silver theater and we're right on the water it was a it was a lot of location i was paying twelve dollars and fifty cents a month in rent and some people did you want to marry me or that possesses did limit and after i had my babies charlie of the baby's crib when baby founded a rapid instant and it was at that point and he decided to get out of this place cause we can control room chefs
night long lunar in london the sixties were wild and kind of wonderful and just a little song called it was horrifying to me it's really astounding shows in those days which i'm not sure if i would be able to do today the leadership is stationed the reason i was there was because the president than of playing stempel it he knew my door one day not jonathan asked me if i'd be interested in coming down and doing some interviewing for when i didn't get their ticking you can imagine how much i was like you know the bosses and this is
totally un schooled and in broadcasting if kenya probably in the week you've been there clearly in your acting in late there have been directed the better and i'm very glad to get at her and then you invite me and i'm very happy to be your weekend i was horrible i take a lot of nods and i didn't have to prove myself so as i like to be and that advocacy wears equality for if students want the freedom to demonstrate do they still have to respect the ground moves and under these conditions where the ground
and over again today we're face to face with seattle police in one university student produced with roberta bird bar a show that was the first and i'm proud of this that one school edition is in nineteen sixty eight said that the show that your burner and hosted and i produced was the only show in the nation to consistently cover minorities so i just walked in to sunday and there was a marvelous combination of a person at the top it came who i knew as we did about the inequality of what's happening in our society so robert and i were sort of shelter by this management team which allowed us to cover topics that were kind of amazing to become
really covered the whole civil rights thing recovery of all vietnam protest week every couple brothers with drugs to start listening to one pallet a lot of the law or take a look at them and edited on roberta raz principal of the high school she was one of the civil rights leaders she was incredibly powerful on camera and the sixties were eventually the defining moment for me because those were having some facts we don't mind a lot of sensitivity at coming back from in
anyone's and it was tied to carry goods they were nice to me it was a written by j militant blacks and they were nice to reach a pilot tammy says that forensic really be nice to get up at lee in those days is hard to believe and yet did not really delved into utilizing a beautiful backgrounds and beautiful video and be over people when the top news of the japanese do and they're wonderful screens people really didn't realize how appealing it would be to be able to do some
beautiful video of the taking our surroundings how weighted was the photographer for our first documentary really very very visual three r's her in those days women were supposed to touch the camera war the tape recorder waynick insisted that i learned to run the tape recorder and athletic and at the material so actually it and kept this business of documentaries
are up by eight the family ties i always like to create documentaries with the people themselves offering the narration i feel very strongly about that i think it gives you a sense of more immediacy of the people you're featuring songs and we i mean and based on those marvelous human beings
define the night of those identical to the post out of the lawyers to work in the day when robin who's different americans are they're going to come here and it's like i like people who are trying to make a difference in life are seen to be animated leaving their lives and observing things around them that other people can learn from molina their experiences and so there's that one
i'm a governor of the law but what about the owner ahmed jawad both on the left and no problem or what until it to be really matter because this is the most special times that we will have a television crew thirty nicky gonna i can always so much more enthused and excited about peacefully than i ever was one of our subjects was wonderful afro american from cairo so we work with a black going to her and she found it's so disappointing from the point of view of any real understanding on the part of the canadians are
up slightly and it was so interesting to realize that these people went on and had a totally different experience life experience i've gained new respect and just in motion all attachment to people living in those conditions i don't understand what it would be like even having filmed them and talk to you can't have them but it must be like what they're given south they begin this this little a monocle and they had they won it was embarrassing than a year we're lending it to dawn and there were just three at this year about getting the bad food
and expeditions like batter on issues like that and we were in these villages where when you drove into town you saw that's hanging out over the street for sale and then you go in and the paramount chiefs gives you a big pot they prepared for you and you're supposed to eat out of that anything you see some little creatures what you imagine and both the crew members got sick and i can remember sitting under the trees and follow it just there's a ripple on windy day they are they they pry away and i hate to say this because these are very incredible man that sometimes you do feel that your mothering skills are called on out when you're out in the field
priam first american television show that was really a shot at it two photographers would take two photographers plus an idea man we had to have an interpreter once we got to russia get twenty seven young storytellers in the story you're really opening itself out and making it felt vulnerable the new russian story in russia and for sunday to keep the budget in the field or to make the hotel reservations or the plane reservations the producer did that so not only did you
have your crew and your story that your home is this a stop to have to tend to say that all that on top of this matter have been directing and keeping your crew going to remember in russia being me a giant tooth john rivers and they're both very macho man and here i was with these two photographers that i had to let them know what i wanted and i would go first the buses repair the kids were loaded at their style or audio is there an alliance everything was going on and they went and they jumped into a taxi to follow the kids in the blast on and off like a taxi i was elected and i was so mad i was so on and i try not to cry
in the field but it really burst into tears as under so much pressure when i finally caught up with them and boy did they ever know who was boss i mean you have to get at you know i smile night boy you know it has my baby i'm gonna control but that's such a fine line between working with a photographer because you rely on fair is that in states there it's been the scene this week so this is just you know the middle of this i love japan it's the seventh year right after the war
for four shows and japan are involved and what issues they did who is who is a new yorker he came and was joined by five hot shot musicians from los angeles you know they told me i could follow him once he got here to america i found it very difficult labor day didn't want me to intervene could taro they were then countless at all when they first came so i say that well at all i'll just do a show about how i couldn't do that show and so i started talking to musicians and they were very impatient with the term i probably rehearsed this music now or two hundred hours of cat playing the same music over until i finally realize what he's after simplicity and the simpler the music is more difficulties to
play american musicians to me and so i started doing that he created or for years the story is almost
unbearable they come to the place where the whole world is beyond thinking beyond deliberating even beyond negotiating and come to the place where they only feel the suffering this sort of thing would bring the world if it should never happen again that this invitation to go back to the peace ceremony in hiroshima so i was lucky enough to go back to japan with him and film him there he was a wonderful peace activist and at that time he was nineteen and at that that we call it ninety years of tomorrow's is the name of the show the first time i attended the ceremony was for years after the war when i was still still so long so little and in gold and that is
incredibly emotional and i mean that those doves fly him home and cried and then i went back with the way that it was equally emotional because since then i mean everything's going back it's remarkable how they've been able to build that city back again that they do have an area with the famous tower and they have to decide and there was one particular one of a mother holding her baby and every time a letter that i didn't want to cry now telling about it and then when those babies the dumps the piece stands no sorry is a hot it is not a medium for getting detailed
information and i remember wayne sour beer always saying we are not here to give a lecture and so i did move more towards softer piece is that in a lot of ways i think it's a war and then a woman whose mind reined in the heart when the body things desperately for connection can only expect more isolation and greater ecological get more response if you are somebody who really cares about causes and i'm glad that it would be an adviser are christmas records that's the best kind of ecological story to be able to tell him more people will respond to that then something where you're hitting him over the head with environmental laws sides in the springtime and that's where we picked berries in huckleberry seems that andy kessler we told our story later so
how are sticking and that's where a lot of our stories come from the mouth i found that my place of eyes focusing on icann getting the joy out of presenting human beings to other human beings that what they're saying is very often the kind of christ you want to have that you feel strongly about they are so for like she's a name for those things that every day to make or educate gotta do what a new duet that's what i did and digging out through farm and updates it but i said come in now and i said i got to do it they've offered me five hundred and fifty thousand dollars for this place what do i need that much money for i like it
here i like i like you i just i just love them i've always felt that more human and to universal's and more in their square and so here you can like start a documentary i'm scared i think oh my gosh what a speaker but people wanna watch it only can't oh my goodness and then once i get into it i get so fascinated by the process and so obsessed i'm sorry to say that i'd like an obsession and so then it starts to take its own rhythm and you start to lose your may be unfounded it's something that always makes her move
fast again and then you hear the avalanche that falls when they're actually here on the footage very really bright and not really intellectual and editing people a long enough time to get it it takes a huge amount of discipline and sensitivity to edit slowly and keeping visitors in the satirical you've got available you got your body and you can be and you get your pictures you've got the country and all you wanna get into that half hour so that it would be wrong to say that that i don't organize things and i organize them
before even go on an issue there was a sit down at this table here something else takes over it is i used to come to me and say that more often than not to come to me at three in the morning when i'm wrestling with something i haven't needed to be here might help to put together documentaries and i always say my sewing because i never would make quite right and so it never fits and so you always have to kind of push this way this way and pull that way this way in here and i financially documentary making it's because you never you never have all the things you want one or do things go the way you thought they would really start the documentary
artist has to support i am very very sensitive to any criticism i never learned to handle it very very clear that all the other leaders like you know we were recovered by the vancouver papers tacoma paper and before that the seattle times and i went in early in the morning paper to see what they've written and barely because it was such a blow to me i've never gotten used to criticism walker had a client had some property
on san juan island and that land was extremely cheap and he asked wasn't he didn't want to go in on the land so we bought forty acres of supreme insult that time is a big investment or is that i hate to tell you a little amount paid for a gorgeous locations largest land that when we bought it the same point when you doing going way up there that is just and we kind of wondered too if it wasn't an awfully long way to go well it's ended up to be this absolutely incredible piece of land for us to have two hands thank you
i need the point i decided i would go out for a month every year and camp and live there and while so i was there with three little kids to in diapers at one point living in an entity you know running wanted to hear we would go up there and then i was reading around the camp fire doing crafts we made a lot of grass i kind of ran a camp for my kids you need
the power having kids learning to live with nature we jammed and we loved and adored this northwest mm hmm feed that first meeting you have to hear them what life i needed to say it because the wheel because we have to walk in and revive the bill would have on the air a little bit it's very little is all wondering why
it's b it's businesses be he's been on
the pay is been fb the water is justified fish considerable
amount of fishing with him to resign and eventually i never was very good dad had taken out of its mouth of course we always i never was really good in fact that a lot of people i don't know maybe we'll have to see brag about it and now a new
movie the unknown or the nation than they're so creative it's beautiful here in the northwest and that's why i think it was and i both feel so his novel about preserving the earth and preserving that moment it's an ancient preserving parks system to try to save open space and nine and i were lucky enough to have property it was high on the island it's on her shoulder now it's the highest placed on san juan island and that in this island having radical view gorgeous properties and when people said what are you doing a bunch of rocks up
there on that the fbi there's the legendary their babies to sleep i went up the road builder and now cash says one of the few remaining big hunks that will be up here how can i thank you wrote in here and developed as the heavenly first came up here to the land when the stars it here it's just glorious i contacted the land bank there and san juan and
asked them if they would be interested in the land and they indeed were and we sell it greatly reduced price but the land is worth and ray had definite provision in there that this will be a new land open for everybody to enjoy and that it's now a part i am still i had woken up and joy to it not just producing for yourself iowa can console myself by saying well where nobody was to watch my work anymore maybe my kids will and i can do the family be at and that i'm working on that song i just
and just as success stories this is
dessa my friend flights know with whom i went to hear seem to be one hundred and three years old and i know flight hours used to say i always want to have something important to do tomorrow and renamed the documentary that i did it in ninety years of tomorrow's it is so important to me very very quietly ally i come from interrogations eighty two i think there is so much luck of the draw of how your health is
that i also think that keeping us out of mind and interested i mean what's your job and it's still something that's vital interests ally and nothing that i like that are going to go up and sit there in front of my three monitors and i want to sell it in oregon people early on think about those leaders is just so important to have the interesting things that you look forward to funding for
remarkable people jean walkinshaw is made possible by the void and delores jones foundation and the protocol foundation
Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest
Jean Walkinshaw
Producing Organization
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Episode Description
A documentary about the life of filmmaker Jean Walkinshaw.
Created Date
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Film and Television
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Moving Image
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Editor: Gentes, Jeff
Executive Producer: Davis, Ross
Executive Producer: Sharify, John
Interviewee: Walkinshaw, Jean
Producer: Gentes, Jeff
Producing Organization: SCCtv
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-d4e745b60b1 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Jean Walkinshaw,” 2008, SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed December 26, 2024,
MLA: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Jean Walkinshaw.” 2008. SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. December 26, 2024. <>.
APA: Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Jean Walkinshaw. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from