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fb very good we say that in a way without support and listens to move on the simpsons you give me a word or more than you had
edit out all the stuff i said about feminism last time i'll talk again about that subject but in a more general way you know if i were if i had fifteen minutes to explain my definition my private personal definition of feminism that would be okay or otherwise destroy arthur like those contenders invite hostility the police are extinct america right now seems to be up to its collective haircut in a two massive tsunami of creeping legalism and this is manifest in the dumbing down of our culture in our obsession with
fame and money and with the an enormous increase in the amount of repression i suppose that it's true that center where everything turns into its opposite but isn't it ironic that the most serious serious repression in our culture today is being generated by groups that were originally founded as a consideration i support with all my heart and bone and gristle any movement that genuinely honestly to strive in for liberation and i reject with the same fervor in the group organization or movement whose goals are
control domination reinvention ego most or is it one can only confront by any new movement are grouper system the first thing that we need to do it's a little over carefully and ask yourself the question is this about liberation wars is about control and its dancers control we need to run not walk to the nearest exit there are political radicalism really seems to be all over in the world and i mean by over a mink coat
marxism is certainly no longer radical is a well worn out obsolete system the senate terrorism is no longer radical it's barbaric and scary in some human lives on radical psychedelic sisto radical the tibetan concepts of crazy wisdom by which it steer miles ship owners see a void in his perpetually radical but those things are not for everyone so if you're young person today looking to for some kind of radical look i'm looking to radically change society for them there i think around or you need is to start thinking
about two things limit in procreation and escaping from consumption the goal of this next generation of pioneers gene davis no stop lending families and concern dan totalitarian states we have the secret police in this country we have madison avenue same thing not that much difference say except ever dies images as are far more insidious because they lead to believe that they're actually giving you what you want i know i suppose i have a lot of radical beliefs but they're not a politicized the only banner that i would
ever enjoy singing hangover of street or been carried down the boulevard by a margin many instances a banner with their roots live a little at home or in the mile long who owns radio visionary who founded it's the caribbean seattle wants to only sitcom in a lot of people resent you because they're too happy all the time and the phone and what was there was that mean i'm not that heavy but what what i am is cheerful there's a difference a week we each will it ourselves each of us to be happy the
dalai lama said recently the purpose of life the meaning of life mean what is to be happy and let me tell you their love professionally suffering voters to rather taken aback malign story which ourselves to be happy but we want other people to be cheerful with only polite our summer consumerism and if it's just one to be setting up this ashley's america's that both of those so i'm not really engineer christian on camera because an employer to iowa other's harvest it's hard to talk about the new book i don't know
enough about it and they use they don't really let me know what you're doing to let two years after a fish for instance an active gone fifteen more minutes and overpopulation but this is not what the coach chosen and la sheriff's deputies to you and we do all the card numbers going when i moved to look honor in nineteen seventies nineteen seventy and i shouldn't come into a car and fairly frequent basis since nineteen sixty two it was a hard working little tugboat down fishing village in which some are seven dylan genuine artist
wannabes or hangers on are those orders they live here because it was beautiful it was private it was peaceful and there was cheaper it's no longer of very inexpensive but still beautiful private and peaceful has gotten brother mother dc only years in the past decade in particular on its succumbed to a bad case of boutique favor and quite frankly as becomes somewhat of a tourist tour so another roadside attraction but it still has a lot to offer someone who wants to live in a contemplative life it's still very
beautiful peaceful private and there's some very good people who are hospitable people another eleven years i've lived in downtown seattle seven of those years i guess in that bothers me a little bit to be used for one referred to as i look on arrival at risk as a melody writer this makes me so why some clobber and lenny bruce's sit around by kerosene lantern ryman about doug feathers it have been in new york in the past twelve months of the new york four times i can find my way around the euro out a map
and find my way around paris in amsterdam and rome without maps london little more difficult but i've been the london number times i know i'm aware of los angeles no i'm just a cosmopolitan get but with muskets a friendly personality i am not content to be full time are either in the city or the country i need both so what connors perfect i can no you sit here on my dear can listen to the loons take a short walk in what's the beaver come out in the moonlight and slept or tails no water the eagles fly blind eye level all very nourishing to me that should i decide to do so i can do a jump in my car and in an hour and
twenty minutes' be in seattle even in the best restaurants go and arguello is going to lay this motion pictures go on with theater center is a shoplifter lingerie and victoria's secret in a minute so it to me that's idealistic the best among world's country mouse a mouse and don't spare the cheese day it's b
Raw Footage
Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 14
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Raw Footage Description
An interview with author Tom Robbins.
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Raw Footage
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Interviewee: Robbins, Tom
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-492e0e66994 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 14,” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 17, 2024,
MLA: “Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 14.” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 17, 2024. <>.
APA: Interview with Tom Robbins, Tape 14. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from