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so you're going to say something more than when it came to mind all about one thing either as a really young child growing up you know that was one of my greatest idols and you know i used to say i still love the guy be like you know walk around houses that i see him and i have say i don't you know that's if you miss sarah's economy and i mean i get a lot of kids that look of zippers are lovely and i'm just now you know i guess i feel fortunate i feel like he had to have to realize that and enjoyed that that is lovely grease i'll send their arm you know to live with although you know we did become friends as just casual friends until rebels adults because you know i was always the kid won't kids he was the father that you know i can
understand i live a life you know but now i mean and in our adult lives you know we sit and we trace it together and watch the sonics it all and that you know in that you know if i can get my hands on some good seafood sentence and i make a point to drop off combine you know in five days in slams or shot some ways you say we enjoy that together society and some fresh seafood or something like that and think oh well our love i can really say is rather really sad that talked about my prom so you know it's not that i don't think it's all more than just that distance that in you know traditional sense but you know there's other people in my life that i've been able to share all everything was so you know i know and on this that i don't feel slighted or anything that expresses to acquire music oh
well you know a thing about me and music music facilities my personality and niger at that you know and the world and again too you know i mentioned earlier that mom was a musician you know and so the genes are from all side she was a dancer killer dancer she was just great cordial clarence thomas and anderson that's all you know there's also that insolence that you know she was onstage she was great on stage and down ah but i also i used to dance to you know and so i don't know i liked i was like being on stage uses you know whatever the adrenaline hits it ah i like well i mean i mean and i'm like just the art in you know when it's time to be creative but but i like it entertaining to i mean
you know professor says in a social sense so phyllis diller and so is here you know there's the art is the music you know and then there's the entertaining you know i'm a mom a dad just entertain you know mom would entertain as a performer but also you know socially and this and that and you know my wife likes entertain to i mean normal life is like to be on stage but she loves people and you know we learned that people over entertainers says that to sell so we'll only one that way too i know i never felt any pressure to be involved in some aspect is the odds that it was never any oh you know he should be in the arts or you shouldn't be in the arts i think there was times when mom thought that on you know om you should do something practical but you know i don't dead never
said that there was always like he seemed like he understood that bomb interest and do what they got to do this and all you like to listen to practice was one thing was a teenager and i step practice piano at home and i'd play loud i mean my sister lau but a strong and i tap my foot and decimals very serene and so you know he his life was quiet in that respect i am he is going to stand my my career my business i mean from our standpoint as but professionally still wasn't as he asked me years now has a radio or having an idea or a gaza as long as your career and this man it honestly don't you know about airplane records and record sales royalties and publishing in this man is that shakes his head as i understand it does business but it is not that important you don't remember stand and so in that respect our world a different so you know
i am and i know as a teen i have to at that time i moved out donald places that were actually make all the noise in i want to live in apartments that you know i like to play drums to you know and that you know it was a list of some of restaurants very few but like there was that you know funny person that hasn't had never seems to matter for some reason or other and i really wonder what he's doing as a wander around it too because all kids are so busy doing what to it in our aisle it's funny well in the same city or sometimes he's among pitchers goes by we'll see each other i mean fortunately there's holidays is parties in and has all the holidays so we get together and we get together or so does even they can laugh until adults
in a reading katz of the wages do it professionally and i find that someone else they've all either justices do and as i go oh tell me you know or whatever you know i of course marks my work together sometimes i you know out besides teaching music he plays he's played a cycle miles and that's so so we get together and play music together our occasional column so that's a really nice when i was there you work together when you play together everything gets appointed to have fun i just was like the high we're in a situation where they're in the kid's really support each other and now the snow mr stuart as nora competition as the pressure you know what question of course is the difficulty of it so it started out as it is you know without any native at things and we are all family that that nuclear family is
street clothes mr jd oh that major hear a lot about so many shows stand as its citizens can and interesting than he meant to send this weekend techno music about some of the things you most remember the youngster highlights of living with jarrett sleeper
well one campaign many many tensions particularly we went to the point of the oceans around the corner from the unveiling the ocean wonderful camp in burma follicle painting tuesday when we have sold paintings or have these urges and so the kids would all be running around playing or water or and why is going to be fishing for long walks clinton announced for russians taking on staten island of course my phone in the other room waiting to
the water up to his waist and live close lieutenants those still exist but we don't go so very often since the unique wonderful memory that we have to make sure that my kids have the chance ddt of course going to have to know things going until the end doing more oh well here of course and candid in interesting ways jews and so when it seemed more of recreation there i'm going to be traditional those who have been going
what's the thinking the real real thing i also remember going up to concrete in the north cascades my father can take ourselves still there is an old and then insults to mind and there was big pieces of soapstone sets were vulnerable and there's an old rickety bridge sure of course practice i don't remember it and she would she would pack all on a wheel of food but all the kids clothing and everything we needed and it has seemed like her response to leave that to take your
calls lawyers association and lowenthal says and this sense of space as a couple of the station wagon new things this is offering how is he think absolutely love mutual respect not only towards the phone but i think from a fall into my mouth and the fact that my mother was an artist in your own right dude japanese bailouts have played traditional japanese music i think she was quite accomplished and in many areas and japanese tradition
the japanese culture that's true of course they both spoke japanese food we would always converse in japanese so why does no one enough japanese to know they're trying so there's a lot of mutual respect amongst my parents they made today lawyers there's a see much more of the un's main base of the reason to be happy i don't feel it as though it was i think there was a kind of equality of course was going to go after the used to washington to teach the house was
so many things were presenter of kids seemed like mostly her responsibility to my father's doing isn't it and that's kind of the way it was and whether it was working on the fountains sculptures into a grudge or off the viewers to teach and we're having all those students is all over the living room floor second go around and watched phil his exhaustive that's matt sloan course one woman had nothing to do with the heart prove that argument but the artistic trajectories artistic things emotionally mother had japanese recordings many many recordings of japanese know song and dance and all different types
and i remember that very vividly to in my house peruvian music and japanese courtney has a soul and these things they're all very similar people like here's the they had no idea not very familiar with the live in the university in a music class how do you think your fires are reflects his japanese americans what is the best there's of course using city on japanese rastetter to do that alone has its japanese nice to it i don't know a grueling
job so i don't know it hardens a wonderfully the navy's hard to say what his views are so people can look at something like space and i don't exactly call it was our chat sometimes i'm not sure if one were to look at what all this sometimes if they would say oh yeah there was that but some from for sure you grew up how it uses fight your family's place in seattle and data
privacy a year i think my mother has always been supportive and to a certain extent has encouraged and maybe even so far as push for troop to to excel and do group grew things i don't know perhaps actors who can say that perhaps my father wouldn't have cost as much as he had without the encouragement of women but i think she's incorrect my father's success and the art of his time and certainly he's his talent his unique and his own but i think my mother has and courage and i'm always been there and said no this is good and should go for more pursue this or do that he owned his work at university of course as
continuing to be a professor of art but also to be an artist and do his own works as commissions his paintings so let's go let's go to the ocean through mutual healthy competition no i don't think so i think that when all the kids are going and we're going and i think shea except the fact that there wasn't the time and place slept anymore but you know even when i was young issue for latino issue i couldn't tell you hold it was you and alaska and befriended performances japanese dance and they
can carry a chair i mean i don't know he encouraged her i know he enjoyed with ferd play the couple at home when shu meets we're just so whatever notes he certainly was proud of her own musicianship and i'm proud of the fact that it was worthless to be happy to have a house where a wave is when one of the formal protests it will be a huge price as an amazing because i don't know if where less than i could ever do big events like we were there in the forest and all these tests would come over and lots of food and thirty forty people over for a huge party chris all these wonderful famous people coming over from the
no were killed and poet mark tobey and all of these great artists and i have lots of memories of parties and i sleep my brother dean's and i would have to go to sleep as we are the youngest of course in the house oh big house and excellent for entertaining and always work well what's it like i know lots of people you know there are plenty of failures that their whistle told the grades suffered do you remember that no not really i knew that these people would come over
i wasn't aware of the excerpts this friends of my parents i didn't know what they were doing you know really there is a sort of a lone wolf just for example my father never play just one of them wasn't the militants for its focus i don't think that you're here really help to slow the homework or origins of the music licensing their assessment of the pillow of us that he was always filling his art he was always involved with something to do with this art or teaching and i and i would take on these little wind projects with junior high or
high school age little wind projects you know trying to build something and he was always helpful instructive show me a good way to do things whatever little blueprint those trying to competition isn't his tools and the tools microbes the tools in the basement always he was always very often asked them how to do this he was more than willing to help the show fire it's hard to say to because i didn't look upon my father for a long time is anything extraordinary use of course as a kid and he works in some ghost going to some works well my father was professor martin needed sculptures and fountains of the house
oh i really remember what i was going to other people's houses and the surprise is that the paintings all over the walls and and sculpture of rock collections i'm always art objects but i thought it we have these things that is gradually realized that no this is quite unique such as far as one of the most creative to it's hard this issue looking that no one in the sixties and seventies it had so many fountains sculptures and actually continued until the eighties of course the painting i enjoyed his paintings from the ocean the point of the arches over and sculptures there's so many wonderful children's villages still i think everybody's they refuse to sell public library
most electable and many many of them that i like and i think everyone has their favorite steve nash is almost never very little i think my work was the one who kept us in line but i don't think that we were terribly bad kids laugh so i don't know that there was a phone on it but no not tissue i think my mother again here's a case where one mother was moving the family would follow still be a ship you can feel it oh maybe doesn't last this is the oldest and i was had older siblings to play an especially didn't you know i didn't so much together i always thought it was just a little thing episode covers
seem like there's always some art project going on my father was always doing something in and yet i look back at all of the wonderful things that follows mid june let you in everyday things tables the coffee table that he made so the tables sit on laps on the table at the canals for the lamps that my mother still uses the collapse very functional but actually wonderful design that's very creative very practical and creative ally does the middle stages of necessity way back when when they weren't you know in the fifties when the armed forces if you don't need to make a lot of money but it was very practical for him to do that but the signs were not your everyday squares foxy kind of table a nice form besides flint percentages there
is a seeing a form of something rather than necessarily the color you're asking me for your oracular harris i think it was our parents allowing us to persevere it's not telling us no you have to study medicine study longer you have to get into academics good decent lead to not discourage study arts step for me to study music but it's those perfectly ok for my brothers to do just piano and i'm not you know new coach them to continue to play music with this
bill so my parents kept from us discouraging the arts but we were all permission to pursue music or i'd never ever felt like or when parents does to the arts were perfectly acceptable you know where's my friend's little dancer making bombs you must go into backstory most of the longest it stands no it's pretty creative to do for chile when parents were able to help me get through college and in traditional music and i didn't have to work and so i was fortunate from the standpoint very
grateful to take your flight college education from that of us i think all of the children a lot of freedom of choosing their profession so that were very lucky and so many would also the fact that we grew up in the arts dane music i mean do you feel yourself going it's like for me to do so very well known and successful artist there's no i didn't feel any pressure not i can fully accept second a school
teacher but what i'm doing with my music that i think i'm doing well when and i think where parents for the sole support particularly you know from piano lessons when we're in elementary school my parents bought me a guitar because the one opponent the current boy i continued on in popular music from it it's always been there always been there to support anything as far as living up to my father's name and i never i never worry about and i don't think my parents weren't the improbable odds do you teach it's been in
Raw Footage
Interviews with Deems and Marcus Tsutakawa, Tape 21
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Interviews with Deems and Marcus Tsutakawa, sons of painter and sculptor George Tsutakawa.
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Interviewee: Tsutakawa, Marcus
Interviewee: Tsutakawa, Deems
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-f8ee75f13bb (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Interviews with Deems and Marcus Tsutakawa, Tape 21,” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “Interviews with Deems and Marcus Tsutakawa, Tape 21.” SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Interviews with Deems and Marcus Tsutakawa, Tape 21. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from