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did you see the bbc well so many people have this sort of thing that he was a rather good idea in which serving us that that is father was alcoholic therefore he was sort of an alcoholic along in the i mean in that it just are you selling targeted ads that nasa had to have a lot less steady and credible round at as a little as a baby that wrote him through those terrible years he can still love and that shows that he had that basic first three or four years really massively recently together really all in london so if there were boos and then we're going to know a lot of people think he is getting here because i mean and i kept thinking
that since december when he decided to hire an account that necessary sunni areas where anyway whereas this can lead his own personal in peru made no use for some problems of realize it was addictive because he was in the bay area and that any remaining cupertino along they just before they went to israel it's interesting because marianne remembers that sort of wonderfully he and ray really sees van is an ear as the worst in in the end and thinks and whenever we talked about that afterward he always said that things came to an end a
natural and very good memories of that was so the meaning of that trip was so different and it was like they were moving apart he has a poem morning thinking of empire which you know really reflects that and that enormous distance that he was feeling in a relationship and i think that distance was frightening to him and he began drinking and began drinking he is alone he's doing something he'd never done he'd always been very conservative suddenly he wasn't conservative his behavior was outrageous it could be more outrageous when he drank he just he just propelled you this compound but i would say it was not the set in a california that it was what was going on in his personal life in his inability to come to terms with it to start by to divert it
from changing did you ever feel that you should say how dare you though the one corner comes a time to stop the us a new drug dealer says you've been screwed up as you're doing this goes but wants them back into the rice said the us but time republican is quickening he had other times i think there's a thing he had a big enabler and i think in some kind of way
and we have to acknowledge that we were enablers unintentionally because life was fun in life was high and brady was telling us that life could go on that way was this something that any of us wanted to hear so to that extent i would say we were enablers very unwittingly finally it became so clear that it was beyond a matter of choice you doing to someone with a very serious illness in his life is at stake and then it becomes very different it's not just being drunk at a party it's a very scary thing you look at a friend and you say it's not the same thing anymore to have that notion all
along to keep putting it away yes it is good to see you how well you say that the years the western a bit and ceo they've essentially stream maine human genes thank goodness he didn't the eu has a man with a lot of internal strength and as i said he finally did it because he just can't cut it
maybe by the very fact that it wasn't a pattern of life may be that it was so extreme and that helped because when he finally any have fuel for a period of years and abortive efforts that were not successful when he finally had hit that barn place and eventually it's you know he's out of options in the city for an id with a new in a doctor's office that officer would bring students force for ten even written in here he wants with this photograph for the national book award and getting so close and he looked at it and he looked at when he wrote those pieces and he have done nothing in this period of heavy heavy drinking i think maybe that also that for him it
was you know you're good you know you have it have to use it over or does it start in it he said it's not over mr as if you were in two different places and the canteen drag at teaching cruz was so calm so you can now record with the new plane trips sometimes they could lose money advantages us that's right so people should do you have bill weren't exactly you're dealing of bodies show up in business class that well i'm going to refer we were teaching courses
and they were even in santa cruz they just we do this in general i asked for reasons moment at a point where the regime or stolen often undaunted behind him but certainly on today his lawyer and we weren't remembered his fellow is nice doggies briefcase on spiritual father who the freaking yourself that this is another one problem after a certain asset have that somehow going to celebrate as he was teaching at santa cruz who still can be progressing sobel santa barbara and he was awesome for an unemployment and unfortunately yeah if that's against the law and he did get caught
angela barry andersen trying very desolate to sort of do some negotiations a soft pedal some of this is the judge said today i understand that you are a writer and recently as your honor i am and he said and send you have a clutch of just came out you and three cds and the judge said well i'd like very much to see one of your books that i might sit there and say i don't have any companies i'm just hopeful person to ride that day he doesn't spare whether the judge you know who haven't yet passed samples on i couldn't believe that that was a kind of nonsense he was doing all that are taking us out breakfast and
say i'm systemic you are going to get in there and you know we'd be just a sheet of recklessly brave excuse yourself to give them instantly to please god this and more our heads going the center of the book is that he is not eat yes knight but it was always a game the idea back even i've ever check suddenly set up in the restaurant began banging on the window saying sir sir you're checked and then everyone in the restaurant was looking and ray turned around to say that's it been around backed at do you sometimes do get these things almost as though he were in history and south and so i think that their saying there was a war blanche is her
and it is i like to have my voice so i need you guys to help me suggest it is they say something to that effect be your own words or whatever if you think it's true now who can i think a lot of things he did he did because it has sat notes for this story was for the adventurous for the camp it was like getting caught we've never put a bigger evil mind now it's a very and just to sort of that the high jinks in the adventure of it and what will happen if i do this and he was in that period where instead of just wandering and speculating he was actually doing which was very novel for him what will happen if you do this oh ok it is dry you know i'm sure he was getting hustled through
it is a very serious guy who'd read here and that is part of the course there police use your sister's for the bird is also a firm in his usual there's a shift how you define a historic visit to forty two is this is that you know things are you know it completely does so
this anger and seeing now is the government didn't really know that shorter than fifty is made for most farmers are ranch they failed it they are much happier having their sacrifices to live she's the essence yes very unusual race he didn't you and you know that they're safe you know there's a tie because i go house into the earth here than in iraq for the university for from so when you're talking to you know say
that that slavery if you need somebody to stop anyone jump cutters you go the editors list so that can be your only pros to your host or republicans i have to get it out of our rivers here maybe we do mainly at that there was one time i got catfish this guy came to her door and checked their newly married that this could be a homemaker as a service and then he said i'm selling fish and i said you're right is the
most obvious are so bad about the twenty three tons of this and that we all can't kitsch and i cooking period of time what's clear is that i can't confess i cannot pick this thing that looks like it actually is now at a consensus seemed to remove all with a voice that the first of the various agreements with recent bid for forbidden mystery was on the court were for mr brantley new orleans upstairs
and resumes and when the last of them about freedom were burned his innocence but the group someone out there is that you're going to read my muscles and my wife has been sick and there were spinsters and frankly mr kidder it's rough out here thinks the tourist eleven that is changing and where we can get a sense as you remember you know the message housing is a typical security system as it was as it is a sprawl on
it was like any stretch bungalow is going to come in there's a kitchen with him on this idea that have marked this side and a side room and this yard and flies remember that's time we were all barren the statistics butterflies the flies were just selling everything and it was just one of those coverage unit did not hang out with censors command which was that wonderful arabic just something so who do you think you hear in
it and then they tried for a short time before the census will be confined just to get this i'm sure i am et cetera this hour it doesn't matter there are no you know i mean sure we get the owner's son her at the dress is released each week you know you really lived with us we really value looked at this in california a young richmond and that doesn't look right across the street and devin amy and yet that question is that i sought in devon england reading from a church and secure part of the church there is there which was amy had gotten a job teaching sunday school but i suppose our
roots of a lofty has tremendous discount on the ramp ignition stitch and seven is a weekly look into each other's wind whips across the street the glass smashing there was a huge fighting it was among the fall for every every time you doubt that really angry middle the night the functions take second i remembered the window it there's some of that but really neighbors and break him up and stable person detonating run across maybe cooking dinner and all of us for over a day dr maag there are plays that was a built in always something going on there were always sixty eight people
around at all times in various stages of chaos doe yeah yes your interest he said well it's easy as a teaching and there at college and he was living in this business it sounds as i said that this is initially seemed to gravitate towards
is true was really intensive very short period
Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest
Raw Footage
Diane Cecily and Chuck Kinder interview on Raymond Carver, tape 33
Producing Organization
KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
Contributing Organization
SCCtv (Seattle, Washington)
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Diane Cecily and Chuck Kinder interview about author Raymond Carver.
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Interviewee: Cecily, Diane
Interviewee: Kinder, Chuck
Producing Organization: KCTS (Television station : Seattle, Wash.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
Seattle Colleges Cable Television
Identifier: cpb-aacip-523595a5537 (Filename)
Format: Hard Drive
Duration: 00:30:00
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Diane Cecily and Chuck Kinder interview on Raymond Carver, tape 33,” 1993, SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Diane Cecily and Chuck Kinder interview on Raymond Carver, tape 33.” 1993. SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Remarkable People: Making a Difference in the Northwest; Diane Cecily and Chuck Kinder interview on Raymond Carver, tape 33. Boston, MA: SCCtv, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from