Over Easy; 5001
- Transcript
<v Speaker>Over easy with hosts Mary Martin and Jim Hartz. <v Jim Hartz>Hello and welcome to a brand new season of Overeasy. <v Jim Hartz>I'm Jim Hartz, and as if you didn't know it already, this lovely lady beside me is Mary <v Jim Hartz>Martin. <v Mary Martin>Jim and I are here to help carry on a tradition that over easy began more than five <v Mary Martin>years ago. <v Jim Hartz>That's right. That's when PBS first decided to do a show that would deal with the needs <v Jim Hartz>and concerns and the hopes and expectations that all of us share as we grow <v Jim Hartz>older. And I think it's accurate to say that Mary and I are proud to be part of that <v Jim Hartz>tradition. <v Mary Martin>We are indeed as proud as we are to welcome our first guest of the season, someone <v Mary Martin>who reflects a great deal of what overeasy is all about. <v Mary Martin>Her name is Pearl Bailey. <v Mary Martin>We'll be here in just a moment to share her wonderful singing style and her equally <v Mary Martin>wonderful outlook on life. <v Jim Hartz>Pearl will also be sharing her experiences as a student.
<v Jim Hartz>She goes to Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and she's one of a growing number <v Jim Hartz>of people who have decided that school age means any age that you want to learn more. <v Jim Hartz>And later in the show, we'll be paying a lifestyle visit to a couple whose life together <v Jim Hartz>includes regular visits to the classroom. <v Mary Martin>First, though, let's welcome Over Easy's first guest of the season, the magnetic <v Mary Martin>Pearl Bailey. <v Pearl Bailey>Thank you, Mary. Thank you, Jim. <v Pearl Bailey>Thank you Over Easy. <v Pearl Bailey>And I see you got a few fellas sprinkled out here in the audience. <v Pearl Bailey>You know then, that picture, the Fox and the Hound? <v Pearl Bailey>I tell Mickey Rooney, the Fox, how to get him a girlfriend. <v Pearl Bailey>I'm looking at you gentlemen out here. <v Pearl Bailey>Y'all look so lost. I'm gonna tell you - the baby even cracked up. <v Pearl Bailey>Listen, I'll tell you fellas how to get a girl. <v Pearl Bailey>[Song: Appreciate the Lady] <v Pearl Bailey>I think I make it up as I go.
<v Mary Martin>Honey, I know you do. <v Mary Martin>I just love, love hearing you sing. <v Mary Martin>I cannot tell you what it means to have you on this program. <v Pearl Bailey>This is the drawl, that Texas and Virginia drawl that draws us <v Pearl Bailey>together. Yes. <v Mary Martin>Oh, well, welcome here. Welcome, welcome, welcome. <v Mary Martin>You are just one of our special special guests,. <v Pearl Bailey>- wonderful. <v Jim Hartz>That song was from a movie called The Fox and the Hound -. <v Pearl Bailey>The Fox and the Hound. I'm an owl. <v Mary Martin>You're an owl! <v Pearl Bailey>That's right. So, you know, I had a friend that said once, they <v Pearl Bailey>- you know, it's a shame, they give you these pictures with costumes and all like that. <v Pearl Bailey>Why don't they give you a picture where you have nice clothes? <v Pearl Bailey>You all ?inaudible? <v Pearl Bailey>said, what do you think? Feathers. <v Mary Martin>Well, I think you deserve it. <v Pearl Bailey>My name is Big Mama. <v Mary Martin>Big Mama. And how do you go about portraying an owl? <v Pearl Bailey>I just don't know. You know, I - I got the part <v Pearl Bailey>and ?I'm in? - and it was like cardboard that you put in men's shirts in the laundry,
<v Pearl Bailey>they put the script on. And I just read it. <v Pearl Bailey>Two and a half years. I don't think I'm in it ?over eight? <v Pearl Bailey>times. And I guess they watched me. <v Pearl Bailey>I don't know where they watched me from. <v Pearl Bailey>And it was so wild because they would say in the sound booth, Pearl, you up in the tree. <v Pearl Bailey>Tell the birds down there to behave. <v Pearl Bailey>And I said, Boys, you behave yourself. <v Pearl Bailey>They say, well, you fall out. "Boys, behave, shh shh." <v Pearl Bailey>That's all I've ever done in reading all this that came out this picture. <v Mary Martin>Isn't that wonderful? But you've been very associated with children, haven't you, in the <v Mary Martin>United Nations? <v Pearl Bailey>Oh yes, yes. <v Mary Martin>Haven't you been ?inaudible? - Thank goodness. <v Pearl Bailey>Why are we associated with children all the time? Because of all of the <v Pearl Bailey>grown ups we meet out here. They are too, our children. <v Pearl Bailey>Oh, yes. Yes. <v Jim Hartz>Pearl, you've played for kings, queens, presidents. <v Jim Hartz>You've had a long and distinguished career that, I hope, personally goes on for <v Jim Hartz>longer. But you've also undertaken something recently that fascinates me.
<v Pearl Bailey>What's that? <v Jim Hartz>You've gone back to college. <v Pearl Bailey>Not gone back. I never been in. <v Pearl Bailey>[laughs] No, I always wanted to be a teacher. <v Pearl Bailey>But I guess getting in show business, Mary can tell you that. <v Pearl Bailey>In the show business, you're a teacher, a preacher, a lawyer, healer. <v Pearl Bailey>You become everything. <v Pearl Bailey>And all of a sudden I made a speech, Jim, at Georgetown University, <v Pearl Bailey>they gave me honorary doctorate. <v Pearl Bailey>What did I do, Mary? I kept talking in that speech, I said - really giving it <v Pearl Bailey>to the children - And, one day I might come back! <v Pearl Bailey>Why did I ?inaudible? - I did. <v Pearl Bailey>I went there and I found out now that in all <v Pearl Bailey>the history - and this is the sixth oldest school in the country - I'm the first one who <v Pearl Bailey>ever got an honorary doctorate and went back as a freshman. <v Pearl Bailey>And this year, I'm going to my senior year. <v Mary Martin>Isn't that just - Now, why prepare for a second career when you obviously didn't have to? <v Mary Martin>I mean, this was just this tremendous desire.
<v Pearl Bailey>No, I don't think I'm in favor of a second career. <v Pearl Bailey>I think it's - What, what do we do? <v Pearl Bailey>Look. Look at you. Aren't you enjoying this? <v Mary Martin>Honey, I've had so many careers ?inaudible?- well, all of us. <v Mary Martin>I know Jim has, too. It's a challenge, don't you think? <v Pearl Bailey>?inaudible? There's Jim, young men, and everything. Yes. <v Pearl Bailey>Myself, I would sit here for a few weeks. <v Mary Martin>Oh, that's right, yes. <v Pearl Bailey>You'd be Rip Van Winkle. That's what they would do. <v Pearl Bailey>No, Mary, it was something of learning. <v Pearl Bailey>Always wanting to learn. <v Pearl Bailey>Always on my way to Jerusalem. <v Pearl Bailey>Always going. And finally, I got there. <v Pearl Bailey>I'm just coming back from Jerusalem and Egypt. <v Mary Martin>Really, dear? <v Pearl Bailey>Yes. It's learning and I'll do - What will I do with it? <v Pearl Bailey>It - it - I don't think I do anything for the school, it has enriched me. <v Pearl Bailey>Yes. <v Mary Martin>I think you've done ?inaudible? - thing for the school, too. <v Pearl Bailey>It makes me richer. You see, we - You went to college, yes? <v Mary Martin>Mmhmm, three months? I finished it off ?inaudible? <v Mary Martin>finishing school.
<v Mary Martin>I was very quick on the trigger. <v Pearl Bailey>Well you know, Mary - the thing is, I - you and I - Is it you and I, you and me? <v Pearl Bailey>Georgetown is tough on that. <v Mary Martin>You went to college!. <v Pearl Bailey>I got the I and me mixed up. That - we have that informal <v Pearl Bailey>education and experience of life. <v Pearl Bailey>But now I went back to draw into the formal education. <v Pearl Bailey>I wonder which one I would have taken first if I had thought about it. <v Jim Hartz>I was gonna ask. You said you want to be - always wanted to be a teacher. <v Pearl Bailey>Yes. <v Jim Hartz>Are you gonna end up doing that or? <v Pearl Bailey>No. It's something that is biblical and there's momma and papas teaching. <v Pearl Bailey>You know you know where I'm from, momma and papa. <v Pearl Bailey>That's what you say, too. <v Mary Martin>It's ?daddy,? I call it. <v Pearl Bailey>That if - say, the Bible says <v Pearl Bailey>be also ready. Like mama said, why? <v Pearl Bailey>Why would I wait until something happens to me or I get too tired. <v Pearl Bailey>All of a sudden, I want to do something - Why would I start going to school then? <v Pearl Bailey>When, if it comes, I got it. <v Pearl Bailey>I'm there. I'm ready. I can go and do something with it. <v Mary Martin>A lady gave me something today and I'm gonna give it to you to take home.
<v Pearl Bailey>All right. <v Mary Martin>And it's so sweet. And they're dog tags. <v Mary Martin>But that they're about - <v Pearl Bailey>I'm a dog, I'm an owl! <v Mary Martin>No, you're an owl. It's about medita - ?inaudible? <v Mary Martin>and I want you to have it. <v Pearl Bailey>Oh, oh, I thought you were changing animals. <v Mary Martin>No, no. <v Pearl Bailey>What does it say, Mary? I don't have my glasses. <v Pearl Bailey>What does it say? <v Mary Martin>It says - <v Pearl Bailey>You don't have yours. Give it to Jim. [laughs] <v Jim Hartz>One of them says, "God loves me," and the other one says "We are one." <v Pearl Bailey>Yes. Yes, yes. <v Mary Martin>She wanted you to have it. <v Pearl Bailey>And I will wear them with great love. <v Mary Martin>I know. I know you are a very religious person because you've written so many books. <v Mary Martin>How many books have you written, Pearl? <v Pearl Bailey>Five. <v Mary Martin>Five? <v Pearl Bailey>Five. And I'm thinking about maybe - didn't have - it wasn't on <v Pearl Bailey>my mind until I read something recently, Mary. <v Pearl Bailey>And I'm sure you can understand this. <v Pearl Bailey>I've been reading recently so much of the children of celebrities <v Pearl Bailey>who suddenly complain they don't like them. <v Pearl Bailey>Well, something is terribly wrong with these parents. <v Pearl Bailey>Now, perhaps so. I have two. <v Mary Martin>Mm hmm.
<v Pearl Bailey>And I think that sometimes some children are drawn <v Pearl Bailey>into the life of their parents. <v Pearl Bailey>And some shove themselves in because they think, Mary got this - <v Pearl Bailey>Mary, mama, got this blouse 'cause of the way she is. <v Pearl Bailey>You got that because - you got a Cadillac, because of where you are. <v Speaker>They have to remember that mama also worked pretty hard to get as far as she got. <v Speaker>So something came to me. <v Speaker>Some people say whether you tell fortunes or clairvoyant - it took Georgetown <v Speaker>to me to get to meet 'em - and one day in something was written, <v Speaker>I was reading about someone just ripping apart the parents of the theater <v Speaker>world. And it said, you write something and we gave you the title. <v Speaker>First, I was going to call it Dear Glorious Children. <v Mary Martin>Mm-hmm. <v Pearl Bailey>It said - No. Dear Glorious Understudies. <v Jim Hartz>Mm-hmm. <v Pearl Bailey>My mother, I'm sure, understudied her mother. <v Pearl Bailey>Maybe she wanted to be a great dressmaker. <v Pearl Bailey>Mama ended up a terrific housekeeper. <v Pearl Bailey>I really had to clean the room and do all these things.
<v Pearl Bailey>You know, you really had to do it all. You, too. <v Pearl Bailey>But ?inaudible? want to be a housekeeper. I wanted to be a teacher, or what <v Pearl Bailey>I've become now. <v Mary Martin>But you are all - ?every day of your life.? <v Pearl Bailey>But - Well, yeah, but see, here's where the understudy comes in. <v Pearl Bailey>?inaudible? want to do it. But I didn't dislike her for her obsession with the house. <v Pearl Bailey>I didn't dislike her for that. But I thank God now for it because <v Pearl Bailey>I do keep my dressing room clean. <v Pearl Bailey>I do keep my house clean and I keep ?inaudlbe? <v Pearl Bailey>Well, see, I don't want to be, Jim, what she was. <v Pearl Bailey>I don't dislike her for that. But thank God. <v Pearl Bailey>I take what this woman gave me, and my father, and I have put it into <v Pearl Bailey>the life that I did get out and work hard to be. <v Pearl Bailey>So was not Jesus, in a way, an understudy of God? <v Pearl Bailey>We all have someone to my fault. <v Mary Martin>That's a lovely way of putting it. <v Jim Hartz>We've been talking here with Pearl about what it's like to go back to college. <v Jim Hartz>And her experience is being repeated all over the country.
<v Jim Hartz>In the town of Merced in the Central Valley, California, for example, we met one couple <v Jim Hartz>for whom school has proven to be more than an educational resource. <v Jim Hartz>It's been a source of inspiration for them as well and has enriched their life together. <v Jim Hartz>Their names are ?Hans Harter? And Lydia Martinez. <v Jim Hartz>After a 40 year career as a mortician, Hans tried <v Jim Hartz>retirement, but found it unsatisfying. <v Jim Hartz>He went back to school and add some zest to his life.Lydia dropped out of high school <v Jim Hartz>when she was still a teenager and never went back. <v Jim Hartz>She decided to tackle the classroom to improve both her job skills and her self-image. <v Jim Hartz>The experiences Hans and Lydia have found and satisfied each of their reasons <v Jim Hartz>for becoming students again. <v Lydia Martinez>I quit school when I was 16, but I always felt that I wanted to go back to school. <v Lydia Martinez>It was so much that I was lacking ?inaudible? <v Lydia Martinez>And I knew it, trying to get a job. <v Lydia Martinez>So to me, coming back to school has been just like a dream come true. <v Lydia Martinez>And so it's just filled up my whole life.
<v Hans Harter>When I walk on campus, I just really get my blood coursing because <v Hans Harter>of the academic atmosphere and I couldn't wait to get back into it. <v Hans Harter>So as soon as I retired, I did sign up. <v Hans Harter>And it just really does something for me and <v Hans Harter>it brings you back alive again. <v Hans Harter>One of the experiences you have when you retire is the fact that everything <v Hans Harter>drops away from you. And you have been an assistant manager and a boss, and <v Hans Harter>people look up to you. You have an image. <v Hans Harter>You've been a member of the Kiwanis club. And then all of a sudden you're thrown out to <v Hans Harter>pasture and you're nobody. <v Hans Harter>So getting back into school or even - it sounded good to have one of the <v Hans Harter>kids say, Hi Hans, you know. <v Hans Harter>So that you got your identity back again. <v Lydia Martinez>Well, I'll tell you. With me, it's been a whole - I'm a new person. <v Lydia Martinez>It's - I had really no confidence
<v Lydia Martinez>in myself and I was that we started things and I used to drop them because I <v Lydia Martinez>always felt I was going to fail. <v Lydia Martinez>But since I've had this opportunity to go back to school, I've had - I have so much <v Lydia Martinez>confidence that I am doing things now that I never thought I'd ever do in my <v Lydia Martinez>life. I used to say I can't do that. <v Lydia Martinez>You know, somebody is always smarter than I am, can't do it, but I find that I really can <v Lydia Martinez>do these things. I find that I can do them. <v Lydia Martinez>I really can. <v Hans Harter>That was part of the experience that I had in seeking out art <v Hans Harter>and photography. They were fields that I'd never been in before. <v Hans Harter>And my mother, when she was 83, <v Hans Harter>took up painting and I just thought, oh heck, <v Hans Harter>maybe I can go on the trail, too. <v Hans Harter>So I got out of music, which I knew I could do, and went <v Hans Harter>to the art field. And as Lydia said, it was amazing to find <v Hans Harter>that you could really do something.
<v Hans Harter>Not - not a second Grandma Moses or anything, but <v Hans Harter>you actually could sit down and reproduce something that you saw. <v Hans Harter>And it was a whole new adventure, a whole new field for - and <v Hans Harter>exciting. <v [unknown]>You've done a wonderful job this semester, and I hope that you're going to do at least <v [unknown]>one dozen more this semester. <v Hans Harter>Oh, ?inaudible? <v Hans Harter>I find that I have more difficulty in remembering. <v Hans Harter>I'm slower to learn. <v Hans Harter>And my memory is really give me a little problem. <v Hans Harter>It is really a lot more difficult. And I remember when I could just pick this stuff up <v Hans Harter>like that, but it's still exciting, you know. <v Hans Harter>And then you don't have to learn. You can always back away and say, look, I'm <v Hans Harter>on a vacation, an extended vacation. <v Hans Harter>I'm retired. But there is a challenge and you would like to meet it. <v Hans Harter>I was a little concerned about how I would fit in, how I would be <v Hans Harter>accepted by young people.
<v Hans Harter>Which you naturally are. But I also needed - I knew that <v Hans Harter>coming out of this very structured situation that I was going <v Hans Harter>to have to have something to structure my life when I retired and. <v Hans Harter>It just seemed to me that this was the place that I would find the structuring <v Hans Harter>so that it came sort of as a relief rather than as a fear of <v Hans Harter>what was going to happen. <v Lydia Martinez>I was scared. You know, I really was. <v Lydia Martinez>I. <v Lydia Martinez>I signed up about two months before school started in July and school started <v Lydia Martinez>in September, and I really didn't know what I had gotten into, but <v Lydia Martinez>I knew this is what I wanted. And if it hadn't been for the women's center there at the <v Lydia Martinez>college, I don't think I would have stayed because they made it - They <v Lydia Martinez>didn't hold your hand, but they <v Lydia Martinez>made it easy for you to come back to school. <v Lydia Martinez>That this is what they're geared for, for the reentry of women.
<v Lydia Martinez>Going to school has really focused <v Lydia Martinez>my interest in the shelter for battered women. <v Speaker>The second year that I was at school, I started with a psychology class - in psychology, <v Speaker>one day. And I've always been interested in people. <v Speaker>And through school, I could get work-study, so I applied <v Speaker>to the shelter. <v Speaker>I've had two go's at marriage and it didn't work out. <v Speaker>And that's why I find it sort of a kinship with the women <v Speaker>at the shelter because I know what you're going through. <v Lydia Martinez>We're strong. We just need a little help. <v Lydia Martinez>?inaudible? Exactly. <v Lydia Martinez>One of the nice things about being at the shelter is that Hans does the yard work. <v Lydia Martinez>And this is another skill that he learned <v Lydia Martinez>as if we've been living together. <v Hans Harter>I supplement my income anyway by doing yard work. <v Hans Harter>And so I thought, you know, here's sort of a chance to work along
<v Hans Harter>with Lydia and we can be over there together and enjoy the same <v Hans Harter>thing. <v Hans Harter>Both Lydia and I are divorced. <v Hans Harter>Lydia has five children. <v Hans Harter>And I have four children. <v Hans Harter>We've only lived together about three years. <v Hans Harter>Probably one of the reasons we didn't get married. <v Hans Harter>There are a lot of reasons. I mean, some of them are financial. <v Hans Harter>One of them, Lydia, feels completely free because the money she's making is hers <v Hans Harter>and she's not running on my money. <v Hans Harter>Another reason that we don't get married is because when you get that contract, fine. <v Hans Harter>It means that I have possession of you. <v Hans Harter>No longer are you a free body. <v Hans Harter>And we just didn't want to ?inaudible? <v Hans Harter>What we had. And it has been great. <v Hans Harter>That is perfect. <v Lydia Martinez>The commitment that Hans and I have with this arrangement is so much more than what I had <v Lydia Martinez>in my marriage. Everybody tells you, well, you know, you have
<v Lydia Martinez>security. <v Lydia Martinez>To me, you don't get security from marriage. <v Lydia Martinez>Your security is yourself. At first I was afraid that - that <v Lydia Martinez>Hans would be - that I would be taken over again by <v Lydia Martinez>another dominant man, and that was one of my greatest fears, is that I was sort of <v Lydia Martinez>clinging vine type, you know - whatever you say or something. <v Lydia Martinez>But knowing that I have - I have this confidence in going back to school that I can <v Lydia Martinez>do these things, I can learn, I - I feel free to <v Lydia Martinez>say, no, I don't like that. <v Lydia Martinez>No, I don't want to. <v Hans Harter>I sometimes feel that people my age, <v Hans Harter>elderly people, quote unquote, feel that we're playing kids, <v Hans Harter>you know, and smart Alecs, trying to be youngsters and not admit <v Hans Harter>gracefully that they're growing old. <v Hans Harter>And sometimes I think of this and worry a little bit about it, and then I said, well,
<v Hans Harter>this is ?inaudible?, you know, this is the way I feel. <v Hans Harter>If they feel that way about me, that's their problem, not mine. <v Hans Harter>Because I'm not role playing. <v Hans Harter>This - This is who I am, and this is the way I feel about it. <v Hans Harter>And so I'm going to enjoy it. <v Hans Harter>I think part of the thing that is enhancing in our lives is the fact that <v Hans Harter>we always find wonderment in little things. <v Hans Harter>It doesn't take the whole world. <v Hans Harter>?inaudible? <v Hans Harter>I sort of get emotional about it because it's a beautiful thing to me. <v Hans Harter>But wonderment, I think is the key to where you're going. <v Hans Harter>And Lydia shares even in the smallest things that we find. <v Lydia Martinez>I remember all the years that I stayed indoors. <v Lydia Martinez>I stayed just locked in, taking care of family and I just <v Lydia Martinez>won't allow one day to go by that we don't do what we want to do today. <v Lydia Martinez>This is how we live every day. <v Lydia Martinez>Oh, you can go on forever learning. There is always something.
<v Lydia Martinez>Every day there's something new. I've found that every day I learn something. <v Lydia Martinez>I don't care how little a thing it is. <v Lydia Martinez>I've learned something new. And this can go on the rest of my life. <v Jim Hartz> Hand and Lydia are with us here today, we're glad to have you. <v Jim Hartz>It's wonderful. <v Mary Martin>A beautiful story. Really, truly lovely that you found each other in front of me. <v Jim Hartz>Yes. Do you recommend what you've done to other people your age <v Jim Hartz>going back to school? <v Pearl Bailey>Yes. I was just listening to them. <v Pearl Bailey>And my goodness graciou. <v Pearl Bailey>You do get that feeling of - of being out there. <v Pearl Bailey>I think I understand my children better since I went to school. <v Pearl Bailey>And what do we do? We run around the house all day and grab, you know. <v Pearl Bailey>The husband is there. So this didn't happen. <v Pearl Bailey>I say to any woman, I don't care, fifty sixty - man, too - Get
<v Pearl Bailey>out there. Now, I don't care if you take but one subject. <v Pearl Bailey>Get out there and walk that campus, community college, or <v Pearl Bailey>whatever. I go to one of the biggest, you understand. <v Pearl Bailey>But yeah, they live. <v Pearl Bailey>I understood everything they were saying. They are living. Now, they are living. <v Mary Martin>I think it's just - <v Jim Hartz>One final question. How did - how did going to Georgetown, living in Washington, D.C., <v Jim Hartz>fit in with all of your other commitments, your films, your book - <v Mary Martin>And your children - <v Jim Hartz>And your husband, Louis lives in - <v Pearl Bailey>Well, Louis, comes in, you know - whenever he's <v Pearl Bailey>off, he comes in. And this summer, I take jobs and pay tuition. <v Pearl Bailey>They raised it twice. <v Pearl Bailey>And my rent. You see? <v Pearl Bailey>Yeah, but it fits in because I take jobs on my breaks <v Pearl Bailey>of school, you know? <v Jim Hartz>Pearl, you've been such a wonderful inspiration. I want to thank you for being with us. <v Pearl Bailey>?inaudible? Inspired me. I went back. <v Jim Hartz>Before you go, would you sing one more song? <v Pearl Bailey>You're begging again, aren't, you Jim?
<v Jim Hartz>Yes. <v Mary Martin>On bended knee. <v Pearl Bailey>But with one - One thing. I'm begging if Mary would sing with me. <v Mary Martin>I'll try! <v Mary Martin>This song is from your picture, isn't it, where you're the owl? <v Pearl Bailey>It is. And it has to do with us, too. <v Pearl Bailey>We are good friends. <v Mary Martin>And you sent me the music and I haven't even had time to even work too mu - <v Pearl Bailey>I did the picture, and I don't know anymore than you. <v Mary Martin>But anyway, I love it. <v Mary Martin>I love the idea. So let's try it. <v Pearl Bailey>Well, why not? Because you know how long we've been friends? <v Pearl Bailey>An awful long time. <v Mary Martin>30 some odd years. <v Pearl Bailey>Why would you bring that up, Mary? <v Mary Martin>Well, I don't care. I couldn't care less. <v Pearl Bailey>?inaudible? We'll get into this. <v Pearl Bailey>This is really two friends. <v Pearl Bailey>It fits us. <v Mary Martin>It does, my dear. <v Pearl Bailey>My dear Mary. <v Pearl Bailey>[Song: "Best of Friends" by Pearl Bailey] <v Mary Martin>Best of friends, ?inaudible? I love you.
<v Mary Martin>Can you come back? I'll learn the song. <v Pearl Bailey>I promise you, I will too. We'll do a softshoe, too. <v Mary Martin>Oh, we can do that. <v Pearl Bailey>We're the best of friends... <v Mary Martin>There's not anything we both don't know about rhythm. <v Pearl Bailey>Well, we both came from vaudeville. <v Jim Hartz>Thank you so much. <v Pearl Bailey>Oh, Jim. <v Jim Hartz>You better come back. Thank you all for being here with us. <v Jim Hartz>Hans, Lydia. And thank you for being with us. <v Jim Hartz>So long from Over Easy. <v Speaker>Funding for this program was provided by ?Public Television?
<v Speaker>Stations, Sun Company Inc., and Colonial Penn Insurance Group.
- Series
- Over Easy
- Episode Number
- 5001
- Contributing Organization
- KQED (San Francisco, California)
- The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia (Athens, Georgia)
- cpb-aacip/55-8380h864
If you have more information about this item than what is given here, or if you have concerns about this record, we want to know! Contact us, indicating the AAPB ID (cpb-aacip/55-8380h864).
- Description
- Episode Description
- Pearl Bailey?returning to school
- Series Description
- Over Easy is a daily magazine hosted by Hugh Downs and featuring segments about aging and other topics of interest to older people.
- Broadcast Date
- 1980-01-01
- Asset type
- Episode
- Genres
- Magazine
- Topics
- Local Communities
- Media type
- Moving Image
- Duration
- 00:29:07
- Credits
Release Agent: KQED
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
Identifier: OE5001;21650 (KQED AAP)
Format: U-matic
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:30:00
The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the
University of Georgia
Identifier: 81054pst-arch (Peabody Object Identifier)
Format: U-matic
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Over Easy; 5001,” 1980-01-01, KQED, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed January 22, 2025, http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-55-8380h864.
- MLA: “Over Easy; 5001.” 1980-01-01. KQED, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. January 22, 2025. <http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-55-8380h864>.
- APA: Over Easy; 5001. Boston, MA: KQED, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives & Peabody Awards Collection at the University of Georgia, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from http://americanarchive.org/catalog/cpb-aacip-55-8380h864