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a brief introduction to the john birch society and a speech delivered by robert welch head of the john birch society of the formal form in boston now here is robert welch not my assignment in my twenties i don't need to try to tell you in it for that we can of the matter is all about the bike on methods and purposes of the john birch society is as a job which normally requires two old ladies in fact a great deal of our present leadership around the country comes from several hundred outstanding business and professional men many of them nationally prominent mama and all of them on a respected who have been kind enough to listen with them a port to strike their use in about their day wartell but now the voting required meetings of selected gets invited for the privilege you can readily see the wildly noted difficult we do at once the impossible or thirty minutes of modernist art the john birch society was founded in indianapolis only someone nine
nineteen fifty eight why the eleventh grade americans human and approachable to the meetings too which i referred to a moment ago was eleven men are a growing numbers of outcome which is the governing body of the week informally limited to thirty men it has twenty seven members today which is the highest number you have reached and it has been remarked by many wild animals as well as plants that it would be almost but the governor in one group a more imposing much of leaders in the american conservative movement john laird says it operates largely through local shoppers usually on the brink and in twenty members each really being patriotic romantic ominous is not a sufficient qualification for membership because of all the basic objective dish which will be explained privately as well as time permits we must have associated with us now and in the future only men and women of goodwill good
conscience and religious ideals or we are striving to set an example by dedication integrity and purpose in word handy which are what children's children with or without hesitation it is this character oh ok and caliber of our membership which still amazes everybody on first learning the truth having heard about us mainly from distorted reports and so much of a personally am senator barry goldwater i understand it recently and walkin although he sometimes criticizes me personally has repeatedly stated that the finest people he knows in his state of arizona are members of the john birch society and we could find u lloyd wright just finished running for the senate in california said identical the same thing the former president american bar association said the same thing about the members of the society and the state of california we can find you plenty of other more highly respected american
it is a member of the building into one group a body of mourning good for responsible solutions marie curie so a constituency that was true because these nodes few months all by keep adjusting them every time i make a speech as a good day there are still a few states in the union and which we have not yet even begun and the organizing effort robin we know how one chapter and maybe possibly even have one chapter know in the last day and i might add that we have a chapter in my obit which now we have from one chapter to over three hundred
chapters in each which maintained contact with its members only by maria no members of this whole chapter in every state and the role of a few thousand includes some of the most influential men and women in our country well so many of our new members first come into the society of members of local chapter and are then transferred into local chapters which they themselves helped inform on their truck formed by others in their community taking the lead in establishing chapters and for the supervision and guidance needed to keep them functioning most effectively we have solar and statman code coordinators we also have many heroes men and women either retired or with other jobs who devote large parts of their time and energy saving the john birch society as a volunteer coordinator is we now have several major coordinators supervising these activities we shall be editing for the
coordinators and major coordinators an otherwise increasing our organizational strength from the bottom up as rapidly as we can afford it and to whatever extent it seems wise to do so in fact we have three new court and that is being announced in our a little more prominent in their respective states and one of the larger probably refer to later sued if neither the list of other members of the local chapters of a home shoppers navigate about anybody this is of course the only basis for all of the descriptive phrases calling us a secret are a semi secret society actually it is perfectly normal and customer with regard to organizations of almost every kind of american life if you don't believe it just try to get the dr for the association of american physicians and surgeons are practically any of the fraternal organizations to give you a list of them members of the new committee members they don't offer that matter a lot of other organizations
are more wonderful such as the aclu and the naacp the last pirate the naacp were still be buying a court order requiring them to give exactly that information in one state where they operate and also because in that situation aren't counting on the side of the naacp now there is an interesting angle for this secrecy charge we are not we are not going to disagree and although the city we have heard has literally been thrust upon us well the first weekend months only society's existence we were going quietly about our business for many years without a net and where i'm putting people to work for the games in which we believe there were several very credible articles published about us hear and then allen them from the very beginning and why we didn't see these complement three notices we never tried to avoid that
but the left wing and the press were paid no attention so all of a sudden you're going to wake up to discover that there was such a national organization as the john birch society which already a moment that something they did not do their own shopping and they started doing the republicans saying what immediately began to show society being sicker and simultaneously the talking to them that they could convert this form of ignorance on their part into a benefit by using the charge of secrecy as a weapon to hamas and they kept on using the description moral force of habit even after it's silliness has been recognized by everyone just how ridiculous the tribe of secrecy really has become apart from the facts are low comprehensive presentation of the background muffins and purposes of the society to support of about two
hundred pages which anybody in the country can buy without the slightest problem which involves activities all planned for other members in a moment but things which are not only attainable by anybody but which for some more consecutive months unless we ourselves sell regularly and three every newspaper in the united states and we will stop doing so only because they can't just too great from what it was when i made it clear that any newspaper in the united states could have a copy of any moment that merely by asking or they didn't want to ask or we were not going to the huge expense to be sending them out why anybody who really cares can easily arranged to hear our tape recordings are still presentation at one best you're our switchboard and all of the markets we have a big publication of the society in new ios and people we never saw before and never expect to see you again comment by different
items from our switchboard operator weeklong anybody has to remember the order any of the same material by mail from anywhere in the united states john grisham judge ruled in particular group inc we even how will repent replenish special packet require dollars region what we might really american opinion and samples of our other collectors are sometimes hesitate to say don't like a song like i'm working my way through college selling all publications but i didn't want to make it clear that every single thing we have available in the middle of a very complex war but to return let me say that actually we regularly report to our members and hence to the public than do most other organizations even remotely in the same
category salonga you already had pledged to make roger published in our new summer building last year because that mark the third anniversary of the founding of the society i'll bring it up that they can tell you that we know how about thirty eight when neighbors in the eu while disarming and expenses we know that joel rose reports the court ruled that a secretary of the koran the country for all major chord our growth has been very solid as their show look like that throughout all nineteen sixty one under the incredibly intensive and extensive abuse for which we were subjected about the resignations amount you wanted to or three percent of our membership and we average getting that many new numbers every week during nineteen sixty eight you know i'm sorry to say that is
not the situation has not been that many more members and proportion nature of the attack but we're still being for more time and kept right on going in both strength and numbers like three sixty two and have a snow in new membership a new chapters and increase speed of the present time in the years to come we're surely million members which is one of the great young men in america john roche was a christian missionary from a long a macon georgia who was in china when we go to when we entered world war two his heroism accomplishments and nobility of character what to make of him a legend which the communists could
not allow the low on july four nineteen forty two john roche officially joined john roche in those forces and chongqing as a volunteer he organized show notes intelligence service rose to the right to happen in the united states army i'm served with unsurpassable bribery and he was frequently referred to by both his associates and some areas as the most important single man in russia's struggling against the japanese and chinese ten days after bj day larkin uniform on a peaceful and a special mission apollo government was brutally murdered by our allies the chinese communists this was on august twentieth nineteen forty five became probably the first american casualty in the third world war would drain the commonest and become a slinking free world
which is still being waged against just seventeen years later a relentless war which there is no end in sight now you have probably never heard of john birch before our society came into the limelight this is simply because of the commonest in washington planned it that way new investment it took my nose up or shut up and the common app or on the part of his plans he aided by some of the moment and many of the good which eventually gradually lightened up by communist sympathizers in our government and my hand his parents journalism at the result of five years of very hard work on their part and so the moment are notably quiet he'd accumulated in helping the saturday evening pointed out in a long
editorial on january twenty second making they fire based on my small boat the life of john birch well amazingly there were in washington response of the question the murder of an american to prevent the american people from writing filling for the appeasement of communism unquote was killed like typical commonest tactics as a sort of typical common a strategy in a typical commonest bio a continuous undeclared war in which our enemies observe no rules of international law of civilization our of human decency recommended his impact would have been up trying to memory and comparatively small importance not bad impact occurred at a time in a way
to supply particulars from which momentous generalizations can properly be projected with his death in his death the battle lines were drawn in a strong growth from which you're the dominoes them all up western style civilization must emerge with one completely clear one and the other completely destroyed little possibility because of the commonest will not allow in the middle of possibility for these reasons but even more because john birch in all of his shock of spending or rail so to provide the best of america we have named we've had nineteen organization organization in his memory if we're really discover some of our love song our spiritual values and the example of his life we challenge our determination from the start of his courage and leave and learn essential
truths about our enemy from the lesson of his murder them has got the twenty six ceases to be a tragedy and i felt like it could not have accomplished mall next to our purposes the john birch society is a group of americans in libya drawing together to combat more actively the cable forces which now threaten our country our lives and our civilization to all citizens to start pulling out of the deepening morass of collectivism and then climb up the mountain to high levels of individual freedom and responsibility than man has ever achieved before terrain restore with brighter last to run deeper
conviction they inspired morality the spiritual sense of values and aspirations on which all of western civilization has been built a long range objective of the society has been summarized government more responsibility we are digging into the problems we will and building for more solidly in a more coordinated effort to overcome the destructive forces around the us then and indicated by that read a line of other purposes that's given you and the more complete presentation at and the blue book orange beach we have attempted well you outlined the nature and the frightening advance all the threats against the island nation of religion all religions and i was a violation joke to evaluate these dangers and placed them in their proper perspective
against the backdrop of world history and the rise of western civilization free to set a positive philosophy which men of good will religious ideals are inhumane conditions may rally with confidence and determination for two opera leadership which come at the dedication of such minimum and more constructive and more who am i simply to describe in detail the organization function and procedures of the john birch society of the communist conspiracy overshadows all other objectives at the present time our action future break down into one category one dissemination of american history books and pamphlets as widely as possible in the bill but which might like what we mean by american us i am
and growing increasingly sharp emotions and radio show american as he framed and large in the audience is on american as commentators and music of those on radio and television for making more epic a newish film better planning direction and coordination of the weapon of nairobi and fiery organizing the modicum of progress for medical purposes including the widespread use of the patients and some instances that one our whole harbor people or a bus and they're like accountants and so the jump on us because they say that we use once the same as they do it right is the gunman there's nothing wrong with it is a global market customer to and health committee in which you get people to work in working together but one specific course you probably don't agree with each other about anything else on earth when we started our
committee against some unkind almost drive to keep pushing up from governor will be so close that i don't know many more severe could have been huge in lyons and coming on his visit about a worse i'd not to support the cause was from eugene lions play what i mean by a committee would you get people working alone one of the house so i go back to that category of awkward is organizing the market for one hundred different purposes including the winds produce occupations in some instances six lighting up the american people to the seriousness of all in danger of a possible the pro communist activities of communist sympathizers shovel making it more difficult for hundreds of pro communist makers to appear before thousands of unsuspecting audience's least some identification as to the
slap and back row it making a mark in the speakers of a local audiences which are now simply by them i see a pro communist lectures nine encouragement and renewed hope and determination can actually commoners record the groups throughout our country and then carrying on an educational program on diplomatic showdown numbers will understand better and can help their fellow citizens to understand better the issues and ended up under them by political parties we already engaged in all but one or two of these images of activity and we shall expand all airports and all of them at him on them as rapidly as we can now of course these airports is the massive anger and abuse of the commonest and about outliers citizens will and in
doing that work there are some things about the john birch society which is there but even widened the commonest very much worse in la plaza comparatively small size we have been able to exert some visible influence as a break on how common this moves and measures second in our primary task of getting books in companies switched out there for the public to write that morgan american citizens that what is really happening we have been going and increasingly affecting job since we agree that it is but the light one candle and to curse the darkness we brought out a year ago in france twelve of what we call the sugar books of the past twenty five years and the awkwardness main lawyer james brennan
eric reidy we run really been happening and we opened the program and the governor as they sat alone one doesn't it's going to be summer long live here we've sold approximately ten thousand sets of these books we're still selling along with a lot of others and we're sending them our friends give us the money to be sold college educations sizable quantities and the commonest don't like it there's nothing they appear so much as the truth thank you it is perfectly obvious that if we can keep on growing exactly as we are until we have as many members throughout the country as they now are consonants we shall be able to route the old
communist conspiracy because of having to morality american tradition and the vast bulk of the american people they really been worried that the commonest is that because of all organizational structure they have not been able to get inside the john birch society and such monitor and to a certain extent in the actions that it was its purposes and brought it down in internal disputes as they do almost all other ethnic groups now we're probably going to have a structure described as monolithic a monolith ladies and gentleman has appointed prime bottle of numbers although i knew members immediately find out that's right we repeatedly reminded noted do anything recommended by our society anyway if it is contrary to their own judgments our conscience
says they also know that we're fighting for the preservation restoration and gradual improvement of the american republic and that a structure designed welded protection of a completely voluntary association like the john birch society from which any member can resign and in that time nothing of those structures of government from which nobody can resign was a case if you could move to another country that's getting even harder but the commonest over this for an organizational structure of our laws which they cannot get air which gives us an assurance of prominence and i mean it's strange that other anti communist organizations do not have slowly rant and rave about terry and body and with commoners tactics they accuse us of exotic things they themselves are going to be which we most assuredly are not well the poems
could be summed up very neatly in just one point which you might keep in mind whenever you hear somebody using the john birch society as being like the communists the point is that he agreed to do but a member of the john birch society disagrees repeatedly and not been consistently end up with a majority of the things we asked him to do we give him his money back beginning in nineteen sixty one the commonest and their sympathizers and troops launched against us and attack which reached and expansiveness have probably never been in them as the senate by issued by the senate internal security subcommittee show the communists have been making the john birch society about the main brunt moscow direct the reviews
from a nineteen sixty eight that epic prominent groups had destroyed the same brooklyn emphasize some parts of the supply convoys have not been equaled anywhere in the nineteen thirties shibata white women corrected at the way the last region of survival depends on white light by that state no no all three percent of the population over the other ninety seven percent which they repeatedly do and less likely to invite more anti communist leaders of the other ninety seven percent into unwittingly doing their dirty work for them police actively appealing to have immigration in human character from sort of selfishness to practical politics to misguided idealism the guy owed a lot of out of the mountains and deep into attacking us too i
have just a little more like an anti communist forces into quite a bit of snarling conclusion which shows promised weapons as well and it's so widely necessary to their success we as well as we possibly current and we showed people and doing all we can to minimize the friction and bring about greater cooperation and understanding among anti communist groups and leaders but the promised land of course is to destroy each of us one by one and the parma an honest with which the prime minister continued to ride and a spot on the supply on ourselves through their official publications people's role in san francisco a problem for communities that human in moscow congress the moscow has shown promise publication in the united states is that walker published in new york in which the line is laid down publicly and during the last six months of nineteen sixty one there was only one one
issue of us weekly the worker which did not contain an attack somewhere in its pages on the john birch society and a number of issues contained as many as six or seven separate attacks on us about many different places and of course all of those american publications time not the new york times and a hundred others switch whatever reason she the commonest line lockout the commonest line against the john birch society where the results are amazing now the point of my talk as vanessa concise and convinced as i could make it because it is almost exactly the same speech which are delivered to the executive club in chicago the commonwealth club in san francisco and several other audiences where michael time was limited to thirty minutes but tonight i like approximately one out of the body of my speech and save the
rest of the available time for questions and answers some of that remains of an hour i should like to bring out some of the savior points about right for opposing the commonest is no problem or most urgent than most important it is strange that may seem to an incident tomorrow a positive long range purposes and we get into this fight with the communists simply doesn't prerequisite no legal despite or that you're not really one another marine mammals are as i say we get into this fight with a common this as a prerequisite for other main undertaking we are obliged to place the communist leaders in germany along with derision we are directly opposed even
on the oh our basic aim is less government and more individual responsibility the communists are working overtime unless individual responsibility shachtman on a practical level economists are walking by millions including conspiratorial means of every kind of a hand that germany on the rush the rush and unless we can stop that advance and turn back the conspirators we do not have any chance of advancing our own possibly by persuasion are betting on without a role in constructive approach our topic today in fact our whole civilization is an eye condition quite some amount of that of a man with a huge burden on his body the brunt of course is common as that is not only very
painful and not only a poem out the best among the not going to become really dangerous maybe they're sleeping the boy badly needs to be less than train them clean them bottled body cleansed internally and externally of explosions but until this is done there is no real chance of restoring the body god help them functional a patience now that rate look at what i have no quarrel with comments by this i mean not ultimate in the future but ultimately end up a lot in the sense of reaching down and ultimate on the mountains and to show how the business reports i want to know about the nineteen fifty one to a passage in my little book the life of john barge which was written in that yard and published in nineteen fifty two near the end of the book i wrote the last and most important of a palace article and spiritual conflicts
between christianity and communism which michelle discuss here is the communists believe that the end justifies the means and the christian conviction that this is one of sydney's most tempting lives now i see in the government in tripoli here that the us passenger kurt occurred in the bike of a fundamentalist christian missionary so i was automatically writing about a christian convictions but let me assure you know my belief ladies and gentlemen the longest point exactly the same thing holds true with regard to judaism mormonism buddhism or any of other great historical ignorance are you for no religion worthy of the name a name but no civilization worth fighting on buying them possibly accept the monstrous proposition that the ends justify means a robot reporting from the
youtube or go read this mr nyman including like john birch lebanon analysis firm foundation of iraq prominent russian immigration and the argument is tied to dunbar which not only through his holding a believed contrary to the commonest doctrine but by his being a victim of that doctrine in its actual implementation none of us knows the muslim none of us knows beyond question that a socialist or communist organizational society such as the commonest desire our plane to desire would not be alone and our sound reasons in historical experience in the sup reasoning and interactive integration our guide to the pursuit of happiness russia where i work i'm for a conviction and
encourage what we're willing to deny ourselves that play ian buchanan which we can become so and the comments we are willing to grant that conceivably they could be running with ominous and the socialist allies would be and they'll walk on persuasion rather than coercion on its presentation of their arguments and friends rather than opportunistic than an opportunistic crimes of a miniature to advance their cause they should have no right no reason to condemn them and then for instance who founded the intercollegiate socialist society in nineteen hundred and that we're not criminals or staunch on the contrary they were shoved him ideologically motivated by the military oh you're welcome join the commonest
criminal conspiracy or at least began to condone the use of any means to bring about a socialist society oh really for many years many of these liberal ideas even those who claim that they think ominous lines like that caused an automobile driving by the rangers reportedly the end well the dirty tactics up the murder of the commonest themselves whenever they thought that communists were advancing the cause of socialism for condoning such tactics they deserve our compound or running an appearance for such tactics they deserve a couple investigations for accurate or dissipating and such tactics they deserve to be prosecuted with energy injustice according to our civilized well forty one good and do not just a quiet farming used to determine which injured that i'm innocent and then whole civilization the best home win bungling
human race has yet arrived has been the principle that the individual animal mostly limited by law in the marines chosen to achieve its own naval the cavernous travelers now the panel's top republican greg socialists have any such a kind of cliche case the right and we are wrong and justified by a reversion to barbarism to establish a bizarre form of social organization now we have emphasized this principle at the end does not justify the means as a cardinal tenets of the john birch society from the day it was found and we think there is nothing more recklessly and maliciously and where in all of the smears against those friendly demo but it also means that we don't like the commonest in all americans the commonest use lies murder treason seduction blasphemy and every
known recent crime without hesitation to accomplish their end and whenever you find the john birch society accused of using any crimes are voices politics ends you can be absolutely sure that one of the polling is the real true one of the report is simply a partial what the action is described not one member of the members it didn't live up to the teachings of the society all three the circumstances have been destroyed and so is the boardwalk was born in an airport like the actions were performed by commonest the program has a job a rocket fire for the specific purpose of using them just barely society the swedes are so the one of the most rocking of our listeners because it is so remember someone drew some unjustified and intended to be so harmful
all right what might what much the charges are more likely to have that cleverly worded insinuations so prominently on fire is that not only are they control over the foundation in fact that really no muscle or to keep them from having any foundation even an appearance it would be easy to give you plenty of examples of this fact bush but there's no need of belaboring the point because i can summarize the homeowner in one shot i was born and raised in an america in which anyone really friendly attitude of understanding as between all races creeds and colors was simply taken for granted and despite everything the prime minister and the troops and misguided allies have done to stop racial and religion religious bitterness in our country which was so valuable as they have an emotional
for their own various purposes i have never seen any reason to change all the basic attitudes and beliefs in the slaves in fact and a lot of it john roberts the nation's about human beings based on religious right during the economic cost implications our only on some protestants and bad protestants catholics and bad catholics jews and that juice read which lead rich people people and bad for people that negroes and bad neighbors every category there is every shade of character in between them am i believe in the history is it an accurate generalizations concerning a huge antenna defined
well not to apply those nations from showing a huge employer to define category to the individuals with him my pleasure on the contrary thank you otherwise they'd show up with regard to the common as joan jett an individual by history of racial origin our class are given by generalizations with regard to any huge body to which he belongs is utterly unrealistic and even know when we were completely in the john birch society striking illustrations rich or they should
require a lot of reasons i should like to experiment just a bit here are the big comments already made concerning the nature and expendable i do they were doing barter one of the commonest are themes oates the calmness and miles an enormous impact on us just a few words about the former are commonly use and what the sequence and timing of the church as it always is with regard to everything that promise you started in chicago and in a new an american journalist week of august nineteen sixty eight with the republican national convention the
leaders i would say and not plant biomass probably promised buses america or advantage of the episode as we can ignore that second homes the mascot directive that we referred to above in the summer nineteen sixty hmm a very important part of the problem for sixty one an impact on us as a result of that the records started in nineteen sixty one new team in the beginning of those attacks was a special investigations we showed we welcomed and one local official investigations so that they will be infected not the militia that follow the mostly bare and expensive a fact we have placed on charges of anti semitism we brought us right out into the open a long article article nineteen sixty one book rebecca the next
james sparked by gas many a patient thomas publications in this country was that we looked on our vote actually the dominant coral an alliance between big business and high ranking military officers general reactionary spring snow articles and it certainly goes against us from valley high as well as ordinary workers on during the fall and the constant stream of articles in the american communist press certainly help to stimulate and increase but these attacks and their borders but we survived the vote campaign and kept on going through then there are new collectors at the saint west was the impact on us really getting underway at the end of nineteen sixty one in the moscow bus there's a touch seem to be not so much to sell a specific line for paxil as everywhere else in the world has to emphasize the importance of snow and ice and destroy it
you're a minimalist driven important we got a week and month after month in long articles in your pocket beyond the value and many more the past got the national press the team john birch society really was a very serious danger to the calmness and whatever was necessary had to be done about it and was supported by it glows in the sunlight grass and income in his publications we published in some openness professionally made translations of some of these articles for instance in the summer nineteen sixty one says from that doesn't it the candidates quickly in zagreb yugoslavia and what this translation which ones were the pages we published the original and
a picture of me in a twenty one associated press uses of that day there's one in a large nineteen sixty eight voters you're from the january eleventh if you were to do if you have problems of gender and evan it sifted through that area with a lot of those business will that mean for about three thousand words we agree with three thousand words it was foreign land of the long article in the february seven issue a problem that's one showing a lot of robbery and you're over the prospect that we might organize what they call international
in the may nineteen and we have had the money and resources the time the violence in late may nineteen sixty eight willis to liberate dozens of articles in the book when you know there's one other big the time thank you ladies and a devoted much praise and attention to us and to emphasize in ireland entered of the commoners that any other nongovernmental opponent may have changed in the forty years since the ussr was sprung up six the second the second factor i mentioned in the picture was the means chosen in the united states for doing something about this moscow all along and that mismatch which
got underway in the summer nineteen sixty one when a certain important and influential conservative confided to three good friends of those who were also good friends of mine that he was going to destroy the john birch society well the theme that actually the society was all right and the building was necessary it was to get rid of rob whoa now not because of my abilities i can assure you it would say only because of jewish society and ibm to reach my resignation at that time would have been considered as a betrayal by thousands of almost dedicated numbers and whether you have wrecked the society completely are resulted in its sinking into a frustrated statement what
innocuous desperately behind this campaign yet many americans heard very able and ready or chaotic americans were beguiled into giving their support to the campaign because they simply did not have sufficient understanding of the way to moscow and the commonest work america nevertheless the campaign was a bone growing and bolstering the numbers were not as rapidly as we're like twelve and by the end of march it was evident that the campaign would not destroy the society not unlike moscow happy so a new attack on a whole new thing was well no they promised land in nineteen sixty to shut that
their attack to a new thing there's where the old reverse of that but the john birch society because about extremism was really helping the comments and we are probably coming as a communist sympathizers ago in nineteen sixty two if they even allow one week article to this effect in literature night a desert to use it would be to their agents in america as something to grow and for such heinous crimes of george ranger in fashion and incorporate into his vicious with distorted article about us in the past and how just how silly just jostling quoting this night is a now use his translation literary does that does most of the economist magazine literary visit is in this election and that shown by the fact that as recently as inefficient twenty second nineteen sixty two were only six weeks before the article mr frazier cool to
visit actor us in a long and viola player and has one of the most prominent neo fascist reasons that there is in the worldwide network all go i can't actually commoners organizations just does not stop the same kind of horse radish with the regime put in his article from spreading all over the country and being spread by all kinds of people many of them about it and then ever since this campaign and this game got underway last night actually doesn't own a problem is a very simple one on both sides we have developed a new kind of opposition which the congress is our structure in the dedication of our members and our long range basic in many ways in a combination we have developed a new
kind of opposition which the economists have not faced before in any of the countries that have taken on the other side the commonest influences column ask me do you have information to the public except that's john which we and our friends could reach ourselves from wanting anything about the society except that olson's and distortions and snooze which the communist influences in control and i'm sure with less than three percent of oppression and actually commoners exercising that in an all white well as of its subsidiary subsidiary one of subtraction and destruction of news by the press that meanders speech of his former coordinator broader questions and answers by writing you a new use released to the press only yesterday and you might know with only had did not appear in the
world this was released yesterday in salt lake city by ridley benson pressure is setting up the rivers and read and read and benson shawna benson fleming united states secretary of agriculture and one of the leaders of the mormon church was appointed to date as william powell coordinator of the john birch society mr benson any formal released at apple more than a you know i can actually get it down it's true has been studying us investigating us toronto's very diligently for more than a year an investigation i believe the society as the most effective non religious organization devoted to the preservation and promotion of american constitutional freedom and the explosion and the leader of the socialist communist enemy within i have purchased and read all the publications
mr roach and members of his staff and risen to their headquarters across the country it upon their members rather serving in congress are exposing by some estimates to be among the most outstanding dedicated and well informed citizens in their communities the john birch society buttons containing suggested education action for the chapters that individual members have had a concerted constructive national impact on a number of social issues that come up positive the room provides a natural answer for those patriots who want to know how best to like socialism and communism that the society has been uncommonly accurate and calling the shots about communists and detailing a lot of steps to come back home and although the society and its bulletins suggests concerted action for our members it repeatedly emphasizes the now membership or not comply with any of these requests are doing anything on the society which is
contrary to his own conscience hart judge is expected to accept any conclusion of leicester watch on this aside in with which we disagree as a member of a church which in the past has been persecuted and misrepresented it is not hard for me to see why the communists have exerted on propaganda boost never understood this is it i invite those who weren't reliable information and a problem of action and who are willing to stand up and by the socialist a communist conspiracy to join our ranks as the end of a quotation that this race goes on with one more power follow ronson on being crushed and regarding his son's decision state well i have known him my son wade's interest in the john birch society which he has been studying for several months i have also read that the rocket of the basic materials of the society and to the leaders and some prominent americans who are
members globalization is i am convinced the most effective non church organization in our time that i am why dont need courage of his decision it spoke of the formal form of art and religious head of the john birch society fb
The John Birch Society talk by Robert Welch
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
Robert Welch gives a speech on the John Birch Society. He describes the type of members of the organization; not just patriotic and anti-communist, but men and women of goodwill, good conscious and religious ideals.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Event Coverage
Global Affairs
Politics and Government
War and Conflict
Anti-communist movements; Conservatives
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Welch, Robert, 1899-1985
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-a5c1736270f (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The John Birch Society talk by Robert Welch,” 1963-04-07, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 28, 2025,
MLA: “The John Birch Society talk by Robert Welch.” 1963-04-07. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 28, 2025. <>.
APA: The John Birch Society talk by Robert Welch. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from