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the li lays out of port of the donations faith and freedom from paulo an apostle not by human appointment or human commission but by commission from jesus christ and from gone to the father who raised him from the dead i am the global friends know with me saying greetings to the
christian congregations of glacier grayson piece to you from god the father and our lord jesus christ who sacrificed himself for our sins to rescue us out of this present age of wickedness as our blood and father wheeled to whom the glory for overt and ever amen i am astonished to find you turning so quickly away from him uncle court you by grace and following a different gospel not that it is in fact another gospel only that a persons who unsettle your minds by trying to distort the gospel of christ but if anyone if we are sales saw i mean joe from heaven should preach a gospel at variance with the gospel we preach to you he shall be
held outcast i know repeat what i have said before if anyone preaches a gospel at variance with the gospel which you received let him be a cost does my language no sound as if i were canvassing for maine's support who supported do i want but boggs alone do you think i am crimean favor with a man if i still sort of maine's favor i should be no servant of christ i must make it clear to you my friends that the gospel you had me preach is no human invention i did not take it over from any man no man taught at me i received it through regulation of jesus christ you have had what my man of life was when i was still a practicing jew
hosts every julie i prosecuted the church of god and tried to destroy it and how in the practice of our national religion i was outstanding many of my jewish contemporaries in my boundless devotion to the traditions of my ancestors but then in his good pleasure god who had set me apart from birth and called me through his case chose to reveal his son to me and threw me in order that i'm i proclaim him among the gentiles when that happened without consulting any human being without going up to jerusalem to see those who would apostles before me i went off at once to a bia and afterwards returned to damascus three years later i didn't go up to jerusalem to get to no secrets
i stayed with him for a fortnight without seeing any other of the apostles except james lawrence brother what i write is bullying truth before god i am not lying next i went to the region's of syria and sunni shia and remained unknown by sight to christ's congregations in judea they only had it said are former press security is preaching the good news of the faith which ones he tried to destroy it and they praise god for me next fourteen years later i went again to jerusalem with about a bus taking titus with us i went up because it had been revealed by god that i should do so i laid before them but at a private interview with a mane of repute the gospel which i am accustomed to preach to the gentiles to make sure
that the race i had run and was running should not be around invade it even my companion titus week though he is was not compelled to be circumcised that of course was urged only as a concession to certain sham christians interlopers who had stolen in to spy upon the liberty we enjoy it in the fellowship of christ jesus these men wanted to bring us into bondage but not for one moment that i you to their vacation i was determined that the full truth of the gospel should be maintained for you but as for the man of high reputation not that that importance matters to me god does not recognize these personal distinctions these men are reputed i say did not prolong the
consultation but on the contrary to acknowledge that i had been invested with the gospel for gentiles as surely as speaker had been entrusted with the gospel for juice for god whose action maybe ten an apostle to the jews also made me an apostle to the gentiles recognizing them the favor less bestowed upon make those reputed pillars of our society james sees this and john accepted by the busts of myself as partners and shook hands upon it and being that we should go to the gentiles while they went to the juice or they asked was that we should keep them poor in mind which was not anything i made it my business to do but when seif a scheme to antioch i will
posed him to his face because he was clearly in the wrong four until certain person's came from james he was taking his meals with gentile christians but when he came he brought that and began to hold a relief because he was afraid of the advocates of circumcision the other jewish christian showed the same lack of principle even barnabas was carried away and played for us like the rest but when i saw that their conduct did not square with the truth of the gospel i said to see the us before the whole congregation a view a jew born and braden live like a gentile i'm not like a jew how can you insist the gentiles must live like jews we ourselves are jewish by birth not gentiles and sent us what we know let no man is ever a justified by doing what the law demands but only through faith in
christ jesus so we too have put our faith in jesus christ in order that we might be justified through this faith and not through deeds dictated by law for by section deeds scripture says no mortal man shall be justified if no in seeking to be justified in christ we ourselves know less than the gentiles turned out to be seen as against the law does that mean that christ isn't a bit talking all singing no never know if i start building up again a system which i've poor don't mean it is that i show myself up as the transgressor of them all for thru the more i died and two more to live for god i have been crucified with christ the life i know live is not my life but the life which grace lives in me
and my prayers and bodily life is lived by faith in the son of god who loved me and sacrificed himself for me i will not nullify the grace of god if righteousness comes by more than christ died for nothing you stupid commissions you must've been bewitched you before those eyes jesus christ was openly displayed upon his cross on some a one question did you receive the spirit by keeping the law or by believing the gospel message can it be a virtuoso stupid you started with the spiritual do you know who to them what do you want to make a perfect of aria great experiences being a vague invade indeed they should be i asked him when god gives you the spirit and were very close among you
why is this is it because you people or is it because you our faith in the gospel message look at abraham people does faith in god and their faith was appointed to him as righteousness you may take it then that it is the main of faith what abrams sounds and scripture foreseeing that god would justify the gentiles through faith and the gospel to abraham beforehand a new war nations shall find blessing that's it is the man of faith who share the blessing with faithful abraham on the other hand those who rely on will be just a little under a curse for scripture says prasad hour or who do not the soviet in doing everything that is written in the book of them all it is evident that no one has ever justify before god in terms of lowell because we
agreed he should get life who is justified through faith no law is not at all a matter of having faith we read hebrew does this show gave life by what he does christ brought us freedom from the curse of the mall by becoming thought i'll say an oppressive thing for scripture says carson is everyone who was hanged on it and the purpose of it was that the blessing of in britain should in jesus christ be extended to the gentiles so that we might receive the promised spirit through faith my brother's let me give you an illustration even in ordinary life when a man's will and testament has been julie executed no one else can set it aside on a bed or clothes
so no the promise is what are announced a broom and to his issue it does not say issues in the pro but in the singular and tool your issue and in the issue intended is christ what i am saying is this a testament or government had already been validated by god it cannot be invalidated and its promises rendered ineffective by all made four hundred and thirty years later if the inheritance is by legal right then it is not by promises but it was by problems that go and bestowed it as a free gift on abraham then it was added to big wrongdoing the legal offense it was a temporary measure pending the
arrival of the issue beyond the promise was made it was promulgated through angels and there was an intermediary but an intermediary is not needed for one party acting alone and god is one does the lovin contradict the promises no never a follow had been given which a power to be still life then indeed righteousness would have come from keeping the more what scripture has declared polio to be prisoners in suggestion to send so that faith in jesus christ maybe the ground on which the promise this scene is given and given to those who have such faith before this faith came we were close prisoners into custody a rule bending the revelation of faith that's the law was echoing the shooter in charge of us until christ should come
when we should be justified through faith and know that faith has come the tutors charge is that a name that meeting has concluded at the twenty fifth that's all the third chapter of the letter of paul to the donations ms bee
The New English Bible
Episode Number
Galatians ?-Galatians 3:25
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Letter of Paul to the Galatians.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
Asset type
Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-891536cc061 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:15:28
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 67; Galatians ?-Galatians 3:25,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 16, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 67; Galatians ?-Galatians 3:25.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 16, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 67; Galatians ?-Galatians 3:25. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from