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talks with young mothers riverside radio w r dr presents dr philip m stinson talking about questions that face young parents dr stimson is a retired pediatrician and emeritus professor of clinical pediatrics at new york hospital cornell medical center on these burns he discusses questions of a general nature and does not prescribe specific treatments and now the pistons and talks with young mothers i say most young parents would like some sort of understanding of the various kinds of immunity we human beings already have an arc and somehow obtain a great number of other infections do which mankind are susceptible many are due to various kinds of germs are bacteria and another large number to viruses we can do something to build up our protection or immunity to someone of the bacterial infections and assembled virus infections but there are additional bacterial virus infections as well as other kinds of infection for which there is yet no human eyes in vaccines or surround they're only
good hygiene and sometimes medicines can protect us in general the virus infections are more contagious more easily spread and the bacterial infections also except for one or two viral infections such as to call mine eye infection we have no drugs which will cure a virus infection once it started while there's now a curative and a bionic for practically any bacterial infection and yemen and an attack of such a bacterial infection has a strep throat is not followed by any appreciable immunity but for several viruses immunity following infection is usually for life for our purposes today we can divide mankind communities into two types the active immunities those that is those which we produce for ourselves and a passerby nineties which we get from an outside source there are two ways of reducing activities
first by having an actual attack of the disease or to some of the virus infections reasons didn't box at the various strains of the polio virus and in general those viruses they get into the bloodstream but this does not apply to the viruses that are only seeded on a mucous membranes that hasn't had colds and flu second attacks are mumps and rubella have been reported but a few i've seen have occurred too soon after the first attack for the patient to have built up an immunity the second way we can be stimulated to build a bar all active in an er antibodies is by the administration of vaccines which can be defined as any substance that will stimulate a person to reduce his own immunity to again disney's their number of different kinds of vaccines and please note i'm talking now about vaccines are not about something entirely different do it sounds which i would describe later some vaccines are made from bacteria and bacterial products for instance a preparation
made from the bodies of dead typhoid beside when injected through our skin was tomatoes to produce a resistance to live typhoid to sell it in the spanish american war of eighty ninety eight even as in our civil war more american soldiers died from typhoid fever than from boat but by nineteen hundred and one the typhoid vaccine had been achieved and in the boer war as a year the british army which had been vaccinated against this often fatal infection had comparatively few cases with listeria bacteria vaccine is somewhat different if you plan to send its area beside in a jar of otherwise darrell broth and keep it warm in a couple of days the broth is cloudy from the growth of the germs in it then filter the bras small portion filter and all the germs will be held back but if you inject a little picture filtered fluid into ago ed baig it would die you see the
bacteria as they grew produced the poison or toxins as it is called which went through the filter when a child has to steer the bacteria themselves cause a sore throat but the toxin absorbed from the throat cause of the heart troubles in the deaths similarly and tetanus the germs if they can penetrate us grow and cause a local infection but as the powerful toxin producing of the germs and absorbed from the local infection that causes the convulsions and death another dairy workers have found how to modify these talks so that they lose but we all their toxicity but still retain a beneficial second property the power is injected in us to stimulate us to reduce our own resistance or anti vaccine we call these modified pipes and pumps org so now we have the widely known and used the dept diva gives their dark sordid be for pertussis or whooping cough vaccine anti tetanus dark sordid there other bacteria
vaccines it searches for typhoid fever prices and power to be effective all these vaccines have to be injected through the skin and have a productive this has to be done on an appreciable time before exposure all bacteria vaccines are dead and unable to cause any particular disease except one the bcg vaccine made of a very much weakened strain of tuberculosis beside us the local infection caused by scratching vegas into the skin or text pretty well against infection by the normal vote and tv the sellers as to viruses live viruses can be huge as vaccines only in somehow weakened our present vaccine against smallpox and rate these are such and they cannot all be protected against each of these two frightful virus diseases in fact they're the only two infections against which vaccination as late as the day of exposure will protect in the first world war i personally vaccinated each have two
hundred military personnel doing so again twenty four hours after a very strong exposure to small box without a single secondary case but in another military hospital where are exposing and fatal case had been for some days and recognized a small box there were five secondary cases to them fatal despite their contemporary taking vaccinations which had not been done until five days after exposure since the rabies virus travel slowly from the area of an infected by to the brain where the real trouble developed symptoms of my hair were led by a long distance from the head how long incubation period even four to six weeks and more so that there is time to make sure whether or not the dog had rabies before starting the twelve to pretty painful daily injections of the vaccine these are absolutely necessary units arizona decide this possibility of arabia's infection
as when a bite was done by an unknown dog or why a wildfire or bad but for infected face bites integration karen arabia's can be a short as six days so that the vaccine is useless and as inevitable and the us and recently dissolved stump preparation can be found in obtaining a very few hours many years ago i had a young cousin who died of rabies from my face bite but a family sport which it going rabid average also that the boys' sister on the leg and a man on the hand these two were saved by the median starting again i rabies vaccine series as most people know these days thanks to research financed by the national foundation and a process for the past ten years and more we have a kill the virus vaccine against polio oh god the salk vaccine but like all having killed vaccines bacterial or talk salad periodic repeated injections are necessary to keep up the immunity more easily saban has perfected
a live polio vaccine the present preparations containing all three strains of the polio virus so modified or weakened that it flowed they cannot cause illness but they can go in the alimentary canal and cause a person to be stimulative enough to go the antibodies against any polio virus so fifty two thousand cases of polio year and in it a state in early fifties has changed to less than a hundred a year at the present evidence that has some people still exist to refuse all immunizations for themselves and their children it's not only dangerous for their young ones but it prevents the community from eliminating entirely these terrible but preventable infections and suddenly they say the polio vaccine is the only vaccine at present that is effective if you're my mouse and swallowed well the vaccines must go through the skin so much for activities those that we built up for ourselves as i said
earlier there they're also passes immunity is we don't reduce them ourselves that we get them from outside sources their immediate but only temporary the first sources from our mothers before were born and regardless of whether where nerves are not at birth and lasting the first three months or so a baby inherits from his mother's blood such amenities as she may have to mumps measles and chicken pox and possibly this area but not at all the respiratory infections such as the common cold whooping cough and tuberculosis not as some infections of the skin particularly era settlements and tetanus acquired usually at the wrong they were the newborn i've been told that in a more human parts of china where it's been customary to stop debating of the umbilical cord and a newborn with the mud from the village streets they don't bother to name the babies until you know and i'm going to die the second day since that is of deadness
convulsions the second source up as an immunity the first having been our mothers is by the administration of the singer omar eastern province serum is the liquid part of blood from which the crabbing continue recording shows and the new mood it's sterile but tucked away in one of its elements called gamma globulin are the resistance properties in turn called antibodies depending on their use their two kinds of serum first though some the same species as the recipient that is humans their own for humans are rabbits are rooms for abbott and second cell from a different species such as horse around for man the difference is important gamma globulin or immune grubby known as it's now called is a humanist their own product and when injected in us human beings causes know reactions but this area and tetanus and the toxins being
harsh term preparations can cause very serious reactions especially in allergic people and he's uncomfortable hires or fear in ordinary people like me i had two shots of tetanus and adoption harsher i'm in the first world war and the second one gave me a fine crop of high is the guy your damn about a naturally vary is that when sickness is especially though the viruses the human donors have had and therefore what antibodies they have because in the united states almost everyone has had meals by the time he's grown up any preparation poor from a group of adults and james protection against measles if they don't have blood has had months and then is given some shots of the mumps vaccine is a gamma globulin is called hyper immune for months and there are now several hyper immune gamma globulin from wallace the points to get cleared or a member of these
the word sermon vaccine are not interchangeable but apply to quite different to minimizing substances a showman as the liquid part of blood and contains already existing antibodies are predictive powers vaccines are a group of preparations not made from blood bone which stimulate the formation of antibodies is sarah mathews for protection projects at once but for only a few weeks a vaccine it needs time to go protection but the resulting protection last a long time the duration depending on the type of vaccine and a number of injections except for the saban live polio vaccine all vaccines and so preparations must go through the skin next am i expected job where news what vaccines and sounds and also something about integration incubating carrots and whole management of contagion so good buy for now you've been listening to talks with young mothers the speaker was talk to philip and stinson a retired
pediatrician and emeritus professor of clinical pediatrics at new york hospital cornell medical center in this series of weekly programmes he discusses questions of a general nature and does not prescribe specific treatments we invite you to join the pistons and again next week at the same time for another of his talks with young mothers these programs are written and produced for wypr the fm station of the riverside church
Talks With Young Mothers
Episode Number
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
This episode focuses on immunity to disease.
Series Description
A talk show focusing on issues facing young parents.
Recorded at WRVR.
Broadcast Date
Asset type
Talk Show
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Host: Stinson, Philip M.
Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e1bc07570fb (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:14:08
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Chicago: “Talks With Young Mothers; 11; Immunities,” 1968-03-16, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 5, 2024,
MLA: “Talks With Young Mothers; 11; Immunities.” 1968-03-16. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 5, 2024. <>.
APA: Talks With Young Mothers; 11; Immunities. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from