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it's b challenges it is world an american leaders consider how the vatican and in the problems affecting the survival of freedom with justice in the world that's what you're about to hear are part of the tenth anniversary publication of the center of the fund for the republic an organization dedicated to the examination of democracy in the contemporary world the studies of the center have ranged widely over all the institutions of modern society the church the corporation the labor union the military and government seeking to know the
conditions of freedom the grounds of its growth the threats to its survival and the changing forms of freedom itself today part ten other challengers to democracy in the next decade the responsibilities of the mass media speaking lord francis williams and sylvester earl weaver first lord francis williams made a life peer in nineteen sixty two is a former governor of the british broadcasting corporation and editor of the london daily herald he writes a weekly column on trust matters in the new statesman and the nation in nineteen sixty one he was regents professor of journalism at the university of california at berkeley whose books include press parliament and people dangerous a state the anatomy of newspapers and the american invasion is deputy chairman of a newly formed television reporters international now lord francis williams you know what i think will work you
know well i don't envy but at least the two propositions with which i began i think i'm likely to be denied by anyone here the festive that civilized nation depends upon communication app on the ability of mental communicate with each other by needs more subtle and more durable of them both open to primitive community the second is that democratic civilization requires that much of this communication we shall be in a form another level which we're getting the acceptance of a mass audience and enabler not audience to keep itself regularly informed on any make the major issues at the time not only in the tournament
and if possible to a sense of the importance of participation haven't given these two propositions and that occurred which i imagine will also be generally agreed here it is that the history of democracy is bound up with the history of the press and free press has anything show in the film and to democracy india that were regarded as the keystone i would say though that no country which does not hold within it a free breath dod and having democracy in any war and although over the past two hundred years of the press has served its purpose where although not without altering on occasion and all about a good deal of resistance at times of them voted for mondale
political economic and social power the question today is whether the likely democratic plan equally well in the next decade but it's like to miss them in those remote eloquent and persuasive exposition of the dynamic force of dedication would like that i do not regard the radio or television as a substitute for the press preview i believe i went to television and radio are wrong with a non profit making public service like the bbc in england on as profit making commercial services that he added on the independent television channel in britain radio and television can explain the many ways police have it up about a pre race but they cannot ripley this inability i believe
and they did in fact little can be read and it measures that it really read it out of the twenty four that conveniently you look at your own pace and radio television program mike huckabee have a really good friend you have to be that of a particular are really particular day and you have to address all that what is being caught what do you at the rate at which it is being given to you you cannot get a new planet than that you have to take it to the broadcasting it in many ways the in the history of the world gravy your ability the history of mass communication i
believe it's the history of development along so i don't know that was confirmed with space the area of coverage the other with a tying your ability when the manifesto that the ping pong the world of caves and then to write back to communication a new dimension a dimension of tying news with the invention of the printing the ability to duplicate watches with a rifle and survival and get it over an area a far wider than was possible with its open or deepen the written word radio and television have that space what they have done so at the cast of the other of michael keaton in the history of communication the quality of
governance impermanence it's particularly important in the realm of the idea without which i would remind you of civilization and particularly democratic civilized nation that episode that the most potent idea is like the most enduring expressions of the creative spirit iran they capable of being wrapped in all their implications at one here and they need to be started and reached out to read and re read and i caught up to you in the show we're going to fall within the road television and radio vote matters of faith and an amazing time the only element of command joint ability to nigel all else is advertising
for it alone it would be permitted the gift of constant repetition gemini do not deny the importance of radio and television as a means of communicating information in it in some way the most exciting means in the whole history of communication we cannot know and it makes the responsibility of the press of the written word that can be considered leisure and wade and analyzed but more important and the conditions about how crowded the press as we know it particularly in fact about beating these responsibilities
how it felt good to me the challenge of democracy that you're going to be a next decade the road but that i'd always be met to one obama i think people the report to collect an interview with an epiphany him show munition that democracy was important i think i've never been mawkish political rights than an appraiser rebecca wax i communicate and age who was for the federally funded amanda needs it have to feel it going i comment on the news and that makes its own unique contribution to the continuing debate that is at the
heart of democracy and finally am certainly not less important than either of its other functions it has a responsibility to watch authority the great feel about poverty or ways to fly it looks different according to where you stand and it is the function of that that i can look at the face of a fart update from below from among the government not the government if you wrote road if to be dangerous to those who rule even when they rule without that didn't pitch mr iain for you through which all authority at all levels must walk with care for fear of triggering off an explosion
consider these are your responsibilities of the press about michael pietsch is that for the democratic ticket we are likely to find a little cause for rejoicing in the present state all the credit in the world even be a no longer communist plot for those who believe in a pretty dress overall it's the whole of africa have his freedom is now in victory has been emasculated all suppressed and almost every one of the new whitney merchant nations below the preset pangs of democratic hope in shock actually get it had been moved around the neck no i kept putting the eyewear and have a newspaper that still both alive and kicking it a prospect in a sham much better in pockets than her mom and then singapore i learned to
be here of the attitude so free press are organized in some degree and in many large degree of america ratio lake very effectively over so regrettable we lack of freedom in the actual decline in so many parts of what we loosely call lead the free world but does not represent an actually erosion of the basic strongholds of an independent press but can figure shot and racial attitudes to press freedom disclosed it burning legislation on government action in shadow country is ever more mature state of like old together in france or in germany and the us in your own country and in my race and
a prominent the british a newspaper publisher and if the feds poking felt of the judgment that really strict shows right i'm following polished reporting by the british novels about a loss concerning the contempt of brought up on electric privilege and by the arbitrary use of the oprah show secrets that were making a mockery of press freedom when you have only you have only eight press freedom may declare provided that what you say is ineffective are unheated it collapses like a pack of cards as soon as the real issues are at stake that may be an exaggeration and this decaying belongs to i think that you're eating newspaper enough to
fit of the matter and to make one remember i'm a little bit of it but in the eighteenth century a lot great reform a real wry tone of the letters of julius book the freedom of the press to be at the lady only see both political and religious rights of the nation and when mr martin if it is built for shell attempt in your own country to suppress played down or deliberately planted new york and the cuban prices and a voiceover assistant or secretary sylvester from the pentagon that came into the dilemma that the generation of new was like governments if a legitimate part of the weaponry of the modern world that one feels that perhaps with their wings with the king's warning have a friend's transatlantic go to it also
it was not their native invented some irresponsible hell raiser but one of the greatest because in the world of the times of london at the height of its plan and responsibility that over a century ago that proclaimed in words a sick you didn't know it then that the plant lives by these closures it showed eight years through acknowledge it then that i quote the dignity and freedom of the press october from a moment it expects and i'm filling a position that will fall on its route is waiting trial independence and consequently with the up close public event that the press can encourage are no close all banking
alliances with a statesman of the day and author randall it's permanent interests to the convenience all and they haven't ladies and gentlemen the abilities of the day they made today as they were then i may quote again that he wrote about all things i don't resent it to their lives not affect things as they craft would wish them to know but you know on a public relations hit would like them but everything they can find and to keep on the church in overtime the democratic candidate of what
i write that they're fired from all it published or move them apart so again an independent position as a reporter are one commentator on the new it's not likely to grow lettuce but later in the next county but now we have to recognize that made it so precious to complying or diminish the independence of the press seemed to be on the increase home and abroad nevertheless seen many waited the great it right through the traditional position of the right now we're going to fight the fact prices are more easily to repel them these internal at least
in hialeah develop politically aware and a sophisticated communities such a taco bell it's a profession with the responsibility of the rare profession that those date for and leo well established and his particular obligation a professional ladies upon those who serve but it is a profession that in the science and industry and they investigate it in danger of swamping of the profession the ability of the press to perform the functions require the rig in a democracy i've always depended upon the existence of a variety of other
newspapers so they are what are many voices representing many interests are completely free press to exit eight big league the hall apprentice they read i'm with that and we keep going was that a democracy a required a means by which analysts substantial interest should be able to express itself the press that up should they live or body paint on communication beyond competition in order to drive competition if it's not a competition an idea of information on disclosure but can look into a plan to get the assurance that with what ought to be printed will get corrected
because even if one paper know a voter presses it that plenty of others knew that that i i forget you have neither the right and all of the ability to claim a judicial roads of that they got both the heart and the difficulty of the lord to sustain them in any effects are that judgment are of that nature to write that without any of the rule of the law imposes a two in charlotte those who think and judgment to shout give the true weight to all of the relevant evidence and only to what is already been made in the revote even without the faith got silva to the show will feature aren't paying them lying toward prejudice is even the most wealthy i'm playing with an overall interest of different fish and how the public that it may get in the way of
impartial that then it sets men but if so i haven't met alec things that need to be i mean oh to get up too much of you and they chat to expect to find them at every newspaper are now but the payback that plane is to be wholly objective they're you know they're so dangerous as the one with a reputation for him but he and the crew what made you want to make but for actual not be suppressed or distorted that argument it shall be related to evidence and it shall be prevented with honesty that towards know the cat
as well as those defending and above all they require the old fly should be prevented you can but you can't really can't have freedom of the price it at a complete continuing fall unless there are no idea what that number of newspapers to make sure that every significant fact in every important public issue is put before the public and everything that they can point to you aloud expression we live in an emmy he'll be climbing the newspaper the number grows less a year by year old upright you're not really lucky
you represent on the behalf articulated and thought it needs constant debate to be invigorated by the loyalty of deliberate choice on the part of those who buy and read one newspaper rather than another and despite the only the audience can pick u they vote for each day they buy to deny them the right of choice is this country to the pop up close as a democracy have to deny the right of choice in popular elections so it's a newspaper that complicate the country looking for both of democracy as a single hoping for that it is well recognized when the concentration of the press
in to a few clothes from political action in totalitarian country but i forget to eat but the results are not the next country after the q values of democracy when this concentration follows from the commercial exploitation an industry where you're going to be oh i love it by the process of mergers and amalgamation by the dilemma that maintenance of it off by unions and management which it had the effect of driving all what the fungus out to make it and it a great exploitation all the federation provisions that make it progressively more difficult for those defending
small or medium sized public in your hand i've already reached grave proportions in the next decade it well maybe one of the most dangerous of all the internal challenges to democracy you know i'm going to be confrontational our interview and that's already reached with big red dot com daily news thank you by the people one canadian and too a
nephew was that normal people some people think stopping people and the public it's called i did and the clothing newspapers party unity oh wo commission it had to be fed up but to investigate and reported on the provision it is not in being the case but the economics of the british newspaper industry life your newspaper publishers thank you but it is virtually impossible for any national mourning newspaper of the populace so that it is appealing to a year old and not that the so called quality newspapers to particular groups it is virtually impossible for a popular
newspaper to survive profitably in britain really speculation ol mate than two million copies have been the vital element of life had been taken from larger numbers of the newspaper read not by political action apply the methods of the newspaper industry fail at updated one math a unity you know democracy about the advertising industry to solve our that confrontation i thought that dan feil fall in the metropolitan parts of your country and it has been great although i would be with your boat and i think oh i would effectively made up of that unintelligible to happen in the second and he had a further shrinkage here in new york
but the development of the newspaper the metropolitan area and the regional pressures regional capital and other regions much more importantly you would encrypt the development of the flow is newspaper have gone much further here believe even have been picked when it has a serious enough they all come i myself wear dog the newspaper other thing go with a virtual exclusivity and a community of one of the greatest danger to press freedom in its full effect not because newspapers are necessarily politically biased but because they're all healthy eligible tendency is to seek to become of all things to all men the blur be a good of country oh
my favorite things show them you know how to deploy a vintage clothing wanted done right don't make your journey that on hbo and i'm ready to generate the state of constant scrutiny and debate with a democratic veteran of all those goals for at night they will be in agreement with and you may well not well except his analysis of the position are the american press in evidence people which he gave before the recent royal commission on the practice but i think as of about how you made that fateful newspaper publisher what he had family that there is work at all your attention he would want me to be the gravy right the public
nature of the threat the great danger newspapers are injured creaky and my position i mean a hindu newspaper in a community the moments where you get a hindu newspaper you get home management and that is that the leave everybody that they're no longer surprises any independent you and the functions of a newspaper that disappears in fact that it went on and you may or may not agree with it but i suggested what he had to say he had been informed outside looking at your press your consideration he went on the record today but in america voting is that they have an effective institution because of those
positions ninety five percent of the price in the united states can say phil silvers visions if we got the same thing here in britain it will ruin the newspapers dr tharp they made me think it easier to say that than to do but at least be aware of and we let other weight to the fact that despite that fact from press freedom from outside i may not always be resisted the grave is change and a patient comes from inside from the debt owed newspapers from the play out to find the means whereby into newspapers and the requisite number i can be brought to birth we have a preview of the race
about a given the social and economic structure of a lot of hardship in a quarter of a century or lowering the new newspapers age get it and brought it to track the birthrate has not even not keeping up with the death ray well in your newspaper's going to come i don't know that i was it a lot of them most in question important questions of our society and one of the most vital about wigs a gathering and all the night vision all this kind or to be thinking we are a player and did or does the fact that the race is a part of
comments at the auto and math be more than a commercial property at it and we recently had to be carrying a weapon on him in the press in the shape of mr roy thompson at canadian like a more people took a very different tact mr thompson if the newspapers are concerned with newspapers and show they have a bit of a likely which we've changed all of your glory like in the united states and yet it's so holy dedicated to the proposition that the press is no more than one branch of commons the tipoff at the first of what may be a new breed the international press like to you know the great family newspaper in that at
kmart provincial morning and afternoon they got there are provincial reclusive activity he only learned in scotland in beirut and that in many african countries the old papers in canada and the only time in the united states and they think you're shaking from all indoors all together just on that one hundred the newspaper a very apolitical largely fueled a national identity and in public appeal walk a hobby in common is that bunch and mr conference last quote it is god by their balance sheet he show notes so today we're he is the baghdad by any
newspaper any part of the world that can be made to pay and that can be made to pay it all that interests him about you have become less to live nation about that a few weeks after that point nobody has gone further than most years no more than i think to being more representative only threaten indeed be that being a place to jam i do that all the public in the future is not so much a thing probable a generation or two ago that the prestigious monaco ruling public information would be jewish did you have the valley region propaganda purposes of ambitious megalomaniac but that it will be priced into what happened the twenty nine year old that island a purely commercial one o attracting the most profitable number of paying customers by
whatever means and egypt i don't want to exaggerate and that out of that and you know particularly would be a newspaper than just country and it might also and elsewhere in the world when there is the network never likely to happen and where the show the line publisher and editor at a dedication for the traditions of journalism providing your bocce you are republican led democracy which are shared a ride from a big hit by the math cannot live live by the beach and no valuable and fifteen year though those feet are it depends not think may on the exceptional but upon the average i repeated again and again but although the
press it's a business it's good and always be that it is to fulfill its democratic that there is more than a business the freedom of the press your body not of journalists alone with no name and we made of an infinite variety is not that the private possession of newspapers or their proprietors or editors but belongs to the community it does not exist in order that the newspaper owners should grow rich all that those who work for the newspapers i should be able to live a patient the lines get audible of both these propositions maybe it exists because there's freedom it a necessary instruments of democracy and without the democracy cannot survive and you know to live but they end up playing with what he owes them
both and egypt is by that fact alone justified jones who owned alright newspapers i forget you know how like to claim immunity from its responsibilities of that office because those responsibilities today they sometimes seemed to stand in the way obviously commercial advantage they have members of parliament to call congress on tattoos all educators and then the deposition of analogous yesterday independent a fat free parliament and independent judiciary and the freedom of no suggestive not doctors like constitutional safeguards at the legislature and a member of the judiciary is no longer
are you rooted in tradition that if there's a lot of university professor on like a family as a hyphenated it you know sweet to face is that i do leopards because the us commercial obligations perfectly legitimate ones that they do not happen but its obligations to society are not unless there's a lot of the fabled it himself of them up for any purpose of the mushroom advantage or private interest without feeling in his tracks a free press the fangs and must always depend upon a free full partnership of those who owned newspapers those who had it all right for them and those who read them the public they do and a lead
in that but they cannot think you are gnawed does that confidence and that they deserve it by the mine if there's evidence of that independence that integrity and their responsibility and i called a major newspaper editor of my own country i think these top of the mountain the guardian a paper that has grown up in a great community not a psychiatrist or to them reflecting in a thousand ways it exploded in its interests in a real family that belongs to that community i'll think fact in the permanence of that is from fiction we'll link you to all the navy and if it is reaching across the newspapers by energetic and management of the fifth fleet in english patient unlikely that way there's no democracy
up next month and today a two entertainers read it to inform where it's part of it's traditional functions of gothic much kodak american life in all its athletes the cameo is relevant here is much canvases whether there are reputable earlier sensational and the temporary of wealthy like tom a permanent mark you repay what it had done any of the things at the top to make you thank your purpose of a bike voting for a month of public information and erica hello fact that in the democratic debate and any hints show disclosure want to find it but when they call private they often wish not to be exposed to be the prize it included the confidence all the public which alone can just add a lot of
rage in our democratic advance we need to ask ourselves well we are going and it is particularly of the responsibility of the government to do so left it all himself identified here's one of those who fled up the funk drops the captain flo and it hadn't fall and educated independent of mind and that drones of that he needs to be better informed and better educated than at any time in history forty modifying his way to that kind of a public among them a word accumulating math of information which may or may not to be honest and reliable but we can make it and leave the constant they've got all independent yet it's inevitable in the process of a political and social development that an increasing
amount the limit do you know what the public needs to know in the fields of politics of science industry will come up and centralized thoughts and covered enough party and bake thirty years but only men were playing been disciplined an examination of evidence with the knowledge and the show tends to find a balancing sources of information i with efficient confident in the show that it did nothing of it face value added jobs at the top of the granite and the fed itself more and more of a mythic formidable responsibility and i would like to save the universities and institutions of higher study how they need to do so by considering whether it would not be possible to develop graduate courses away nuland broadly based titan fall as i thought i newspaper
men preparing to specialize in politics and public administration in detention in funds right i should hope that these basic studies could be supplemented by regular refresher course is agape a newspaperman operations of the newest thinking in that field and in touch with the most eminent independent the party's available ever precious to deal with democratic job adequately we must bring about the marriage between journalistic jail and expansion disciplined knowledge and more and more you show for you a public confession a companion that mad at no doubt i don't forget that we should try to turn chemist and a nobel prize winners what we require if not they should be able to come out to a greater degree than formerly the means to bridge the gap
between that and the ordinary man and what is not let him go to keep the claims of official administrators officials scientists official defense department official public relations organizations under constant informed and independent scrutiny in the coming decade what they have always being basically the report the comment to fearlessly to let no interest in and then oh stand in the way of a public interest british closed its close disclose that is all about that all of us who are confirmed in any way with this dangerous exhilarating profoundly demanding
and democratically it permissible business of independent public communication will be faithful to our trucks you can you have heard lord francis williams recorded by wor dr new york at the tenth anniversary convocation of the fund for the republic center for the study of democratic institutions next to lester al weaver was headed and then a career in communications is produced radio and television programs served as president of the national broadcasting corp chairman of the board mccann erickson international and currently as president of any production last i would like to make a few comments based on a new general proposition that though the lord francis williams and it is that the mass
media representative david powering our healing elements in our modern society and that our transition in the last twenty five years even faster acceleration of that next twenty five years coming from the mass media as it expands and galvanizes and new caves are in soviet society this is working because people think the programming and the editorial matter and the ever tasty more often they're influenced more effectively by this material than by any other of the group that's the point under which they now live so what an individual shown what he can get for himself and certainly for his children by harder work by more work by more intelligent problem solving his response was immediate and four we consider this in american phenomenon but around the world the last four years where i've been working you see it everywhere you go there's just no question in my opinion study which i have in the back of my head hung up
somewhere that we have a big change going on that really comes not from basic industry and not from technology but it comes because of the incentive systems massive effect on people the easiest way to see this is to go to western europe than go to japan and australia and brazil and mexico you see how the economy is not really following fundamental things that have been true for years that following the mass media developments following the data that you could evaluate that shows you why when you multiply the hard workers when you multiply that eager beavers in the country when you get millions of them going after things happen in a car and you let the people see in programming and editorial matter in an advertising what can be theirs that will work for you will wake up and get going at their attitude toward work and toward life and toward chang jim million different instances in every one of these countries is giving those individuals a quantum jump and condition overnight and this is bringing about another abandoned thirty of mine
eyes something i think of the individual revolution moving on what we have had this is because in our revolutionary guy they certainly are that it is the human being that one unit under impact of all kinds of influences but now as i say with a primacy really going to the mass media where we see the changes taking place i don't mean the basic industrial revolution technology that we have that have a side on many american social system which did have no status or class problems to give us that all men equal law that only theoretically today we say what is happening with the interaction of the individual and the mass media and the individual is reacting to promises from the mass media about a better life and this is surpassing the other disciplines under which he has always lived family church community and so its most important for this kind of a convocation to understand how this individual revolution
and they studied if one looks at a clump of study of american society that has twenty percent of the businessmen fifth of the directors you take the five one thousand american society without one has always been in good shape in this country in the last twenty five years the second and third point out have moved up tremendously and prosperity and affluence and in the cultural revolution as they have grown out of the bottom when foul course is a disgrace in my opinion more corrosive to our society when we finally understand that slavery was to our grandparents merely because we have now is that they never had we are not taking that we should know better than to have the bottom quintal in its present condition and the party of the fourth one was also the area a stigma against democratic society such poverty such suffering is unnecessary there are many ways of overcoming this kind of a problem of course the most important and effective way if they have the mass media really grateful which already weakens the
people involved and meaningfully in the senate that and thirty fifth them operation that's going on in the top ten when thin that to the top frequent i'm saying that people who are poor or really educated who are second world war it often only because their color do not believe in our advantage with them because they know it's not really for them when it is once wrote that the media delivered promise is that do you realistically involved them they will react to exactly the senate though to point out in the last twenty five years and they will move up with a recipe that's where they belong that's made in other words can make people work miracles of the rewards outlined a realistically accountable this congregation to go on the management of mass media them on a major offensive by only on within our society against poverty and against the other great crime bigotry and fear that's media should focus their reporting and exhorting powers on the potentially individual can reach across
all went out of our society and we are moving up you can see this in book sales record sales for publications we spend more money for concert tickets or baseball tickets audiences on television for years and years have been twenty five thirty million for cultural coverage programs information programs nonfiction programs when they're well managed well produced and wealth at you we want all people or should love them all to join the literate and civilized world be a week and become involved with our common future we can only do this by exposing them all to all cultures and the knowledge and the adventures of the last twenty five years the mass media had changed that the deal in this country but we still have a long way to go during the first and television when i covered policy that lately about it coverage of the world for the individual making him no more and one more care more about more things and work harder to get those things tomorrow we are aiming with all media at this individual in transition and
we must give them the whole spectrum to meet his needs but we have many things going for us we have the new technologies that are not only an increase in the number of availability thanks to chairman mao no the delivery of audiovisual material remorse patients more educational tv and pay tv cultural and commercial services we also have a large green stereo sound a whole kind of group sharing equipment that is making seeing material into those churches home not hold on everything bought homes vastly more impactful and now we have an optical system and an electronic system will follow or the packages delivered in the home will give you the program when you want it you know that you've made a record in the month finally over the wire or even haven't read it or just deliberately made programs individually so what this means we will not have to be there when the show is transmitted from francis williams rightly points out have cut down on the efficiency unlimited the usefulness of broadcasting tomorrow the show you want when you want to cook
one way is speeded up the scan that slowed down the phrase that he repeated endlessly if you wanna see the statement with all the nuances of the major statement itself let me deal with this kind of technology and this kind of responsibility must move ahead they must agree to introduce the people to all the arts and cultures and the ideas which really were shared by the elite only a generation ago we have we're limited action by satellite we will have record programming the mass media today haven't an example of opportunity and of course they have an unavoidable obligation to mankind and that obligation is that within a short time they must make mankind's knowledge and work in origin its achievements and its cultures available to any man anywhere on earth at the question about and at the speed of light i'm at you have heard so mr earl weaver and lord francis williams speaking on the responsibilities of the mass media as recorded by the blue rv
are in new york at the tenth anniversary publication of the fund for the republic nice be nice it's b sixty seven
on the canadian broadcasting corporation nice work it's b the pope
Challenges to Democracy
Episode Number
Mass Media
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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A series of discussions about democracy.
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Film and Television
Politics and Government
Mass media; Democracy
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Williams, Francis, 1903-1970
Speaker: Weaver, Pat, 1908-2002
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-2bb9b3c44fa (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:59:30
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Chicago: “Challenges to Democracy; 10; Mass Media,” 1963-05-12, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 28, 2024,
MLA: “Challenges to Democracy; 10; Mass Media.” 1963-05-12. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 28, 2024. <>.
APA: Challenges to Democracy; 10; Mass Media. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from