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and no no it's b listen to their posts lute on the beautiful aeolian skinner oregon at riverside church music makes me realize how we depend upon the rich heritage and it down to us from the great artists writers and craftsman of previous generations my name is george petri a layman concerned about the other reach of the church to its community as one of the archers i conducted guided to her after the sunday morning service to describe some of the features of the church in the front of the navy would like to point to seventeenth
sculptured figures dedicated men from the span of history these figures are aggrieved to illustrate seven different facets of the life of our lord particularly this central group which is clustered about jesus the humanitarian it includes among others abraham lincoln booker t washington walter reed and florence nightingale we also show scenes from the life of our lord depicted on the lovely glass windows of christ chapel and of course we like our visitors to see the original well known heinrich hoffmann at christ in guests and so that they had to make since the experience of devotion evoked by this great masterpiece no description of riverside church is complete without reference to the people who are its bawdy and the people of the community concerts throughout the
year at riverside church people are active in many projects now we're working on the annual every member campus members and friends are asked to pledge regular financial support for nineteen sixty six which are like to support riverside church with its fm radio station wor we are subscribers will receive copies of the carillon riverside church as weekly news bulletin which also list the daily programs scheduled to get our pr send contributions were inquiries to kansas committee riverside church in new york twenty seven in your hand yet speaking in the half of the every
member canvas of riverside church is mr carroll fitch the riverside church and its radio voice w r d are our distinctive american phenomenon they're supported by the voluntary contributions of people believe in them thus far w r b r as head generous grants from individuals and foundations to supplement funds the church could make available a public appeal for support of wor dr has not been necessary the church and the other hand depends on the contributions of members and friends to finance its ministry in problem which reach far beyond the parish and serve members and non members alike some people have the impression that riverside as a wealthy church this is probably because the church structures large and well equipped and a new york landmark the fact is that the riverside church has no financial angels and instead finds its strength in the relatively small gifts of several thousand individuals
these gifts are obtained through the annual remember campus was purpose is to reach directly all church members and as many friends as possible seeking their pledges and gifts dub you are the yards and evidence and an expression of the interests of the church and serving the community we had a church hope that many of the wor be ours friends and listeners will have developed an interest in the church and will want to make a contribution the nineteen sixty six every member campus which begins officially on sunday october thirty first at eleven o'clock service dr mccracken will have as his sermon subject why can't i do what i please with what belongs to me this will be a provocative present a shame we urge you to listen to and we shall be grateful for your contribution if you would like to make a contribution tax exempt of course he's made it to the canvas committee the riverside church new york twenty seven
yet speaking on behalf of the every member canvas of the riverside church is mr carroll fitch the riverside church and its radio voice w o r d are our distinctive american phenomenon they are supported by the voluntary contributions of people believe in them thus far w r b r his head generous grants from individuals and foundations to supplement funds the church could make available a public appeal for support of w r b r as not been necessary the church and the other hand the puns and the contributions of members and friends to finance its ministry and program which reach far beyond the parish and serve members and non members alike some people have the impression that riverside is a wealthy church this is probably because the church structure is large and well equipped and a new york landmark the fact is but the riverside church has
no financial angels and instead finds its strength in the relatively small gifts of several thousand individuals these gifts are obtained through the annual i remember campus was purpose is to reach directly all church members and as many friends as possible seeking their pledges and gifts w r b r isn't evidence and expression or the interest of the church and serving the community we had the church hope that many of wor be our friends and listeners will have developed an interest in the church and will want to make a contribution to the nineteen sixty six every member canvas which began on sunday october thirty first at that time dr mccracken head as his sermon titled why can't i do what i please with what belongs to me this was a provocative and stimulating sermon a copy will be mailed to those who write requesting we're pleased that listener interest and w r b r and hope that many of you will feel justified in making a contribution to
the church if you would like to make a contribution tax exempt of course he's made it to the canvas committee the riverside church new york twenty seven this is eugene labat executive minister here at the riverside church as some of you know each sunday when the service of worshipers broadcast i have an opportunity to talk with a few of our radio audience about the events of the coming week here at riverside and you invite your support of our program i get a great many letters
many of them from shut ins bearing testimony to the helpful most of the broadcast of our sunday service it takes a great many people to make that broadcast possible and inspired preacher a great choir gifted musicians and some highly skilled technical people whose assistance behind the scenes makes the service go smoothly at this i'm in our church here where engaged in our every member candace when we ask members and friends of the church to support our ministry with their gifts if this radio ministry has meaning for you what you consider supporting it with a financial contribution you may mail your check to the canvas committee riverside church new york twenty seven new york half this is eugene volokh executive minister here at the riverside
church my title is at times cause for laughter on the part of people who are more accustomed to a small church i find it hard to understand what an executive minister might do if you know the riverside church it is not hard to understand at all for the diversity and scope of our program here is so enormous that someone would have to coordinate it into a unified ministry besides they were shipping congregation this ministry includes an enormous church school a university ministry a program of religious drama a ministry through social services and pastoral counseling we de programs for pre school children for older adults and many others we reach into the community and around the world with our support of projects by which we continue christ's ministry this is not the usual church pattern and ours is not the usual ministry is one however that is worthy of your support
at this time each year we conduct in every member canvas to the members and friends of the riverside church whose funds under gird the program and ministry of this great church we invite you to be a part of that ministry by sending your contribution to the canvas committee the riverside church new york city twenty seven ms bee to pay children forces joining in song is whether this informally and a class in the choir rehearsal or forest service of
worship they're singing reminds me that there is still beauty and joy princeton education at riverside church i happen to know that there are nearly two hundred children and youth or dissipating and riverside wires as a parent whose children sing and the squires i am enthusiastic about the instruction their appreciation you may not have a child and clark program which is going to make it possible for happy sounds to be made by children by contributing to the annual cannabis of the riverside church send your contributions to attend this committee the riverside church in new york the pay i'm helen and co director of the arms and crowds program or
a side kick it is going to return to riverside church more than ten years ago and for ten years i was on the trains go stop now after three years in it alone eight years in greece and five in new jersey i have come back to direct the exciting arts and crafts program for adults from the twenty teachers the twenty three members of the administrative committee and the three hundred and thirty students registered in the eighteen cars is a lot and grown ups i sense and meaning and release which practical creative expression offers to man and women as a staff member the privilege of attending the weekly meeting chaired by dr eugene volokh gives me perspective on the place of the arts and crafts program in the total church activities and brings me in touch with the many areas of christian were directed by my colleagues in the
navy in the tower and in the south wing i find life at riverside vibrating and triumphant if you would get a share in my enthusiasm for the life other aside church drew giant me and sending a check through a canvass committee the riverside church new york twenty seven new york your dollars we're in a scarf and a candidate for a dynamic christian thought service and now the riverside church provides a wide variety of programming one of which happens to be the station to which
you are now listening but dr lee all this is an educational station without financially sponsored programs and this is by intention otherwise dull the audi octave not bring you the type of programs you demand programs designed to keep you informed to do all this and more the beyond the audit as well as the other programs of the riverside church depends on the contributions of its many members friends and listeners i'll arroyo yates urged you to send whenever contribution you can to perpetuate this vital area of programming saying no contributions to the candidates committee riverside church new york twenty seven new york i'm constance
ball a member of the board of beacons of the riverside church is bored of their delay men and women functioning through twenty eight committees in which three hundred and seventy members are involved works with ministers and stabbed in planning are diversified program central in this program are the services of worship in which music plays an important part over one thousand people from four euros to adults aren't road in christian education classes then there are programs related to university students religious drama christian social relations english conversation with foreign students arts and crafts and many more although the upkeep of our beautiful building is endowed we need four hundred and three thousand dollars to carry on our program in nineteen sixty six would you like to help with a contribution which would of course be tax exempt and send it to the canned this committee the riverside church neil twenty
seven and why not come and worship with us sometime soon
Every Member Canvass Promos 1965
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Promo Description
Upcoming programs, events, and how to donate to the church.
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Asset type
Radio programs; Radio in religion
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Publisher: WRVR (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Laubach, Eugene E.
Speaker: Nichol, Helen
Speaker: Fitch, Carol
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-0e30a8db8ae (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Every Member Canvass Promos 1965,” 1965, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 4, 2024,
MLA: “Every Member Canvass Promos 1965.” 1965. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 4, 2024. <>.
APA: Every Member Canvass Promos 1965. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from