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the the gospel according to matthew chapter one the coming of christ table of the descent of jesus christ son of david son of a brown abraham was the father of isaac isaiah good of jacob jacob of judah and his brother's judah of periods and said that their mother was tame or evasive his room here's run of ram ram over a
minute to a minute dab of nation nation of sylmar so my old boss his mother was right howard morris of all been his mother was rude all bed of jesse and just say it was the father of the king david david was the father of solomon his mother had been the wife of you that someone over the bomb rebel over by jet a bi gender of a set a set of too harsh of that josh effect of jordan jordan of as an iowa as in iowa or jaw from jocelyn of the house he has of his attire hezekiah old monastic monastic of him on human of josiah and josiah
was the father of chicken iowa and his brothers at the time of the deportation to babylon after the deportation chicken i was the father she algeo she helped to observable center below of a buyer a buyer had oh hilly i can healy i came of these off he's author of sago has a goal of a kid and he came off a lion and it would of liaison healy a set of methane masson of jacob jacob of joseph the husband of mary who gave birth to jesus called messiah there were less fourteen generations in or from abraham to david fourteen from david until the deportation to babylon and fourteen from the deportation until the messiah
this is the story of the best of the messiah manet his mother was patrolled two josephs before them are huge she found that she was with a child by the holy spirit being a man of principle and at the same time wanting to save her from exposure joseph desired to have the mileage contract set aside quietly he had resolved august when an angel of the lord appear to him in a dream joseph son of david said the angel do not be afraid to take them at home with you as your wife it is by the holy spirit that she has conceived this child she will better son and you shall give him the name jesus savior for he will save his people from their sins
well this happened in order to fool so what the lord declared through the prophet the virgin well conceived and bess son and he shall be quote emanuel i mean which means god is with us rising from st joseph did as the angel had directed him he took many home to beat his wife but had no intercourse with her until her son was born and he named the child jesus jesus was born at this mayhem in judea during the reign of heroin often his birth astrologers from the east of arrived in jerusalem asking where does the child who was born to be king of the jews we observed the rising of a star and we have come to pay
him homage king herod was greatly perturbed when he had this and so was over jerusalem he called a meeting of the chief priests and lawyers of the jewish people and put before them the question where is it that the messiah is to be born at bethlehem in judea they replied and they defend him to the prophecy which reads bethlehem in the land of judah you are far from the least in the eyes of the rulers of judah for older you shall come a leader to be the shepherd of my people is real headed next quote the astrologers to meet him in private and ascertain from them the time when the stock had appeared he then sent them on to bethlehem and said go and make a cast for inquiry for the child when you have found him report to me so that i may go myself and
paid him homage they set out of the king's bidding and the star which they had seen at its rising went ahead of them until it stopped above the place where the chair lay at the site of the stalk they were overjoyed entering the house they so the child with him at his mother and bound to the ground in homage to him then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts gold frankincense and myrrh and be warned in a dream not to go back together and then returned home another way after they had gone an angel of the lord appear to joseph in a dream and said to him rise up take a child and his mother and escaped with them to egypt and stay there until i tell you for heaven is going to search
for the child to do away with him so joseph rose from sleep and take a mother and child by night he went away with them to egypt and then he stayed two heavens death this was to fulfill what the lord had declared through the prophet i called my son out of egypt when hammond soho the astrologers had tricked him he fell into a passion and gave orders for the massacre all four children in bethlehem and its neighborhood of the age of two years or less corresponding with the dying he had ascertained from the astrologers so the word spoken through jeremiah the prophet where fulfilled a voice was head in remote winning and loan le mans it was racial
weeping for her children and refusing or cancellation because they were no more but i'm game that hair and died and an angel of the lord appear and in a dream to joseph in egypt and said to him rise up take a child and his mother and go with them to the land of israel from the man who threatened the child's life i did so he rose to mother and child with him and came to the land of israel hearing however that activists have succeeded his father had run as king of judea he was afraid to go there and being warned by a dream he withdrew to the region of galilee then he settled in a town called massacre this was to fulfill the words spoken through the profits he should be quote and as i read
about that i'm john the baptist appeared as a preacher in the judy and wilderness his team was repent for the kingdom of heaven is upon you it is of him what the prophet eyes iowa spoke when he said a voice crying alone in the wilderness prepare a week for the lord pierre us trade off for him john is closing what are rough called of camel's hair without ever built around his waist and his food was locusts and wild honey they flock to him from jerusalem for more judea and the poor jordan valley and were baptized by him in the river jordan confessing their sins when he's so many of the pharmacies and said he sees coming for baptism he said to them you fight corruption probe
who are you to escape from becoming retribution then prove you'll repentance by the fruit it bears and would not presume to say to yourselves we have a great time for our father i tell you that god can make children for abraham out of these storms here already the exes laid to the roots of the trees and every tree that fails to produce good fruit he's cut down and thrown on the fire i baptize you with water for repentance but the one who comes after me is mighty haven't i and i i'm not fit to take off his shoes he will but as you with the holy spirit and with fire his show is ready in his hand and he will winnow his fishing for the week he will gather into his
granddaughter it but he will burn the chaff on the fire that can never go well then jesus arrived at the jordan from galilee and came to join to be baptized by john tried to dissuade him do you come to me he said i may drive it to be baptized by you jesus replied let it be so for the press and we'd do well to conform in this way willow that god requires john then allowed him to come after a baptism jesus came up out of the water at once and at that moment i haven't opened he's so the spirit of god descending like a dove to a light upon him and a voice from heaven was head saying this is my son my beloved aunt who might favor arrests
jesus was then led away by the spirited into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil for forty days and nights he fostered and at the end of them he was famished the tentative approached him and said if you are the son of god and tell these storms to become brain jesus ounce and scripture says man cannot live on bread alone he lives on every word that god and actors the devil then took him to vote a city and set him on the part of the tempo if you are the son of god he said throw yourself down for scripture says he will put his angels in charge of you and they will support you and that arms for fear you should strike your food against a stone she's a science and scripture says again you are not the book the lord you're going to the taste
once again the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in that glory or these he said i will give you if you will only for down and do me harm age but jesus said be gone say to scripture says you should do an homage to the lord your god and worship him alone then the devil with him and the angels appeared and waited on him when he had the charm had beaten arrested jesus with the route of galilee and leaving nazareth he went and settled up on the sea of galilee in the district of seventy one and an afterlife this was in fulfillment of the passage in the prophet isaiah which tales of the
mandarins at you in the land of nafta lie the road by the sea the land beyond jordan he's in galileo and says the people that lived in darkness so a great light light dawned on the dwellers in the land of dates dark shadow from that day jesus began to proclaim the message repent for the kingdom of heaven is upon you jesus was walking by the sea of galilee when he saw two brothers simon cowell beat at and his brother andrew preston and it into the lake far they were fishermen jesus said to them come with me and i will make you fishers of maine they list them it's at once and he went on and so
another pair of brothers games sevens in the d and his brother john they were in the boat with their fathers into be overhauling their mates he called them and that once they lift the boat and their father and followed him he went around the whole of galilee teaching in the synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and curing whatever illness or infirmity that was among the people his fame reach the horse every year and suffers from every kind of illness wracked with being possessed by devil's epileptic or power lies when or brought to him and he joins a grade clothes also followed him from galilee and the day in towns from jerusalem and juliet and from friends jordan listen ends at chapter four
a verse twenty five the
The New English Bible
Episode Number
Matthew 1 - Matthew 4:5
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Gospel According to Matthew.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Event Coverage
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-df25bfac1ab (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:17:15
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “The New English Bible; 1; Matthew 1 - Matthew 4:5,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 27, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 1; Matthew 1 - Matthew 4:5.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 27, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 1; Matthew 1 - Matthew 4:5. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from