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the mm hmm the petition remember the peak years in this
is nice but there's this is riverside radio wypr one or six point seven fm new york the time is eight pm we invite you now the sunday service of worship that the riverside church in the city of new york robert j mccracken minister the worship services brought to you direct from the name of the riverside church each sunday morning at ten forty five and is rebroadcast on sunday evenings at eight o'clock the service opens with the processional him all creatures of our god and they followed by the call to worship given by jesse lions after a minister of the riverside church robert e fuller president of the board of trustees will read the scripture from a twelve chapter romans presiding at the presentation of the offering
is gordon gilkey executive minister of the riverside church the sermon by dr mccracken is titled man of influence riverside church choir under the direction of the literature lately will perform two anthems beautiful savior by f willis johnson and kanye and let us go up to the mountains by catherine the law three hymns will be sung during the service from the government all ages sixty four for under twenty three and three hundred ninety two it's
b it's been it's been
ms bee the pain
a pipe it's been he's
been the pain has been as bleak who's jealous and under the hail of the marble or who still standing
is only place you don't have clean hands who have not lived about this all on to validate your sworn to see fully he's shall receive a blessing from the lord and righteousness from the god of his salvation for the sale of the lord that not the wise men glory in his wisdom never let the mighty man glory in his might that's not the richmond glory in his riches won't let him the glory of glory in those that he understand of that annoys me that i am the lord which exercises loving kindness judgment and righteousness in the earth or in these things i'd be polite
appeals appeals board again our town as
good on end it's b yeah
right i mean now the uae date is back as both
it's b the
pay is by it's both ms
bee the text is taken from the gospel according to mark the third chapter the fourteenth of the us and he appointed twelve to be with him and to be sent out to preach and have all thought it to prosper out
demons tourists in venice arctic and to see what's in a mosque church it is for us toward around why money necessary to statues of the twelve apostles beneath them are inscribed in latin the words the barrios company of the apostles raised the and this is how the christian church thinks of the impasse shows no carl howe electrical and see what their contemporaries thought of them that was not aware and no name among them not a
single man or will or opposition even lost it and that was not an ecclesiastical among the christ came on mondays come from one as a layman founding only a religion and in the inner circle all these final was there was not a single rabbis or priests today being lame on sunday it reminds you that one of the fundamental emphases of the protestant reformation was the dividing the significance of every calling this inevitably made for a loosening of the distinction between the clarity and the laity it states that were all
christians out too active every date discipleship there is no double standard of christian duty and responsibility that our diversity is a function but no difference in the obligations all christian service and ministry in this respect that information represented the return to underline the law what was the rule in the church of the first century in the fifteenth century to an extraordinary degree the church was in the barrens of ecclesiastes states reformation ma the beginning all the p and although lehman american protestantism is not being i'm mindful of this and is not know
all alone les participation has been a conspicuously chat all parts of its life that it is nevertheless a key note of appreciation all in a row the lehman ought to fill in the check she's talking ministry after all they constitute ninety nine percent of the membership of the characters and the role they ought to do is obvious from the fact that they spent most of that time and only a few hours in any week in a church building a good deal is being said and written about the really awakening in american protestantism
notable in wealth is a news and rising concern the emphasis is no longer concentrated so you are mainly on paper and more effectively a participation in the problems of the church faithful attendance devoted service generous financial support more is expected of the layman than that he should be regularly at church and take out his ship built at the right moment to look to him only for the supply all of the churches maintenance and functional needs is to neglect a great resource all spiritual man power no harm but great good we'll be
down american protestantism it less weight is point on institutional ism last songs of money are being spent on set buildings were right across the united states think of what it cost to riyadh of this st anthony's the south to build up the church sent out across the street from us we need to remind ourselves that buildings are not everything and the top is not in sight is not the beginning and the end all christianity our fellow christians from africa and asia take a dim view of the parade we display in church property and the money we spend
on its upkeep obama said it would be a gray day thought the cause of christ in every cathedral where every a's to the ground you are familiar with poetic license that was prophetic license about law won't take the emphasis taken off institutional christianity's and instead placed on monday to saturday work and witness by deeply concerned and committed christians stabbing orleans at our conscience ought to be the tail ends of thousands outside auditors buildings bishop stephen you makes the point that for the last two generations or most are missionaries have been missionaries to
christians swells with the innumerable costs they have to perform with in richer and in three at training the leaders who shoot and try and replace the mission and the situation on the long front is identical look legit in our kitchens ministering to christians the words of our church is centered on christians the success of our churches gillies by the extent to which they providing the most responsibility as all god forgive us the greatest number of attractions keep lehman end set during the week billy graham's crusade in nearly all directed to begin new euro was about going beyond
everything else a crusade that act directed and affected six boys stabbing always at our conscience ought to be the thames of thousands outside our church buildings the principal business of objects is the christian i say hello this perimeter the church is not primarily an institution the gospels indicate that rice said precious little about the church as an institution first and foremost the chances of the new testament where fellowships with her nose of emphasis on mission and evangelize issue and this is where we should police the stress
this is where john d rockefeller jr providing for the maintenance of our buildings made it possible for us to pull this race not on the buildings as such but on the people outside the base is why charlotte stone talking with me often about riverside about its reach about its use of the media of radio and television left roughly half of her estate to riverside this is why george weeks invited me to lunch in his office to location to say this is weeks and i have no children we show believing a quite considerable sum of money to the church i want you to know that my teeth concern is not
for what goes on inside the church its new generation must take care of that by foreign websites responsibility beyond its own dawes this service is broadcast today and head into homes and hospitals miles away from riverside today because of the prevention and the prohibition on george weeks and charlotte's duman at issue yet is our conception of the jet is it that i'm on isn't a cause is it a refuge from the wind and its problems or is it off or actress sophie varon which we go out into the world to serve christ james robinson minister of the church of the mosque
offers this sounds the man and woman off today the great bulk of the moon the price are not in churches at all to be out in factories starters shops working six days a week and trying to do their shopping cleaning washing i mean mandate resting relaxing on the seventh year in prayer camps and cotton picker camps they are in some wounds and nights fox and olives in desperate flight from them say yes because we have not really sure how to love themselves jim robinson inclines to feel as a dollar do i call to it might be a good thing for
churches pair se to be destroying that's disgusting god's messenger as for the four corners on the cities in which they live this might fall so to build their only places not by famous architects clams and specific issues but by the strength of the message they can deliver on the corners windswept avenue's really travels bus terminals his phrasing of the case may strike you as right article about the case itself is in compostable sexism not self serving institutions their thousands without reach ms sharon evangelize edition the reason for their existence the fields that price is the way
and as alaska mission to his disciples was well i'll re evangelize they shouldn't be i have the responsibility of the women comprising as a layman to nine to nine percent of the total membership of the church even if the clergy were inactive lot of time on the perimeter and the majority of them on anything but that he combs of an aquarium not fishes of maine if they were active all the time on the perimeter made by themselves to attach no more than the fringe of a less violent does a great job in the city but he's just one man the laity are the church of christ in the world
every morning you infiltrate the life of the worm it a lot well meet the chat room you know opportunities not available to the clergy to relate the gospel in depths to everyday life not enough to ask you to come out of the world into the jet you have to go back from the church into the wooden witnessing working as christians in offices and shops in labor unions and management and political parties and that moment in the press radio television in the relationships of nation as for those are the areas in which the battles of the faith are being for it's often said that the threat of those speeches the fact is the church is
already a bonus cds for you are in them and you have a ministry which is more essential so the redemptive action of the church in the world then that leads you and the members of the staff over at the site now this is the conviction behind the layman's moment for a christian war to wallace be as one of its leaders an executive in a department store in this city outlying and illustrated the conviction and an optical year old fought the american magazine entitled going to work with a glow on monday the same conviction that led to the formation in the church of scotland all a league for the promotion of
christianity in industry known as the scottish christian industrial it aims at participation by christians as christians in trade and professional organizer each it aims at an understanding all of the realities of the gospel to modern economic and political life i might add that here at riverside we have had a number of license four different business and professional groups with us the subject of discussion the thesis that our mailings occupation is not something separate from his christianity but a sphere where his christianity is to be put to work and apply and it goes without saying a lot of this recent polls is one thing
and understanding of christian beliefs and understanding of christian social principles amanda and win acceptance falk a belief we must first have and intellectual grasp onto nasa for the problems all the economic and political are we must have some comprehension in debt or both and a stillness layman take seriously that there's an obligation in the secular world they recognize that they must know the bible better that they must know what the christian faith is and teaches better and not least what it teaches about social life and beauty they it leave to say that this is where american
protestantism tends to be vulnerable that this is one of the chief causes of our social in effectiveness the majority of the church doors and even of church members are unable to tear outsiders what they stand for they have not been at pains to get to know their faith they have shot the discipline of systematically studying at mott says atheists an argument could make rains about one of our most urgent requirements is this education however this is going to be spared all the denominations are now alive to this situation practically all of
them have departments for christian training and christian social action and at a parish level congregations are doing likewise here in riverside council too and counsel seven have these small pot of an assignment it was study and discussion it is vitally important that lehman should be taking not just a prominent but a leading pop the nomination away national council conference is about the application of the christian ethic to a political and economic issues should never find the plans you medically predominant or lehman involved in the complexities of
interstate professional life novel have a decisive contribution to me with their detail not you with their technical proficiency the onus is on him to provide concrete ways of applying christian principles it is their responsibility to really pissed and i think one by one to specific social problems farm often the minister alain must be the twentieth century invention he is the one who can carry in the christian message to the world outside and like to do it to do it effectively and where he must have a well rounded not enough all thought the christian message is i don't want to spend all dying in
generalities where interests and draining with a view to christian social action and some sort of a beginning be made by lehman an hour wednesday evening problems at riverside now underway in our new ventures in adult education program on sunday mornings at nine fought in many all of our wi fi our programs over the air these are the subjects on which as a church we are concentrating if we're bringing people he sang it's with a viewer to their responsibilities i'll cite and may i say this very particular like that the beginning and the continuation can be made in
your rating you're reading the national council of churches who its department of the church and economic life has pulled out brochures moderately priced which are deserving of careful study let me name for yahoo you your chat and your job being christian where you were at the precision at his daily work i am perhaps optimistic but anticipating a follow up as a result of this seven copies of liberal says i have named will be available at the literature table at the close of the service and it would ratify me too learn the au had been taken away and now for your reflection
and the volume all dr sunday dinner yeah i've fought questions which a layman may see a silly and profitably book to themselves they come from a book that i should also like to urge to put your notice elton programs your other locations wanting to do it both in my working hours and outside find some means of witnessing for my faith do it without any ostentation let those who were me ma i understand the basic motivation all my life to admire at some point
truly created you i x rocket the opportunities for growth inherent in my situation and mate whom you're so on i am i ate interact in acceptance steel pipes all procedure three on my daily job to learn reaching out to enlarge my knowledge and seeking to grow every day so that my sights on really kept high on am i satisfied with a modicum of all effectiveness without the who news oh my powers fought am i identified with i did eighty two groups including those whose daily work his way to the different from my own this is
directed against the one laughter this has in mind people are occupations and professions where sitting under one roof i'm i identified with a dedicated grow including those whose daily work is widely different from i don't know i experienced the power that is released by a small intimate group of persons united not buying that great but by that common christian commitment man influence is the title i have given us it is walk the twelve apostles where and they would have been the very first gladly to acknowledge to
leo that person only spray and force distinctiveness of fact they wear what they wear because they had been with jesus because as everyone of us as he called them come after me he says and i will make it and then he said go into all the world let us pray to pay for oil let's turn to prayer and their careers are you sure and because impressions are fleeting
and i lose our week ines every hire is over and that we hear have made in for crisis in common
Riverside Church [Service of Worship] McCracken and Virgil Fox
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Riverside Church [Service of Worship] McCracken and Virgil Fox
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
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The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-0cb126aa7b2 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e761e2f5f65 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
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Chicago: “Riverside Church [Service of Worship] McCracken and Virgil Fox,” 1961-10-15, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 8, 2024,
MLA: “Riverside Church [Service of Worship] McCracken and Virgil Fox.” 1961-10-15. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 8, 2024. <>.
APA: Riverside Church [Service of Worship] McCracken and Virgil Fox. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from