Five College Forum; Public Affairs Special - Sexual Politics And The Cultural Oppression Of Women

- Transcript
the fb sexual politics and the
Cultural oppression of women. Today's five college forum.
A talk by Kate Millet of the Department of Philosophy at Barnard College. Mrs. Millet is the Director of the Experimental College of Barnard and Columbia and Chairman of the Education Committee for the National Organization of Women. She is also a member of Columbia's Women's Liberation and Radical Women. Mrs. Millet spoke in February at Smith College. [applause] Ah, this is going to be kinda heavy so I hope you can hang on and put up with it. And if I start to accelerate as I always do and if I become unintelligible as I may be, you know, through various causes, ah, let me know. Sing out. What I'd really like to talk about is sexual politics and the cultural oppression of women. Trying to hit two stones at once, the first part is an attempt to build a sort of
historical theoretical model of the relationship between the sexes as a political category and it's a bit abstract things get better later on. Um. It's impossible I think to describe the cultural oppression of any subordinated class without first understanding the nature of the political context of that group's oppression and institutions which implement it. Thus for instance in the case of exploited nation's you must first take account of peonage and imperialism. In the case of the black slavery and racism. In the case of the poor, wage slavery and capitalism. It is moreover, a very interesting, very horrible little quirk of historical consciousness, that when a system of oppression is functioning without dissent or at least without any very serious threat to its existence. Or any strong questioning of its premises. It tends to attract very little recognition, little formulation. It tends not even to be
defined. Now such a society typically neglects to examine its most basic assumptions. It takes them for granted, ah, and it's the most, its the, the most important thing always is the unstated, really. In the case of women, a comfortable kind of sedation has been invented to disguise oppression in a tissue of, well, what, as a linguist I can only call semantic dishonesties. Um, I think you know some of em but I'll just sort of reel some off. Ah, its been very fashionable for a long time to talk about the changing role of women in a changing world. Does that sound familiar? Or the problems of women, quote unquote. Or the conflicts women experience. As if it were all their fault and all their unique peculiar little funny thing. Or the options, that's a very fashionable word especially the last couple of years. The options which await them as wives and mothers. Or their career expectations and so forth. Now I think
the time has come when this sort of twaddle won't serve any more at all. What I should like to present to you is a pioneering and therefore quite naturally, ah, an imperfect effort to formulate the oppression of women in political terms. And then to describe the experience of those who endure it and some of these effects that such a situation has upon them. What I wish to point out is that our social system, like that of all other historical civilizations, is patriarchal. Patriarchy is a form of social organization through which one group, by virtue of a birthright status, controls the lives and the destinies of the other. Now this has affected in the classic manner of all political system's through the control of all avenues of power. Now a moments reflection will remind you that control of finance, the military, science, the arts, the university's, industry, technology, armaments, and the repressive
forces of the police, and in a police state, that's important. All of them are in male hands. The relationship between the sexes is one therefore of dominance and subordinates. Now this of course does not operate person to person. By group by group. Much as racism does or other class distinctions. Maux Favor[?] would call this dominance and subordinates order, he would call it hair shaft[?]. And that's probably a good word only its German. The relationship between the sexes like that say between classes, is in fact a political relationship and the sexes are, I submit to you, two political entities. There are a lot of other things too but you know all that. Patriarchy is a constant and a basic political power it's pervasive on and it underlines a number of known political economic or religious form it's not whether it's bureaucratic futile theocratic socialist capitalist whether it's a matter of clam kingdom on npr it's not only of great
antiquity and this is a very important thing it's actual age study of great antiquity but it's a great universality and of great strength as well i mean let's explain why it's so strong and it's because it's a very insistent and i would suggest to you that the strength of political forms is rooted in the values system far more than it is an outward shows of power force its value system has kenyan to the entire psychic structure of its members of both sexes and it's located in the earliest years the child that socialization now that's a very strong system like any other terrible system patriarchy relies therefore principally upon the conditioning of its two classes to what amounts to a general consent to its etiology vast universe of police in afghanistan is at this at all if he prevails through three interrelated mechanisms first us actually differentiate assistance
starts saturday as sexually differentiated system of roads and thirdly it's actually differentiate it system of temperament or personality the question of status nine months discussing it as a political thorn i will not take into account all rational the station's about these differences be biological and so on the question of status as the most transparently political one because and i think i think it even mentioned it by but when he got that arm the males prerogative to control and to command all social and cultural forms is taken for granted and it is in fact they are more under the weight of patriarchal tradition in here you have to deal with the weight of the passengers particularly strong in this area the weight of patriarchal tradition further facilitates except it's by both
male and female until recently of masculine prestige of masculine standards and norms and a masculine privilege and priority but the first and really the earliest device of patriarchal socialization is a combination of state even polarized temperamental patterns based upon sexual stereotypes we all know as masculine and famine are now these audience have no basis in biology and it is impossible to rationalize these temperamental differences on biological or innate psychological grounds but they do have a great function they play a vital role in maintaining what is in fact a dominance order you've not only split up the human race into two personalities of one personality has the qualities which go in governing the other want to be governor so there it's rather complicated system what they accomplished these two temperamental divisions is the formation of human
personality along the lines of sexual category essential categories based on the needs and values of the dominant male group and what's really members we cherish in themselves and find convenient and subordinates thus aggression intellect force an effort to see in the mail and in the female past city ignorance docility virtue alias sexual repression iran in effect to our day and his primary mechanism of temperamental differentiation is complimented as time goes by amateurs live by a second factor sex role which decrease a consonant and elaborate code of conduct of attitude and even a gesture for each sex now is a tremendously recently police in our society are they have been particularly the least in the last fifty two hundred years when they begun to break down there are police i think
probably most crucially in adolescence and that's why everyone hates it so much and one suffers in it so much because you are continually up against the terror that faces you of being judged not feminine not masculine which in this kind of a system was announced saying you don't exist in that as you're born the first identity are given before your class your race your family anything is your sexual identity are if you lose it or if it's a question you are in a tremendously threatened position our end so that one can be continuously call worst through this system through the deprivation of authentic i mean the thing of course last all once life in states that i once taught kindergarten and it's remarkably strong by five years old are already rigid division of human life in terms of like the activity sex wrote this is what people do all their lives sex or oversized domestic service and
attendance upon instance to the female and the most of the rest of human achievement interest in addition to the mail the metro a lot to the female chance for it seeks to ten to arrest her at the level of what is biological experience since all it can be described as human rather than animal activity for after all animals also give birth and care for their young in their way all the rest of it is culturally and it was there for them a knockwurst odyssey can follow such a sign in fact the whole area one designates as culture is itself the stated province of the male now that the mail has not an entire monopoly and this is something they'll discuss a little later on it designated the political complement to start its role as a sociological temperament as the psychological yet their independence is unquestionable me to mash a former privacy like this those awarded higher status tend to adopt rose of mastery
largely because their first encouraged to develop temperaments of dominance that this is true of caste and class as well or self evident politically the fact that each group develops a circumscribed but complimentary personality and reams of activity politically up all this as a secondary importance to the fact that each group represents of power or status division but the fact that each personality becomes a little more or and often less than half of its human potential cannot fail to attract more attention it ought to cross very grave concern for patriarchy does not address both sexes equally but it does support or distort the person in each category like compelling conformity to patterns that are not only unproductive and constricting but actually very dangerous first of all that waste the contribution of half the race in the cases that you know in the case of the
mayor is even more terrifying for the results of its firm realty r if the us is antisocial and that the extreme it's dangerous to life itself i think you are now you can die and the reality are really the jowls it wages war that's what it's about and he constructed a rough theoretical models of the manner of patriarchy is control over women that is look at some of the effects of closer range acting yearly title to a fast start until relatively recently forms of the last century and the beginning of our own women had no civil war human rights and women as no more than show the property to being finalized or coddled abused so victimized or exploited but for her rights group of women some of them still living we would not have the right of education of property of wages of citizenship alito witness or any
violence at the mass media sites reforest however have had very little overall effect we are still systematically exploiting consistently as throughout history one of the strongest means a patriarchal control recent economic dependence of women citizenship has given us no voice in government for power and no representation not even the most help authority itself when you come to think of it the authority itself as a carefully protected male problems in our culture we know this from infancy of the fact that all authority figures from god richard nixon remain effective this show and how the un authority to force we don't usually think of force in connection with patriarch in its etiology is so effective is implanted so early in life but there's very little need for
reforms but like any political system it has forced its command and it employs it very crudely when it chooses and has throughout history any number of barbarities come to mind in this connection the death penalty of the adulterous the burden of witches the city foot binding federal debt to me the kind of see em heard our rape beatings and murders something like ten thousand women in the united states dying every year because they're women because they died from illegal abortions so that we have in fact a towel in life has been taken in the system and a great deal of life is being abused for everybody everywhere there's a kind of force behind the imposition of patriarchy which we all too disingenuous they called the battle of the sexes can see the effect of a social situation where only the male has ever are either
psychologically or technologically i can mail is ever on to perpetrate violence now think of this kind of political and personal terms not only is a female an arm but the conditioning minister innocuous before any kind of assault the fact of force is always somewhere and women's consciousness and i say this as a pacifist i have never in my life been afraid of another one but if i'm in danger at all for any kind of physical violence i know i've known all my life it will be from a male that has the psychological effects of living in what is in fact a total an alien votes mr art history the subordination of one such a vast human group to another as naturally it's psychological effect very deleterious by the way to the self esteem of the group so a press
event for example of living in a patriarchal culture effected this upon seeing it go at this would be a tremendous value of research but no one has ever paid any attention to it at all remarkable thing that has the effect of having or of being told that you have no history not tradition no existence i think all of us who study feel it's very much we are often reveal where studying something else not our lives not our past not our culture and yet i would like to suggest to you that we do have a culture that is certain ways it is a less corrupt culture than the one hundred which we live and i have no intentions a losing what i find that you know our july and i this is an important car vietnam or do i want a sentimental lies are the virtues of the oppressed are good searches they're often those gop lurches there are ah but there's not a lot of places in the oppressed condition to i don't one
sentimental i sit and i also don't want to be silly and illogical and believe its inherent none of this is inherently third quarterly produced phenomenal but their articles since i foresee that in the future when his nomination is going to have much less recourse to totally appropriating the culture of our oppressors much less recourse to that then to as it were infecting our culture upon our oppressors and that there's much in it a very much an innovation and much of me for the mayor in our culture are we have been left in a lot of ways more human and used and all the rest of it but still more human we have a position of the press groups i think at the moment are sending happens toward press groups libyan get together on because your period identity perceptions are often seen a country prices are i think what we have to do now is to go through a careful and a rational
and stress is very much a rational inspection of art dr seuss and the oppressed and this is across the board of all the groups ah can determine what is good and one is evil in each this will require a good deal of thinking that there's much i would like to suggest in our culture as we know that we want to keep there is much that we might want to as we probably have one the stuff at the question of what is the experience of leakage outside guess what is it like to live under this form of oppression one must first remember that the culture of patriarchy is of course a product and reflection such a five cents a political organization will reinforce it won't dignify that will perpetuate its own facts before patriarchy such as their own wits and liking them more consistent varieties of saison or south america i'm going to
say this of the last twenty years whereby the legal superstructure of a jacket conceded and a feminist precious a minimum of human recognition is kind of reform society has not really altered its culture media or its cultural institutions to the degree that it has consented to alter ego and just lesser extent that economic system reformed patriarchy is patriarchy still is patriarchy perhaps even strengthen by purging its most notorious abuses and preserves very institution of the family and as particularly the socialization of the young into the network of stardust temperament and rolled out all this this is quite capable of carrying on with scarcely diminished figure and he gets very scarcely diminished in the last fifty years the swat one third and more a bi national market labor force is female such a
fact is not reflected in our university faculties or in any other prestigious employment for women and why overwhelmingly in the most tedious and an remunerative areas of work that we have they're employed as secretaries as factory workers as waitresses and as domestics and i've had every one of those jobs that i know when i'm talking to them not our culture media reflect any kind of change in the chemistry for anomalous and on sinema continue to insult us with an image of women into constantly traditional the female has sex object with you know as defined by her relation to the male as mother wife miss just any hole with you know as a creature define principally bob for anne threw a sexual rather than personal or even a human identity now if you're concerned with the varieties of cultural oppression of the
female i ask you to consider two representative cases this dude and the token woman it is these because their once you know i'm there where you are our way we'll pay many of you will i think recognize this not only as an autobiography but his biography is well first the state expensive a girl born into a male supremacist culture conditioned to respond if imperfectly and it doesn't work you know all time everybody to systems that's actually differentiate behavior whereby every cultural clue every media stimulus will discourage her from achievement and recognition klaas is without a traditional rivals when parents were even problems are often to express no passivity and a dilettante or even anti intellectual attitude toward the life of them on the role of the activity the expectation
the temperamental inclination in tongues upon her i'd just inscribed by a biological and social relationships online they are maternity and housewife she's compelled to occupy a vicarious or spectator position which is a direct antithesis of cultural or intellectual participation and this is across the board from a nasty asked leading to the young republicans for the confederacy whatever it is the sense of gender identity what the new researchers all over the country new biologic are calling gender identity it's the no it's formulated by the phrase i am a boy on her this was established by eighteen months now as you know this is the time when language takes over mony at johns hopkins says the cossacks stereotyping is affected by this time and he had set it will get set hierarchy it's really laid
on solid by the age of five seventy four years ago paris i mean if they don't do it appears will and if they don't know the school will if they don't believe i will and then you get into the cult certain larger historical concert and if you haven't got the message by now you probably can agree on it would be interesting to do some studies on sex stereotype the feeble minded for example to see you know how are they are completely if they can escape it on saturday to get out of it so this is established by eighteen months now many people like this say that it established really am and not completely done through the through the acquisition of language and languages here now i guessed it imprinting in any kind of learning process including that also the human species for socialization only reinforces the sense of worth of
gesture of attitude interest and person that such a phrase or a broken vase by time a young woman enters the university now if indeed she does and not all that many of the stove her interests are following the stereotype set out where they lived there usually confined to the nineties and this is part of a larger academic effect out which i call the curriculum split the great idea to do some actual studies on majors all over the country a phenomenon it's a phenomenon for mitchell of us wear by the humanities and certain of the social sciences it approved a settlement and he is coming although they're controlled by faculties man whereas the duo work and sally assumptions of them whereas science technology business in the professions are accepted as masculine state labor
has largely because they currently offer higher prestige tyler and reward money now i'm suggesting that this tunnel thing its totality as the most military is possible effects on everyone and everything it's bad for the areas of study and it's bad for the people it's bad for the population it's bad for the culture as a whole humanities at the license they are associated with an inferior classic person's carefully trained to fear and sean serious accomplishment or such as the prevailing theory the science is already over prestigious in a technological age are corrupted with the ethics of competitive business and they become the instruments of demented militarism and government policy there's only a slim chance the young woman i have described will succeed in an academic surrounding still less that she'll continue it still less that she'll be rewarded in it only forty two percent of college
freshmen are women only thirty three percent of the asian and it's only eleven percent of ph states should she earned a doctorate her prospects are still very dim and right now they're getting a lot dimmer because the government is taking away education for everybody and that's the war and that's what it's all about should she earned a doctorate then reprocess prospects are still very good at columbia law university only point seven that's less than one percent of the tenured faculty teaching at columbia college for women only two percent in the rest of thousands and yet forty percent of the phd as they produced they say they don't disagree that they selected this young woman who had none or very few wrong lost your career it's very unlikely that she would never studied with another woman at the graduate level i never she will be subject of continued harassment in graduate school and
after francisco's traumatic horrible experience anyway i'll bet if your woman it becomes much worse pristine areas nadia if she says if she ignores all the accumulated social pressures to dc asked if she forebears before every discriminatory treatment from grants and fellowships to hiring and promotion practices the un friendly and patronizing air of her colleagues and even perhaps of her students she will have arrived at the highly dubious position in which some of us find ourselves she will be a token now this is a plane itself i mean it's self interest will cooperate with a lifetime of intimidation and self doubt so that she will be inclined to lie about her salary to deceive yourself about her opportunities for employment and promotion to
congratulate yourself for her good fortune newly surviving or to blame herself but other treatment according to her but in any and in every case to keep our mouth shut and to live in gratitude for the permission to be an exception yet only slight reflection will remind her the token or not she now has great responsibility to her fellows the time and the opportunity the tools of analysis and perception and then put her disposal for complicity now his culpability and she is no longer utterly alone there is moreover a great deal to be done in our universities very drastically but the changes which must be made in a patriarchal culture are very probably both more fundamental and more far reaching the most academic or educational reforms being discussed today perhaps their more fundamental
than any social reform being discussed anywhere in the united states this revolution i don't think just vote when there's not a bunch of political system of such longevity generally incidents and rigor without very basic very radical social change even to change in the psychic structure even to changes in the structure of formal and informal education from infancy but i believe and i think i write i believe it's an inevitable social science it's going to happen it's on the question of at what speed and where i put the sexual revolution and guess what it does read playboy it means i think a tremendous change in the relationship between the sexes and since sex is the issue and i find sex as a political category and sense changed the most radical order is called revolutionary political terms such as sexual revolution seemed to be the most town called feminism call it women's liberation it means the
freeing of women from their ancient oppression which will bring about an well affect the freemen to for the oppressor himself he's censored of the victim it will mean into the entire patriarchal system its etiology it psychology it's political economic and social functions you mean a drastic reorganization of the family and of our attitudes towards sexuality itself a very important component of this is the easing of sexual repression creating a more humane less brutal are less security and sounds kind of sick attitude towards sexuality than the one we have how our so that sexual freedom is a very big part of it but it is not free to explore it i think it will also mean the end of what's my quote when i called patriotic heterosexuality like norman mailer on i think it's going to be the end of sex as a as a relationship which we have seen all too often as painful
humiliating also true though that the sunni area and so on you mean an intersection roles and i think and i know this may scare you out of your minds i think that something called a liberation is even imply pardon that's perhaps too radical thing you'd like but it doesn't rain it breaking down the sec's rules one might well ask just what a college or university a backpack in a place such a top cultural revolution when i think it easily could be very large and we just for starters university college must cease to be the instrument of sexual discrimination and the patriarchal values which they are at present there you must re examine its basic attitudes and francis in a number of disciplines a great deal of knowledge and analysis must be brought to bear on the question of sexual political relations a competent sociology anthropology
and psychology must be constructed in this area we have great need now i think of an honest social science viewed as social science that is huge in a totally different light from the traditional rationalization of the status quo which they have been for a solo you're a map of the social sciences i've been the great pacifiers especially for women well it must come to find in the university a counterforce because it's too late to go back and she's the first five years of your life or of the freshman class for the next twenty odd when it does come to finding the university a counterforce to the detrimental early conditioning abc they must be able to find in the university motivation and encouragement and a sense of themselves through an objective rather than serve i learned a great force here must be the study of their own past and i think the
great service the university could do right now is to institute women's studies in history literature and the social sciences in minority law and in history as the education of women in colombia income they once liberation a group of us have just begun to develop syllabus in this area we did first to be reasonable outcome the once lived has a slogan sweet reason first and after that the book sweet raisins and women's studies with real content because as undergraduates at great distances to your family as students and scholars ensure we were so excited by the academic potential of a field of learning just discovered human race until now i'm really overlooked in the curriculum you know when you think that that's a great accomplishment and oversight are now you ask yourself can be done in the university was
that you or you know it will not be easy because american colleges have never seen well it has group to be served with the exception of a handful of eastern women's colleges founded and the impetus of the first feminist movement colleges i might add well education in america was and still is undertaken principally to ease financial pressures on male colleges this is how we got to go to the university to start with enrollment went down before and after the civil war and we put in the lettuce in princeton that's because he says so it will not be easy to do yet it must and it will be done when you have a need and they will avail themselves of the intellectual resources but the university now monopolize is
for now it is not only our knowledge is freed the question here is whether the academic world will continue to be part of the problem or whether it will decide to assist in being part of the solution not just the four then the progressive tendency of social integration and education will be frustrated i think as separatist pressures and resent lena horne students necessarily assert themselves what is the matter then the entire invidious and really tragic a crippling system of sexual role and temperament will come under the mass searching rational attack from faculty and students alike we could use the mind to build a decent society now we should just become the case we might indeed fulfill our clients to scholarship to humanism and even by god to intelligence we might just possibly proceed amicably and without further waste of time
to undo the ravages of his longest and most pervasive system of oppression cult show and personnel and create a long weekend there are what does it mean how it's b fb this is it well this is just last
week it does exist we haven't realized it on to give you just a very concrete example are the whole history of offense and that's when as a political force is documented all over the place but much ignored for a long time now where you've got you know hardcore political history but when you think also his state that depend on that most of the time i think that as i said i think that it would be silly to try to describe the history of blacks in america without knowing what racism once without knowing what slavery was unjust out more i feel the same way about patriarchy unless we understand how it functions how it works what it does to people how has operated through history it is pointless to describe the experience of women now there's plenty of information gentleness of the loss of all societies are one place to start right there you can find documents are common all through continental author the particle test is in rome are still lifes work was done nineteenth
century faux the early anthropologist were really into this time and i borrow their turn patriarchy and shriek cardoza one point or another now it's descended to return that is using to egypt relations are to describe bearded creatures in the bible or something are patriarchal so this patriarchal culture oh but in fact this is the term for which nineteenth century early social science so this thing now this is one aspect of this kind of history their great to give his son clearing ocean all the first section of the chorus <unk> should examine our feet structure and function of patriarchy and particularly deal with a very next question then is the origins of patriarchy how did this relationship a richie how did a rice now all you've got is a series of contending theories we do not and cannot prove what the social organization of prehistoric people's was we can't prove that maybe
someday will be able to do right now is about as archaeological findings made it all but you have got the institution so while you can debate its alright as you can study it structure because it's right there is what we lived it through historical time are the second section of such a chorus would be given the constant of patriarchy to see certain variables and trans operating units through historical period and because this is so vast its best to confine it to the west with projects first has to do on the east are so that you would say examine the effect on of christianity the ideas of the fathers and women obvious any quality every christian life what effect did that have on relationship between the sexes i what is the effect of marion all it's a lazy effective lutheran other reforms are to go into the ideology of courtney love that price you realize what an
enormous documents there are in this whole area are to go into the whole business of it affected industrialist this to be another large surfing and then at that and these kind of prisons and in the last section to do the political history of women through the feminist movement its beginnings at the end of the eighteenth century to the present which give you plan to do this i'm a very elaborate five person study does add some ninety nine it just yeah it gets pretty clear what we do to me precisely that you know if you're going to know what it was the experience of the group yes i ought to know running all what was the position of women and running all here's how the mayor to find her she is part of his familiar as vinny include his children his wife and slaves he can't say out or killed in yemen in a moment now maybe you know you don't know that
you know yeah it's bad excuse me i didn't mean to the last i think the literature which describes female consciousness it's not very recent best of it is in the victorian period are this is a great source of study arts are all the documents of the first movement i'd rather talk to some women to the fbi he says he wears just any objectives
but yes but if you need to do is be i might i would even where you know that they liked a lot in there because theyre looking around for a reason for their continued existence but in the last since they won't integrate tomorrow afternoon all of them are they could do
great service to women and young well it's so hard because we never know what each other needs my family on people love each other go on living together i suppose more recently than ever are when a bother to go and register it with the government seems an interior one arm so they say that you have you know lovers now the question the request is how that gets its own about besides getting letters and i never understood that the facts to be out there on lovers of every imaginable sex lovers shirt you name it are probably people you have probably assume that she too inability to have a mature long relationship with each other states good for young people who spend long arm and they grow into
learning how to live with another person up the chairman of a question i think that we very strongly support the idea that children should not be the victim's family system that they should have gone now there's one coming at this i will keep a social function of the family that is a lot of functions it's a big the worse or for the state especially fascist side families wind up john furey says things here it's won it's also economics the relationship between family members since it's very hard for her people who are economically unequal to be equals start to be an economic depending or you're like on an emotional or social club it's hard to be that an unequal but there is something else in the family and that's the sub theology a lot of the families don't have it greatly through history and everyone it but we may feel that that's a good thing so far if you have a set up like say i think the model here
mostly with for jobless neighborhoods where children come and visit and you have an hour when you have fun together a couple hours in the evening ah so that you reduce the family punishing practical we're seeing not teaching stereotypes an unsigned so forth but simply to its best aspects one of love oh but it seems to me very important that show than be rescued from the family because the family has in the past and continues to abuse them are bad kids are you know like every place on it's only a few and they get to the hospital you need to leave if your family supported that it's a class system the families at this institute her classes thompson pepsi was all strive occasion system depends on so in fact all sorts of racism and ethnic hatreds and so after an iranian exile in iran so our kids are now brutalized victimized by the family they released right now i
have a place they can go and you know that they really don't have a place they can go there isn't anything you can do it you know you're twelve you go to family court and say you know my daddy just breaking well you know where to get up the courage to do this event happened i think it's going to leave you and so on the brutality and right now i think we ought to be getting used to the holst measure of civil liberties and civil rights for children who presently don't have any at all our children's liberation liberation you this very times the british army together but our children really have to have a lot of rights that they don't have now it will i think have to have you know the enjoyment of their peer group to without being oppressed by it either yeah
he was assassinated but its existence if you legalize abortion people are going to do or not very often there's bloody awful stupid thing of waiting til the six month or something if they can really i think i've done a lot of abortion counseling for my students i guess no advantage over and said so far about it anyway resources they went late so ah but you know they get the sense that there really is so few places to go used to be when i was your age there was nothing to do but jump off something on disappear into the countryside all up and now it's an awful lot better but you won't have the abuse of abortion if you have a
non lead free legal but also you've got to set up clinics because people don't know their rights until ertl aw sixteen year olds i'm going to realize is people who in strong religious backgrounds which frown upon are going to feel free of other people in the ghetto sounds they choose to use it you have to make it really available as an unwanted that not this is the english experience are between between free abortion and a great deal better feeling about contraception is safe and doesn't have to happen and then i and then i take to what's sexual politics and the cultural oppression of women in today's five college forum a talk given at smith college in february by kate millet of the department of philosophy at
barnard college mrs mallard is the director of the experimental college of barnard and columbia and chairman of the education committee for the national organization of women her book sexual politics will be published by doubleday in july five college forum a time for a candid conversation about a variety of issues ideas and events is a production of wfcr five college radio in amherst massachusetts is that it the end of the at the end of the siege the
pope bitcoin why at this point the paintings back but this isn't an act
bob how old this is rehman
says i i ain't says he is loses it and how our nathan for
you need an affair or is but
- Series
- Five College Forum
- Producing Organization
- WFCR (Radio station : Amherst, Mass.)
- Contributing Organization
- The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
- cpb-aacip-528-tt4fn12501
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- Description
- Episode Description
- A speech on sexual politics and the cultural oppression of women.
- Description
- Recorded at WFCR.
- Broadcast Date
- 1970-07-17
- Asset type
- Episode
- Genres
- Event Coverage
- Topics
- Public Affairs
- Women
- Subjects
- Feminism
- Media type
- Sound
- Duration
- 01:07:59.280
- Credits
Producing Organization: WFCR (Radio station : Amherst, Mass.)
Publisher: WFCR (Radio station : Amherst, Mass.)
Speaker: Millet, Kate
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-995c2e599da (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Citations
- Chicago: “Five College Forum; Public Affairs Special - Sexual Politics And The Cultural Oppression Of Women,” 1970-07-17, The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 28, 2025,
- MLA: “Five College Forum; Public Affairs Special - Sexual Politics And The Cultural Oppression Of Women.” 1970-07-17. The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 28, 2025. <>.
- APA: Five College Forum; Public Affairs Special - Sexual Politics And The Cultural Oppression Of Women. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from