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ms ba the revelation of john chapter nineteen versus eleven visions of the end then i so heaven wide open and their that khomeini was a white horse and its rider's name was faithful and true or he's just in judgment and justin war his eyes for me and like fire and on his head where many directions written upon him was a name known to none but himself and he was rolled in our garmin arranged in blood he was called the word of god and the armies of heaven for him on white horses quote inflame the linen clean and shining from his mouth that went a
sharp sword with which to smite the nations forty eight is crucial room with an iron rod and trade the wine press of the ross and retribution of god the sovereign lord and on his robe and on his lady that was written the name king of kings and lord of lords they're nice or an angel standing in the sun and he cried alone to all the birds flying in mid devon come and other four guards grapes supper treat the flesh of kings and commanders and fighting man the flesh of horses and the riders the flesh a warm in slave and free great and small and i so the beast and the kings of the earth and that arm is
mustered to do battle with the writer and his army the beast was taken prisoner and so is the false prophet would work miracles in its presence and do you did those that had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image the two of them were thrown alive into the lake of fire with its self interests frames the rest were killed by the sword which went out of the writers month and all the birds gorge themselves on their flesh and i saw an angel coming down from heaven with the key of the abyss and the great chain in his hands he seized the drag on that saffron doubled the devil or satan and seeing game up for us owes and years he threw him into the abyss shouting and sealing it over him so that he might seduce the nation's no more
to listeners and he has won over after that he must be let loose for a short while and then i saw thrones and upon them set goes to all judgment was committed i could see the souls of those who had been beheaded for the sake of god's word and that testimony to jesus those who had not worship the beast and its image all received its mark on forehead or hand these came to life again and arraigned with christ for a thousand years though the rest of the dead did not come to life until a thousand years what over this is the first resurrection happy indeed and one of god's own people is the man who shares in this first resurrection boss at the second
death has no claim that they should be priests of god and christ and shall reign with him father thousand years when the frozen here is over satan will be let loose from his dungeon it will come out to seduce the nations and the four quarters of the earth and to most of them for battle yes the hosts of golden may go home pearce says the sands of the sea so they marched over the breadth of the man and laid siege to the camp of god's people in the city that he loves but fiat came down on them from heaven and consoling them and the devil there's a juicer was flowing into the lake of fire and so forth where the beast of the false prophet and being from there to be tormented day and night whatever and i so a grade point throne and the
one who set upon it from his presence there's them haven't vanished away and no place was left for them i could see that did great and small standing before the throne and bore which would open another book was opened the role of the living from what was written in these books that did were judged upon the record of their deeds the cd a puppet state and this in haiti's gave up the date in there keeping they would judge each man on the record of his deeds then this than hades one for long into the make a fire this make a fire is that seven days and into it were from india whose names were not to be found in the role of the living than i so
and you have them and the us for the first seven and the first death had vanished and there was no longer any sea ice so the holy city news jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god made ready like a braid a dormant for her husband i had a loud voice proclaiming from the throne now at last god has his dwelling place among man he will do well among them and they shall be his people and got himself will be with them he will wipe every tear from their eyes that should be amanda day and the morning and try and paint for the old order has passed away and he was sat on the floor to say it beloit i am
making all things new and he said to may write this down for these words are trustworthy and true indeed he said they had already fulfilled what i am the alpha and the omega the beginning and the end and profit from the water springs of life will be my free gift to the thirsty or this is the victors heritage and i will be is god and he shall be my son but as for the cowardly the faceless and the violent murderers for indicators sorcerers and daughters and liars of every kind that a lot we were the second is in the league was so furious flames and one of the seven angels that held the seven lost four of the seven last place came and spoke to me and said come and i will show you the bride the wife of the lamb so in the
spirit he carried me away to upgrade hype mountain and showed me the holy city of jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god it sean with the glory of god it had the radiance of some priceless jewel like adjust for three years crystal it had a great high wall with twelve gates at which what twelve angels and on the gates were inscribed the names of the twelve tribes of israel there were three gates to the east street to the northeast rita the south and free to the west the city ward at twelve foundations domes and on them whether names of the twelve apostles of the land the angels spoke with men carried a goal of measuring rod to measure the city its war and its gates the city was built as a square and was as white as it was will it measured by his role and twelve
thousand firearms its length and breadth and height being equal it's warped was one hundred and forty four cubans high that is my human measurements which the angel was using the war was built of jasper while the city itself was of pure gold bright as clear glass the foundations of the city war one adorned with jewels of every kind the first of the foundation stones being jasper the second lapis lazuli the third test done the fourth avenue the fifth south bronx the sixth comedian the seventh chris only the eighth below the ninth talkies that is chrysoprase the eleventh to of course and the twelfth assets the twelve gates
what twelve pounds each gate being made from a single parent the streets of the city one of pure gold like translucent glass i so know temple in the city for its tempo was this overlord guard abdullah and the city had known the dove side and hormone to shed about it for the glory of god gave it like and its map was the lamb by its light show the nation's wall and the kings of the earth shall bring into an older splendor the gates of the city's shall never be shot by day and there will be no night the well since spread of the nations shall be brought into it but nothing and plead shalit nor anyone who's ways of force or flow but only those who are inscribed
in the marriage row of the living and he showed me the river of the water of life sparked a like crystal throwing from the throne of god and i don't know middle of the city street on either side of them ever stood at real life which she was twelve crops a fruit one for each month of the year the leaves of the trees set of for revealing of the nation's had every air crash city show disappear sort of god and the land will be there and his severed show worship him they shall see him face to face and then his name on their foreheads there shall be no more night nor will they need that might overlap or seven for the lord god will give them might add they shall read forever more and he said to me
these words a trustworthy and through them or going to inspire as the prophet's has sent his angel to show his severance lot much shorter happen and remember i mean coming soon happy is the man who leads the words of prophecy contained in this book he desired john who had so these things and when i'd hadn't seen them i fail in worship at the feet of the angel and showed them to me but he said to me now i'm better for seven when you would your brother's the profits and those who heed the words of this book it is god you must worship then it or we do not see lop the words of prophecy in this poll for the au fulfillment is the air meanwhile the village or go on doing evil and the filthy
minded war in his films but let the good bad press severe in his goodness and a dedicated bad be true to his dedication yes i am coming soon and bringing my recompense with me to a quiet everyone according to his deeds art of the awful and the only cure the first of the lost the beginning and the end happy of those who watched the ropes clean they will have the right to the tree of life and went to buy the gates of the city outside of dogs saucers and for dictators murderers and idolatrous and all love and practice to see my jesus have said my agent to you with this testimony for the church's i am the route and scion of david the bright morningstar come save the spirit and the brain
come that ichiro reply come forward you were thirsty accept the water of life a free gift to or desired for my part i gave this warning to everyone was listening to the words of prophecy in this book should anyone had to them are doing that to him the plagues described in this book should anyone take away from the words in this book of prophecy god will take away from him his share in the tree of life and the lonely city described in this pope he'll gives this testimony speaks yes i am coming soon our man come for jesus the grace of the lord jesus be with you all the reading has concluded that that twenty first vessel the twenty second chapter
of the revelation of john
The New English Bible
Episode Number
Revelation 19:11-Revelation 22:21
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Readings from the Revelation of John.
Series Description
Readings from the New English Bible.
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: McCracken, Robert J. (Robert James), 1904-1973
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-e0459306a17 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:16:40
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Chicago: “The New English Bible; 92; Revelation 19:11-Revelation 22:21,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed October 7, 2024,
MLA: “The New English Bible; 92; Revelation 19:11-Revelation 22:21.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. October 7, 2024. <>.
APA: The New English Bible; 92; Revelation 19:11-Revelation 22:21. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from