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it's been the latest is on all the millennium days casale him they use although it's a question of the week the bible was read in the synagogue with preventing commentary this evening we hear rabbi jacobs adler spiritual leader of the orthodox congregation of young israel of kingsbridge bronx new york last week's portion cautiously tapes forms part
of a larger narrative that extends over free weekly portions by a chef retains employee touch it deals with joseph forced departure from his family and his country his life in egypt when he succeeds in rising from the lowly position of slave to that of viceroy to the king and the circumstances but finally forced his family to follow him and migrate into egypt as a drama unfolds in the beginning of our portion we find jealous of being called from his prisoner soul and the royal dungeon we had languished for a number of years to the king's chamber of the royal palace
mia farrow hopes to receive from him a proper interpretation for a series of dreams which having hunted during the night have caused them to be an easy and frightened let us choose for a careful reading and analysis versus thirty three through thirty nine of chapter forty one here after joseph had interpreted pharaoh's dream us to his satisfaction and that pointed out that the seven lean cows which swallowed the seven well fed cows and the seven blasted the use of corn which swallow the seven full use of corn and represent that seventy years of plenty
that we followed by seven years of relentless famine shows serve makes the following additional suggestion the apple year there arrow edition of own the fire from the issues saying wow that's not slowing yeah set out only after a picky the mob thoughts the bid soon as ohio has shown the map of those out those cellular the span of our michel martin now therefore that pharaoh choose a man who is this great and wise and sent him over the land of egypt let him forevermore appoint overseers over the land and let them to other food during these good used to
come and store it other question that we must ask ourselves upon careful analysis of this text is that this advise advanced by joe serve although brilliant was nevertheless uncalled for as indicated earlier and there's fifteen of this chapter pharaoh had merely request that an interpretation of his dreams is that joseph had successfully accomplish the interpretation was given nothing further was required of him why then the additional words of advise leave the
pharaoh in arizona make any attempt to stop him from giving this advice on the contrary i patiently listens to his recommendations when joseph has concluded his entire statement that telecom and cinders thirty seven it got tired of our became a panel will be a niqab above and pharaoh and her servants were pleased with the entire thing that would please both with the way he had to interpret that the dream and they were pleased with the advice he had given as a matter of fact and i was so impressed that he employed it's just of herself to take charge over the program which she had so wisely recommended as we are told
by young that it owes saved a novel in the hall from como call our top cia at all they see any sector joseph there is not another so discreet and so wise as you therefore you shall be in charge over my house at seven now isn't that strange that pharaoh and his circle of advisers should so easily accept the council of this young man who after all was still a criminal and a slave and particularly since all that they have asked for was an interpretation of the dream and no advice however it seems clear to me
that we have here an important point which is being brought out by the co op namely that joseph success and impressing pharaoh was do not mealy to the fact that he had been able to correctly interpreted dreams as oz she points out in his commentary on first eight others have made an attempt to interpret pharaoh screens before but they had left no impression joseph success it seems to me was do precisely to the fact that in addition to being able to interpret a dream and in addition to being able to recognize a problem he was able to offer a concrete and practical solutions to the problem as well joseph was maude and the man of wisdom
the man of knowledge joseph was also a practical man a man who knows how to apply his knowledge and it was precisely has practical sense that lent credibility to his interpretation of the dream and had caused pharaoh to believe him to accept his interpretations to be impressed and perhaps the very proof that this is the idea which the bible once to stress here that a wise man must also be a practical man a wise men must also be able to apply his wisdom in order to be accepted that may be
recognized and date y it's repeated verbal expression no vote that call home which is used first by joseph and there's thirty three and then later again by farrow and there's thirty nine farrow says there are hot a hoe diablo team always call called sos a new cause harm than love own promo since god has shown you all this there is not so discreet and why is as you perhaps the very fact that the poem has added even know of only an understanding and wise to the word cause harm is to emphasize this very idea that the true cause harm the truce cover in order to be effective
must in addition to possess the quality of being a novel about our sages call perhaps aim at the end of army post bubble one who is able to see the practical value of knowledge so that it can be applied in practice as well and joseph the bible informs us possess this unique gift of being both call home and novel and at the same time this was the secret of his success and it was because he was able to save a job you have been listening to portion of the week the bible is written the synagogue
preventing commentary this evening you heard rabbi jacobs had a spiritual leader of the orthodox congregation of young israel kingsbridge bronx new york the catcher for a portion of the week his allies are combined is also marking state amari in the days on the it's the wrong us allies also wow oh oldman aires well those are al ali in the madoff adverse old and they are more humid by your man at all let me in he owned by at all my ob halo ali eighteen you know my other me and
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broadly our body that again ly a drawdown our neighbors lot oddly our show more humans miami by a volcanic yarrow cheney he's my alma and it was he called nine ian made half oz watch online game at a mock i'll have gone this sale act it out or jaw by a panning buy a coat off and i am my ob was sharp and heads when i'm at their mom i am gotten all ya me in my job well arnie in the towel why ahmad al ali at this
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Portion of the Week
Miketz 51-1, Rabbi Adler
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Episode Description
Part 1 of reviewing the Hebrew passage of Miketz.
Series Description
Readings of various parts of the Bible with Rabbinic commentary.
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Event Coverage
Jewish Law; Bible--Commentaries
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Adler, Jacob
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-3f6eb184e4b (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “Portion of the Week; Miketz 51-1, Rabbi Adler,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed September 27, 2024,
MLA: “Portion of the Week; Miketz 51-1, Rabbi Adler.” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. September 27, 2024. <>.
APA: Portion of the Week; Miketz 51-1, Rabbi Adler. Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from