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     Special of the Week (#226 a): National Educational Radio NetworkAdlai
    Stevenson (speech before the Convention of Newspaper Publishers)
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the the national educational radio network presents special overweight this program brings you an address made in april of nineteen sixty five by at least even some nineteen hundred nineteen sixty five he was speaking to a gathering of newspaper publishers in iraq said they and his words are typical of his wit and wisdom and possible stevenson and he has to me that when i was running for president and it was the democrats who complain about a one party press the poem i'm going
to go that night he's like yeah it is like to be in jail i don't know i've always loved you imagine there were many times in the
past as rachel invited me to address you and most influential american audiences even believe it hi adeline they get a lot of things because that this is a longtime audio what they consider that there's a kind of long and he's a visitation the best audience is intelligent educated well now your opportunities
to speak out now especially where there's no right of reply well they're not like the gambler was going to race back i'll buy come on even i need the money now as you would say now mission creek you guys
he says the united nations we always seem to be on a collision course with the congress over something or other hand there are those even in the best conditions more than that to cooperation it reminds me of it in the town looking for a job is this region along the rail that was later approaching from the opposite direction on the same day juno young boy they never seen it the
yankees secretary general of the united nations he said the news is a new thing and i don't question and the foreign element of drama and excitement in the popular press germany's reaction and inevitably creates a heated atmosphere which is unavailable to recent installation imagination rich like to save you to come on a nation and they use
it yeah i covered the united nations are in long island and also a bit of response and i suggested it does well they are because no one would suspect that many delegates from abroad four of our country in its divisions along what they read in on and what the life of the town reporters are caught because the reporting in the interrogation of foreign affairs is becoming perhaps among the most intriguing in the book that the greatest single responsibility of the press that is if you can if you consider the preservation of peace as well and if you're
courageous or perhaps it was a little country with the moving forces of history which monet our society and our name is society's and behold that's developing drama of human rights and how our lives i was very very generous donations thank you dina
it is trying to get me to invest that money in a little magazine one is named gary who's and the others didn't happen so you're typically as i hold on to my contemplation of my own and if you have an internal reconciliation of your own i'll remind you a barbecue crucial stage of the moscow reception church and that one time human western correspondents have complained that it was very hard to get news about the soviet chinese ideological negotiations been going on in moscow and khrushchev were directed a
neo could be a journalist the job or not reporters were once will be on them until next week when the members of the united nations this on commission all one hundred and fourteen yeah yeah there will be plenty of noise elements and those reporting on the show but for those who want a record of a noisy port and the assignment will be no jobs or who and the information we were seeing again today a number of regional arms race
and the actions of the nation as that i remind you a hundred billion dollars on on the areas that amount exceeds the production of one of the nations of asia africa and latin america last year literally hundreds of billions of dollars were spent by the europeans announced that they need to convince investors that aggression does not today that it has no huge weapons until you're going to rio or anywhere else including vietnam in june a jury in the world and driving down the standard of living cummins
engine than conventional weapons asian companies you made it enjoy it the longest more genteel so the soviets themselves with hundreds of chinese incursions into soviet aid is it use the play or the use of force
of the government twenty twenty when we can't live on twenty thousand men and a hundred and twenty million dollars for international peace even worse it is the logos memorable lines when genius is that every nation is already perhaps those movies that poured into peace
talks on the eve of this new congress though is of course to achieve a better safer world of the application of the principles of the charter of the united nations and the state development of international law in effect a peacekeeping arrangement npr news at the beginning of the race the aim of the united states as a nation we don't know jenni murray an agreement as the indians in the numbers and the
nuclear materials and presenters areas and beginning to talk nineteen ninety six to discuss these proposals are concrete impact and i'm like this was in the generalities was so often characterizes many of these soviet proposals you know a deal of technology and the occasion and be set in the changing views of farmers could be expect and to reopen the city are not only does the lack of progress is the geneva last year there's no shot no two arms
control according to some there's one area in which i knew and with plutonium you know you need it to do international ski case and similarly we strongly mean to an international agreement to prevent the transfer of our weapons states which do not possess weapons and to prevent it either from produce we oversee such weapons this agreement has been delaying are we why should we not include a non proliferation agreement and by still doing provide reassurance that any further how widely arrangements set
of the mls what would be consistent with the principle question why should west differences remain forever on with all of this banter that goes up china has developing a nuclear weapon capability they knew if they do chain reaction you know you can buy the alignment of the concern for their
security while the non nuclear states and president johnson has said the nations that do not flee nation nuclear weapons and the issue if they need a strong support against some further nuclear blackmail then enjoy the legitimate security and develop continues to engage iran in new york providing asylum and read me some of the smaller nations complained about the lack of progress in that coming down the major arms race on a negotiating position of advance there are other modern republic sometimes this is the assessment of their security needs or prestige consideration in is
that you to a regional arms race on disagreements might not only providing an example of the major car might also enhanced regional security this is not anything that i want i want to think about the united states yeah he is every nation does it is so much is exempted only way as crime energy on
but i believe that the american people have some special giveaways and thinking about them so in the first place we are the only made now in history john do you really know the isolation of the kurds in iraq is unique it was not a reason for us to think about ourselves plays in an evolving world context the views of others about the impact on our policies if i may use the phrase without the iranians it is to imagine and i don't know the second the confounding argue
that we were in the community coming to me with a decline of a political unity and again to a proposition in news of the week which would be the last i've actually i believe in it a profoundly conservative nation with a vast liberal ideologue you can see it liberated of legal rights and social inventions we can change our dreams or we will them in the constitution we aren't you like
for right radical things we have to consider most political aspirations ever conceive i mean he had this that ambition is sense of legislating or a manager which is the declaration of independence is luminous and lower taxes on our internet it is it's much more a real thing that one's community as the last best known as a secular society which your own content coming into the state by exterminating the original intent it's really the whole lot of them or against them to remember the plight
of the american negro hundred years after emancipation the dark ages i know but they are coming and the senate which in our rhetoric our diplomatic culture and our own imaginations we tend to leave out so we haven't history suddenly an industry and want to get our men are doing in a vapor liquids to ourselves americans for in nineteen forty five it's impossible to bridge any circumstance more traumatic than it is here where the united states largely unconscious of this swelling of its power which had had no previous world policies strategies or leave and you say that a
continuing involvement of the living by isolation or the monroe not sending people into have that vacuum where only guitar its policy its strategy seem likely to have any of that once again i don't have any nation ever happens on leadership house so suddenly and where you live cameron recently this community is in these various the news with a jew at a law you are definitely in the value of those is on the line
on the other the bold use of american resources in the marshall plan to restore european economy and for sure he is and to do so on the economy and on the operating bases which foreshadowed europe's leaders in unification you're spending you know you know for our union you know biology the fans the unique instances where leadership in a grateful and reasonably compliant coalition
has come to be the posture that we understand anything else thinks it's an easy and at times within the atlantic arena the policies and whose elevation that the rules that were designed to be so shocking change their gender a new situation demanding knew initially you use the senator's death wish when julian petty as nathan by the time everyone who isn't it is no longer true what we have to ask today is not whether our policies have been going to pass that's no longer the question in his usual shame we have constantly to re examine that
now in new orleans if they do you lose west european recovery and east european relaxation create only new conditions we're going to cooperate with the republican party i do believe that the underlying unity as well as protect the alliance with that this extension continues to be successful base of our health great lady do you hear me oh arcane
i believe they will recognize that where it is more difficult because you know that is bounded we didn't know that you can you have been listening to an address delivered by the late at least even some to a gathering of newspaper publishers in new york city delivered april twenty third nineteen sixty five address typical of the ambassadors wit and wisdom this is the national educational radio network it's been fb
Special of the Week (#226 a): National Educational Radio NetworkAdlai Stevenson (speech before the Convention of Newspaper Publishers)
Producing Organization
WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Contributing Organization
The Riverside Church (New York, New York)
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Program Description
Live coverage of a speech by Adlai Stevenson.
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Event Coverage
Global Affairs
Politics and Government
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Producing Organization: WRVR (Radio station: New York, N.Y.)
Speaker: Stevenson, Adlai
AAPB Contributor Holdings
The Riverside Church
Identifier: cpb-aacip-65a32076899 (Filename)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
Generation: Master
Duration: 00:29:29
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
Chicago: “ Special of the Week (#226 a): National Educational Radio NetworkAdlai Stevenson (speech before the Convention of Newspaper Publishers) ,” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed March 28, 2025,
MLA: “ Special of the Week (#226 a): National Educational Radio NetworkAdlai Stevenson (speech before the Convention of Newspaper Publishers) .” The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. March 28, 2025. <>.
APA: Special of the Week (#226 a): National Educational Radio NetworkAdlai Stevenson (speech before the Convention of Newspaper Publishers) . Boston, MA: The Riverside Church , American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from